Power Rangers |Cyber Fury| Discussion/OOC

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Boy Wonder, Jul 13, 2011.

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  1. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    From left to right: GoldenBlack/GoldenWhite, GoldenRed, Green, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Pink, Brown, Gray.
    • GoldenBlack, GoldenWhite, and GoldenRed are unavailable.
    • The Rangers are separated into two teams. Both are good, though they don't work together. Black and White Rangers are one team while Red and four other colors are the main team. There's seven other colors that can be picked for the main team (Green, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Pink, Brown, Gray), but only four of them can be picked. As you can see above, they can be either boy or girl, but both of the same color can't be picked (so no Green male and female Ranger. It's one or the other).
    • You get your choice of color out of the available ones, weapon, and Zords.
    • I haven't decided if they'll be a 'Sixth Ranger,' but if there is, weapon and Zords are preset. Only choice would be color (I'll reveal more if we actually need a 'sixth' Ranger).
    • There might be evil Rangers later on, but for now, consider them nonexistent.
    • Depending on how many players we get, the team can grow to include the rest of the colors and maybe more. Anyway...now for official rules.


    1. No godmodding or powerplaying, of course.
    2. All of KHV's rules apply here.
    3. Swearing is only allowed if you bypass the filter.
    4. Romance has to be PG-13.
    5. You can't gain your Zords until I say so. You are allowed, however, to use them whenever as long as it's reasonable (Don't bring them to every single fight).
    6. Your weapons will eventually be upgraded twice (for a total of three levels). You don't get upgrades until the plot reaches a certain point.
    7. No using characters (or family of the characters) from the actual series, but you're able to reference them.
    8. The RP will be taking place in the city of Angel Grove, where Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and PR:Zeo (and I think Turbo as well as In Space) took place. Which means the series actually happened in this RP, but that was so many years ago that most people barely remember the events.
    9. All Rangers are human and of actual age. So no aliens or people sealed thousands of years ago.
    10. Only one Ranger per RolePlayer for now.
    11. Just because you start on the same team doesn't mean you have to go and do everything together. Hell, you can even become a rogue Ranger (though not completely evil).
    12. You can create up to two Controllers, but unlimited number of other type of Progs.
    13. Progs can have any power you can think of.
    14. Controllers have to be based on something virtual, cybernetic, computer-related, or internet-related.
    15. It's completely fine if any Rangers know each other beforehand.
    16. You can only pick one Zord for now. Depending on number of people, other Zords will be available later on.
    17. Your Ranger can't have his/her own mode of transportation (Power Vehicles) just yet. Rangers will get them together at a certain point.
    18. [COLOR=lime]Your character is no more special than anybody else's so don't make the RP about them. While some characters (Edox, Black Ranger, White Ranger, Red Ranger) may get unique abilities, they are not any more important to the plot than the other Rangers (aside from Edox being the leader of the bad guy and Black/White being a separate team).[/COLOR]

    List of Zords
    Most of the Zords we'll be using will be based on the ones from the actual series with some photoshopping. So don't freak out if one of them seems familiar. You can pick any one Zord, regardless of your Ranger's color and gender. The Zords will eventually unite to a Megazord.

    1. Dragon (Black)
    2. Tiger (White)
    3. Phoenix (Red)
    4. Lion (Gray)
    5. Dinosaur (Pink)
    6. Unicorn (Blue)
    7. Rhino
    8. Turtle
    9. Gazelle
    10. Wolf
    11. Penguin
    12. Gorilla
    13. Bat
    14. Elephant
    15. Fighter
    16. Beetle
    17. Armadillo
    18. Gator
    19. Bull
    20. Scorpion
    21. Spider

    List of Weapons
    Each Ranger will start off with a weapon. Every weapon will upgrade to a second level and then a third level eventually. Black, White, and Red, however, will start with the first upgrade (second level). Each weapon is made for a separate job/class/theme (Think Final Fantasy classes or jobs)

    1. Saber - Warrior (White)
    2. Knuckles - Monk (Black)
    3. Katana - Samurai (Red)
    4. Broadsword - Knight (Gray)
    5. Hammer - Berserker (Pink)
    6. Spear - Lancer (Blue)
    7. Dagger - Thief
    8. Bow - Archer
    9. Whip - Beastmaster
    10. Axe - Hunter
    11. Fire Staff - Mage

