To be honest, I'm not too worried about this. However, they could have spent that time finding a cure for cancer or something. Click here for source. Published: 11/24/2011
That has got to be one of the stupidest thing to do. Why would anyone give that kind of work the all clear? If that gets released, we're all ****ed beyond comprehension.
That is really really stupid!! What was the point of making it in the first place? Poor ferrets... ;~;
So...the defense is that by having this research done it could potentially make it easier to handle things if the virus gets out? That makes sense but there really wasn't any call for making the virus more dangerous. I'm confused. There doesn't seem to be another side presented in this so I'm wondering if there's just heavy bias.
Hah, I'm not really surprised... However, the reason for why they made it may be to learn more about the normal Influenza virus to battle it better. Also, I think it's blown out of proportion, like most things.
Oh, I don' t know, to save lives maybe ? As this article points out only five mutations separate the original virus from this new version, and all five of them have already been found in nature in five different viruses. This means that the odds for that new virus to naturally appear on its own are, like, 100%. The real question is when. No one in his right mind would finance some research looking for a cure to a disease that doesn' t even exist, but now that we know that it will appear in nature sooner or later (even if terrorists never get their hands on it), we can start searching for a cure before any pandemic even happen. In order to find cures and anticipate pandemics we need to study viruses and their possible mutations, can' t have one without the other. The only stupid idea I see in this article is the desire to publish the research results publicly, it should be divulged on a need to know basis. Whether those informations save or kill people depends on who has them and what they do with it. Poor ferrets indeed, but as much as I' m inclined to weep for animals that are used to test trivial things, like cosmetics, when it comes to vital researches that can save lives I' m not against animal experimentation.
Don't divulge it publicly. Give it to the scientific community so they can start working on an antidote if what they say is true.
Contagion 2 Why the hell do people MAKE a non-lethal virus into a lethal one You wouldn't have to PREPARE or RESEARCH anything in case there is an H5N1 pandemic if you didn't make the damn thing contagious in the first place. Stupid f*cking medical bastards. This kind of medical publicity shit is what gets people paranoid. When people are paranoid, they tend to buy more to protect themselves. And that's what the world wants. To increase total revenue. And it f*cking sickness me that the government takes advantage of people's minds to gain profit.
That' s not how it works, they have absolutely no way to predict what a given mutation consequences will be. They just studied this virus possible mutations and it so happens that one of them is way deadlier than the original. As I already explained some virus strains found in nature are four or less mutations away from this super lethal version. Viruses have a very short life-cycle and a high reproduction rate, i.e. they mutate very quickly. It' s only a matter of time before these four measly mutations appear in nature in the same virus strain on their own. When do you think would be the right time to study viruses and their possible mutations ? When half the population is already dead ? They say ignorance is bliss, but ignorance is ... well, dumb. Woah, hold your horses, we' re not there yet. Besides, once this virus particular strain appears in nature then if a pandemic starts, if a cure exists and people buy plenty of it then it won' t be paranoia, just a very reasonable precaution. Seems far more reasonable to buy than mascara to me. The government could try to take advantage of it, true, it' s not unheard of (unless they were just misinformed and/or overcautious, choosing the "better safe than sorry" approach, after all we blamed them for not being cautious enough in the past), but hey, last time it happened here in France the medias were pretty clear about the real level of danger we were in and about the vaccine serious side-effects (so clear that few people actually took the vaccine).
How does that math work out? Out of how many different viruses that we know of, all over the world, that have ever existed, how many have mutated in ways that match, or come close to what has been done to this disease? Oh, yes. And while, we're at it, lets just ship a whole lot of this mutated and currently vaccineless disease all over the world, or just let everyone and their dog who wants to know about it find the information. That's REALLY smart. Yes. Just not like this. That's the whole point of the article. Why would you make something with no cure, release the details to the public, and not expect metaphorical **** to hit the fan?
the fact that they made this lethal says enough about the scientists. Who's bright idea was it to make it lethal anyways? That's so fricken stupid. If you're going to make something like that, make an antidote as well, otherwsie there's no point. Do you want to commit mass murder or something? Actually, just destroy it. That might be much better
They never made it lethal. It always has been lethal. All they did was make it contageous. Not that it wasn't already to its own degree. >>
more lethal. How about that? Still, why would you debate about giving out the recipe? That's so stupid.
It' s not about all the different viruses that we know of and ever existed all over the world, it' s about one specific virus, the H5N1. It exists here and now, to my knowledge people have been infected with it from Asia to Europe. All the strains of this specific virus that we ever came across are five mutations away tops from going airborne. The article doesn' t specify how many of those five mutations have already been found in nature in the same strain (at least one), all it says is that it took 10 generations in a lab for one H5N1 virus strain to have all those five mutations and go airborne. I admit I pulled that 100% out of my ass, to be more accurate let' s just say that the chances for the H5N1 to go airborne on its own, in the big lab that is planet Earth, are freakishly high.
I always think its interesting just how far people will go for science. Including making,like now,a deadlier strain of a virus. In a way,I almost do hope it is released,to teach us all a lesson. /negativeness But I guess that this new strain could possibly help them find a vaccine for the old one,and this one? Meh,I don't know.