Power Rangers: Data Squad

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Fayt-Harkwind, Jul 21, 2010.

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  1. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    A mad combination of Megaman EXE, Kamen Rider W, VR Troopers, various Super Sentai/Power Rangers and Digimon. But under the name of Power Rangers in total xD


    Plot in a nutshell: When a dangerous, computer destroying virus appears on the internet a group of teenagers are selected to fight the virus and all it’s variants by a mysterious hacker known only as S.O.U.R.C.E.

    Plot in detail:

    The Real World
    Everyone in Angel Grove received a strange e-mail at the same time on the same day. Regardless of when it was opened, the computer became infected with a virus. That virus took over the machines and made them hostile causing them to trigger unusual functions before ultimately bursting into flame, taking buildings down with it.

    The local authorities had no idea where the source of the virus came from or how to stop it. People where warned to avoid the use of computer-based machinery, but in this age that was difficult.

    That’s when a package arrived to a select handful of teenagers…

    The Computer World
    Inside the world of computers, linked by the internet the virus proved to be deadly. The programs who came in contact with them where slaughtered and erased. Not a single pixel remained in albums and not a single byte remained in programs. Then the worst always came. They would overload the machinery and force it to explode.

    That’s when the Power Rangers first appeared…

    The Rangers View
    Knowing of the current problems of the computer virus, seven teenagers received a small package containing a USB Pen and a wrist watch with a USB Drive on it. Trying it on out of curiosity or not, each teenager discovered it did nothing. But when they passed by their computer, the USB seemed to light up from the inside. Inserting the Pen into the wrist mounted Drive a flash of light took over the senses. Once those senses returned something felt odd. A strange uniform was now where their clothes once where, a helmet over the face with information appearing on the visor. Information on how to use the powers that came with the costume and how to find a nearby virus.

    For the first time, each teenager noticed they’re location. It wasn’t home and it wasn’t anything they’ve seen before.
    For whatever reason, each teenager decided to follow the indicator on their visor leading them to a virus. The information informed the teenagers that they are now “Power Rangers†and that they must fight the virus that would of soon caused their computers harm.


    The Power Rangers are the heroes of the internet, chosen to rid the world of the dangerous virus named Spartan. Using wrist mounted morphers the Rangers insert their USB Pen into the drive on the morpher, transform, enter the internet and fight the Spartan virus and all it’s variants. Each Ranger is armed with a side-arm called a Pixel Shooter which can transform into a unique weapon for each Ranger by inserting the USB Pen. They also have a Zord, a giant robot that has unique powers of it’s own and can combine with other Zords into a Megazord. As well as this, each Ranger is given a special function ability, based directly on a computer or internet function.

    Powers: Hyperlink. Allows Red to use his weapon as the base for the combination of the weapons for the combination attack as well as combine the Megazords. Also allows short range teleportation but no where as far as Blue’s powers. Think of it as a high speed side-step like dash like movement.
    Weapon: A digital laser sword
    Zord: A red Ape.
    Zord Powers: It has the power of strength in it’s limbs which can destroy a normal sized virus with a single hit. It is also given this power to be able to maintain the structure of the megazord as the torso, shoulders and pelvis.

    Powers: Copy, Cut and Paste. Copy allows Blue to make a duplicate of him/herself or others while Cut allows him to teleport, both are activated with Paste which sets the location of where the copy will stand or the teleportation happens. Copy can only make a single duplicate at a time and cannot be used while it is already active. Cut takes time for the teleportation to take effect and leaves Blue vulnerable before teleporting to the Paste location. Copy and Cut cannot be used at the same time and the duplicate from Copy cannot use Cut.
    Weapon: A digital laser bo staff
    Zord: A blue Turtle.
    Zord Powers: It has the power of defence and can withstand almost any attack with it’s hard shell. It combines onto the Megazord as the left arm and works with it’s shell as a shield.

    Powers: Refresh. Allows Black to refresh himself like a internet page and recover all injuries and stamina. Can only be used once per entry into the internet.
    Weapon: A digital laser axe
    Zord: A black Elephant.
    Zord Powers: It has the power of pressure. It can unleash a pressurised steam that can push back and even destroy a normal sized virus. As the right arm in the combination of the Megazord it improves attacking power by using it’s steam as a rocket-like boost for attacks.