    Character Skeletons
    You can either be a Power Ranger (Choose one of the remaining seven colors, one Zord, and one weapon), one Controller (which are the 'generals' of the bad guys like Goldar), another Prog (which will get killed off eventually), or a regular person. Regular people can be allies or relatives of the Power Rangers or bad guy supporters. If we get more spots for other Rangers (specifically the 'Sixth' Ranger or evil Rangers), the regular people will be considered for the spot(s) first.
    Power Ranger
    Username: <Your username on this forum>
    Ranger Name: <Your character's real name>
    Age: <Your character's age. Between 15 and 21.>
    Ranger Color: <Your chosen color out of the seven left.>
    Ranger Zord: <Your chosen Zord>
    Ranger Weapon: <Your Ranger's chosen weapon>
    Appearance: <Your Ranger's appearance out of costume. Picture preferable.>
    Personality: <Your Ranger's personality. Be brief (gives you more freedom)>
    Biography: <Brief history of your Ranger's life. Only a few lines>
    Other: <Anything else you want to add?>

    Username:<Your username on this forum>
    Controller Name: <Your Controller's name>
    Appearance: <Your Controller's appearance. Picture preferable>
    Personality: <Your Controller's personality. Be brief>
    Powers: <Your Controller's powers. Needs to fit the theme. Any weapons should be included here>
    Theme: <Your Controller's theme. Has to be something virtual-related, cyber-related, computer-related, internet-related>
    Other: <Anything else you want to add?>

    : <Your username on this forum>
    Prog Name: <Your Prog's name>
    Appearance: <Your Prog's appearance. Picture preferable>
    Personality: <Your Prog's personality. Be brief>
    Powers: <Your Prog's powers. Any weapons should be included here>
    Other: <Anything else you want to add?>

    Regular Person
    Username: <Your username on this forum>
    Name: <Real name?>
    Age: <Age? 13-25>
    Appearance: <Your character's appearance. Picture preferable>
    Personality: <Your character's personality. Be brief>
    Biography: <Your character's backstory.>
    Other: <Anything else you want to add?>

    Power Objects
    The Power Objects are large amounts of code compacted into a single object that helps keep the Cyber Realm structured. Each Power Object has an immense amount of power and allows its wielder to do incredible things.
    Cyber Drives and the Communicator. Each Ranger has a Communicator (Watch) that allows them to communicate with each other. At the moment, the main Rangers and Neo can only talk to each other and the GoldenBlack and GoldenWhite Rangers can only talk to each other. Each Communicator has a side slot that resembles a USB Port. By plugging the Cyber Drive into the Communicator, the Rangers can morph into their Ranger Forms. The Cyber Drives also transform into the Rangers Power Weapons.
    The Breach Jewel is a special monochromatic diamond that allows access into the Cyber Realm's very own coding. It was acquired by Edox who turned into the Cyber Screen. The Cyber Screen gives Edox a user interface into the Cyber Realm that allows him to manipulate the virtual realm however he pleases. The most dangerous ability of the Cyber Screen is to send cyber codes into the real world, allowing Edox and his Prog army to invade Angel Grove.

    The Ragnarok Program is a set of commands that allows Edox to make large numbers of Progs. It takes the form of a sword icon on the Cyber Screen. By touching the icon, Edox activates the program. He can either make more Bots, or build a Controller.
    The Battle Gems are three different jewels: The Red Battle Gem, the Black Battle Gem, and the White Battle Gem. Each Gem belongs to a specific Zord of one of the three Golden Rangers. The Battle Gems allow the Tiger, Dragon, and Phoenix Zords to assume their Fighter Modes and combine with other Zords. The Black and White Battle Gems are in possession of the Golden Rangers (Black and White) while the Red Battle Gem is lost in the Cyber Realm.
    MechaStones are scattered throughout the Cyber Realm. They are large stones that house Zords inside. By accessing the MechaStones, a Ranger can claim the Zord. The Unicorn, Lion, Dinosaur, and Phoenix MechaStones are in possession of Neo. The Dragon and Tiger MechaStones are in possession of the GoldenWhite Rangers.

