Pregnant Teenagers

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Daenerys Targaryen, May 4, 2008.

  1. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    Yes i know but still it's not our place to judge people.If that happened to you would you like people talking about you in that way.
  2. Repliku Chaser

    This is a good question and I have to say that I am torn on the issue myself as I've seen how it is not a 'good' thing to do, but if it happens and the girl is strong and sticks with her decision and loves the kid or kids, I'm certainly not going to say to her 'you shouldn't have done that' because I don't feel the right to judge and am actually proud of her that she adjusted so well.

    Yes, I think teenage pregnancy in general is a bad thing. It's a burden on the family who often has to step up. There are bills that drain the family budget, the government budget, etc. Also, some girls are just not emotionally ready for such a commitment and only had sex with the guy to 'keep him interested' when a guy plays up to the girl. It may be a matter of exploration but at the same time low self-confidence and not wanting to lose the guy, so she gives in to the sexual advances. I therefore seriously don't blame JUST the girl in these things but totally blame the guy too who didn't have enough brains to use a condom. I have too many friends around me make stupid mistakes and hormones during teenage years can make you just as stupid as the alcoholic at binge parties in college.

    I have a sister that got pregnant during high school, amongst some other friends. It was pretty awkward to deal with her getting pregnant by some guy who was a jerk. She declares now that she was foolish, in love, and had hoped he was reciprocating. Not only did she have one kid by him, who I had a nice talk to, but at 16 and one at 18 and he left her both times. She's older now but this was really a burden on our family during the time and people kept saying she was foolish and threw her life away. Despite her immature nature then, we were there, she grew up, got self-confidence and those children now make her very happy and she's glad she kept them. She had the opportunity to choose abortion and decided not to and though people will be opinionated...once those kids were in our lives, we all were just like...aww..they belong. Now she has a GED and has a good job and is working on making things go well for her and the kids despite the guy never paying a dime of child support. Her life is more positive and she knows if she wanted to she could get a man in her life and it would be more on her terms as well.

    This is the good side of it. The bad side of it of course is that some teenagers really cannot mature or get better and loathe the kids later, mistreating them, and regretting their decision. These girls didn't know what they got themselves into and probably won't for years. The guys also left them on their own and their families either take up the burden or the kids are taken away because it's just not a healthy relationship to leave them in. Family fights between both sides often erupt and things have to go to court to be settled and even then there is no assurances of a happy ending. So...though I discourage teenage pregnancy because of how life works nowadays and how important it is to get an education and be set up for kids if you can...I really can't judge someone that adapts to it and does her best and has it in her heart to be a great mother. Hell, she has my utmost respect.
  3. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Ugh,its always the same thing with most of you folks."I think its sick!" or "I think its cruel to the baby''

    Hell,if its the parents choice to have the baby,then let them,they can suffer the consequences!Hell,WAY back in the day girls used to be mothers at 12 or 13 (forgot what age and year they did,so dont ask).

    In other words,if you want to have a few minutes of pleasure and possibly destroy the rest of your life,then its your fault.

    Yes,we know that it is a bad idea at a young age,but people dont care to listen.Just look at the chicks on Maury(I dont even believe half the sh*t they say they did..but I might as well use it as an example)
  4. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Really not the best way to continue a discussion. Opinions center. Get over it.
  5. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Your right,but still it gets old.
  6. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
    You guys are overlooking the most dangerous part of adolescent sex: STDs. Did any of you know a girl is 4X more likely to get an STD than getting pregnant? And that the failure rate of condoms is higher than you might think? Safe sex has nothing to do with condoms. It's about having one partner, throughout your entire life, and staying true to that partner. Otherwise, you will just infect any person you sleep with.
  7. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Too bad people cheat,and some people dont tell their partners if they do,and sometimes they dont even know..
  8. Repliku Chaser

