Pride of the Organization

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by water mage, Aug 6, 2009.

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  1. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    Demyx ventured into the unknown and felt the weird changes occuring around him too. The more he walked deeper and closer to the other side, the stranger he felt. Out of astonishment, the melodious nocturne lept out on the first time on four furry feet and starred at Axel's new self. "Woah what happened to you Axel? You've been turned into a red lion," he ran towards him, bounding playfully on his hunches. "Hmm this is weird? Why do I feel so different? I mean what the heck is going on?" Demyx scratched his head with his paw and gasped when he brought his azure tealish eyes upon the sight of it. "Ahh I have paws!"
  2. Shadox D. Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 13, 2009
    Sinder passed through the portal and arrived at the Pridelands. She could feel her body change into into a lion's as she settled in the savannahn world. Her being was located on top of a high cliff in the Elephant Graveyard and she looked down into it with her purple eyes and let out a sigh.
  3. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    Demyx fell into the lake and started swimming in a different fashion. It was foreign to him to swim using the dog paddle as his new body structure had to adapt. "Man this is so uncool. I feel so slow in the water now." He drug his body out, and flopped down the cool green grass. "I wonder how this happened? And why of all places were we sent here by the boss?" Demyx was now bored and reached out to play his sitar, however it wouldn't come to him. "What? No this can not be happening? This is a joke right?" He was freaking out, pawing the air and earth with his sharp claws. "I can't be stuck in this form. How will I ever play my sitar again? This is a nightmare."
  4. Shadox D. Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 13, 2009
    Sinder heard noises of the other Organization members and she turned her head in their direction. "Why isn't it the other members. I wonder what they're up to," she said darkly. "I must not let myself be caught snooping about their business because Xemnas will get mad again." With that statement she tried going into dragon form but could not totally convert. "Ugh, this damn place is cursed and won't let me transform all the way." Her lion form was changed into a dragon-lion form as she tried to transform into a dragon. She had dragon wings and horns, patches of scales on her body, dragon eyes, and longer fangs compared to a normal lion. The rest of her form was still a lion. "This will have to do for now," she said as she leaped into the air and flew towards the location of the other Organization members.
  5. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    Else where in the pride lands, Cloud had lunged into the dark portal thinking the presence was of Sephiroth before it had competly closed and he found himself, starring at the pride lands on a lower level than normal. He had become a lion like all of the rest, except his coloring was of a light golden tan with a beautiful mane. "This is strange," he tried out his new body to see how it would respond to dashing across the vast savanna fields.

    Demyx plunged himself into the lake and was dog paddling trying to get used to his new body. It felt so foreign to him and he hoped he didn't have to stay this way for a long time. "I wonder how this happened? Are we cursed? If we are, we need to find a way to undo it."
  6. Shadox D. Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 13, 2009
    As Sinder got nearer to the others she hit top speed as her wings folded back and darted across the sky as a dark blur straight over the other members. She flew not too long away from the others as she brought her great wings forward to slow down. The massive sound of the beating wings filled the air and she landed on the warm, soft grass. Since she didn't want to be found following the others around so as soon as she landed she dashed across the nearby land and cross-crossed her paths so she could not be tracked. After that was done she hid in the bushes and started moving toward the others making no sound as she moved through the brush. 'With that trail messed up and my scent everywhere they can never find me using their noses,' she thought and smiled to herself. 'Now its time to see what the others are doing.' With that she moved quickly and soundlessly through the bushes towards the other members.
  7. Cicada Killer Destiny Islands Resident


    Name: Thixke (Kieth before)
    Gender: Male
    Species: Nobody
    Age: 15 years old
    Powers: Can control the weather, making what he wants it to be.
    Description: He became a nobody 5 years ago, all of the emotions he remembers are fear, sorrow and wanting of love.
    Personality: Timid and very easily spooked by small things. He is very creative with ideas and wise making him pretty smart for his age. Even though he is a coward at nature. It is often when talking he is one who stammers on words a lot. Good thing he is friendly and caring, with a selfless nature.
    Image: [​IMG]

    ((+ if I can, I'd like to be Xaldin since he seems to not be taken... I hope the character looks okay))
  8. Shadox D. Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 13, 2009
    OOC: Aww I love your character Cicada he's so adorable!!! :=D:
  9. Cicada Killer Destiny Islands Resident

    ((Thanks ^^ I'm a bit of a cat person and I was thinking after looking at this role play a few times, why not join? Though the wait to see if I'm in is killing me D=))
  10. Shadox D. Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 13, 2009
    OOC: What happened to everyone?!?!?!?! :why?:
  11. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    OoC:// Holy shit I thought I left this RP. o.o...Can I sneak back in?
  12. Shadox D. Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 13, 2009
    OOC: can i have a cookie?
  13. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    (OOC: Yeah you're all in. Sorry for like the lastest response ever. My life has been hecktic.)

    Majestic as he was proud, Cloud was in awe over the strength and the keen senses he had in his lion form. "To bad. I was hoping if I did change it would be into a wolf." He walked around sniffing the air with his nose held high. Other scents brought him to his thoughts knowing that he wasn't alone.

