Pokemon XY Adventures: Megalith Unleashed

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Hexin, Oct 9, 2015.

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  1. Hexin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 8, 2006
    Miami, FL
    Pokémon. Meaning Pocket Monsters. It is the name given to the creatures that roam and thrive in our planet. These monsters come in all shapes and sizes, and although some seem cuddly and cute, they are not to be taken for granted. Pokémon are creatures of unfathomable power, and despite the centuries of research gone into studying these creatures, we have only thus begun to scratch the surface behind the powers that lie within their biology. Pokémon can bend their element as a defensive mechanism or for offensive purposes. They have the capacity to evolve at will, and they can even transcend their biological maturity to become a being of greater power; if only for a while.

    Humans. Homo Sapien sapien. Beings at the top of the food chain only because of their ingenuity, will to survive, and to adapt to the changing world. Human beings have been able to co-exist with Pokémon forever, forging bonds that go beyond natural understanding.

    A few years after Mega Evolution had been discovered, an anomaly in the Pokémon world has taken place. Pravus Anomalia, as the Professors in the fields of Pokémon Genetics are calling it. A phenomenon that corrupts a Pokemon's genetic makeup. Reports have been filed of the occurrence having small to dramatic changes in the host, and that infected Pokémon tend to give off a strange electromagnetic field. No one knows the origins of this anomaly and very little is known as to the full extent of what the this is capable of considering it is a rare occurrence. However, how long before it begins to spread like wild fire?

    Pokegentech corp. has taken liberties in being the first in handling the Pravus situation. The Pokémon League authorities have given the company full authority to lead the research. Talented Researchers from all over the world have come under one roof to share notes, and continue their research on this uncharted waters.

    Days go on by like any other days. The world has not stopped turning just because of this anomaly, but it is aware that it exists. Despite the rare occurrences with the virus, the Pokémon League traditions continue on.

    A new generation of Pokémon Trainers will embark on a grand journey soon, many filled with aspiration for greatness. Breeders, Musicians, Dancers, Competitive Battlers, Coordinators, Chefs, and so much more! Some will want to be the best Pokémon Trainer out there, others will attain the goal of becoming Professors in the many fields of Pokémon. To have the opportunity to embark on this journey is the chance for self discovery. With the Pokémon and people you meet, you will grow and be better for it. The mysteries of this world are just waiting to be uncovered by someone. Will it be you?

    So get ready for an adventure because once you set foot into the tall grass, the trainer inside you will gleam with excitement of what awaits beyond the horizon.

    Disclaimer: Read Rule #7, and Rule #9


    1. No God-Moding (Meaning you are not the very best that there ever was, a born natural, or gifted)

    2. You cannot have been or be an Elite Four member.

    3. If you want to be someone who has traveled a lot, you can, however any Pokémon you may have caught will not be used in this Campaign. Think Paul from Pokémon Anime. You will be provided a List of Starter Pokémon with which you can choose one. However, if you have a certain Pokémon in mind for your starter, let me know and I'll let you know before I post the Main RP thread whether or not you can use it from the get-go.

    4. In terms of progression, this RP will take it's time when it has to so that everyone is on the same page (Not literally), and has had time to post at least once. This will generally happen during free roam stages, or when a crucial plot point has been introduced.

    5. Boss type Pokémon encounters will happen in the Wild, and some may be eligible for capture for you to keep, but at my discretion.

    6. Pokémon will be stat-ed as a means to help measure the Pokémon's strength in battle; and as a pre-caution to God-Moding during RP.

    7. I will be incorporating some of PTU's mechanics into this rp, albeit I will end up having to do changes. This will almost have a DnD sort of feel to it. Don't worry about it if you have not played or watched DnD. It'll be fairly self explanatory.

    8.All Skills will be passive, meaning don't let them rule your post. As the GM, the skills are merely a way for me to gauge your success in doing things revolving these skills. Trust me when I say that this element alone can add to the fun factor of this RP.

    9. This Rp's "build" is a work in progress. If you have any ideas or suggestions, run it by me and I'll take it into consideration. If you want reference to what I am using to make this, consult these pdf files. (Before you ask, YES there will be Mega-Evolutions. No Snag Machines, and shiny Pokémon will be decided by a random generator. We MIGHT go into other regions if I see enough interest from the players.)

    10. We will keep this PG-13. No gore, Extreme Violence, Nudity, Sexual Situations/Innuendo, etc. If you want to do this, then perhaps this isn't the RP for you; unless you're willing to do that stuff via PM. It's Pokémon, so let's keep this kid friendly.