    You bring up a good point that yes girls used to have babies (and sometimes still do) at very young ages and they were expected to but at the same time human life expectancies were half of what they are today and women received barely any if at all of education. They were married off from 13 to 18 and a woman was considered an 'old maid' in her twenties. Girls had no future but to be housewives or courtisans/concubines or some form of sexual entertainment, servants or eye candy. Before that they were the 'gatherers' of hunter and gatherer groups because they had to carry children and tend to family needs. Males also get more education as at one time it was a costly thing to send a boy to school and they had rudimentary education at best in their time if their parents were not wealthy enough to dish over things and they worked the fields or other jobs that were considered critical to societies and yet they were peasants. If a guy went around sleeping with women and having babies he and the woman were punished or forced to wed. Women also had dowries where (and in some places still do) where a man either paid the family to marry the girl or the girl's family pays a man to marry her.

    Life was just different. Women do a lot more now and hold roles in many places in the work force, community, etc. They get educations and such so while I agree with you that it isn't 'gross' as some people are saying, it simply isn't logical unless the housewife role is all a girl wants out of life and she wants to be dependent on some guy that can dash off whenever or owe the family and hope they care. In the end, it just does hold up teenagers from getting potentially more than previously experienced in years passed. So no, it isn't disgusting and I agree with you there, but I do think that due to the negatives it can cause it's one of those things I'd have to say people should hold off on. However, if teenage pregnancy happens, well, it just does and if the parents are good about it, then I commend them.
  9. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    Agreed with him. He is right about teh old times when teh laws were very thin and now laws are huge and maybe dangerous. It just depends if the parents and the child agrees to teh terms.
  10. 00Roxas00 剛情のロクサス

    Feb 22, 2008
    Yeah.. i agree!
  11. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    My older sister got pregnant with my niece when she was 16 (had her at 17) and she had my nephew when she was 19. Yes it was young, but she is a good mom to those kids. I know people who didn't have kids until they were in there late twenties and they are awful parents.

    I don't think anyone can really say "HOLY **** THIS AGE GROUP CAN'T HAVE KIDS" because it depends entirely on the couple. Juts because they are teenagers that doesn't mean that they will be bad parents or that they wont be able to cope. Similarly just because someone isn't a teenager that doesn't mean that they will automatically be brilliant parents.

    Each case is entirely different.

    However I do disagree with kids who are like 11 having babies because that is wrong, for one thing most kids bodies havn't fully developed and matured.

    As long as both people consent and neither is pressured, as long as it isnt a couple where one partner is hideously older than the other, and as long as both know the potential consequences then I don't see anything wrong with teenage sex, hell it has been around since forever, :/ it isn't like it is just going to vanish. Instead people should be complaining about the sub standard education that scholls give now days on contraception and dealing with the consequences of sex such as pregnancy.

    So I don't have an issue with teen pregnancy generally speaking, each case needs to be looked at individually. You can't say an entire age group should be stopped xD

    Not only that but there is a HUGE difference between a 13 year old and a 19 year old getting pregnant, but both are teenagers are they not?
  12. 00Roxas00 剛情のロクサス

    Feb 22, 2008

    Yeah Exactly!, nicely put there.
  13. RoxaSora2010 Nulla è reale. Tutto è lecito.

    Dec 29, 2007
    I got lost on the road of life
    it is guilt of the males and the females, without offense for nobody. even if some people know what risks race him, they ignore them and this door to permanent problems at times, as the shoks for instance. the boys want to make only it try the "true sex", however at times they don't even do him/it for love....
    by now in television it speaks above all of sexual abuses against the own wish
  14. WaftVixen Merlin's Housekeeper

    Teenage pregnancies... At my place it's called underage pregnancies...(I dunno you guys) Nothing new nowadays. It's a cycle alright. I didn't mean any harm but that usually happens. Didn't mean I agree with it much, but if them couple can handle it, it'll be okay I guess. My advice, just don't neglect them babies when you're on it. That'll be just irresponsible. Just think when you had one, put yourselves in the baby's shoes. Would you like to be given away after being born? Would ya like to be neglected or abuse? They're precious lil' ones that had no idea of the world yet. They're like white canvas that only you know how to color it and bringing it to life. Either it's a vibrant one, simple one or a lost one. You decide. The life of theirs is in you teenage couples hands and minds.
  15. Mexony Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 20, 2007
    With the fact that in population, teenagers and under also kids are pregnant. To the teenagers decission with his/her couple. There's still a long way to go in life, instead of jumping ahead. To feel like an adult...not quite sure about that. With teenager's getting pregnant, it's life is ruined, unless you are ready to jump into stage 5.
  16. Xendran Banned

