Pope compares homosexuality to destruction of rain-forests

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Patsy Stone, Dec 23, 2008.

  1. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    BBC story.

    Of all the things he had to choose to talk about in his speech he chose this xD

    Likening "protecting humanity from the destructive influence of homosexuality" and protecting the rain-forests from destruction was certainly a bit too much (i.e. completely out of line).

    This also means that all catholics believe this now x] And if not well, you just aren't catholic, are ya?

    Comments please.
  2. Xe54 Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 19, 2007
    New York City, NY
    Speaking on Monday, Pope Benedict said that saving humanity from homosexual or transsexual behaviour was as important as protecting the environment. "Rain forests deserve, yes, our protection but the human being... does not deserve it less"



    He couldn't be anymore wrong...
  3. Xe54 Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 19, 2007
    New York City, NY
    Racism? How was that racism?
  4. Repliku Chaser

    It is not racist as Catholics are part of a religion, not a race. Also, did you read the article? I would say a counter to the statements he made is perfectly reasonable considering what he said and that they must save people from gender theories as much as they must save the environment. That's quite a bold statement and as with any religion, there are a number of blind followers that will back such a statement.

    If Bunterx is unfair, it would be to assume that all Catholics feel as the Pope does. I know quite a few Catholics that support homosexuality, as well as other things condemned by the church such as birth control. Not all Catholics are militant believers and are willing to let God judge instead of deciding to do anything themselves in such a way. Catholicism, despite its rather questionable past, has been quelled in quite a few ways and ironically I've found quite a few Catholics are more open-minded than this Pope is or some other radical Christian groups such as Evangelicals.

    I believe the Pope to be prejudiced against homosexuals and comparing them to our situation with how humanity has abused the environment is definitely a ridiculous thing to do. Of course others are going to respond in anger and it would not surprise me if quite a few Catholics also don't roll their eyes at this.

    He has to realize that he's talking out his ass here, but he won't. In nature, there are quite a few animals that have been noted to perform homosexual behavior. Homosexuality -is- in nature as well as there are humans who are homosexual. If he wants to save the environment, he better focus on what matters most which is finding positive energy solutions instead of worrying about what people's sexual orientations are. Also, studying biology would be a good thing for him to do. So, I agree with Bunterx that the pope was being rather moronic here, but I also think that even as there are some blind followers that will believe in utterly what he says, I know too many Catholics that will just nod their heads in church but go on their ways and not think twice about this, seeing it for what it is... a stupid opinion.
  5. Son of Sam Banned

    Mar 5, 2008
    Was there any question as to the integrity of the Catholic Church in the first place?
  6. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    The point I was making about the Pope and Catholics is that Catholics believe the Pope to be god's representative on earth. If this is true (this core part of the Catholic faith) then surely all that the Pope says must be from the mouth of god.

    (I won't go into the number of times Popes have either gone back on what they have previously said or later Popes have reversed what previous Popes have said [like the abolition of purgatory, where did all the dead unbaptised babies go? =/] as that would just add to the contradiction)

    If I am wrong on the Pope being gods representative on earth thing (which I am pretty sure is right) feel free to correct me, I want to know as much fact about these kind of topics as possible =]
  7. Luna Lovegood nani panda-kun

    Jun 13, 2007
    Shirokuma Cafe
    I'm Catholic, every time someone stereotypes Catholics as over-religious maniacs really tick me off. I have homosexual and bisexual friends, and I support them completely. What the Pope said there was a load of BS. Homosexuality is not something humanity needs to be saved from, he's confusing that with homophobia.
    I bet he doesn't know there's such a thing as heterophobia.
  8. Son of Sam Banned

    Mar 5, 2008
    I tend to disagree with the Catholic religion in general, but it is the Catholic Church that is truly in the wrong. As far as I'm concerned the pope is the figurehead of modern bigotry.
  9. Rayku Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 10, 2008
    Gotham City
    Yeah, that statement was total BS right there..why would he compare the destuction of rainforests to that, Homosexuals are not the spawn of sin in my eyes..
  10. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  11. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
  12. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    I am really loosing my patience with members on this site. Obviously no-one can read past the first post on a thread.

    If you hadn't noticed I posted again asking for clarification on the whole Pope thing. Thanks for ignoring me trying to fill the holes in my knowledge and bashing me for having them in the first place.

  13. Repliku Chaser

    Well Bunterx, don't go getting mad. The point people are trying to make is that a lot of Catholics have changed. They see the fallibility of the Popes and that they are human too. Many Catholics have toned down from the fire and brimstone sort of days and if the Pope says something they disagree with, they aren't so melodramatic about it.

