Pride of the Organization

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by water mage, Aug 6, 2009.

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  1. Bluelazor Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 25, 2009
    The World That Never Was
    Xelysha snarled at the dragon, immediately summoning a red bow. She pulled on the string and aimed at the dragon, red lazer-like arrow forming within the bow, letting go of the string, she watched as the arrow turned into three arrows in mid-air and directly hit the dragon. Muttering under her breath, she glared at the dragon before her "Dang it, it's enough."
  2. DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 28, 2007
    On a postage stamp.
    She watched with curious eyes
    As the dragon threatened the lives
    Of all held within the walls it destroyed.

    Her power was much greater now.

    She smiled at the thought
    Of a playful baby dragon.

    …She wondered……

    She found herself in the room
    Remembered as that of rank IX.

    Even with a large, destructive dragon in their midst,
    She could feel the burning of eyes upon her.
    Eyes of the angry.
    Eyes of the confused.
    Eyes of the ecstatic.
    And most of all,
    Eyes of the frightened.

    Whether they were afraid of her,
    Or the monstrous creature before them,
    Didn’t make any difference.
    In fact, she didn’t have time
    To gauge their reactions.

    She shook her head and slid her
    Cat-like eyes towards the dragon.

    “Sinder,†a smooth,
    Enticing voice coaxed.
  3. Shadox D. Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 13, 2009
    Sinder was attacking with no control over herself. She lashed out her mighty jaws at Cloud, striking him on the right shoulder.

    Surely the purple and black wings would kick into someone's mind that it was Sinder...Right?...

    Sinder grabbed Deymx in her right claw. Then the dragon put an eye on the one who called her name. Frightened from the call, it took to the skies and fired a dark ball of fire -stronger than any normal fire released by a dragon- straight at the room.

    Help me... She telepathically told her sister. You know what to do; hit the mark on my chest, that will subdue the attacks...Tell the others what they need to do to stop this madness...but please hurry! Tell Deymx to send his water clones, anything! I have no idea what I can do in this state. I have no control. Please...

    And that was the last contact she could muster out of what the state she was in.

    The darkness took almost complete control of her now.

    The grip she had on Deymx was becoming gradually tighter and tighter...

    But then her arm started shaking, the one that held the Melodious Nocturne.
    The grip stopped tightening.

    She refused the darkness inside of her...she didn't want to kill her friend, perhaps, her only friend...

    Her eyes started watering with tears...they were clearly seen by anyone...she looked at Deymx with a sad expresion, her glazed purple eyes filled with tears.

    Don't make me do this...please...

    Surely the purple and black wings would kick into someone's mind that it was Sinder...Right?...
  4. Bluelazor Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 25, 2009
    The World That Never Was
    Xelysha glanced over at the new comer in surprise. "Sinder?" She looked back up at the dragon, she didn't know Sinder very well so the wings didn't give her any clue. Shocked when Demyx was suddenly snatched, she glared at the dragon, using her ability to make her voice loud enough to be heard by it from way up high. "You let my friend go, or you'll pay big time!"
  5. leon47 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 15, 2006
    Where do you think
    King Mickey walked through the streets of the world that never was sensing something was amiss this confused him"Gosh I wonder whats going on in the Organzations castle I hate to do this but I have to investigate this" the king was walking through the streets. The king was sneaking until he came to the entrance he looked around to make sure no one followed him and he let out a sigh of relief and continued walking into the castle that never was.
  6. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    Xemnas knew that it was Sinder, but he had to take her down. "Alright then..." Xemnas focused intensely. It was never a happy occasion to eliminate a member... of course, unless the did something absolutely horrible. Xemnas held his hand out at Sinder. A red ball charged up in his hand, then fired at Sinder. "Gotcha..." Xemnas mumbled to himself.
  7. Shadox D. Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 13, 2009
    Sinder looked at Xemnas with and intesnse look, one that could paralyze many in their tracks. The dragon moved so fast that it seemed to teleport than to move. She appeared right next to Xemnas and grabbed him in her great jaws -her razor-sharp teeth digging into his skin and crushing his bones- then threw him to the ground with great strength, her jaws dripping in blood. Then again she 'teleported' back to her place in the sky. Deymx still her prisoner clutched in her great talons...
  8. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    Before anything else happened, he was whisked away by the talons of the dragon known as Sinder not knowing what she had planned. He couldn't escape or else the claws would have dug deeper into him. He had watched the others fight, the Superior with his blades both drawn was futile since he was no longer in the area. Moaning to himself, the melodious nocturne tried to think of a way to get out of the predictament he was in. Summoning his sitar to him was about the only thing he could do. Swallowing deeply, he brought his hand, pointed the blades of the sitar and began to stab the talon that gripped him. "Let go of me Sinder. Why are you doing this?" He asked the great reptilian beast. "What have I ever done to you?"