    Golden Rangers
    The Golden Rangers are GoldenBlack and GoldenWhite Rangers. GoldenWhite has been a Ranger for quite some time and, when six teenagers came to Cyber Realm, he recruited GoldenBlack. The Golden Ranger powers are slightly stronger than the others, evidence by their Power Weapons being at Stage Two already. Even more-so, their personal Zords both have a Battle Form and can unite with each other to form the Golden Rangers' own Megazord.

    Username: Red Robin (LilBueno)
    Ranger Name
    : 'Black'
    Ranger Color
    : GoldenBlack
    Ranger Zord
    : Dragon
    Ranger Weapon
    : Power Knuckles -> Power Edge
    : Loves action and fighting. Life is exciting as a Ranger to him.
    : Black was the sixth teenager who was blinded and found himself in the city streets. However, unlike the others, he was intercepted by the White Ranger and woke up elsewhere. White told him he was the 'better chosen one' and made him the Black Ranger while taking on the appearing Progs.
    Terra :Username
    'White' :Ranger Name
    GoldenWhite :Ranger Name
    Tiger :Ranger Zord
    Saber -> Scimitar -> Claymore [Doesn't have the last weapon yet.] :Ranger Weapon
    Calm and collected with an unwavering sense of justice.
    Makes no room for those that gets in his way however.
    White was the first ranger having been fending off what dangers he could on his own for a time longer than the other rangers. He knows a great deal more than the five newest rangers. White had seen potential in Black that he did not find in the other rangers. He gave Black the special Black Ranger suit and has told him nearly all he knows of the current situation. :Biography
    Power Rangers

    The Power Rangers are a group of five teenagers chosen to fight the Prog threat. They were chosen by Neo, a Zordon-like character that is integrated into the the Cyber Realm's very own coding. They are each given a Power Weapon with two possible upgrades (For a total of three levels) and their own personal Zord. While four of the Rangers are normal Power Rangers, the red ranger isn't. GoldenRed Ranger has the same abilities as the other two Golden Rangers, for unexplained reasons. However, his Phoenix Zord has yet to gain its own Battleform.
    Username: Bushy-Brow-1992
    Ranger Name: Tyler Ashes
    Age: 17
    Ranger Color: Red
    Ranger Zord: Phoenix
    Ranger Weapon: Katana --> Twin Katana's ---> Katana Merge weapon (doesn't have last yet)
    Personality: Cold and brief with others. A bit of a bad boy at heart in appearance and the way he acts. But on the inside, he is actually a nice guy. He just rarely shows it and acts like a badass in the cool way instead. Why does he do this? Well...
    Biography: Tyler had a relatively alright upbringing like everyone else in Angel Grove... but because of the way he acts, people have tended to avoid him.
    Regardless of the fact that everything changed, and everybody became forced into having to live inside. Tyler ignores this and still goes out often... why? Because he knows there are other idiots who would sneak out despite the danger.
    Any other time, he is on his laptop.
    Due to his personality, he isn't on his computer for social reasons, and in fact doesn't even have Facebook or the like... but rather he is more into the coding side behind computers.

    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Ranger Name: Leon Stone
    Age: 19
    Ranger Color: Gray
    Ranger Zord: Lion
    Ranger Weapon: Broadsword
    Appearance: http://i326.photobucket.com/albums/k...TakiKazuya.jpg
    Personality: Proud, courageous and level headed but lazy and indecisive.
    Biography: Leon is a simple guy, he spends most of his time playing video games, board games or hanging out with friends at the local juice bar. He enjoys strategies and is a massive history buff at the same time as his gaming tendencies. He's gradually becoming a movie buff due to the constant film watching with the friends he made a few months ago after moving to Angel Grove.

    Username: DarkTraitor
    Ranger Name: Blaydon Cruzz
    Age: 18
    Ranger Color: Pink
    Ranger Zord: Dinosaur
    Ranger Weapon: Hammer
    Appearance: Personality: Acts on impulse often, and unused to working in groups. He can sometimes be excessively loud.
    Biography: Lived in Angel Grove since he was born, and he currently works part-time at a video game store. In his spare time he tends to either play video games or practice weaponfighting, and while he owns some real weapons, they are just decorative pieces.

