
Discussion in 'Gaming' started by General Grievous, Sep 29, 2006.

  1. AlexleHoshi Dude called Alex

    Nov 2, 2006
    In a house duh
    Heres a tip on getting them

    You'll need

    Ho-jo or the other bird pokemon Lugiu or something
    met the dog in battle onces
    the best pokeball befor the master ball

    Okay so you have them three things so go to your pokedex to see where they are then go there and keep looking till one shows up but Ho-jo or the other one must be at the top of your list anyways attack the dog (they'll still run away so look for them again) and when their HP is low throw a super pokeball at them and you should get them (I never got them cus I alway give up after a few minutens)
  2. sailorvenusownz Banned

    Nov 6, 2006
    i say that pokemon is only a good gameboy/ds game, at least it's the only good gameboy game
  3. DarknessKingdom The Kingpin of the TV

    Sep 30, 2006
    Not true actually.


    There is the remake of the FF series (I, II, IV, V), FF Tactics Advance, Metroid, LoZ: Minish Cup, not to mention numerous other titles.


    I was playing PKMN: Mystery Dungeon, and it's quite addicting.
  4. Roxas101 Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 1, 2006
    I want to get a DS so bad that way i can play dimond and any other pokem games out here for it and i play MYStry dungon for gam boy and its allso goodi want to play it for DS tho
  5. DarknessKingdom The Kingpin of the TV

    Sep 30, 2006
    Get DS Lite. It's not as huge as the first DS.

    (Off Topic)

    I understood what you just you, Roxas101, but please use proper spelling. Not a chat room.
  6. venster You never heard of me, but I pop in time to time

    Jan 24, 2007
    Pokemon is fun! I don't see as many fans as there used to be though...

    I'm still wondering if I should get the new DS games, will it be worth it? The new pokemon don't look as good as the original.