Practice of Magic

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Sumi, Dec 7, 2009.

  1. The Twin My, what a strange duet

    Mar 30, 2007
    The Devil's Carnival
    Seeing auras is kinda like what Styx said, as in there's colors around a person's body that one is able to see. The colors though are meant to symbolize certain energies within that person.

    Only reason I know this is I have read up on it, and a couple of years ago during a strees-free campaign these people came with this camera that could supposedly read your aura based on the energies you were putting out at that time. I distinctly remember being told my aura was fire-red.
  2. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    I believe every magic trick only works due to a hidden mechanism. I believe every charm or spell that has "worked" is only down to luck or coincidence- hence so many that have "failed". It's a bit egoistic to think you have magical powers in my opinion, actually.

    I've been shown magic tricks in my lifetime, and have then been shown how they work too. I suppose people who claim to be able to see people's auras and interpret their mood are really just reading body language, expression etc.
  3. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Huh. So it's like an innate representation of what someone looks like through colourful magic that surrounds them. Interesting. Sounds a little hippy-like to me, but whatever. Thanks for the info.

    Oh, much like detecting and deducting from small pieces of information alot of people may not always notice. Though I would say that's more a skill then a form of magic. But I guess people believe the fantastic to be like magic.

    And yeah, I knew you didn't mean it to sound like politics. It just seemed like politics to me through your description.
  4. The Twin My, what a strange duet

    Mar 30, 2007
    The Devil's Carnival
    No trouble.

    And it does sound very hippy-ish, even to me. People aren't lava lamps, and that's what this sounds like to me at times.

    "Dude.....the colors......whoa....."
  5. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    No, that's meant to represent his halo.
  6. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    Okay first of all, that's his halo.
    Second, are you saying that people w/o the ability to see auras will fail to see Jesus's halo? Because that's ridiculous.
  7. The Twin My, what a strange duet

    Mar 30, 2007
    The Devil's Carnival
    That's his halo...and it's not just him, it's any of the saints, or Mary, or Joseph....any one of them has the halo around their head in those paintings.

    And if it was his aura, it wouldn't be just around his head, his whole body would be covered in a kind of glow. The painting just have his head glowing because he's a holy entity.
  8. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    Actually, yes. It is a form of Halo, but some do believe that many of the important or holy figures had an aura of that color(golden), which I think represents enlightenment and well...mainly what holy figures are considered to be. Some say that the inspiration of the halo in the paintings, comes from the aura the person exuded, so the artist painted a halo.

    That's why Mvalentine said that, which is correct. Another interesting detail is that the subject of auras has many to do with "indigo children", I believe the term was called.

    If I remember correctly, the head is the easiest part to locate aura. But that's just what I've heard. I can't say anything out of personal experience
  9. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    Wait, so you're saying every artist who painted halos had the ability to see auras? This seems unlikely. Historically, halo's are meant to represent the sun. Pre-Christian Romans, as well as other Pagan civilizations, worshiped the sun and called it "Helios". They painted a halo on the heads of holy figures that looked like "mini-sun", or "mini-helios", hence "Halo". Nothing to do with auras...
    The reason it appears on Catholic paintings including ones of Jesus and saints, is that Catholicism was Christianity merged with Roman Paganism, and halos, instead of representing the Sun, were used to represent heaven and holiness in Catholicism. Halos don't really appear in the Bible at all.

    And again, nothing to do with auras.
  10. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    Wrong, I said nothing of the sort, but you must realize that there are many ways to interpret it. All I said was that the some artists rendered the Aura(if it exists) as a halo, perhaps they thought, as you said, they saw the sun, or something similar.