    Username: Master of Keyblades
    Ranger Name: Allen Walker
    Age: 16
    Ranger Color: Blue
    Ranger Zord: Unicorn
    Ranger Weapon: Spear-->Double headed Spear
    Appearance: http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime guy/Renjiro_Chiyo/Anime/guys217.jpg?o=391
    Personality: Calm most of the time but can be reckless
    Biography: Growing up in angel grove, Allen usally could be found hanging arounded the video game store or the juice store. Otherwise he'd just be wandering around Angel Grove trying to find something to do. If all else fails he probably would just hang out in one place.
    Prog Army
    The Progs are an army created by Edox. Edox, a mixture of the very first 'bug in the system,' large number of viruses, and a personality program made by Neo. Edox has in his control several Power Artifacts, artifacts made from the Cyber Realm's coding that are capable of manipulating the Cyber Realm and are key in its existence. His Ragnarok Program allows Edox to create the foot soldier Progs (Bots) and the general Progs (Controllers). With the Breach Code, he's able to send his army into the Real World to conquer it.
    Username: Red Robin (LilBueno)
    Prog Name: Edox
    Personality: Sadistic and powerhungry.
    Powers: The ability to alter the Cyber Realm and his own body in any way. Using the Breach Code, he can enter the Real World through the city of Angel Grove. Here, he can only use his immense strength, speed, and lasers, but if he reforms his body before entering the Real World, the modifications will stay.


    Bots are the foot soldiers/grunts of the Prog army. They are quick, strong, and armed with a sword that can sheath itself in electricity and a single eye that can fire lasers. With these and their durable skin, they are able to hold back Angel Grove's police force and its citizens with ease.
    Their lack of individuality, however, makes them easy enough to defeat for a Ranger.


    :Red Robin (LilBueno)
    Controller Name
    : Sig-Hack

    : Arrogant and 'better' than everyone.
    : Sig-Hack's main weapon is the blaster on his right arm. However, his main ability is the ability to 'highlight' an opponent's weapon or ability using his blaster, copy it, and paste it onto himself with his blaster.
    Theme: Copy/Paste

    Username: Red Robin (LilBueno)
    Name: Neo
    Age: Ageless
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: One word: Serious.
    Biography: Neo used to be John Maddox, one of the original developers to what would become the internet. After much research, he theorized that booting up the world wide web would eventually build a virtual version of the real world over several years. When nobody believed him, he started to secretly invent technology to transfer himself into the internet and, one day, he succeeded. Using his knowledge, he was able to manipulate the Cyber Realm and became a god in it. He was able to shape the Cyber Realm into whatever he wished. Over time, he lost the ability to go back to the Real World, but he didn't care. He made a single program to help him build the Cyber Realm. The program soon collided with several viruses and became Edox. Edox was able to trap Neo in a secluded area of the Cyber Realm and strip him of his powers.
    Other: Only appears as a floating face on screens.

    Username: Red Robin (LilBueno)
    : River Ecks
    : 19
    Appearance: Without the glasses.
    Personality: Fun loving and sarcastic.
    Biography: River always had a tough life. Growing up, he would attract bullies for almost no reason. He learned to defend himself as he grew older. Once Edox invaded Angel Grove, River found his tough luck putting in even more dangerous situations. He would accidentally stumble into the Cyber Realm through Edox's portals. He would have to hide to the best of his ability until Edox opened another portal that allowed River to escape. Several times, River has been seen by Edox while escaping in and out of the Cyber Realm, but he would have just enough good luck to make it to a safety zone, usually one with police that will hold the Progs back.

