Prove it.

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by jafar, Jan 4, 2009.

  1. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    O_____O The bible has many good parts, but honestly, stuff like Jesus performing miricles and people surviving being eaten by whales and a few loaves of bread feeding thousands makes sense? Lol.

    Eh...this thread is...a little...gah, I don't know how to get it across.

    If people could prove God existed, there'd be no point in following a religion. It's a faith, you have to follow it blindly.

    However, I think the idea of a God is ridiculous, but I'd rather not go into that.
  2. Repliku Chaser

    As countless others in this thread have said, to believe in Yahweh or in any deity is a personal choice as there is no way to prove that he exists to the person that chooses not to and there is no way to prove to someone he doesn't exist to the person that takes the leap of faith to believe he does. Anyone can believe in whatever and find reasons as to why it exists if they choose to. Anyone can choose to disbelieve in a supernatural force beyond our human level of understanding. All that can be proven is whether history is accurately portrayed as to what these deities did that humans write down.
  3. ~_*_~Kairi-chan~_*_~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 28, 2008
    well ppl have the right to believe what they want -eats popcorn-I read geek myths coz they are interesting I may believe some and I might not....and wow this thread sure can cause an uproar
  4. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    best thread ever....
    You can't prove exists what people can't sense in any way or form.God is just the thing people look to, to feel secure and to feel safe.God is nothing more then something the mind conjured up to sooth peoples insecurities.
  5. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    Isn't that a little bit decisive? You can also say stupid law defying theories(which are most of the time copyed behaviour) are the only a way for idiots to feel smart, but we can't say that because we have no solid PROOF to sustain it, in fact I could say Pokemons are real in another universe and no one can say otherwise that it's wrong because no one can comfirm their existance. Of course I can't also back up my theory to say it's true because I've never seen a real pokemon.

    Of course this was just a silly example, but I do say some people use God as an scapegoat, but this can also be said about many things, but the main thing to say it's "God is a scapegoat", when in reality many things are.
  6. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Proving the exsistance of God is impossible since all that can be used for is merely off of theories, facts which certain people might claim to be unrescourcful, and mere witnesses which others may mock. In other words, doing this would be impossible since no one would be able to fully believe the facts unless they were to experience it themselves. It is mere fact
  7. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    Thats a bit harsh considering i've proved time and time again in the discussion zone that i am actually intelligent.I'd like to just say that i've just watched a bit of a programme about how unreal religion is and you should've seen how people reacted.Literally getting angry at the very mention of the possiblity that there religion mightn't legitimate.A former jew,who is now a muslim tried to justify the 9/11 bombings and said the judiasm will rule the world and i'm not joking he literally said that judaism will rule the world.Religion was used as the earliest law of the world and under one religion it woud've worked but with many religions came many divisions.The reason behind all the worlds suffering is because of religions.It actually sickened me to see that documentary where they are open to no other possibilities and saying that athiest's have nothing to live for.
    religion is the thing that has the potential to rip the world in two and join it as one.
  8. *dancewaterdance* King's Apprentice

    Mar 8, 2007
    The Alter of Naught
    That's your opinion. What you think doesn't decide what is or isn't. I think God does exist, but that doesn't mean He does. If I said the sky was yellow with pink polka dots, would that make it true?

    You don't believe in God, that's fine. I don't have a problem with that. But you can't accuse people who do believe in God of being insecure, that's not fair. I could easily say that because you don't believe in God, you're an idiot. But that wouldn't necessarily be true, and it wouldn't be fair. I know nothing about you, therefore I cannot say things about you just because of something you believe. If I said anyone who didn't think the sky was yellow with pink polka dots was delusional, would that be either true or fair?
  9. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    I wasn't reffering to you, actually , I don't like to insult people I consider to be my friends or atleast more than passerbyers. I was actually refering to a magazine article I read and it was a crazy law defying theory and I'd figure it couldn't be proofed wrong because as crazy as it sounded, it couldn't be proofed otherwise.

    I'm sorry if I sounded harsh, my comment wasn't aiming to attack you. I know you're very intelligent.
  10. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    Well you have a good way of thinking and i like that about you but other people don't have your outlook on lets just say for the sake of arguement a gehovah's witness.You might say their belief is their belief but alot of others would just say they are crazy.You have an outlook that i wish everyone had because you see it in its entirety,not just as a christian(i think your a christian sorry if i'm wrong).

    I take that as a complement and thank you.What you said made sense though.
  11. *dancewaterdance* King's Apprentice

    Mar 8, 2007
    The Alter of Naught
    Actually, everyone I know has the same outlook. They respect other people's beliefs and religions, and other people respect theirs. So I don't think "most" people think other religions are crazy. But yes, there are quite a few people who, sadly, are unwilling to look outside their own religion and who think anyone else who doesn't believe in what they do has lost their mind.

    And yes, I am a Christian :)
  12. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    I think you're confusing evidence with arguments because saying that there is evidence to prove he exists while denying that his existence can be proven contradicts itself.

    So instead of a wizard who made it go poof it's a wizard who makes small components that make it go poof. Riiiiiiiiiiiiight...Why would he even bother with a detour if he could make it go poof?
    But before you'll mention it: yes, the Big Bang theory does have flaws as well. As it is incapable of explaining the Big Bang's origin.