    Buddha also has a halo in many depictions. I'll merely quote:

    Many deities have an halo surrounding them, even heroes, etc. No one can say for certain if this is an artist's rendition of an aura or not.
  11. alienvampirefreak Moogle Assistant

    Nov 2, 2009
    I'm a wiccan I practise magic but i'm not egotistical about it. I honestly believe that if people really believed anyone could use it.
  12. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    I believe in the existence of magic. There is magic in the first time you hold a newborn, there is magic in your first kiss. Magic can be found in places within our lives.

    However I do not believe that humans have the power to create and use magic. Rather I think that some people just have a higher awareness of things, like how some people claim to be able to sense spirits and beings outside of common perception. It is known fact that we don't use our brains to the full capacity, so I think that the idea of magic/magical abilities is more to do with some people being more aware and using different parts of their brain more than other.

    I do just want to add that being close minded is silly. If you refuse to believe in the possibility of something then you never will see it, because even if you were confronted with said thing, you would refuse to believe in its existence and dismiss it as something else.

    I don't think that it is wise to believe in everything either, but a little open mindedness is definitely a good thing.

    I think magic is one of those things there can be no definite answer for, such as the existence of God.

    Also, one final point, I always find it amusing when people say they won't believe something until they can physically see it, to those people I present to you gravity. You can feel gravity and it definitely has an impact on you, but can you physically see it? No, you can't, same with some forms of energy, and same with other things too such as gases, or the wind.

    Ok I think I am rambling now.

    tl;dr Yes I believe in magic, but I don't believe in the practice of magic, as in spell casting and magical abilities. I think it is all down to awareness and the mind.

    edit: same with auras and the ability to see them. I have friends who say they can and I believe them. Again I think it is more to do with opening your mind to something as opposed to "magic" like any ability. The ability to paint isn't magical, but not everyone can do it, it takes practice and time and even then some people will never be able to paint a masterpiece.
  13. Cyanide King's Apprentice

    Mar 31, 2007
    You're using a very vague, sentimental definition of the word "magic". Not that I disagree with the sentiment you're expressing, but it begs the question of what "magic" really is.

    Are you referring to the "we only use 10% of our brains" notion? Because that's entirely false.

    As for me, I suppose you could consider me a skeptic in a general sense, as I think that if magic really exists and assuming humans have any control over it at all, then most of the people who claim to practice it are either frauds, exploiting the gullibility of others, or individuals that are deluding themselves; even so, my belief is subject to the data, I don't necessarily have anything against the existence of such things and when adequate evidence is presented I'll be more than willing to rectify my beliefs to suit the findings.

    I'll be the first to admit that we don't know everything about the way the universe works, so maybe there's room for things like "magic" to exist and we just haven't woken up to the fact that they're real; also, weird events we can't really explain happen sometimes, no point in denying that.

    However, the fact that we can't understand them at present doesn't mean we can't and never will. The best thing to do is just admit one's lack of knowledge about these things (i.e not jumping to conclusions) and try our best to understand them.
  14. keyblademaster_wannabe+ Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 4, 2009
    I believe that everyone has a physic ability with in themselves. They just don't know about it, or can't control the full potential of it. For example i recently (4 months ago) developed PKST, which is the ability to bend spoons :p. I also believe in spirits. Haha, right now i am studying a lot to become a parapsychologist, so i do know quite a lot of charms, rituals, and some curses. I recomened to stay away from these kinds of things if you are an amature, it can get very dangerous.
  15. Haiena.Koinu Traverse Town Homebody

    May 10, 2008
    Oblivion Castle Basement...
    Are you serious?
    I have a history with being Wiccan, that is so god damn rare :/gasp:
    I watched my sister use magic a lot and sometimes joined in them.
    Honestly it is up to believe or not, but I know because I s e e n it
    I have a few charms and I only use certain magic, demon/dark magic is not my cup of tea...
    Being a teenager is the best time in your life for magic (my opinion)
    Also.. Never mind I don't want to say to much.
    People tend to get easily pissed off about things on magic... =X

    PS last thing

    If your using magic don't forget the basics! Otherwise you might find yourself getting sick or even killed...​