    Username: Terra
    Name: Ivan
    Age: 20
    Appearance: http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii45/ArchAwesome1/206343-6.jpg
    Personality: Lighthearted(yes, it's one word), simple, yet he's smarter than he looks.
    Biography: He continues on with his own life as if nothing had happened, entirely ignoring the fact that Angel Grove is now under attack by some monsters. He works several jobs here and there at Angel Grove and doesn't seem to mind that he's seeing less and less people around with the state of emergency. Ivan is just being patient until something comes along to "save the day" as he knows will happen.
    Other: N/A
  2. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Ranger Name: Leon Stone
    Age: 19
    Ranger Color: Gray
    Ranger Zord: Lion
    Ranger Weapon: Broadsword
    Appearance: http://i326.photobucket.com/albums/k427/Fayt-Harkwind/TakiKazuya.jpg
    Personality: Proud, courageous and level headed but lazy and indecisive.
    Biography: Leon is a simple guy, he spends most of his time playing video games, board games or hanging out with friends at the local juice bar. He enjoys strategies and is a massive history buff at the same time as his gaming tendencies. He's gradually becoming a movie buff due to the constant film watching with the friends he made a few months ago after moving to Angel Grove.
    Other: Keeping it shortish so I can expand with character growth and interaction with other players lol.
  3. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Username: Terra
    Ranger Name: 'White'
    Age: Unknown.
    Ranger Color: White
    Ranger Zord: Tiger
    Ranger Weapon: Saber -> Scimitar -> Claymore [Doesn't have the last weapon yet.]
    Appearance: Apparently never takes off his ranger suit.
    Personality: Calm and collected with an unwavering sense of justice. Makes no room for those that gets in his way however.
    Biography: White was the first ranger having been fending off what dangers he could on his own for a time longer than the other rangers. He knows a great deal more than the five newest rangers. White had seen potential in Black that he did not find in the other rangers. He gave Black the special Black Ranger suit and has told him nearly all he knows of the current situation.
    Other: Secretly Tommy from the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers.

    Annnnndddd making a regular person because there'll be nobody else willing to make one. XD

    Username: Terra
    Name: Ivan
    Age: 20
    Appearance: http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii45/ArchAwesome1/206343-6.jpg
    Personality: Lighthearted(yes, it's one word), simple, yet he's smarter than he looks.
    Biography: He continues on with his own life as if nothing had happened, entirely ignoring the fact that Angel Grove is now under attack by some monsters. He works several jobs here and there at Angel Grove and doesn't seem to mind that he's seeing less and less people around with the state of emergency. Ivan is just being patient until something comes along to "save the day" as he knows will happen.
    Other: N/A
  4. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Both of you are in~
    Don't know if anybody noticed, but there was a screw up where most of my post disappeared and the rest turned to html code. But it's fixed now~
  5. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Has Red been taken or are we the only ones for now?
  6. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Red has been taken by me. I just need some time to sort through some stuff and come up with the OC form.
    But yeah.
  7. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    Managed to finish this sooner than I thought. Here we go;

    Power Ranger
    Username: DarkTraitor
    Ranger Name: Blaydon Cruzz
    Age: 18
    Ranger Color: Pink
    Ranger Zord: Dinosaur
    Ranger Weapon: Hammer
    Personality: Acts on impulse often, and unused to working in groups. He can sometimes be excessively loud.
    Biography: Lived in Angel Grove since he was born, and he currently works part-time at a video game store. In his spare time he tends to either play video games or practice weaponfighting, and while he owns some real weapons, they are just decorative pieces.
  8. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    In~ I'll edit you into the first post when I get the chance
    Two more rangers would be ideal to start.
  9. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Username: Bushy-Brow-1992
    Ranger Name: Tyler Ashes
    Age: 17
    Ranger Color: Red
    Ranger Zord: Phoenix
    Ranger Weapon: Katana --> Twin Katana's ---> Katana Merge weapon (doesn't have last yet)
    Ignore the random floating swords...
    Personality: Cold and brief with others. A bit of a bad boy at heart in appearance and the way he acts. But on the inside, he is actually a nice guy. He just rarely shows it and acts like a badass in the cool way instead. Why does he do this? Well...
    Biography: Tyler had a relatively alright upbringing like everyone else in Angel Grove... but because of the way he acts, people have tended to avoid him.
    Regardless of the fact that everything changed, and everybody became forced into having to live inside. Tyler ignores this and still goes out often... why? Because he knows there are other idiots who would sneak out despite the danger.
    Any other time, he is on his laptop.
    Due to his personality, he isn't on his computer for social reasons, and in fact doesn't even have Facebook or the like... but rather he is more into the coding side behind computers.
  10. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Tyler Ashes, I like it xD

    Anyway, in. If no one else joins by...Tuesday (my day off of work), we'll start with three rangers.
  11. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.

