It's a little... Plain. There's not too much to CnC, but I'll give it a shot. Background looks good, but you need some more FG effects here. Maybe some C4D's? I like how there are lines making certain area's lighter and darker, but that "P" really isn't working for me. The light source(s) don't really work for me, and there is minimal render blending. Move the text down to the bottom, I think it'd be better there.
That one is actually very nice. Depth-wise and everything. Maybe some more colors though. Purples and creams possibly. Nice job. =)
Jeez Moodkip, when are you gonna give up on this sig- Huh? Wow this is WAY better then the last two versions. I lot more depth, easy on the eyes, not too many affects, and not to few. Text is better then in the other versions too. Good job.
It's better than the last two. The colors seem nice and depth is great. Overall not much to say, since I rated both of your other ones as well. Not much change. Stick with the green imo. It looks good. Try making a new sig? XD