    Cloud was astonished at what he saw and was hot on the dragon's heels with his sword gripped in his right hand. Using his speed, he began to search each room looking for Sinder. Sencing any presence, he began to focus his energy trying to locate the nobody. "That creature couldn't have gotten that far."
  9. Bluelazor Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 25, 2009
    The World That Never Was
    Xelysha groaned under her breath. This is deffinitely not my day... she thought as she leaped up onto the roof of the castle. Gotta keep Sinder's attention away from Xemnas, he's injured enough as it is... Her brown eyes scanned the sky above her, after spotting the dragon she smirked and aimed her bow, creating an arrow inside. Making her voice project itself, she called out to the dragon. "Hey! Over here, you sad excuse for a dragon." Aiming straight for the dragon's chest, she let go of her string and watched as the arrow divided into three and directly hit the dragon once more. Immediately she leaped off of the roof and hid inside the center of the building where Sinder couldn't get her.
  10. Shadox D. Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 13, 2009
    The arrows had hit Sinder right in the chest. Right where she wanted to get hit...

    Time seemed in slow motion as the dragon disappeared in the black smoke.

    Sinder fell backwards in the air heading for the ground. She seemed to hold out her hand towards Deymx, tears leaving her eyes.

    She was slowly losing consciousness...the fall was almost like an eternity...

    With the last of her strength before blacking out, she used her telepathy on Deymx.

    I'm so sorry...I didn't mean to do any of this...I had no control...I don't expect you to forgive me or even be my friend anymore...if it is my time to leave the castle...then this would be my last goodbye...I ask of you one thing; please tell everyone I'm sorry...It wasn't my fault...

    ...I'm sorry...

    Then she slipped into unconsciousness as she made her way towards the awaiting ground...
  11. leon47 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 15, 2006
    Where do you think
    Mickey walked through the streets of the world that neverwas and sighed"I wonder what all of the comotion is". Mickey continued walking summoning his keyblade and slashing dusks that attacked him but they rarely did attack him so the king continued on his way to the nobodies fortress sighing as before. He had already helped defeat the Organization before he could not fight them all again.
  12. Bluelazor Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 25, 2009
    The World That Never Was
    Xelysha's eyes widened when she saw the dragon change into Sinder. All she could do was ask no one in particular, "Did I do that?" then her eyes caught site of Demyx and Sinder falling. Quickly, she raced towards them, managing to catch both, preventing them from hitting the hard floor, but she fell and smacked into the ground. "ow... great... now I've got a headache..."
  13. fire mage Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 29, 2008
    The World That Never Was/ Twlight Town
    Axel thought he heard his name and saw that the dragon nobody was taken care of. He sensed an intruder near their castle and he immediately summoned forth an portal went over to deal with the menance. "What the hell are you doing here?" His voice rang out he asked trying to act very patient, but his eyes seemed more focus on what the King was wearing. "A black cloak? You are not one of us." He then unfolded his arms as he noticed the keyblade out. His eyes darken even more now. He wasn't up for battle, but to keep the mouse from getting in The Castle That Never Was, he was prepared to defend it. "State your business," He added deciding not to be confrontational for once.
  14. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    He had been caught from landing on the ground that would have bruised up his body. Spotting who had caught him he nodded his head thanking her for her deed. Staggering to his feet, he noticed Xelysha had struck her head from her herioc deed. "Hey it will be okay," he mentioned softly to her. Remembering what Sinder had said to him in the form of a telepathic message, he opened his mouth to say what was on his mind. "One more thing Sinder regets what she did and is sorry for everything. She doesn't know what came over her all of a sudden. Maybe you know," he drifted his gaze to the Superior hoping he would know the answer to his question.

