Pokemon Platinum

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Sonic the Hedgehog, Feb 16, 2009.

  1. Sonic the Hedgehog The Blue dude is back!!

    You know Marriland?He's awsome.I love his pokemon walkthrough vids.I haven't watched all his Platinum vids yet so that's why I'm asking questions still.
  2. Azure Flame Banned

    Apr 2, 2007
    Floating in nothingness
    I don't know him, I just stumbled on to his vids one day. I've seen all 11. It covers from the begining to after you beat Volkner.
  3. Sonic the Hedgehog The Blue dude is back!!

    Really?I thought he went further than that?Oh well.I'll watch the rest later and maybe report back with more info.
  4. Azure Flame Banned

    Apr 2, 2007
    Floating in nothingness
    Well, there were two vids he posted with the title of the 12th, but one was his sis fighting Volkner, and the other was just the first vid with a different title.
  5. Sonic the Hedgehog The Blue dude is back!!

    Oh ok.I wondered about that.
  6. Azure Flame Banned

    Apr 2, 2007
    Floating in nothingness
    Yeah. Besides, if you really want more info, just go to Serebii.Net and look in their Platinum section.
  7. Sonic the Hedgehog The Blue dude is back!!

    Duh.I go there all the time.Haha!It's like my Pokemon home page.I always go there for pokemon info.
  8. roxasrikusora King's Apprentice

    Dec 24, 2008
    Realm of darkness or Anti-Forms orb dont know
    Um the profeser is named not a planet hes name is...Pluto
  9. Shift Chaser

    Jun 10, 2008
    Yeah,you right.
    But i just can't see how they would block a single pokemon from coming to Wi-Fi.
    And also,i wonder what happens if a Sky Shaymin get's frozen in a battle agaisnt a D/P Player,would it come back to normal?
    Sharon on the US version,i think.
  10. Sonic the Hedgehog The Blue dude is back!!

    What does that have to do with anything?I didn't ask about that.
  11. KingMickey Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 13, 2006
    Disney Castle
    It Looks really cool this one. The other 2 were cool games but i got bored easy, they were missing summit I dunno what but they didnt seem to keep me hooked like the other GBA and GBC versions.

    I will deffo get it tho, just so i can get the other formes :P Something good to show off at revolution :P
  12. Azure Flame Banned

    Apr 2, 2007
    Floating in nothingness
    Same with me. I just joined the forum a couple weeks ago.

    I don't know. But that's how it is. As for the Skymin, I have no idea.

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but PBR is only for Diamond and Pearl. Unless they release a downloadable patch to allow the other forms for the game, you can't connect it to Platinum. At least, I don't think you can. Even if you could, you can't use the new forms on Wi-Fi. There's something in the programming that prevents you from doing that.
  13. Sonic the Hedgehog The Blue dude is back!!

    Exactly my point.Like Pokemon Emerald didn't work with Pokemon Colosseum.But it was made to work with Gale of Darkness.
  14. Azure Flame Banned

    Apr 2, 2007
    Floating in nothingness
    Yeah. So unless they have an update for PBR, like they did in Japan for Ranch, we'll have to wait for another Wii Pokemon game.
  15. Sonic the Hedgehog The Blue dude is back!!

    They can update PBR? That could work.I'd like to see what Origin form Giratina looks like in that game.But...what will make him Origin form in the game if they do update it?He'll be in his regular form wont he?
  16. Azure Flame Banned

    Apr 2, 2007
    Floating in nothingness
    They may have it like in Platinum where you need the Platinum Orb attached to it. As for could they, I'm not sure. I know that for the PS3 they have add-ons for games, it just saves into your memory. They might be able to do something like this for the Wii. I mean, they updated Ranch in Japan. All it did was save over the original Ranch and kept all the saved data from it and added the new forms as well as increase the max # of Pokemon that can be stored and give you other new things too.
  17. Sonic the Hedgehog The Blue dude is back!!

    That's clever.But..I wonder about Platinum.I mean...it's exactly what they did with Ruby,Sapphire,then 2 years later,they bring Emerald,with the 3rd legendary pokemon the main Legendary.Rayquaza

    Now...for Diamond and Pearl,2 games with different legendaries,and sometimes different pokemon that you catch.

    Then they being Platinum.Giratina is the 3rd main legendary,he''s the main guy in this one. And for Emerald and Platinum.They both have Battle Frontier's.

    It's the same idea they used a couple of years ago.Do something new Gamefreak.Don't use the same game layout.
  18. Azure Flame Banned

    Apr 2, 2007
    Floating in nothingness
    Well, if it works, why not stick with it? It worked well with Emerald, so they're doing it again here. But, Platinum is much more different from D/P than Emerald was from R/S.
  19. Sonic the Hedgehog The Blue dude is back!!

    Why do you say that? They basically have the same changes done to the from the first 2 originals.Emerald and Platinum have the same changes done to them just about.But Platinum has more changes.So now I am getting what you mean by that.
  20. Azure Flame Banned

    Apr 2, 2007
    Floating in nothingness
    Yeah. Also, it has the highest level wild Pokemon ever. Higher even, than Arceus, which was the highest when D/P came out at level 80.