    11. Only 1 character per person.

    12. At the end of your Character Sheet, put your character's Full Name in italics so that I know you read and agree to the rules.

    Note: Everyone will have the opportunity for ONE Mega-Evolution.


    • Basically the only Skill that allows you to be keen on your surroundings. Whether it be sight, hearing, feeling the changes in air density, smelling a foul odor, or whatever. This skill allows you to be aware of your surroundings. This is the most passive a skill can get.

    • Think of a young adult whose learned the basics. Pretty much that. It can come in handy if well trained for things like, understanding the region and its people, latest news, etc.

    • This Govern's ones knowledge of Pokémon. It will range tremendously from Diet, habitat, caretaking needs, specifics savant, Evolution, Biology, etc. A very useful skill.

    • This one is a very rare field of study, and stems from the human's curiosity in strange supernatural phenomenon. People with high Occult Ed. tend to study ruins, the Unknown, cave paintings, glyph's or ancient texts left behind by people of the past. Supernatural events included.

    • Mechanical and Electrical engineering. When it comes to the use of Computers, utilizing machines, repairing technology, or understanding the technological spectrum of things, this is the skill you'll want to keep trained. (If you're into that sort of thing.) A very Handy skill.

    • Characters with a high Medicine Education Rank usually spend a significant amount of time studying Pokémon and human biology alike in order to effectively treat patients of all different

      species. Outside of treatment and diagnosis, Medicine Education represents broader projects of biology intended to further understanding of Pokémon and human bodies and even enhance them. Although this is usually limited to higher tech settings, Medicine Education can certainly be used to conduct gene therapy or produce other biological augmentations.

    • The Leader, the Alpha, the one capable of bringing inspiration by their mere spirit. It's about having presence, and being seen. Character's with high command can become the center in a room with a few well-chosen words. (Don't confuse this with being able to sway people or manipulate others.)

      The most well known use for this skill is to keep Pokémon in check. Whenever a Pokémon is unruly, or has the loyalty of a rebel(represented as numbers 0 - 1), this is the skill that will rain authority over them. Especially useful when training Pokémon of high level that would normally not obey you; whether it be out of not earning it's respect or a Pokémon that has gone on the fritz from mind control or something. It can also be used effectively in other unique ways…

    • Not saying Trainer's will get into fights, but you never know. Sometimes you'll end up ticking off the wrong guy or gal in which case fisty cups will be drawn. Things like disarming an armed foe, tackling, or grappling a person/Pokémon will use this skill. When used right, it can be a neat skill to help turn the tides in a fight. (May be further expanded upon)

    • Your ability to be sneaky. Not everyone is capable of being able to sneak into a building unnoticed. This skill can be used in a number of ways, whether it be to sneak up on people/Pokémon, get past simple security(Guards, avoid cameras), and to hide. Can be used to steal too, but be careful. One slip up and GG.

    • Characters with a high Athletics Rank tend to be very active and either spend time training their physique or have physically strenuous occupations. Opposed Athletics Checks can be called for determining who tires out first during an extended chase or for someone holding a door closed against someone trying to push it open. When in doubt, if characters are taking actions that involve strenuous physical activity but not necessarily anything that requires precision and finesse, Athletics is the go-to skill.

    • The Acrobatics Skill is used to make skill checks when your character has to perform physical tasks requiring a great deal of precision and finesse, usually, but not always, tied to jumping and moving about. Opposed Acrobatics Checks are used for races through obstacle courses or difficult terrain and for determining who recovers their footing first after being thrown off balance by unstable ground.

    Skill Levels - (1)Untrained, (2)Novice, (3)Adept, (4)Expert, (5)Master

    Pokémon Stating

    Ok there's a thing called "Base Relation." Since I will be giving you the liberty of stating your Pokémon, there are some rules that need to be followed in order to not completely break the game. So here we go:

    Base Relation - The Base relation rule puts a Pokémon's Base stats in order from Highest to lowest. This order must be maintained when adding Stat Points.

    For Example: With a neutral nature, Charmander has Speed > Special Attack >Attack and Special Defense > HP and Defense.

    ^As you can see here, Speed must always remain higher than other Stats.

    Stats that are equal need not be kept equal, however. Charmander's HP and Defense do not need to be kept the same; they must merely both follow the rules of Base Relation., each staying under Attack and Special Defense.

    In simpler terms, the highest stat will always remain highest (unless you invest TP in a specific Poke-Edge), and the lowest stat will remain lowest (Again, unless you invest TP in a specific Poke-Edge). Lowest cannot surpass the highest.

    Poke - Edges

    Poke- Edges - Things a Pokémon can learn by investing a certain amount of Tutor Points (TP) at a specific lvl. It can better help Pokémon reach their Maximum potential.

