Hey guys,can someone help me?I installed my PS3 motion joy controller using Motion joy Version 6 and well after i restarted my computer,it doesn't detects any of my usb port and so basically my USB mouse and keyboard don't even work. :'( So can anyone help me and tell me how to fix this?
Do you have the latest MotionJoy? The old was was very finicky and tedious... and you had to go through a lot to get it to detect USB things... such as booting your computer and disabling driver signatures... The newest one automatically can detect your controller though and will recognise it even after the first time. So, first thing I suggest is checking to see if you DO HAVE the latest version. Also, the website itself that you can download it from should have instructions on how to install it all properly and get the USB drivers to work anyway. But yeah.. lol Check if you do have the latest version, cause if you don't and then you do get the latest one, that solves the problem instantly. (Well... should.) http://www.motioninjoy.com/
If what Brow said didn't work, and you just want to get the USB to work again; You're gonna have to uninstall the driver/software for the motionjoy controller, then rollback or update the usb drivers, perhaps even uninstalling then reinstalling the device.