Someone apparently leaked the list on what games are going to be shown at this years E3. I'm skeptical myself since I thought Nintendo said they weren't going to be doing E3 anymore yet they are on this list. Either way, its fun to predict if they are true or not. Microsoft Conference: Beyond Good & Evil 2 gameplay for Xbox One DirectX 12 trailer for Xbox One Fable Legends gameplay for Xbox One Forza Horizon 2 gameplay for Xbox One Gears of War 4 gameplay for Xbox One Halo 5 tech demo for Xbox One Kinect TV & Shows trailer for Xbox One Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare gameplay for Xbox One Quantum Break gameplay for Xbox One Star Wars: Battlefront III gameplay for Xbox One Titanfall DLC gameplay for Xbox One Microsoft Show Floor: Dragon Age: Inquisition (Xbox One) EA Sports UFC (Xbox One) Fable Legends (Xbox One) FIFA 15 (Xbox 360/One) Forza Horizon 2 (Xbox One) Killer Instinct (Xbox One) Madden NFL 15 (Xbox One) Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor (Xbox One) NHL 15 (Xbox 360/One) Project Spark (Xbox One) Sunset Overdrive (Xbox One) Quantum Break (Xbox One) Sony Conference: Destiny gameplay for PS4 DriveClub trailer for PS4 God of War 4 CGI for PS4 Indie Games trailer for PS3/PS4/Vita inFamous: Second Son DLC gameplay for PS4 The Order: 1886 gameplay for PS4 Uncharted 4: The Sunken Blade tech demo for PS4 Watch_Dogs gameplay for PS4 Sony Show Floor: Alien: Isolation (PS3/PS4) Batman: Arkham Knight (PS4) Destiny (PS4) Disgaea 4 (Vita) DriveClub (PS4) EverQuest Next (PS4) Hatsune Miku - Project DIVA - F 2nd (Vita) Lords of the Fallen (PS4) Natural Doctrine (Vita) Planetside 2 (PS4) The Order: 1886 (PS4) Ultra Street Fighter IV (PS3) Watch_Dogs (PS4) Nintendo Show Floor: Bayonetta 2 (Wii U) Castlevania: Symphony of the Night 2 (3DS) Hyrule Warriors (Wii U) Mario Kart 8 (Wii U) Monster Hunter 4: Ultimate (3DS) Pokken FIghters (Wii U) Sonic Boom (3DS/Wii U) Super Smash Bros. U (Wii U) Super Smash Bros. 3D (3DS) Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call (3DS) The Legend of Zelda: Shard of Nightmare (Wii U) Xenogears: Origins (Wii U) - Source
Looks like a lot of stuff on the rumored line-up, but I'm rather ehhh about it. There's only about 6-7 that catch my attention currently, but I don't really have too much interest in a lot of those listed from the stuff we've heard and seen of them from last year's E3. I'll definitely tune into the show, but I'm not too hype about it if this is the main agenda for the show, outside of surprise announcements.
yooooooooo yooooooooo YOOOOOOOOO YOOOOOOOOO ...yo? YYYYOYOYOYOYOOOOOOOOO ...wat ooh what dis :o Has it been mentioned before now?
The lack of Pokémon and II.5 ReMIX makes me think fake, in addition to what libre said. The paper just looks unprofessionally designed/put-together, too.
The fact that the upcoming Star Wars Battlefront game is listed with a "III" confirms that this list is fake, because it's supposed to be a reboot.
Of course it's fake- Beyond Good and Evil 2 will never happen.[DOUBLEPOST=1400017064][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, Halo 5 is set to release THIS YEAR. There's NO WAY they'd show just a tech demo. They already showed a tech demo LAST YEAR with the weird trailer.
YOU sir have just made my day. I don't usually follow these things that much, since most of the time other people talk about most of them anyway, but after seeing some of the titles in this possible line-up, I will be following it just on the off-chance it's accurate!
It's not mentally unbelievable stuff, but I think this is a fairly accurate guess on the stuff that will be shown. No real new IPs make me doubt. Might be wrong, but isn't Halo 5 next year and Halo 2 Anniversary this year? At least from the 'leaked' projected year for Microsoft mentioned some months back?
It's just a possible leaked name for the Wii U Zelda game they've been talking about (and was confirmed to appear at E3 ages ago) the one that's supposed to be more like Skyrim
Ah right, that. Interesting name. Sounds like they're gonna make it Twilight Princess Skyrim Edition.
I'd prefer neither. Skyward Sword is just a bunch of awkward boxes, Skyrim is big for the sake of big Though if there was a company I'd trust to do open world right it's Nintendo
We'll see, but open-world and Zelda really aren't the best combination. Unless you'd describe Wind Waker and Majora's Mask as open world, but I'd heavily disagree with that. I really don't agree with Skyward Sword being "awkward boxes," but to each his own. I felt the environments offered a lot, personally. Zelda is a series I love- it's my favorite franchise of all time. That said, it's held back by its own traditions. Changing the means to how players access those traditions isn't going to solve anything. Skyward Sword was fun with some fantastic levels (WHAAAA? NOT EVERYTHING IS SOME LEGENDARY TEMPLE?!?!!?) and I'd love to see that expanded upon. If the goal is to expand upon A Link Between Worlds' design, then I'm going to hate it.
Besides the awesome time travel robot pirate desert, all the Skyward Sword levels jsut felt like Mario courses to me. Zelda usually has a more naturalistic approach to levle design, but they all felt like obstacle courses to me. With regards to Zelda and open world mixing. I doubt it'll work, but if Nintendo is smart and willing to invest a lot of time and money into it, they'd make an open world, semi-nonlinear Zelda where you explore a big world, but every bit of it is filled with your typical Zelda stuff. And this typical stuff can't be distilled. Like they can't add thousands of heart pieces, but then make it so you need 16 heart pieces for one heart container, or make it so you have to gridn for item to get a pouch upgrade or something, it needs to be a lot of pure Zelda content for it to work Which means it's unlikely, but Nintendo's attention detail is one of the best in the industry, so if anybody can do it, it's them
I don't doubt your words, and it's backed up by something called history, but I'm very very skeptical. The last time we had Nintendo appeal to the Ocarina of Time circle jerk, we got Twilight Princess. That game is the best example of how NOT to do world size in a game. The first section of Hyrule Field is HUUUUGE and every collectible and thing to see is within the player's field of view from the entrance. You don't need to go back to it to get more collectibles- once you get the five items in that giant field there is now no purpose to it other than to extend a commute.
The closest Nintendo got to doing a 3D overworld right was Majora's Mask. It wasn't that big, but it had some content scattered around in it. But Nintendo has shown some level of understanding and a bit of progress towards doing it right, if a bit clumsy. Skyward Sword they tried to make rewards more varied by giving you a crafting system, Wind Waker HD they gave you the swift sail to get around huge areas faster. My hope is that Nintendo will pull all the stops to make this Zelda look great to try to encourage some Wii U sales