If you know what IOSYS is, then you will know what Project Shrine Maiden is. And if you don't, then you might popularly know it for its more spoke name, The Touhou Project. Well, I've been playing this game ever since picking up Immaterial and Missing Power at my local doujinshi store a few years back. Then, it expanded further onto one of my favorite bullet hell games of all time, Perfect Cherry Blossom. For anybody who hasn't played this game, I recommend you try to find a torrent or something of the game. If you have never heard of it, watch some IOSYS videos and purchase some of their games. Personally, nothing can ever beat the 2D fighter they put out, Immaterial and Missing Power. It gets you addicted to the original concept of the characters, art style, and other games. But, if you aren't a fan of bullet hell games, you probably won't like this game -- at all. It's frustrating, takes a few deaths to master, but gets you addicted in the end to find out what'll happen next. Ugh ... this just makes me aching in my seat waiting for Scarlet Weather Rhapsody to actually be on shelves. Always, everytime, it's gone ... but anyways, here's my question for all of you: ever heard of it or possibly played it?
I played it~ I play it almost every day lol. Immaterial is good, especially for a doujin game, although I love BigBangBeat much more. But getting to use all the Touhou characters in a fighter is pretty awesome, especially when you're a fan of the series. I got Scarlet Weather Rhapsody too but I havent played it yet, I've been trying to beat Imperishable Night on Lunatic.
You seriously are a lunatic. Haha, how long have you been playing on that difficulty? If long, it must be harder than I expected. O:
I've been trying for months to beat it xD. Im just not so good because im always worried about dying too much and then night being over. I really should try doing that on Perfect cherry blossom though, im way better at that one lol. Plus I love the supernatural border~