    Demyx wandered around on the grass after he jumped out of the lake, recalling anything that happened that got them transformed into lions in the first place. He happened to have known that Xemnas did recruit more members to the organization and he wondered if one the newest member's by the name of Thixke had been changed also? "So uh what is the plan now? I mean look at us. Are we going to stay like this forever or will it wear off? I hope it does. The thought of not being able to play my sitar again is horrifying especially with no fingers" Just when he was about to say something else, he looked up into the sky to see Sinder soaring overhead. "Wait? She's here too? Just great. I wonder what she wants." He walked towards her direction. "Yo Sinder what's going on? Do you know what happened to us?"
  14. Shadox D. Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 13, 2009
    Before Demyx's words could get to her she had already disappeared into the forest. (Previous post describes what she did)

    OOC: I have the pictures of Sinder
  15. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    (OOC: Oh really? Let's see them.)

    Demyx stuck his head with his lion paw being careful not to scratch himself with his sharp black claws."Okay she just left again for no apparent reason? Well that was rude. Guess she still hates us? I was hoping to patch things up with her, but I guess it's her loss now."

    Cloud also saw a unique transformation of some sort of creature fly away into the distance. "What was all that about? Hmm maybe that thing knows something I don't?" He raced across the grass hoping to catch up to her.
  16. Shadox D. Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 13, 2009
  17. nobodynerd100 Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 14, 2008
    OOC: I haven't left this role play. I just finally received an idea on what to type. I'm going to have Vexen journey to the pride lands later, I'll just let the rest of my post explain.

    It was true, Vexen still hadn't left for the pride lands let, but something just didn't seem right to the nobody that had remained a scientist at heart even if he didn't have one. Why would Xemnas order all of his members to go to this world called the pride lands? It didn't make any sense. Don't think like that Xemnas knows what he is doing. No, I can't believe that not this time. After some more thinking and arguing with himself Vexen decided that he would go and talk with Xemnas. Walking through the castle halls, Vexen shouted, "Does anyone in this castle know where Xemnas is?"
  18. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    OoC://Did you draw those?

    OoC:// Same ><


    Marluxia had left for the Pride Lands with Xioimara. He supposed it would be best if she traveled with him. Marluxia wasn't confident she would be able to protect herself if trouble came up.
    Once they did find their way into the Pride Lands Marluxia felt a little lost. He was a... Lion... Pink mane and a purple and black body.
    "Hmm..." He didn't have much to say as he was still a little confused. Marluxia sat down and looked at his paw for a few moments. Something thudded against his side. He put his paw down and glanced at Xioimara. A cub, none-the-less, brown body, a blue bangs. Hardcore. He sighed and nudged her away with a paw.

    "This is so awesome!" Xioimara sung as she leaned up against Marluxia. She looked up at him, "We're flippin' lions!" She announced.

    "Just remember that male lions always eat the cubs..." Marluxia threatened to make Xioimara back away from him. He didn't like conversation nor did he like this.
    "I suppose we should try to find the others." He rubbed his temple with his paw and glanced at Xioimara then back to where they were stranded. She was acting like a cub would and bothering Marluxia. "Lets go." He said to Xioimara and stood up. He noticed three figures in the distance. He recognized the mane on one of them and could only guess it was Demyx.

    "Race you there!" Xioimara shouted as she bolted by Marluxia towards the small group.
    He was taking a risk by approaching the group. He couldn't tell if it was Demyx for certain and if it was, if he was in trouble or if the other two were friends. His ears perked up as he heard Xioimara dart past him. He stopped and sighed for a moment. Yes, this was who he was going to have to take care of. This... Child.
    Marluxia raced after Xioimara, quickly gaining enough speed to catch up to her.
  19. DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 28, 2007
    On a postage stamp.
    //"I'm not the insignificant little sister I once was...â€//

    She shook her head.

    //â€â€¦stronger than you remember."//

    Her eyes narrowed in confusion.
    She watched the scene take place in front of her,
    Like it was all in passing.

    Something to watch: as if it were a movie.

    It had gone now. Somehow.
    And she was standing in an empty room.

    "Does anyone in this castle
    know where Xemnas is?"

    She was startled by the outburst.
    Clinging to a nearby wall,
    She was still, acting as though she was invisible.

    Xemnas? No idea.

    Where was her sister now?

    //“My sister… has… a condition…Excuse me.â€//

    Wait…Xemnas…she was making connections.
    Hadn’t he said something about… the pridelands?
  20. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish

    (OOC: Love them. Great job. I just came back from Comic Con and I'll post pictures soon if anyone wants to see them.)

    Demyx wandered carefully towards Sinder be cautious not to set her off. "Oh I don't know what do you think?" Stretching out his front legs, he lowered himself to a crouching postition. "Grabbing me back at the castle, going crazy and turning against me; why would I not be mad?" His eyes peered at hers. "However it looks like you regret what you did to me earlier so I can forget what you did. Just don't do it again okay?" Using his left paw he brought it close to his tongue and began to bathe himself sencing the tension had died down.

    Cloud came upon the a pride of lions and a different looking one he had never seen. Why were they all gathered in this world and who were these strange cats? Being careful not to cause any noise, he crept closer to the rocks overhearing their conversation.
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