    It works anyway. A fair few series started with just 3.
    And besides, Black and White (despite being seperate from the normal group.) makes it five rangers overall.
  12. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Username: Master of Keyblades
    Ranger Name: Allen Walker
    Age: 16
    Ranger Color: Blue
    Ranger Zord: Unicorn
    Ranger Weapon: Spear-->Double headed Spear
    Appearance: http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime%20guy/Renjiro_Chiyo/Anime/guys217.jpg?o=391
    Personality: Calm most of the time but can be reckless
    Biography: Growing up in angel grove, Allen usally could be found hanging arounded the video game store or the juice store. Otherwise he'd just be wandering around Angel Grove trying to find something to do. If all else fails he probably would just hang out in one place.
    Other: N/A
  13. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Gah, I didn't see this sooner for some reason. Anyway, Accepted~ We'll start either tomorrow afternoon (I'm EST for those wondering) or Thursday. 4 Rangers for the main team is good enough for me! (though I'll accept another!)
  14. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    First post is up to date with all characters and taken weapons/Zords.
    We're starting right now. I'm typing up the first post after this.

    Here's where everyone's starting:
    GoldenBlack is already a ranger. He just became one and defeated some Bots with GoldenWhite's help.
    GoldenWhite has been a ranger for some time (will explain more later).
    GoldenBlack and GoldenWhite already have their Stage Two weapons and their Zords, Zords' Battle Forms, and MegaZord, though they won't be using the Zords yet of course.

    The other Rangers are all together and aren't rangers yet. They all have a watch in one hand and a flash drive that transformed into their Stage one weapon. They should be defending themselves from some Bots in the streets. GoldenRed has Stage Two weapons. So they're uncostumed, but they have Zords.

    Here we go, people, it's Morphin' Time!
  15. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    Please tell me we're saying that pre-transformation. That would be amazing.

    Also, a wooden-looking mallet like you've given me is perfect for a stage 1 weapon, but I'll drop these for my other two stages.

    Stage Two -> Stage Three

    Hope that's fine.
  16. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    I believe he had your other 2 Hammers picked out.
    I saw them and they're pretty cool.
  17. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    If that's the case then it's cool. I was trying more to be helpful than anything.
  18. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    I had actually picked them out in case you didn't have any ideas xD
    The Megaton Hammer from Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time and the Skull Hammer from Windwaker
    but since you have ideas, that works just as well~ I'd rather you have a weapon you want.
  19. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    If you're wondering what the Morphers look like, look at the first post~
  20. Shadow_Rocks Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 2, 2008
    Username: Shadow_Rocks
    Ranger Name: Daniela Rivera ( though everyone calls her Danny )
    Age: 17
    Ranger Color: Yellow
    Ranger Zord: Penguin ( I am really friggin glad penguin was still open..who doesn't want to be a penguin )
    Ranger Weapon: Bow
    Personality: Danny isn't really talkative and usually keeps to herself.Danny has a hard time working with other people as well. She seems to be a tomboy on the outside, but in the inside she can be rather girly. Danny seems rather emotionless and has a cold exterior. She can be rather violent if you her her angry enough. Danny actually loves fighting really, but she doesn't really like fighting for no reason. She can't read the atmosphere very well.
    Biography: Danny was born in Angel Grove and has lived there for all of her life. She was raised by her aunt and uncle since her mom died and her dad was not able to get the money to care for a child. Danny grew up in a house that had all boys and the only other girl besides her was her aunt. Due to being around such an atmosphere she soon developed a rather tomboyish personality, but her aunt made sure she wasn't a complete tomboy, by getting her interested in things that were considered girly. Danny sings rather well and knows how to play the piano. She also knows how to cook,bake,sew, and draw , but she has never told anyone she could do these things. Danny also knows archery and has been doing it since she was 9 yrs. old. Danny currently works part-time at a small, but rather popular, bakery in Angel Grove. Whenever she isn't working she is usually at the local music store or video game shop.
    Other: She has a pet German Shepard puppy named Ace.

    it has been a long time since I've RP'd on this site.
    Hopefully I get accepted
    This was an rp that appeal to my interests ( interests being Power Rangers)
    if there is anything that needs to be changed just tell me and I will change it.
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