    Powers: Undo. Allows Yellow to redo the last move they had taken by reversing time slightly. Similar to Prince of Persia but with a cool down of time between each use.
    Weapon: Twin digital laser daggers
    Zord: A yellow Horse.
    Zord Powers: It has the power of acceleration. Using it’s faster running speed it can out manoeuvre a virus and trap it. As the right leg of the Megazord it allows for a quicker starting movement being the first leg forward. It works well with Pink for their similar abilities and works as the push Pink needs to keep up with Yellow’s quicker starting speed when in Megazord form.

    Powers: Search. Allows Pink to search through the Data Squad databases no matter the location to look up information on enemies, locations or objects.
    Weapon: A digital laser bow
    Zord: A pink Fox
    Zord Powers: It has the power of constant movement. Unlike Yellow’s Zord the Fox is able to move quickly while already in speed. It is able to dodge any attacks of a virus and after it has started to run it is able to keep up with Yellow’s Horses quickly accelerated speed. It works well together with Yellow’s Horse as the left leg of the Megazord and can be used for easy dodging maneuverse as well as making sure Yellow‘s Horse can run at full speed by starting first with Pink being able to keep up after Yellow starts off with a push.

    Powers: Save. Allows Green to memorise any attack or movement used against him/herself so it can’t be used against him again. As in if he/she was hit by an enemy roundhouse kick and the enemy tried to kick him/her again with another roundhouse kick, Green would be able to simply block or counter it.
    Weapon: A digital laser Dual-Sword
    Zord: A green Godzilla-like Dragon.
    Zord Powers: It’s power is digestion. At full capacity it is able to be on par with the Five Part Megazord but because of it’s quickly depleting energy source it burns out of strength quickly, so it devours viruses to keep up it’s power but only the most powerful of viruses give it the real boost it needs to reach full power. It can combine with the Megazord as additional armour for protection and a new weapon for the finisher but because of it‘s energy depletion it can only be used for extremely short periods in combination. It works as the 6th part in the Megazord.

    Powers: Zoom. Allows White to see greater distances than the human eye in a scope-like fashion. This also gives White great accuracy when focused which may cause White to not realise incoming attacks from out of his/her vision line.
    Weapon: A digital laser scimitar
    Zord: A white Falcon.
    Zord Powers: It’s power is flight, being the only one of the main zords with flight capabilities. When combined into the Megazord it allows it to fly. It combines onto the back of the megazord as wings. It is optional for the Megazord combination though. It works as the 6th or 7th part depending on whether Green combines as well.

    Powers: Shift. Bronze is able to upgrade the other Rangers powers who correspond with the Shift key. He/she is able to use different abilities by “combining†it with another “key†such as the attack “Shift-Delete†which destroys a virus (as a finisher). Bronze’s upgrade gives each Ranger effected by it a single double strength attack and is marked with a capital letter or symbol activated by the shift key.
    Weapon: A digital laser spear
    Zord: A bronze Armadillo.
    Zord Powers: It is able to roll up and crush enemies as a cannon ball or bowling ball type of object. Able to form into a roman shield to connect to the main Megazord’s Turtle Shield Arm as a boost in defence. It is one third of the Medal Zord and acts as armoured legs and waist.

    Powers: Alt. Silver is able to upgrade the other Rangers powers who correspond with the Alt key. He/she is able to use different abilities by “combining†it with another “key†such as the attack “Alt-F4†will destroy a virus (as a finisher). Silver’s upgrade gives each Ranger effected by it a faster execution time for their abilities as well as powering up finishing moves.
    Weapon: Twin digital laser claws
    Zord: A silver Wolf.
    Zord Powers: Fast and with razor sharp blades all over it’s body it is able to cut through enemies as it runs by them. It is able to change into a pair of swords or a lance for the Megazord to wield. As a third of the Medal Zord it acts as the torso, weapons (twin swords or lance) and shoulders.

    Powers: Ctrl. Gold is able to upgrade other Rangers powers who correspond with the Ctrl key. He/she is also able to use different abilities by “combining†it with another “key†such as the attack “Ctrl-A†is able to lock on to any targets in sight or range. Gold’s upgrade gives each Ranger effected a longer range for their weapons by extending the digital energy that makes up the laser part (e.g. the blades or arrows) and also makes the attacks from it stronger by it’s element.
    Weapon: A digital laser halberd
    Zord: A gold Lion.
    Zord Powers: Strong and durable, it is able to strike any foe out of it’s path with it’s body. It can also fire a golden ray from it’s main while roaring. It transforms into a cannon weapon for the Megazord to use. As the last part of the Medal Zord it is acts as the arms, head and additional armour. It also initiates a part of the finisher by spinning it’s mane (located on the chest) to charge the weapons of the wolf swords/lance.


