-Possible Spoilers- Doctor Who Season 6: Part One

Discussion in 'Movies & Media' started by Llave, Aug 12, 2011.

  1. Llave Superless Moderator

    Jun 23, 2010
    Tired Dad
    So i bought the Doctor Who Season 6: Part One off of iTunes last night and i watched it. I loved it, big fan. (I'm American- quick shout out to my UK friends: you guys have brilliant shows!)
    I've followed the series since the show continued back up in 2005 with Billie Piper (totally smashing) and Christipher Eccleston. Loved David Tennant the most, still getting used to Matt Smith, but he's cool...

    What was your favorite parts/episodes/whatever of Season 6 part 1? And what didn't you like about it? (if at all possible?!)

    here's mine:

    I loved the Doctor's Wife episode the best. I loved how he finally saw a personified version of the TARDIS. It was funny, i loved how he asked her what her name was, and after all those years, she say's its "sexy." Hahaa it was hilarious that the Doctor was calling her "sexy thing" the rest of the episode:) (i gotta use that as my catchphrase...)

    I also was glad we finally know who River Song is, the daughter of Amy and Rory. I loved the reaction the Doctor had when River told him to read the Galifrian (dunno if that's spelled right...) on the cradle.

    The only i didn't like was it felt like things were too fast pace, and i kinda missed the traditional Christmas special first episode...
  2. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    yeah, I missed the Traditional Christmas episode as well. I accidentally deleted it from the DVR because I thought it had recorded a rerun. But the last episode I saw was the Rebel Flesh, and I don't know why it didn't record the next episode, since I have it to record all new episodes. Maybe someone deleted it, I don't know. But I can't believe that's who River is. Did they show that in the latest episode? This is something I need to see.
    But I love all the shows from this writer like Eureka, Warehouse 13, and Torchwood. They can make really good shows
  3. Llave Superless Moderator

    Jun 23, 2010
    Tired Dad
    aw that sucks... i dunno if you could watch them on youtube, or maybe even the BBC website. I heard rumors they do post them for watching purposes only.

    That was the latest episode, it was called "A Good Man Goes to War." It sounds like you missed one in between, "The Rebel Flesh was the part one of an episode, then "The Almost People" is the conclusion. Then the latest episode.

    I think Part Two starts up this fall, i think they are changing the structure of the shows, having summer for a break and for conjuring up ideas:) I think the current writer took over either in the middle of Season 5 or at the start, but he's been doing a great job!

    As for the other branches of Doctor Who, i never really got into them... I tried watching the Sarah Jane Series, but that's more for little kids. Not thrilling enough...
  4. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    yeah, I've thought of seeing if I could watch that episode I missed, but I've never found where to watch doctor who on BBC, and I don't know about youtube. I did watch Turn Left on youtube, so I could find the one I missed, but it doesn't matter too much, sooner or later it will be put on Netflix. I finally got season 5 so I can watch the Pandoraica stuff again.
    And yeah, I didn't even bother watching Sarah Jane Smith. That literally was made for a younger audience. The aliens were just so bland. Apparently though, the 11th doctor appears in one of the episodes though. I really want Jack back though. He was a great character. I can't believe they took him off the show
  5. Llave Superless Moderator

    Jun 23, 2010
    Tired Dad
    aww yeah, i wasn't sure if it would be on BBC site...

    Really? the 11th? that's Matt Smith, the one who took over in season 5 after the amazing David Tennant. I know Tennant (10th Doctor) was on the Sarah Jane series, i saw the episode. It was ok, kinda like an old Scooby-Doo episode where he leads them around and they figure out how to save Sarah Jane... It was the "best" episode i saw of Sarah Jane, if that accounts for anything...
  6. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    Yeah, I can't remember exactly when, but it's supposed to happen just a short while after the end of the 5th season. And I like both Tennant and Smith. Both have their great points. Tennant was exciting and a bit funny, and Smith is basically both, but in a different kind of way.
  7. Llave Superless Moderator

    Jun 23, 2010
    Tired Dad
    Well during the first episode of season 5, i thought Smith was trying to impersonate Tennant... guess he was to change directions towards his Doctor personality. I missed the random "Everything makes sense, yes! why didn't i think of that... Oh no!" rants from Tennant, and when i was watching season 5, i thought Smith was acting stupid. but he made out, his stupidity is funny, but for the longest time it was annoying...
  8. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    I found it funny in the very beginning. Like in the premeire I loved the part where Amy was making all those foods for him and he just kept throwing the food away. Like when he yelled at the french toast. What did the toast do to him?
  9. Llave Superless Moderator

