Post a character, receive their Hogwarts sorting

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by . : tale_wind, Jul 2, 2016.

  1. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    Disclaimer: I'll only do characters I know! Sorry in advance!

    Basically the title. Tell me a fictional character, I'll use the system from Sorting Hat Chats to sort them. This system assigns characters a primary and a secondary house; the primary house describes the character's character, while the secondary house describes how the character acts. You can read more here.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2016
  2. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    Natural Harmonia Gropius
  3. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Harry Potter. Oh wait...

  4. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
  5. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
  6. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    Professor Hershel Layton
  7. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    Angel from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
  8. Fearless A good and beautiful child

    Dec 17, 2006
    lmao idk
    The goddess Artemis.
  9. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Plums vi Brittania
  10. Ghost King's Apprentice

    Oct 5, 2012
    Lance- oh wait sorry tale

    Qrow from RWBY
  11. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    Sounds like a total Squib.
  12. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    Captain Jack Harkness
  13. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    Sorry, don't know the characters well enough!
    Gryffindor primary, Gryffindor secondary

    N, in true Gryffindor primary fashion, is led by a strong instinctual moral code. He refuses to compromise any one of his beliefs, and would fight alone if he had to. His passion for his cause is what inspires so many to join Team Plasma. But as he continues to encounter the player character and their Pokemon, he's forced to continually ask himself if he still believes in the cause. Every time he commits himself to the path he's started on, but every time he's less certain. At the story's climax, his mounting uncertainty, his loss to the player in battle while at the height of his power, and his father's sudden betrayal throw him headfirst into a process known as stripping--Ghetsis' revelations call into question every choice N has ever made, every ideal he's believed, every truth he's adhered to, and leave him drowning in a sea of uncertainty. It's in this state of mind that he takes his dragon and leaves Unova, trying to find answers. Ultimately, his search leads him two years later back to where he started: leading Team Plasma. But now it's a new, reformed Team Plasma, working for true harmony between humans and Pokémon instead of the farce of his kingship of Team Plasma. N has lost his innocence and naïveté, but not his integrity or his passion for peace and justice.

    As a Gryffindor secondary, N holds even tighter to his beliefs, and his intense sincerity draws people to him. When met with opposition, he stands and fights, refusing to bow. Either his opponent will break, or he will, and he will not break easily. N is also brutally honest, asking hard-hitting questions. (Though admittedly, part of that bluntness could be from a childhood surrounded by Pokemon and maybe three humans ever until his adulthood.) He can also be reckless, seen in his failed attempt to rescue the player character from Ghetsis during the scheme with Kyurem.

    Slytherin primary, Gryffindor secondary

    From the beginning, Riku's focus has always been on his small core group of friends, making him a Slytherin primary more than anything. This is the reason he's seduced by Maleficent so easily in the first game; she makes him think that Sora has turned on that friendship, not only with him, but with Kairi. But as time passes, Maleficent stokes unhealthy self-interest in Riku, focusing on Sora's perceived abandonment, his arguably romantic feelings for Kairi, and the Keyblade he was promised. Only when broken free of Ansem's control does Riku come to himself and allow himself to be locked in the Realm of Darkness. But once he finds his way out through Castle Oblivion and discovers that Sora is not only asleep but in danger, he throws himself into rescuing his friend above all else. Inevitably this leads to the tragic conflicts with Xion and Roxas, who want nothing more than to live their own lives, but must cease to exist if Sora is to ever awaken. Three guesses who Riku chooses, and the first two don't count. By the time KH2 rolls, around, Riku has undergone petrification, a process by which a Slytherin primary loses their inner circle and closes themselves off. He's gotten too close to the darkness, he feels, and is unworthy of friendship or loyalty or trust. It takes all the way until the Mark of Mastery exam for Riku to un-petrify. And by this point, he's also allowed himself to expand his circle of care to all the worlds, having known very personally the horrors of darkness. But if push comes to shove and he's forced to choose his friends or the worlds...

    As a Gryffindor secondary, Riku never compromises his integrity. Yes, his views change, but he never professes to be anything other than himself (KH2 identity theft notwithstanding). He means what he says and he says what he means. Dishonesty is abhorrent to him (his stint as Ansem only fuels his destructive cycle of self-hate). When he comes up against obstacles, you know he's only going to power through them, one way or another. When he's declared a Keyblade Master, it comes as a complete surprise to him, as he can't see his passion and integrity through all the self-hate he's endured. But those who know him best know the strength of his heart and his unyielding determination.

    Slytherin primary, Ravenclaw secondary

    Artemis is very much concerned primarily with herself and her hunters, which is classic Slytherin primary. I can't think of any actual examples from mythology, but it's clearly evident in the Percy Jackson as well as the Heroes of Olympus series. Of course she cares about stopping the end of the world, but her priority will always be her band of maiden hunters. And as a Ravenclaw secondary, she relies on skills she has already accrued both as a hunter and as a goddess to accomplish her wants and needs. I'm sorry this is short but it's been a while since I've read the Rick Riordan books and I don't know a lot of mythology without them. But this is definitely the vibe I get for her.

    Lawful Evil
    Gryffindor primary, Slytherin secondary

    You may not glean it immediately upon meeting Qrow, but he is definitely led by a moral code. Would he be a part of the Ozlluminati otherwise? He knows what he believes to be right, and he goes all-in to see it through. And, if need be, he'll do it completely on his own. How many solo missions has he completed for Ozpin, after all? And who's he answering to when he takes Ozpin's place?

    Qrow is very flexible, too, able to switch tactics on the fly and subsume whatever role is necessary, fitting him as a Slytherin secondary. It's even possible that his image of the loose cannon drunkard is a construct intended to mislead others. Oh, look, Winter's here; time to mess with her head. Wait, hang on, that's Ironwood and Ozpin coming up; time to put my weapon away while I let her charge at me in a fury. Is that a giant scorpion behind James? No problem. Ozpin's missing, so we need a leader to take his place. Why not me? He drops all pretenses around Ruby, Yang, and the rest of the Ozlluminati, knowing that he can relax around them. As a result, they get to witness his unflinching honesty.

    Hufflepuff primary, Gryffindor secondary

    Having not watched Torchwood, but having seen most of his Doctor Who appearances, here's what I got:

    I initially sorted Captain Jack as a Slytherin primary. When we first meet him, he has an inner circle that consists of himself and himself alone. After his adventure with The Doctor and Rose in WWII London, he adds them to his circle, and later Martha, Mickey, Donna, Ianto, Gwen, the Torchwood crew... That's when I realized that he was a Hufflepuff primary, building himself a community. Hufflepuff primaries are loyal to their communities before necessarily being good or right, and Jack has certainly been morally dubious, butting heads with The Doctor over it. I want to say that Jack was even at some point a burned Hufflepuff--someone who wants and needs community, but for whatever reason has found that having one is unsafe and cut themselves off out of despair.

    As a Gryffindor secondary, Jack's solution to problems is largely charging at them head-on, keen to challenge and break rules. He also has a knack for improvisation and making things up as he goes, and his commitment to be himself draws others to follow his lead.


  14. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    Roy Mustang FMA Brotherhood