    Combination: Ape, Turtle, Elephant, Horse, Fox.
    Megazord combined powers: Combined powers of the first 5 Zords and has them all work in harmony with each other.
    Megazord weapon: A giant multi-coloured digital laser great sword
    Megazord finisher: Slash Delete, slashes after charging up the multi-coloured sword.
    Twin Wolf Slasher, cuts the enemy twice with charged up Wolf swords.
    Silver Dive, throws the charged up Wolf lance to pierce through the enemy and after breaking through have the lance reconnect with the rest of the Wolf.
    Leo Buster, fires the Lion’s Mane Cannon by using the energy of the Megazord.

    Combination: Ape, Turtle, Elephant, Horse, Fox, Dragon.
    Megazord combined powers: Combined powers of the first 5 Zords and has them all work in harmony with each other while receiving a boost of power from the Dragon’s viruses drained energy.
    Megazord weapon: The dragon’s tail as a drill sword.
    Megazord finisher: Replace Delete, drives the drill sword into the enemy then spins it and churns the enemy to dust. Then absorbs the viruses energy to maintain the form.
    Twin Wolf Slasher, cuts the enemy twice with charged up Wolf swords.
    Silver Dive, throws the charged up Wolf lance to pierce through the enemy and after breaking through have the lance reconnect with the rest of the Wolf.
    Leo Buster, fires the Lion’s Mane Cannon by using the energy of the Megazord.

    Combination: Ape, Turtle, Elephant, Horse, Fox, Falcon.
    Megazord combined powers: Combined powers of the first 5 Zords and the Falcon and has them all work in harmony with each other.
    Megazord weapon: A giant multi-coloured digital laser great sword
    Megazord finisher: Slash Dash Delete, same as Slash Delete but from the air, faster and by dashing passed the enemy while doing it.
    Twin Wolf Slasher, cuts the enemy twice with charged up Wolf swords.
    Silver Dive, throws the charged up Wolf lance to pierce through the enemy and after breaking through have the lance reconnect with the rest of the Wolf.
    Leo Buster, fires the Lion’s Mane Cannon by using the energy of the Megazord.

    Combination: Dragon, Falcon
    Megazord Combined powers: The combined powers of the Falcon and Dragon Zords. This is essentially where the Dragon Zord has the Falcon Zord attach to it’s back enabling flight and a special attack.
    Megazord Weapon: The dragons tail as a drill sword.
    Megazord Finisher: Dash Replace Delete, same as Replace Delete but lifts the enemy into the air and flies upwards while spinning the drill.

    Combination: Ape, Turtle, Elephant, Horse, Fox, Dragon, Falcon.
    Megazord combined powers: Combined powers of the first 7 Zords and has them all work in harmony with each other. A combination of the DataDragZord and DataSkyZord.
    Megazord weapon: The dragon’s tail as a drill sword.
    Megazord finisher: Dash Replace Delete, same as Replace Delete but lifts the enemy into the air and flies upwards while spinning the drill. Stronger than the SkyDragZord version.
    Twin Wolf Slasher, cuts the enemy twice with charged up Wolf swords.
    Silver Dive, throws the charged up Wolf lance to pierce through the enemy and after breaking through have the lance reconnect with the rest of the Wolf.
    Leo Buster, fires the Lion’s Mane Cannon by using the energy of the Megazord.

    Combination: Lion, Wolf, Armadillo.
    Megazord combined powers: Able to protect it’s entire body thanks to the defence of the Armadillo and the durability of the Lion, also is able to attack quickly thanks to the speed of the Wolf.
    Megazord weapon: Silver Wolf Twin Blades or Silver Wolf Blade Lance.
    Megazord finisher: End Process, slashes with a Lion charged up Wolf twin sword/lance to destroy the enemy.

    Internet Guardian
    Combination: All Zords.
    Ultimate Megazord powers: All the powers of the Megazords combined.
    Ultimate Megazord weapon: A combination of the Dragon Drill Sword and the Wolf Lance, and as a secondary method of attack, two giant digital laser twin swords that can combine into a dual-sword or connect to the Megazord’s shoulders to open up a chest mounted digital laser cannon and act as a power source and energy discharger.
    Ultimate Megazord finisher: Ctrl Alt Delete, fires the digital laser cannon that is powered by all the Zords (it can be seen with things like the elephants steam being dispersed and the Lion’s mane spinning faster than before) and shoots a rainbow like beam that can destroy anything it hits.