    Cloud had arrived and he was ready to battle if need be, but now things had changed. Sinder was unconscience no longer a threat to anyone or anything. Loosening his grip on his buster sword he took three steps forward towards her and gentely edged her with his right foot.
  15. Bluelazor Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 25, 2009
    The World That Never Was
    A sigh escaped Xelysha as she sat up, rubbing the bump that formed on her head. "We should really look into cushions on these floors." Looking over at the Superior, she waited for Xemnas to answer the question. That was really out of the blue...
  16. Shadox D. Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 13, 2009
    Sinder was laying unconscious on the floor. Her being seemed to go a little transparent, the lines being undefined. Her body was exhausted of power and it was almost impossible for her to move. Cloud's nudge triggered a twitch an she seemed to curl up a little, her wings coming over her body as if to protect her.

    But soon she was back to normal. Her being rejuvenated some power so she looked normal again. She still couldn't move though.

    She only opened her eyes a little and said softly, yet still loud enough for everyone to hear; "Mickey's here....."

    Then she closed her eyes and once again drifted off into unconsciousness...
  17. Bluelazor Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 25, 2009
    The World That Never Was
    Xelysha, unaware of Sinder going back into unconsciousness looked was still lying on the floor under Sinder. "That's nice... how about getting off?" It was obvious she wanted off the floor and onto something more comfy.... like her bed. Her eyes were still on Xemnas, as she was still waiting on his answer.
  18. DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 28, 2007
    On a postage stamp.
    She examined the faces in the room,
    And no one else seemed to make a move.
    She guessed this was a job for her.

    The black slits inside of her violet-
    Crimson orbs remained fixated on the fallen
    For quite some time before she began to
    Take those few more steps.

    She scanned the now harmless being over once,
    Eyebrow raised, before coming to the conclusion
    That this was indeed the one she thought it to be.

    Crouched down to the ground, she acted cautiously,
    Linking arms with the unconscious.
    Slowly, she began to rise,
    Elevating Sinder as well.

    It took no time nor effort to regain her feet.
    And once she was standing,
    A quick shift of bodyweight positioned
    The unconscious body so that
    Her sister’s head could rest upon her shoulder.

    She looked down at the one still on the ground.
    At first, she attempted sympathy, however,
    Her face soon gave her away; she was entertained.
    Though this would have been missed
    By the blinking eye.

    With one fluid motion,
    Her arm was extended,
    Leaving her helping hand waiting.
  19. Bluelazor Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 25, 2009
    The World That Never Was
    Xelysha refused the mystery girl's helping hand as she arose by herself. Brushing herself off, she aggitatingly glared at no one in particular. This is deffinitely not my day... In attempts of calming herself, she sighed out and folded her arms. "So, what're we gonna do about Mickey?" She inquired, her attention steering back towards Xemnas.
  20. leon47 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 15, 2006
    Where do you think
    Mickey did not respond to Axel he was to board and he had grown tired of the Organzation so he simply smirked and laughed at the red haired nobody he had changed over the short time. The king dismissed his keyblade and sighed.

    Saix was walking when he saw the king and Axel but walked towards them."Axel leave the mouse king to me I have nothing better to do after all and Mickey seems....different some how".
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