Pokemon or Digimon?

Discussion in 'Anime and Manga' started by GhettoXemnas, Dec 24, 2007.

  1. John Clay Rice Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 14, 2007
    Rupp Arena

    Because I loved Pikachu. And I thought Digimon was a copy of Pokemon.
  2. Sir Charles of Monocles The Fault in Our Stars

    Sep 19, 2007
    in my dorm room watching Tangled
    I like the first three season of digimon. Once they got to the fourth season, it started to go downhill.
  3. Pirateguywithapplepie Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 23, 2007
    Doesn't matter. 'Cause it's time.....
    No, it's really different. Don't be fooled because their name's are similar.
  4. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    i guess i'm partial to Pokemon because I never really got into the whole digimon stage back in the 90's when they first came out, but I collected, battled, TCG'ed, and now pokemon diamond wifi...so pokemon has kind of endured while digimon IMO has gone by the wayside. I could be completely wrong about that, but it seems to me more people enjoy pokemon....just as long as team rocket isn't blasting off again.

    I know that Digimon came first before Pokemon, but seriously, I found Pokemon more better than Digimon.

    It's because that Pokemon seems to have a better plot than Digimon. Pokemon and People lived in the same world, with most of the people respect pokemons living with them. Pokemon help with their daily living and entertainment.

    As for Digimon, which I have only seen like a tiny bit, is that most children only knew their existence, and not all people liked Digimon. Also, that the Digimon lived in a different world which I think it's not right for some reason. And additionaly, they could talk, which I fin very awkward and stupid.
  6. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    Digital Pocket Mosters.
  7. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    However slight, Digimon (Digital Pocket Monsters) had slightly a more mature take on a lot of things in both actions characters took and the things they said. Referencing the Digimon Movie (I'll just go with the dubbed version to avoid confusion), a lot of the dialogue between some of the characters (ex. Taichi(Tai) and Koushirou(Izzy)) contained humourous jokes that could only be understood if you knew the meanings behind them out of context. I guess you could call them 'intelligent spurs' that only people who understand the reference can relate to or come to know personally. As well, unlike Pokemon which just seems to be a compilation of 'random happenings' throughout each season with the occasional sub-arc that only lasts a few seconds, Digimon actually had full-blown sagas that lasted large fractions of each season. Not only do these sagas create more purpose to the meaning behind characters existing in the first place, but the sagas themselves usually end up becoming something that's globally significant--usually meaning an apocalypse if not stopped. Some sagas are more twisted than others, but in that sense, Digimon is more candid and speaks to a slightly older audience, however small.

    Reverse side, Pokemon (Pocket Monsters) wins hands-down for emotional flare and presentation (although I'm really just talking about the movies). It's not exactly the greatest plot-wise if you ask me (this excludes the movies, which I will get into in a moment) since the general idea is pretty simple and takes on more of the 'slice of life' aspect than anything else. Satoshi(Ash) striving to become a Pokemon Master and the assortment of other titles and aspirations he works hard for isn't anything profound when you try to look at it in retrospect. The whole world isn't in danger; there's no immediate global threat that puts the story into a bind. Each season progresses somewhat idly with very little direction. Season after season, the episodes just unfold with literally random happenings occurring throughout Satoshi's journey and his dealings with them; which is essence contributes to 'slice of life' genre; and other times, the damn show is just a horde of omake.

    The movies are pretty much where I think Pokemon shines the greatest. There are actually drivel in the plot direction, with some meaningful purpose for the character(s)' actions. The presentation and overall artistic direction also bests Digimon in this department. But I suppose this is because from beginning to end, humanity is always somewhat involved as a whole and perceived as a significant theme. It's harder for Digimon to utilize the same idea when half the time, the battle being fought is in a world that no human being can conventionally access or contribute to (not as directly, anyway). This usually makes human contribution (other than the protagonists and other people's PC processing power) in Digimon appear at the very end when it matters, unlike Pokemon which usually has humans involved extensively from the very beginning.

    At some point I grew to like each one better than the other, but between the two in terms of nostalgic appreciation, Pokemon wins by a landslide; there's just a much better reservoir of memories I have for that franchise over the other.
  8. Mgia Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 30, 2007
    I actually have soft spots for both of them, for different reasons:

    Pokemon gave the ideas that one could work towards whatever a person wished to be, as long as one did not give up. And that anyone could do it if they tried. It was mostly that, plus the idea of running around with little pocket monsters and having adventures without real parental guidance that brought it to become one of my older favorites. It was essentially the idea of growing up and living in harmony with whatever was around. Not to mention the morals and other lessons. And TR was always a laugh. I eventually stopped watching it though because it felt like the story of each episode was essentially the same.