    Weapon Combinations:

    Virus Buster
    Combination: Red, Blue, Black, Yellow, Pink.
    A setup similar to the original Might Morphing combination weapon. The Axe serves as the base with the other weapons combining (with Blue’s staff separating in two then combining) on top of it to create a multiple barrelled weapon.
    Powers: Fires a multi-powered digital laser cannon blast.

    Rangers List

    DataRed - Fayt-Harkwind
    DataWhite - Coyote Starrk
    DataBlack - Ace Phoenix

    Villain List

    Viral - Fayt-Harkwind

    Civilian List

    S.O.U.R.C.E. - Fayt-Harkwind

    Program List

    1. Follow the rules of site and section.
    2. My will is law. Well, if you piss me off, break a rule or have a unwelcome history of rping I can deny you without argument.
    3. One Ranger per member. You can have limitless NPCs from either the real world or the internet (basically being programs and websites inside the internet) or even viruses.
    4. Keep in mind that viruses will eventually have to die, the small fry will do it quite often while the main enemy of the moment will put up a challenge and sometimes beat the Rangers but ultimately will have to loose sometime. The big bads on the other hand are a different matter.
    5. One big bad per member. These are like the Lord Zedd or Goldar of the RP. They don’t normally fight but when they do they are a match for the Rangers or worse. Though, they always manage to escape destruction.
    6. You cannot bring items from the internet to the real world or vice versa. Hence why you need Ranger powers to enter the internet.
    7. Bronze, Silver and Gold Rangers will act as the extra Rangers that appear later on. They can be chosen but your character will not become that Ranger until I say so. The other seven Rangers have to be chosen first before anyone can be the Bronze, Silver or Gold Rangers.
    8. When using the Zords each Ranger will control their own, but when they combine into a Megazord you have to abide to a revolving “lead†Ranger to control the Megazord (I.e. Red controls it first then Blue controls it next, so on and so forth). It can either be decided by who’s “enemy it is†or by a revolving command which goes in the same pattern each week (I.e. Red, Blue, Black, Yellow, Pink for the first Megazord, with the other Rangers being thrown into the mix with the other Megazord forms). Green, White, Bronze, Silver and Gold can only be in control of the Megazord on the rotation if they are part of that Megazord.
    9. I’ll be following the basis of the 5 man band to form the Ranger team. Your character must take one of the roles (see below).
    10. I reserve the right to add rules as I go.

    Five Man Band Roles (one per Ranger in most cases (there will be two of two options), except for Sixth Ranger):

    The Hero - Red
    The Lancer - Black/Blue/Green/White
    The Big Guy - Black/Yellow/White/Green
    The Smart Guy - Blue/Green/White/Black
    The Chick - Pink/Yellow/White/Blue
    Sixth Ranger - Bronze (as either a Smart Guy, Big Guy or Chick), Silver (as a Lancer to the Gold) & Gold (as a second Hero)

    OC Forms:


    Name: (Full name)
    Age: (nothing younger than 13 and nothing older than 21)
    Appearance: (try not to have weird ass pictures if you really have to use one. And have them in the same colour as your Ranger colour)
    History: (explain a little bit about the character, any skills that might be useful as a Ranger (I.e. computer wizardry, martial arts, etc)
    Personality: (every ranger needs a standing out one of these)
    Ranger: (the colour you want to be from the list above)
    Five Man Band Role:
    Other: (anything I’ve missed off you want to add?)

    Real World Human

    Name: (Full name)
    Age: (age isn’t too limited here but nothing stupid like a 1 year old with perfect vocabulary)
    Appearance: (try not to have weird ass pictures if you really have to use one)
    History: (explain a little bit about the character, any traits and the connection to the rangers. I.e. Runs the local juice bar or something)
    Personality: (even non-combat characters need this. Bulk and Skull anyone?)
    Other: (anything I’ve missed off you want to add?)

    Internet Program/Website

    Name: (Be as clever as you want with the site names, but don‘t use real websites or programs)
    Age: (What age they act like)
    Appearance: (they still need to have a human appearance but they aren‘t human)
    History: (explain a little bit about the character)
    Personality: (machines have personalities in this)
    Other: (anything I’ve missed off you want to add?)


    Name: (Wacky monster names HO! Unless they‘re a big bad)
    Age: (What age they act like)
    Appearance: (monsterish things)
    History: (explain a little bit about the character)
    Personality: (Even Virus‘ need personalities)
    Powers: (explain their abilities, be as wacky as you want)
    Other: (anything I’ve missed off you want to add?)