    May 30, 2007
    Your life may be ruined depending how you go a bout it.
    My girlfriend is getting an abortion, because from what ive heard thats the onyl way to go at my/her age.

    I definately agree on the difference between 13 and 19.
  17. Luna Lovegood nani panda-kun

    Jun 13, 2007
    Shirokuma Cafe
    The only time this bothers me is when I see a pregnant teen smoking. Yes, there are two, TWO pregnant girls in my high school that smoke heck knows what. It's disgusting. Their baby's are going to have asthma, or probably something worse than that.
  18. blue_neon Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 11, 2007
    Upendi, JKz
    There is this girl that moved from our school rite. I used to like her but anyways. She moved at the end of last year and I found out in her new school she got pregnant and she takes drugs and slits her wrist. She moved because her parents thought our school was bad but turns out that school is even wrost (our school has a high standard but she got suspended for drug possesion thats why she moved)

    I think it's just wrong, I mean you should at least wait until your legal age to have intercourse (she's only 15). It is just so stupid for someone to do this not only are you ruining ur life but ur baby's life as well. But this is just my opinion LOL
  19. Hakurei Reimu Take my hand. And then I'll fly with you right up

    Apr 19, 2007
    Im against it, period. It's hard for both parents and the child. Never have I heard a HAPPY ending from teenage pregency. And it's kinda disturbing looking at a random girl walking down the hall with a baby at school or something...

    So yea...I'm sure people can wait about 15 years later to make babies...
  20. The Twin My, what a strange duet

    Mar 30, 2007
    The Devil's Carnival
    Quoted for truth, and agreed tenfold. There's no problem with teen pregnancy. I can see where people are coming from, with "It's not fair for the baby," or "They'll drop out of school", "Ruin their life", etc. But no matter how much you rant about it, there always will be teen pregnancies, teen marriages, and teen sex.

    The real issue is really whether the parent(s) are actually able to care for or handle the responsibility of a baby. If you're sleeping around with 20+ guys, basically whoring yourself around, and one of them gets you pregnant and doesn't want to deal with you, well, you're S.O.L., aren't you? That's your fault for being irresponsible, not anyone else's.

    On the other hand, let's say we have two 17-year olds who end up getting pregnant together and having a baby. If they respect one another, and still love one another and the baby, and are able to take care of it, then that's fine. If the baby's in a healthy environment and getting the love he needs, that's fine.

    RESPONSIBILITY. Had to bold that. That's the main point here. There's responsible teens, and irresponsible teens. Responsible teens either take care of the baby themselves or let a sterile couple adopt the baby, so it's still taken care of. Irresponsible ones either neglect the baby or get an abortion, and then turn around and start having sex again.

    Someone mentioned Juno. I hadn't seen it when it was out because I was against teen pregnancies, b ut I watched it the other night about halfway through and if she gave that baby to that couple, then she's being responsible because she's making sure the child has a home.

    I think I'll round this out here with a personal bit. I have a girl from my graduating class who gave birth to a baby boy not too much longer after graduating. She's able to balance classes and college work between caring for her son. I went to visit her, and he's got to be the happiest, healthiest little boy I've ever seen.

    On the other hand, I have a friend here who's slept with 16-17 guys, and dumps them after a month of dating, essentially making them "****buddies". She'll call them up every so often, and she'll sleep with them again. Twice she's been put on Plan B, and a third time almost didn't save her. Each time something goes wrong sexually, she chooses to come to me, the single, virgin friend to ask for help. If she ever got pregnant, I'd feel sorry for the child.