I know I can post in colours by clicking the palette, but is there a way to make it so it stays that colour every time with out constantly clicking on the palette? Because I forget to do it.
You mean like having it automatically post in the same color every time? Nope, sorry. You have to remind yourself every time for a while until eventually it becomes habit~ I just post right aligned, comic sans ms, size 1, deepskyblue without even thinking...
Pre-Set Color and Font In regard to this thread. http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=50992 I was thinking yesterday if there is a way to preset your profile so that everytime you post, it will be the same color and Font that a member can set for themselves so that they won't have to keep clicking around I know it seems un-useful, but it would help some members out so they don't waste any time doing that Please give some thought into this, :3
I agree that this would be a useful addition, but it's not that hard for me to click bold and choose the red font. It would simplify the process, but not sure if it's possible/necessary.
We tried this already, but I think the staff was like "um lol fuck you, how about no", except they didn't tell us and decided to keep the decision to themselves.
You copied me D: We use the same font and we're the blue sisters now xD But I post in size 2 YEAAAAH xD
if you use firefox you can do what I did. install the gaiabar feature, it has an auto format feature, so you can save and just click that. it automatically puts in whatever it was you saved into it, so like, I used to type in hotpink, it automatically would stick the color tag for that in.
that is unfair. we dont just say "**** you guys" have you stopped to think MAYBE that feature doesnt exist for us to do? have you stopped to think maybe we dont have the ability to make said feature available to you? I doubt it. As far as I have seen, no, this cannot be done outside of autosaving a format like I suggested in the other thread.
:3 I do mine without thinking to be honest xD My mind and hands just automatically do it and it isn't as though it takes all that much effort. It would be kind of lazy if the forum did it for you xD