    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Leon Serif
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3144/2770085581_5a5bf2b2d1.jpg
    History: Leon has had a troubled past, he has constantly gotten into fights with other kids in school. Growing up bullied, he decided to train himself in self defence. Seeing that martial arts classes would only teach him to fight against other martial artists he taught himself his own way to fight from mixing and matching different things. Now at the age of 17 he is untroubled by bullies and has become highly interested in computers.
    Personality: Polite and trustworthy, hates fighting but knows when he has to (usually self defence or virus killing) and is easily frustrated by his own mistakes.
    Ranger: Red
    Five Man Band Role: The Hero

    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Unknown (goes by the name S.O.U.R.C.E.)
    Age: Unknown (appears to be mid 20’s)
    Appearance: http://api.ning.com/files/BIzXaj8V6...CEX81NJLM-5rp4fdsSeop6-vC7gb/anime_guy_12.jpg
    History: Has been known to the government and police as an infamous hacker who they have been trying to find for years, although, he’s never committed a crime and has even helped the police in secret.
    Personality: He’s the type who keeps secrets but finds out everyone else’s. He’s not trustworthy but he does good.
    Other: n/a

    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Viral “The Spartanâ€
    Age: N/A
    Appearance: http://members2.jcom.home.ne.jp/ccafe/img845/g-n-31sin1.jpg
    History: The original virus, no one is sure where it came from but it goes by two names, the original term Viral and the nickname The Spartan. With it’s power and vast and great infection rating it spawned variants which have grown into their own viruses. This is what plagues the city of Angel Grove.
    Personality: Blood Knightish
    Powers: It’s powers are vast and many. It is capable of spawning viruses which can grow very quickly into different viruses, it can infect computers in mere moments and cause them to latterly attack their owners or explode. It can also use many different in battle abilities similar to the Rangers own powers but with a virus twist as opposed to data.
    Other: It’s the Big Bad. The main villain.
  2. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Username: Coyote Starrk
    Name: Holden Loya
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: http://www.kh-vids.net/picture.php?albumid=89&pictureid=25451
    History: Holden never really understood the point of having friends. He always found a way to annoy someone and has managed to get himself in several fights without ever really meaning to. He spends mist of his time alone but finds himself getting involved in anothers business.
    Personality: Quiet, curious, and calm. He rarely let's emotions get the best of him.
    Ranger: White
    Role: The lancer
  3. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Accepted .
  4. Aster Phoenix Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 11, 2009

    Username: Aster Phoenix
    Name: Ed Atlas
    Age: 14
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    History: Born into wealth, Ed was givin' everything he desired. But rather then playing crochet and riding horses. He sat in his room and learned. He'd read and read and became smarter then an average 14 year old teen. He then was forced to take martial art lessons as his parents wanted him to get out more. He then found that he enjoyed it and is now able to fight well.
    Personality: Shy, Heroic, Smart.
    Ranger: Black
    Five Man Band Role: Smart One
  5. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Accepted .
  6. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Username: LilBueno
    Name: River Ecks
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h191/Moonlit_Tiger/Anime%20Pictures/RedHairGreenEyesAnimeBoy.jpg His jacket is a lighter and brighter shade of green.
    History: River was always taller than most people in his small town. He always had a lean figure. Wanting to round out his figure, he exercised a lot in the form of sports. He excelled in basketball eventually becoming the point guard for his high school. His third year in school (second on the team), he was found driving drunk with a group of friends and got kicked off the team (along with other consequences) for underage drinking. He continued to play basketball at the public gym until graduating. Once he entered a university in the city, he quickly realized that he didn't stand out as much in athletics as he did in his hometown. Not liking blending in with the crowd, he continued to work out and play basketball a lot more, building his stamina.
    Personality: River is the kind of guy who never shuts up. He loves to talk, even when there's no point to what he's saying. He's very confident even when he has little skill in whatever he's doing. He's a partier, a known drinker and smoker in high school, but was never one of the bad students. Whenever he gets in trouble for things, such as the drunk driving incident, he just happens to be a tag along to the actual bad students. He has a knack for being particularly blunt at times. His favorite words and phrase are "dude," "awesome," "watch me do this," and "Damn, I need a cigarette." He is also extremely arachnophobic, freezing up at the sight of spiders
    Ranger: Green
    Five Man Band Role: The Big Guy
    Other: n/a

    I'll make a virus later when I get an idea.
  7. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007

    We'll start once we get a few more Rangers, hopefully a Blue, a Yellow and a Pink, and a few viruses regardless of whether they are the big bads or not.
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