Pokemon: Quest of the Pokemon Masters

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Gamefreak103, Jun 13, 2007.

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  1. Hexin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 8, 2006
    Miami, FL
    ooc: xD You *******. xD

    "Fine then. Thank you for dragging me down in this fight and making our chances of winning 0 to none." He insulted. Nehi held his fists tight. Mirage and Gallade felt his Nehi's sudden mood change.

    Gallade kept looking ahead. It didn't dare to turn around. Mirage's ears fell backwards. It was starting to get scared. Both of them have never seen him get this angry. The only time they've felt him get this angry was when they were competing in the underground. They both knew that he was strict, yet kind. So did Nehi's other four pokemon.

    Nehi's bangs created a shadow over his eyes. Making his eyes unable to be seen. He looked down in anger. Nehi knew that getting angry in front of a crowd wasn't the brightest thing to do. Instead, he was going to teach him a lesson the hard way.
  2. Deathsight4444 Merlin's Housekeeper

    ooc: thats what I thought lol. You see, deathsight hates working together with people. He finds that people can be quite cruel, so he always just does things on his own.

    bic: "Thats what I thought. Now don't get in my way" he said, waiting for his opponents to attack.
  3. Hexin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 8, 2006
    Miami, FL
    ooc: xD

    He grinned. He raised his head to reveal his expression. It was a normal, happy expression. "You know what? You're right." he said in a sly agreeable tone.

    Mirage's ears went back to their normal position and loked up at him. Gallade was surprised that Nehi would be keeping his cool.

    "We don't have to show him our strength, right guys? Let's just stand back and relax." he explained with a smile. Mirage and Gallade caught on quickly with his plan. Gallade looked back at Nehi and gave a quick nod. It walked towards Nehi until he was at his side. Mirage slithered up his body until he reach his head.

    "I'll let you fight these guys on your own." he said looking at his partner. Since it was a mixed double battle, that meant that both partners were allowed to use one pokemon to make a double battle. Nehi's plan was to let his partner handle the battle on his own with just one pokemon.
  4. Deathsight4444 Merlin's Housekeeper

    "Finally. Thank God." deathsight said, happy that the other person was not going to have to get in his way. Now he could finally show his opponents true darkness (by that it just means the power of dark pokemon)
  5. Hexin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 8, 2006
    Miami, FL
    ooc: Ok. So...when are true darkness and Roxas Rox our gonna log on?
  6. Deathsight4444 Merlin's Housekeeper

    ooc: not a clue. All I know is that they were on at 7:30, they waited a half hour, and then they got tired of waiting for us so they left. I'sa so sad
  7. true darkness Twilight Town Denizen

    OOC: sorry i had to watch me sis swim but i a here!!
    BIC: umbreon growled as she waited for espeon, "deathsight do you want to start or shall i?" Thea asked
  8. Deathsight4444 Merlin's Housekeeper

    "Just start already" deathsight said. He had now become anxious. "Gastly gastly gas. Gas ga stly." gastly said, wanting to start the battle right away
  9. true darkness Twilight Town Denizen

    "okay...umbreon faint attack!" she shouted,

    OOC: don't we have to wait for roxas rox?
  10. Hexin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 8, 2006
    Miami, FL
    ooc: YES!!

    Nehi stood back. He was going to watch the battle instead of actually being in it. Gallade stood next to him; watching the beginning of the battle intently. Mirage was curled up on Nehi's head sleeping.

    "Let's see what you've got, partner." he muttered.
  11. Deathsight4444 Merlin's Housekeeper

    "Gastly, faid" deathsight said, and deathsight quickly dissapeared from sight. After all, being a ghost and all, this was a natural ability of theirs. Its location was now unknown making it all the harder to find gastly.

    ooc: just to note, he can only do this once per page.
  12. overload Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 2, 2006
    ''whats going on'' said rexejon while he came out of the building

    ''so so so nothing to see here i am going to sleep in that tree'' said rexejon and jumped in the tree
  13. true darkness Twilight Town Denizen

    OOC: sorry my computer shuted down on me.

    "umbreon, contratate and try and feel the movement in the air" thea said. Umbreon was getting excited and her rings started to glow she closed her eyes and waited.

