Is youre favorite game genre a: RPG: Action/adventure: Puzzle: Strategy: Racing: Horror: Fighting: Movie Based:
Depends if the game can last long over a week, either Action/Aventure games or RPGs have that, so I pick both. But since Action/Adventure games are getting shorter now our days, then RPGS.
RPG. Yeah Final Fantasys!!! But I like simulation games like The Sims 2 and SimCity as well but you haven't put it down...
I like RPGs, action/adventure, fighting, movie based, and strategy... I've never played a horror game..
RPG (games like mass effect, KH, FF etc), Action Adventure (games like Assassin's Creed, etc, and I think action includes shooters, I also like shooters), Strategy (FF tactics, fire emblem, etc), and although I'm picky with this category, I still play a select few of Horror.
I mostly like RPGs, Strategy games and Action Adventures. I'll play just about anything that's good though.