    I never said that there wasn't a flood. There may very well have been one. But I do believe that there wasn't a flood like the one the Bible depicted, let alone the wole "ark" scene.

    Are most Christians well ware of the probability of a forty-days-and-forty-nights long rain across the globe too? After all, you are not idiots.
    Yeah yeah yeah, I know, it could happen. But please excuse me for choosing the most probable option.
  13. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    It's just a matter of faith.

    I think some people really need hope in their lives and they rely on God to get them through.

    Others have had certain "experiences" that they call their proof.

    Personally, I'm not sure what I believe in. I don't believe in the big bang or anything because something had to start that. But then a lot of people have ruined Christianity or anything like that for me because they take it too far.

    I'm talking about religious fanatics. Like...Cult crap. I don't believe in that stuff.

    And someone could easily start another religion by just coming up with a story and worshipping a "higher power" or something. =/

    There are so many religions why does one have to be right? HOW can one be right? Why wouldn't one be right?

    Religion is confusing.

    Whatever, everyone has their own beliefs and opinions. Proving one right is impossible. ​
  14. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    Well you'd be surprised dance.I mean have you watched programmes like Ross Kemp On Gangs where they show you these people who seem to have a justification of themselves because of there religion and think that people of other religions are inferior.
  15. Bond of Flame I'm an alien

    May 25, 2008
    Looking for my pants
    There was a BIG BANG a couple of billion years ago, right?
    If there really was nothing at first, what could've created that BIG BANG?
    Yep, that's right. God.
  16. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    Again: who or what made God?
    Your point has been questioned umpteen times in this topic.
  17. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    The big bang i think could've just been a universal miracle filled with many extraordinary conditions.I personally think that the big crunch is impossible at this stage because the universe is infinite.How can you destroy something that can go on forever.That being said you could say that about black holes being able to such in light itself.
  18. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    you can't prove that God exists or not, it's more of a matter of faith. but just because you can't disprove the existence of something doesn't mean that it exists. like UFOs, no one can prove that they DON'T exist, but that doesn't mean it does. likewise, if you can't prove it exists, that doesn't mean it DOESN'T exist. yea, my post is repetitive i know but that's the only thing i can explain.
  19. *dancewaterdance* King's Apprentice

    Mar 8, 2007
    The Alter of Naught
    I said that evidence exists that supports His existence. I also said that evidence exists that supports Him not existing. I said there's no way to prove it in either direction. How is that contradicting myself?

    Before anything else, I will say that I have never, ever heard God being referred to as a "wizard" before. That's a very strange word to use for God.

    Okay, then. How were all those unknown components created? They just came out of nowhere, and just happened to fuse in the right way the create the universe? Right.

    Exactly. That's where God comes in. He created the Big Bang. The "origin" is God.

    You're right. The flood probably wasn't like it was depicted in the Bible. Some of it was metaphorical, and some of it was just meant to be interpreted a certain way. For instance, the flood did not necessarily cover the whole world. At least, not the world we know today. But how do we know it was the exact same when the flood occurred as it is now? Even if it is the same, it didn't have to cover the whole entire world. Like I said, the Bible cannot be taken literally all the time, otherwise it repeatedly contradicts itself.

    The probability of it happening for no reason is very small, I'll give you that. But it didn't happen for no reason. God made it rain that long on purpose. You seem to think that God is just like us, with our human limitations and imperfections (please tell me if that's not what you think). He has much greater power than we do.

    Why is it the most probable option? Because of what you think? In that case, you'll have to excuse me for choosing the "most probable option", because I think God exists and I have reasons for it. We all have reasons for what we choose to believe, but nobody can say their belief is the "most likely option".
  20. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    Religion was originally created by people who wanted to try to explain the world around them. They couldn't as their understanding wasn't as broad and deep as ours is now (not that I am saying ours is particularly broad or deep, just that it is much more so than it was say 5 or 6 thousand years ago) and so they attributed things they saw to supernatural beings (i.e. beings outside their current understanding of how nature works) in order to make their picture of the real world complete. Scientific study then sprang from other people not being satisfied with "Zeus says so".

    Later religion became a very different tool. It was utilised by those already in power as well as those who were wealthy and educated (as zorakbane said, very nice first "real" post btw ;D) to control people. They preyed on the fears and deep seated beliefs of the people (who had more of an understanding, but hadn't really tried as most were spoon-fed from birth, an act that is still widespread today) in order to create ideas such as divine right and the Church. And guess what, these people fortified their positions of power and increased their wealth. They also managed to send their people into war with the promise of eternal life and reward from their god.

    And now to the point of this post in relevance to the thread lol In order to protect themselves they made the concept of god neither provable or disprovable. I mean, if someone could prove that god did not exist their power and wealth would be gone in an instant. Entire monarchies would crumble as their are no longer protected by their "divine right" and the church would dissolve as people would see there is no longer any need to make donations to make the fat bishops even fatter.

    So of course god is not provable, it would be too much of a risk to the original instigators of the religion problem.

    As for the Big Bang, it may be a flawed theory but it certainly has much more solid quantifiable proof (such as Cosmic Background Radiation and the redshift of other stars and galaxies) than god.