    OOC: i found something about the rings on umbreon, this is from Wikipedia: "During the night of a full moon, or if Umbreon becomes excited, its yellow rings will glow, a sight that will strike fear into the hearts of those nearby."
    and i have put the effects of all the attacks of umbreon's please don't use it to your advantage:

    umbreon's attacks

    effect:charges the foe with a full-body tackel

    tail whip:
    effect: wags the tail to lower the feo's defenses
    2nd effect: lower opponent's defense one stage.

    helping hand:
    effect: boosts the power of the recipient's moves.
    2nd effect: boosts receiver's attacks. best used in 2 vs. 2 battles.

    effect: reduces the foe's accuracy by hurling sand in its face
    2nd effect:lowers opponent's accuracy one stage.

    effect: inflicts bad damage if used on a foe switching out.
    2nd effect: inflicts dould damage if the oppent is switching out.

    quick attack:
    effect: an extremaly fast attack that always strikes first.
    2nd effect: always strikes first.

    confuse ray:
    effect: a sinister ray that confuses the foe.
    2nd effect: may induce confusion

    faint attack:
    effect: draws the foe cloae, then strikes without fail.
    2nd effect: cannot miss or be dogded.

    Mean look:
    effect: fixed the foe with a mean look that prevents it
    escapeing the battle field.
    2nd effect: prevents it going back in to the pokeball while the battle
    is still in process and cannot be doged.

    effect: Emits a screech to sharply reduce the foe's defenses
    2nd effect: lowers the oppent's defense two stages.

    effect: pestore HP, the amout vareis with the weather
    2nd effect: user restores HP. (umbreon can only use this once per page.)

    oh and can you put down the effect of the attack when you use a attack so the oppent's can react if they can
  14. Deathsight4444 Merlin's Housekeeper

    ooc: how about this. Instead of taken the time to have to list every single attack that you have, just go to serebii, and on the right side, check out the d/p pokedex. Then, you pick the type of pokemon that you want, and then you will find all info you need on it. Get what I mean. Just do that and you are set for this thread. It even includes new pokemon, and where to catch certain ones in your game
  15. overload Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 2, 2006
    rexejon saw a big screen where he can look to the fight

    ''hey so the shinnoh girl thea is battle now i must see this'' said rexejon and he looked to the screen
  16. Deathsight4444 Merlin's Housekeeper

  17. true darkness Twilight Town Denizen

    OOC: i know i got the info from there i just decide to list all the attacks that Umbreon uses; i meant you do it like this : "Pearl, quick attack!" and then you put the effect of the attack and the bottom like in a diferent colour like this: effect: an extremaly fast attack that always strikes first.
    2nd effect: always strikes first.

    BIC: Umbreon felt the movement in the air; "pearl, mean look!" Pearl faced the air where ghastly was at and atacked with mean look.

    effect: fixed the foe with a mean look that prevents it
    escapeing the battle field.
    2nd effect: prevents the pokemon going back in to the pokeball while the battle is still in process and cannot be doged.

    OOC: i know nehi and Xeim can go against each other, while thea and deathsight battle each other, what do you think?
  18. Deathsight4444 Merlin's Housekeeper

    ooc: hold on for just a sec. I gettin info on legendary pokemon that I can catch. I might be 14, but I will always be a pkmfan4eva
  19. true darkness Twilight Town Denizen

    OOC: i'm okay with pokemon but sometimes it gets down right boring
    BIC: "umbr Bre, eon breo umb breon reo? " pearl shouted.
    translation: come on, what are you waiting for?
  20. Deathsight4444 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Gastly then reapered, and since umbrean was busy making a mean face at him, it was his perfect opertunity. "Gastly, use lick" deathsight said, as gastly stuck out its toung and used lick on pearl.

    Licks with toung to injure. May cause paralasis

    ooc: I know it gets boring. I beat the game before. I just wish that I could go out of hento (or whatever it is) in emerald, and beat all of the gym leaders. But what I don't understand is this. In pokemon leaf green and fire red, do you go through all 3 countries with all of the pokemon?
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