    Tutor Points - Each Pokémon, upon hatching, starts with a single precious Tutor Point. Upon gaining Lvl 5, and every other level evenly divisible by 5 (10, 15, 20, etc), Pokémon gain another TP. These can be spent on Poke-Edges, Tutored moves, and TM.

    • Prerequisites: None

      Cost: 1 Tutor Point

      Effect: Select Attack or Special Attack. From now on, that stat does not need to remain higher than stats it surpasses in Base Relations and similarly all other stats surpassed by it do not need to remain lower.

    • Prerequisites: Level 15, User is an Underdog Pokémon

      Cost: 1 Tutor Point

      Effect: The user has each of their base Stats increased by +1. The user may no longer undergo Evolution.

    • Prerequisites: Level 30, User is an Underdog Pokémon

      Cost: 2 Tutor Points

      Effect: Subtract the user's Species base Stat Total from 45. The user gains Bonus Stat Points equal to the remainder. These Stat Points must follow Base Stat Relations as normal. If the user evolves to a species with a Base Stat total 45 or higher, Realized Potential is removed and tutor points are refunded.

    • Prerequisites: None

      Cost: 1 Tutor Point

      Effect: Lvl up one skill that is currently at or below its default level for the species. This Edge may be taken multiple times, each time selecting a different skill.

    Character Creation Sheet








    Your Region:

    Skills: (Everyone starts off with 2 points to distribute among their skills. You can only go up to Novice (2))

    General Edu (1), Poke Edu (1), Occult Edu (1), Techno Edu (1), Medicine Edu (1), Perception (1), Command (1), Combat (1), Stealth (1), Athletic (1), Acrobatic (1)

    Pokémon at hand: (Leave this area Blank.)

    PKMN Wish List (3 Only and no Legendary):

    Items: x3 Pokeballs, x2 Potions, x1 Antidote,

    Accepted Characters​

    • Name:Kara Jereign

      Age: 16

      Gender: Female

      Appearance: Will provide later.

      Bio: The second daughter and third child, Kara left home at eleven to find her way as a Pokemon trainer. She tried to battle her way through the gyms, but lost interest fairly quickly. Instead, she focused on building her relationships with her Pokemon and traveling to new places to learn better techniques for living healthy with her and her tiny friends. She regularly contacts home and has a good relationship with her family, with the exception of her mother.

      Personality: Adventurous, has an optimistic personality and a lot of determination.

      Likes/Dislikes: Chocolate, sweets of any kind, cute and furry Pokemon/Snakes, the dark.

      Your Region: Kanto? I need an adult?

      Skills: One in Pokemon Education, One in Medicine Education as seen below.

      General Edu (1), Poke Edu (2), Occult Edu (1), Techno Edu (1), Medicine Edu (2), Perception (1), Command (1), Combat (1), Stealth (1), Athletic (1), Acrobatic (1)

      Pokémon at hand: (Leave this area Blank.)

      PKMN Wish List (3 Only and no Legendary): Charmander, Sandshrew, Poochyena.

      Items: x3 Pokeballs, x2 Potions, x1 Antidote,

    Last edited: Oct 12, 2015
  2. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Name:Kara Jereign

    Age: 16

    Gender: Female

    Appearance: Will provide later.

    Bio: The second daughter and third child, Kara left home at eleven to find her way as a Pokemon trainer. She tried to battle her way through the gyms, but lost interest fairly quickly. Instead, she focused on building her relationships with her Pokemon and traveling to new places to learn better techniques for living healthy with her and her tiny friends. She regularly contacts home and has a good relationship with her family, with the exception of her mother.

    Personality: Adventurous, has an optimistic personality and a lot of determination.

    Likes/Dislikes: Chocolate, sweets of any kind, cute and furry Pokemon/Snakes, the dark.

    Your Region: Kanto? I need an adult?

    Skills: One in Pokemon Education, One in Medicine Education as seen below.

    General Edu (1), Poke Edu (2), Occult Edu (1), Techno Edu (1), Medicine Edu (2), Perception (1), Command (1), Combat (1), Stealth (1), Athletic (1), Acrobatic (1)

    Pokémon at hand: (Leave this area Blank.)

    PKMN Wish List (3 Only and no Legendary): Charmander, Sandshrew, Poochyena.

    Items: x3 Pokeballs, x2 Potions, x1 Antidote,

    Kara Jereign It was copy and paste man.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2015
  3. Hexin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 8, 2006
    Miami, FL
    Accepted! Just make sure to read over the rules one more time! Heh.. ^_^
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