What program langauges do you know how to code in? i myself can code in php, html and css, but usually not without a reminder on which code does what.
I've been doing HTML and CSS for a few years now. I still need to look up the odd, obscure codes, but I think I'm pretty good with them. I'm mostly self-taught though, so my knowledge has gaps, haha. I'd like to learn Javascript and PHP in the future.
i am familiar with HTML, Javascript, PHP, Java. i am a beginner at C++ though it doesn't seem to differ too much from Java.
Nobody is perfect, I'm sure every non-eidetic programmer has that moment where they're like, "Oh, how do I do that again?," and has to look up a reference. Thank you, Internet. As for me, I know JavaScript and Ruby. I've taken classes on JavaScript, and my knowledge of Ruby was self-taught using the texts by David Black. I wish to learn other languages when I can.
HTML is the only programming language i know. Funny, we studied Javascript in school for 2 years and i've forgotten it after only a month.
I'm sorry to point out, but HTML (HyperText Markup Language), XML (Extensible Markup Language), and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are not programming languages. They are languages that contain textual information/data, rather than a list of instructions.
I am familiar with HTML because I learned it in 7th grade about 5 years ago (Im a High School Senior and I feel old Lol). I dont remember most of it though, I had my own website up and everything but I even dont remember what was the website I made at the time ether x_x
Even though you're right, I think this is meant to be general computer languages. Then again I may be wrong. I know some C#, Python, A wee bit of Java (Similar to Python, from the wee bit I've seen, it's very similar to Python), Visual Basic (Which I think is C# or C++). HTML, and though I don't remember too much of it, I did know quite a bit of PHP and XML. I know a bit of binary as well (how it actually works, not what 0 and 1 means. The ones I want to know, and plan on learning [to the extent I can use them], however, are; C Java C++ PHP Javascript Python C# Perl SQL Ruby Visual Basic Ambitious, no?
Let me make something really clear... HTML IS IN NO WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM A PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE. It is a markup language. Same for CSS. EDIT- derp, I didn't see the previous post addressing this. Oops! Personally, I'm pretty fluent in Java, decent at C/C++, and (unfortunately) okay at Assembly Language. I also have a rudimentary knowledge of Javascript (just ask Misty)