    Digimon... I loved for the characters and the storyline. Granted, it wasn't the most amazing anime I've ever watched, but it also leads for a slightly older audience than Pokemon, and is probably what affected me the most. I didn't exactly like the digimon characters themselves, it was the individual humans and how they interacted with each other more. Especially because they change rather drastically from the beginning of the season to the end. (I'm going to refer to seasons 1 and 2, because those are the only ones I ever really grew attached to)
    Each person has a particular trait that they have to tap into in order to help their partners, and each of these traits is some sort of thing like courage, friendship, love, reliability, etc. This basically covered the moral bases of the show, and also went for the character development.
    And some of the problems involved in the show are along the lines of real life, which echo more of the lead towards an older audience and probably just much better story in general than Pokemon. For example, one of the characters had an older brother that got killed, which affects practically everything he does for most of the second season. There's also the adoptee, the siblings separated by divorce, and others...

    Anyway, between the two, I enjoy Digimon for the story and characters, and Pokemon for the otheworld-ness and ideas of growing up (which were very attractive at the age of ten). Both have their special points, but both are also probably meant for slightly different audiences. Nostalgically, for me at least, they're both equal.
  9. Hakurei Reimu Take my hand. And then I'll fly with you right up

    Apr 19, 2007

    1) Not all their names end with "mon" so namewise it sounds cooler...
    2) I don get Digimon's storyline, let alone LIKE it...
    3) They have more pokemon games than digimon.
  10. Sorikai Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 19, 2007
    Destiny Islands
    hmmmm... memories...... I still remember the first episode I watched from each of them. I was lucky enough 2 c the first episode of Digimon first. The first episode I watched of Pokémon was the one where they lost against Sabrina and were turned into dolls (which kinda freaked me out cuz I was only like 4 lol). Fav outa the 2??? hmmm.... tis difficult.... Id have 2 say Pokémon cuz its like the only thing I could relate 2 with my friends when I was little and cuz I luv da songs :). Digimon comes in second cuz I only rly liked the 1st and 2nd series, the others were just outa the way. Oh, BTW, did u no theres a Sora in Digimon???????
  11. Anime17 Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 31, 2007
    the midwest
    definitely DIGIMON! ^^

    i got into pokemon earlier...but stopped watching it because of either too much repitition or it just wasn't that interesting to me.

    digimon has a variety of plots intertwining at the same time and you can also get into the characters' emotions and overall it's just better (woah that's vague LOL)
  12. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Digimon of course. I think Pokemon keeps going on and on and on.... forever and ever and ever. Always going to a new city, and almost always meeting up with Team Rocket. Digimon's plots are way better in my opinion.
  13. Shift Chaser

    Jun 10, 2008
    Digimon,really liked the first season,Pokemon is kinda repetitive after some time.
  14. Skylight_Defect Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 16, 2008
    I think Pokemon is better because it has been around since i was little, and i grew up watching. Plus im a huge fan of the show and of the Gameboy games :)
  15. Princess Snow White I feel such an isomniac.

    Oct 21, 2007
    My castle <3
    I used to be a huge fan of Pokemon but when they got rid of Misty and put in a bunch of new Pokemon and seasons, I quit liking it.
    I switched to Digimon and I thought it was pretty cool, though I was like 11 when I watched it, and I thought the digivolving was awesome.
    So, Digimon.
  16. LilRice King's Apprentice

    Mar 11, 2008
    Hanging out at the Keyblade Graveyard O.o
    i'll go with Digimon because in pokemon when they evolve they don't say anything there just like WOAH!?!?! in Digimon there like Agumon digivole to Greymon or WarGreymon yea haha
  17. Sir Charles of Monocles The Fault in Our Stars

    Sep 19, 2007
    in my dorm room watching Tangled
    Digimon due to the fact that the main character is around people his own age. Ash from Pokemon is like what, 15? And if he is then Brock is about 21 and Dawn is about 10 or 11 due to her being a new trainer. Though I don't like the latest season of Digimon due to me growing up with Agumon being only Ty's digimon.
  18. T3F Chaser

    Mar 16, 2008
    You've got to be kidding! Pokemon all the way! I love the classics & the things I grew up with. Plus I hane all the old GBC games. man, those were the days...*drifts off*
  19. Amethyst Grave Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jul 7, 2007
    My Violet Prison
    Pokemon. The things are WAY cuter ^^
  20. venster You never heard of me, but I pop in time to time

    Jan 24, 2007
    I prefer pokemon =D Digimon lost it's goodness in the 3rd season..=.=