    Yes, some feel he's the incarnation and voice of God in mortal flesh sort of thing but I don't think many Catholics today feel that way due to seeing the errors of former Popes. Today, they see him as a holy icon but that he's prone to human error and faulty judgment, just as any of us can be. All in all, he's a good man that can be misguided in thought too and though he will do great things, he's not perfect. He made a blunder here and I've talked to a couple Catholics I know and they were pretty shocked at it but at the same time, they just accept it's his opinion.

    Yes, some people are going overboard with it, but at the same time, it's just not good to make generalizations and I think that's all these guys may want you to see. A lot of Americans and Europeans regard the Pope with not the same stature as say some South Americans and others do. Times have changed and Catholics aren't so bound to the church's will as they were. It's made quite a few Catholics more tolerable and why even in this last election, Catholics weren't considered a problem to approaching because of extreme right beliefs. Ironically, that has now switched so that other religious groups that are actually strings off the Protestant groups are more extreme right and conservative. That's not to say all Catholics are moving away from the extreme mentality but it is to say that some have and are not so willing to judge others based on religion or gender stances, ethnicity etc.

    You are right when you say quite a few Popes have done reversals on former stances of older Popes and some even change their own minds. This is part of the reason though that the Catholic members themselves have changed. They see that not everything is so clear and set in stone anymore and it's better to let their higher power judge than they feel comfortable in doing. Of course, there are some people, as said, that take the Pope's word to mean the will of God, but I know too many Catholics that go to church and believe in God but aren't so strong in their faith that the Pope's word is final due to changes that happen and statements such as these.
  14. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    Thank you for addressing my question. I am now that little bit wiser.

    Can we now get back to the point of this thread, which is the discussion of the Pope's most recent opinion on homosexuality?
  15. Repliku Chaser

    Sure thing. The pope needs to actually understand nature before making silly comments. I'd like to just know exactly how he plans to fix homosexuality. I wonder if it will be on the Ted Haggard route of going to religious therapy and then making money afterward. Someone should have the Pope draw up a schematic plan just so we can see it.
  16. Rayku Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 10, 2008
    Gotham City
    So he wants to "FIX" homosexuals? He needs alot of luck doing that. You cant fix them at all, it's a choice, and I think he doesnt see that.
  17. Cherry Pie Pwns Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 10, 2008
    In your mind
    Seriously. They act like being gay is so horrible, but the thing of it is a lot of the people in the clergy are gay, even though they aren't willing to admit it. And how the hell does that have to destruction rain forests? I don't think that what sex you like is contributing to global warming now is it? Now, if they wanna get all "Godly" on people, why don't they think of it this way. The world is really over populated and people aren't even taking care of the children their having. By having homosexually, you stop some of the births and they take care of the ones people give up. Maybe THAT was God's plan. Ever think of that, Pope guy?
  18. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    i guess the Pope thinks that homosexuality needs "fixing" because some people think of it as a diesase. some people see it as a psychological disorder actually. i remember reading something about people trying to find the root of their homosexuality or something like that. i'm not defending what the Pope said or anything but just thinking of why he said it. anyways, i personally think his comment was ignorant and was very closeminded. which i am sure MANY people of the same religion think as well. but that doesn't mean that that one disagreement makes them not a Catholic.
  19. Envious623 Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 6, 2006
    LALALALALALAND. No, really.
    Ah, wow. I'm not sure what to say in response to this, but I'll try.

    I really don't agree with that statement (the Pope's) at all. I was raised Catholic, but for a long time I haven't really considered myself Catholic because I consider a lot of the things it preaches hypocritical. I won't get into that, but I kinda feel the same way about this. Personally, I don't think it matters one bit whether someone is homosexual or heterosexual. Sure, the bible says that homosexuality is a sin, but a adequate reason is never really given. I mean, really, does it change who they are as a person? No, it doesn't. Everyone has their own opinions, and to tell them they're wrong is simply closeminded. Now, I'm not accusing the Pope or anything, I just don't agree with what he said.

    Anyway, sorry, I got a little riled up at the end. Sorry if I offended anybody.
  20. Yukichin Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 26, 2008
    I thought the Pope's statement was rather rude, to be quite honest. Gay people are same as regular people, and their actions don't hurt anyone, so why on earth is it some horrible thing?

    Then again, I'm heavily biased, being gay and all XD