Does anyone else here program? I just started this semester, taking my first programming class, Java, and I LOVE it. I tried to learn it online before, but I just couldn't do it. I was afraid I wasn't going to like it, but I'm really glad I took the class, because as I said, I love it. Learning in a class is 1000x better than online. So what about you guys? Do you program? What languages do you use? What have you done?
Kinda. I just started as well as part of my course, it's only simple scripting though. I think we're only using Robot Battle to start with before we go into Java and Unreal Script and stuff. I do have to agree though, learning in class is much easier (although my classes are more like "You know where to find the help menu, hurr").
I realize that this thread hasn't been responded to in half a year. I've been taking a class on JavaScript. I'm also familiar with some scripting languages like Bash and C Shell. My first experience with programing was with the video game, The Sims; creating hacked objects with unique functions. I used a program that displays and edits objects in a visual flowchart, which made it easy for a beginner. I fist used scripting to make the tedious task of encoding several hundred videos, into a job I can execute and forget. I've also written a script that extracts a movie DVD and converts it in a MKV container. More recently, I've publicly released a script that extracts the video files from the Kingdom Hearts II disc.
I'm seriously considering going into Computer Science when I get to college. I only really have experience in the website side of things, and not much to speak of when it comes to that, but I'd really love to learn. Right now I'm taking classes that more deal with Computer Networking, and next school year I'll begin doing basic programming of corporate-level routers. I don't think I could really learn much on my own, though. D:
Do eeeet. You won't regret it. I don't know about other people but for me it was impossible to learn programming by myself. I tried every Java tutorial out there and I just plain didn't get it. But now that I've taken real classes I'm proud of what I've done with Java. I'm great with it. Computer Science is a very fun major, trust me.
I program with C++ right now. I'm teaching myself with a PDF and a real book. Kinda switching it up. Not got to anything really complicated, but yea. I plan on going into Computer Science. And Truth/Soraoscuro is also, basically, my personal tutor if I need help. :B
I'm trying to learn HTML from a book, but both it and the Java book in the series are horribly outdated. I'll need to know at least the core languages if I'm going to get into game design though.
Don't know much about programming just some C++, Visual Basic and Perl, CSS and I have messed a little with mIRC's scripting language as well. Programming is cool and such, also is the future's job, but takes up lot of time which I cannot easily get.
I'm majoring in Computer Science :) Haven't started on the relevant classes yet though. However, I already know a bit of C++, I know some HTML, CSS, I did a bit of database, though I don't think you can consider that programming. And I've looked at some basic hacking stuff, just because it's cool to be able to do it... I can't hack anything but very, very basic stuff though.