    Jun 23, 2010
    Tired Dad
    That part was funny, but more toward the end of the episode it felt like that's all he did. He got better as the season pressed on, he just had to find balance between witty and genius. and i think he's got it now!
  10. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    so what would you say is/are your favorite episodes from the first season to now, and just between the 5th season and now?

    personally mine are definately the episodes with the Devil, and in the 5th season the episodes with those lizard things or whatever underneath the earth
  11. Llave Superless Moderator

    Jun 23, 2010
    Tired Dad
    hmmm... my favorite would have to be "Blink" in Season 3, it was the most scariest-thrilling one. As for season 5 and now... "Vincent and the Doctor" i'm an artist so that one was cool.
  12. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    I guess that one was good, but it just seemed to take forever to get up to the good part. I like to draw and everything, but I can't consider myself an artist, so maybe that's why.

    Blink was good too, oh, and I guess there was the angel episodes, I guess I liked those a little more than the lizard things.
  13. Llave Superless Moderator

    Jun 23, 2010
    Tired Dad
    Yeah, the only thing that was disappointing in that one was the fact that when they figured out that Amy doesn't have her eyes open, they move. they broke the rule of how we see them too. and also in "Blink", the Doctor explains that they are creatures that cease to exist when looked at. So i thought if they were gonna break the rule that we're watching, i was thinking they would lose their rock form, and look like a demonic shadow. (kinda like anti-sora)
  14. KH2man13 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 15, 2009
    Well, I've only watched the episodes with Matt Smith, so far. I haven't gotten around to Eccelston and Tennant yet, but we have them on DVR, so I'll get to them eventually.

    My favorite episode so far was probably The Big Bang. I'm guessing it's probably because it was the first episode I watched.
  15. Llave Superless Moderator

    Jun 23, 2010
    Tired Dad
    Hmm... i guess that's kinda strange since that was the finale... but it was good! i love how Rory became the legendary Roman soldier!
  16. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    my favorite part was when they blew up the fez. It was short but they can certainly make that into a nice part.
    And with Blink, I don't think they looked into the eyes, because eyes are the windows into the soul, and that means you're looking into their soul, which makes another angel inside your head
  17. Llave Superless Moderator

    Jun 23, 2010
    Tired Dad
    Hahaa i loved the fez too, i love when they had him say he needed a fez in "The Impossible Astronaut".

    Well what i meant was when Amy was surrounded by Weeping Angels in the forrest part, she followed the beeping and walked around them with her eyes closed. (because of the Angel in her eyes) The Weeping Angels thought that she had her eyes open, so they froze, until she tripped, then it zoomed in to a face of an angel and it turned its head and looked at her. At that point was where i was disappointed, i thought they would shed the rock look and become demonic looking since when they are looked at, the cease to exist...
  18. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    yeah, I was kinda confused by that too, but at that point I was like "Hey, we get to see an angel move at least." And don't forget that there was the light, which the angels were scared of, so maybe that's why they were stone. I'm thinking when they say they cease to exist they mean it's just a statue, but when they move their existence is back in the statue
  19. Llave Superless Moderator

    Jun 23, 2010
    Tired Dad
    Well According to the Doctor, the Weeping Angels "are as old as the universe (or very nearly), but no one really knows where they come from." He also describes them as the loneliest beings in the universe, since their quantum-lock reaction makes it difficult for them to socialize. That said, in all their TV appearances, the Angels could communicate with each other and work in groups. The quantum-lock is apparently an instinctive, uncontrollable reaction based on the idea of being seen. However, if the Angels are scared themselves, this reaction can be exploited to make them believe they are being watched when they are not. Though they cannot themselves speak, they can communicate through the voice of a person they kill by ripping out their brains and reanimating their minds. They are also very physically strong, capable of snapping necks, though physically killing a victim is rare for them.

    But i thought that when they do "exist", they would not look like statues, because that's the defensive instinct look.
  20. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    well, we won't know for sure unless we're actually told what's up with them. All we know is that they're basically the biggest problem for the universe, since the Devil is gone in a black hole and all