Pokemon: Quest of the Pokemon Masters

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Gamefreak103, Jun 13, 2007.

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  1. Deathsight4444 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Deathsight smirked. "Nope. The fun is still just begining after all" deathsight said to nehi. When gastly got attacked, it went backwards, but then snapped out of the confusion due to the impact of the hit. Sort of like smacking a person on the back of the head to make them stop daydreaming. "Gastly, use destiny bond" deathsight ordered as gastly immediatly used destiny bond on pearl. It was also close to feinting to. After all, using curse did put its hp in half, and after taking a feint attack, it was close to feinting.

    Destiny bond: If the user feints, then the opponent it is used on feints as well
  2. true darkness Twilight Town Denizen

    Pearl watched gastly disappearing then re-appearing. Thea smirked

    OOC: is destiny bond dodgeable?
  3. Deathsight4444 Merlin's Housekeeper

    ooc: I don't think so. When I look at accuracy, there is no number. If you go into further detail, is says 0, which is impossible. Yeah, I'm sure that you can't dodge it
  4. true darkness Twilight Town Denizen

    "pearl since you can't dodge it take it head on then use confuse ray!" Thea shouted.
  5. Deathsight4444 Merlin's Housekeeper

    "Magmortar, now charge at blaziken and use thunder punch" Brock yelled as magmortar began to run at blaziken, first clenched, and electricity was flowing all around magmortars fist as it punched at him
  6. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    Valerie and Roxanne were watching the battle between Gastly and Umbreon."cool..."Roxanne said with her eyes lit up."eh,its not that interesting."Valerie lied."You dirty little sneak!" "Pardon?" "I've gotta stop hanging around that guy."Roxanne said."what guy?"Valerie asked."you mean you forgot what I told you?"Roxanne sighed."I'm alittle forgetful at times."Valerie said nervously.
  7. Deathsight4444 Merlin's Housekeeper

    "Good, gastly, now is your chance, begin repeatidly using curse" deathsight yelled. Gastly began to start using curse very much, and every time it did work, his life points were halved. Then after enouph hits of confusion, gastly itself feinted, and then destiny bond would take effect.
  8. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    "1 down,2 to go on both sides."Valerie said."This is gonna be awesome."Roxanne said."Don't ever say that again."Valerie groaned."Whats wrong with Saying Awesome?"Roxanne looked at Valerie."Its used too much."Valerie sighed.

    OOC:I mean it!They say 'Awesome' Too much in the show.>_<
  9. true darkness Twilight Town Denizen

    "pearl, use moonlight on gastly and youself!" thea shouted.
  10. overload Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 2, 2006
    ''this is so fun i can't look this alone'' said rexejon and let his pokemon out their pokebals

    ''guys we gonna look a couple of battles'' said rexejon to his pokemon and thy watced to
  11. Deathsight4444 Merlin's Housekeeper

    ooc: actualy, not to try to sound like a jerk, but once gastly feints, then so does pearl, meaning that she wouldn't be able to perform that attack.
  12. true darkness Twilight Town Denizen

    OOC: "gastly itself feinted, and then destiny bond would take effect." that means there is still time and if i can't do it next time use better english,
  13. Deathsight4444 Merlin's Housekeeper

    ooc: fine, I don't care, lets just continue. Oh, and who ever said that I am english?

    bic: Once being healed, gastly floated back up again. "Quickly gastly, use mean look" deathsight yelled as gastly did mean look on pearl.

    ooc: you already explained before what hte move does so I don't think I need to do anything
  14. true darkness Twilight Town Denizen

    OOC: sorry
    BIC: "pearl, quickly do confuse ray." thea shouted; pearl did confuse ray on gastly. after she did it, pearl looked very weak "pearl, use moon light!" pearl did but she only looked at bit better it must be curse thea thought.
  15. Deathsight4444 Merlin's Housekeeper

    ooc: sorry for what? I said "who said that I was english", but I never said that I wasn't. I watchen rose red right now (4 hour stephan king movie), so I apologize for any spelling errors that I might make.

    bic: Gastly was hit with the confuse ray while showing the scary face, so the scary face did take effect, but now gastly was just confused again. "Gastly, try to use payback" deathsight yelled as, though gastly tried to use it, though ended up smashing its face into the ground
  16. true darkness Twilight Town Denizen

    "pearl use helping hand then use faint attack." thea shouted.

    OOC: you mean; mean look?

    effect: boosts the power of the recipient's moves.
    2nd effect: boosts receiver's attacks. best used in 2 vs. 2 battles.
  17. Hexin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 8, 2006
    Miami, FL
    Nehi just stood there.....watching the battle. His expression full of boredom. "Man! If I knew that I'd be standing here doing nothing, then I would've never had signed up for this battle. " he thought as he gave a sigh. He was bored. Mirage was still sleeping, while Gallade kept watching the battle.
  18. Deathsight4444 Merlin's Housekeeper

    "You know nehi, perhaps your little idea to sit back and do nothing isn't helping you to much, now is it. I suppose that I can allow you to assist me just so that way I can get this battle done quicker. As long as I can take out this girls pokemon quickly, the other one shouldn't be a problem. So you gonna help or not" deathsight said to nehi. Though it was unlike him, he hated to take to long in a battle, and now was just the time for a bit of help (been 2 hours I think. Maybe 3 since we started this).

    When gastly got hit with the feint attack, once again, it snapped out of confusion. "Now gastly, use destiny bond again" deathsight yelled as gastly did as told
  19. true darkness Twilight Town Denizen

    "quick attack!" thea shouted.
  20. Deathsight4444 Merlin's Housekeeper

    "Sticks and stones. STicks and stones" deathsight said. The quick attack had gone right through gastly. After all, it was still a normal attack and ghost pokemon weren't effected by normal attacks. "Gastly, use night shade" deathsight ordered.

    Night shade: inflicts damage equal to the users level
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