Nintendo Pokemon: Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Plums, May 7, 2014.

  1. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    Well, the only thing I see having both would be good for is you get all the exclusive pokemon *coughgtscough*, and you can get 200 potions that will be completely worthless by lv18 *coughsellformoneycough*
  2. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    This is seriously a worthless bundle. 200 Potions? Oh great, I can heal a Pokemon for 20 HP 100 times! The games are already easy enough. Even worse, there's NO DIFFERENCE IN PRICE. Why wouldn't I want to buy both games separately and have the unique cases?

    Seriously Pokemon Company, step it up.

    My thoughts as well. Trainer customization belonged to Gen VI and up, so I'm ok with a Gen III remake not having it, but no Mega patch for X/Y? They're seriously shooting themselves in the foot.
  3. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    Incidentally, there was a patch for X and Y released this week. So far it's confirmed to fix all the bugs and stuff of the last two patches, plus fixing special Poké Ball animations for when trying to capture a Pokémon and for sending Pokémon out in battle. Anything beyond that has yet to be confirmed or revealed, though...
  4. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011
    So what do you guys think about the Eon Ticket being available through Street Pass only? I think this is a wonderful idea for Japan where handheld gaming and public transit are much bigger, as well as it having a smaller general vicinity with people closer together, but it seems extremely cumbersome for us here in the US and other countries. I'm dreading the days that I'll have to drive around Richmond hoping that I get lucky and pick it up. It's events like these that, while interesting for the novelty of the idea, go far beyond practicality that I really don't like.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2014
  5. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    CoroCoro is leaking!
    • They weren't kidding around when they said every Pokemon would be available between ORAS and XY. Scans show all four Regis, Heatran, the Lake Pixies, Cresselia, the Kami trio, the Legendary Beasts, the Musketeer trio, and...
    • Deoxys! The DNA Pokemon will be available to catch in-game in something called Episode Delta. Considering the title and the appearance of Mega Rayquaza in the art announcing this in-game event, it looks like the Destiny Deoxys movie is more canon to the game series than we thought!
    • There is a new character named Higana. She travels around with a Whismur, and will use a Mega Salamence when you battle her.
    More info will be added as it comes!~
  6. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011
    I saw this. It's... interesting. I didn't catch that Deoxys could be caught in-game. All I saw it saw was that there was an Episode Delta with Rayquaza and Deoxys. If you can catch Deoxys then, okay, but maybe it's like a clear condition to be able to dl Deoxys.

    Hearing about these legendaries is very exciting. If i'm not mistaken, those are the remaining legendaries minus the ones in XY, the unreleased ones, and event-exclusives, correct? The only one we haven't heard anything about, or maybe I just missed it, is Giratina. Is he supposed to be caught through the same method as the other cover-legendaries, I wonder.

    This Higana stuff is interesting. I wonder what she'll have to do with the game because she looks too important to simply be an new npc explaining some new element of the game. My guess is something to do with Delta.

    Also, kinda wish they didn't release this. I don't necessarily like knowing a ton of info going into something, but at the same time I get the feeling that there's some major stuff in ORAS that we're not going to find out about till we play the game. However, releasing all this info is doing wonders for building hype (not that we needed it, though).
  7. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    New english trailer, just a week from launch

    Apparently we'll be able to get Deoxys in-game it looks like, and we'll even have a bunch more legendaries to catch in Mirage Spots. In fact, I think at this point, outside of Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres, all of the legendaries from previous games are available in these mirage spots
  8. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    Minus event legendaries (Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Manaphy, Phione, Shaymin, Darkrai, Arceus, Victini, Keldeo, Meloetta, and Genesect), yeah. below's got a point about Giratina, though; I haven't seen anything about it--or Kyurem, for that matter--appearing in Mirage Spots, but I'm assuming they'll both be there.
  9. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011
    Event-exclusive Pokemon tend to stay event-exclusive, which is why it's a little bizarre that Deoxys is now in-game apparently. Celebi was available with Bank, so I suspect that may be how it was to be obtained this gen, though perhaps they'll do another distribution. We were told that all legendaries would be available across XY and ORAS, so there's no reason to assume the ones in XY will show up again. We've seen leaks that , it's just a bit odd that he and Kyurem weren't shown with the most recent scans or with the other legendaries available through Mirages. I think with those two being the "third" cover legendaries of a main trio, along with Rayquaza, that perhaps they'll be obtained separately. It's just weird that those two have been absent.

    Speculation time.
    Do you think we'll go to space in this game? It's something people have been thinking about for a while. The most recent scans show the rocket launching and Rayquaza flying into space, and since we know that Deoxys is from space there's already a precedent. Does Episode Delta take place in space? How absolutely insane would that be? I'm not suggesting that space will be a playable area, but maybe the character goes to space and we see some cut-scenes of Deoxys and Rayquaza fighting in space. My theory is that maybe you go to space and then Deoxys falls to Hoenn after a fight in space and that's how he's obtained in-game. There's not much official info to go by, but we've seen little glimpses here and there that seem to give some credence to the thought of going to space. It's a very exciting prospect and I can't wait to find out what happens. One week left.
  10. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    Take another look at the trailer. When Mega Rayquaza is flying into space, there's a person on its back. I'm willing to bet that it's the player character wearing a space suit. and so the shocking negligence for the safety of ten-year-olds continues

    I love this idea. It's a fantastic nod to all those rumors about being able to go to space from Mossdeep from the GBA games.
  11. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011
    I didn't watch the trailer. I kinda want to avoid trailers now so I don't actually see the stuff before the game. After I made that post, I did see that there's another scan showing Rayquaza orbiting the planet. That plus what you just told me all but confirms going to space. I bet that in episode delta Rayquaza is the player's mega and he takes the player to space, Just like the Lati's let the player fly. I truly hope that this isn't the only post-game stuff and that the Battle Frontier is in the game. The Battle Frontier not being in the game would be a huge mistake on GF's part.
  12. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    Taking player to space with Rayquaza Ladies and gentleman, Pokemon has just expanded its universe by a few planets. He now officially have a million more regions to travel through.

    But yeah, I wonder exactly how that Delta episode will be. And if they don't put that Battle Frontier back in, I'm going to be annoyed, because i liked that one. Actually, I thought Emerald had the better battle frontier, because it had more stadiums to choose from.

    I just noticed something rewatching the trailer too. Wallace has his giant head on the poster image as well. I wonder if he's going to play a main part in the Delta Episode, since he's not the champion again. Oh yeah, also.....why is he only wearing half a shirt?
  13. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011
    We got Higana's English translation name and more details on Delta Episode.
    Not a whole lot is revealed. It's basically telling us things we could already gather from the scan released earlier.

    Her name is Zinnia. I like Higana better, but it's not a big deal. I really like her character design. I hope she's a cool character.

    Also, Zinnia... Z... In Delta Episode. I don't know how Higana translates in Japanese and if it's just a coincidence, but could there be some little clues hinting towards a Z? Will she be in Z? I've heard people suggest a connection between Zygarde and Rayquaza, though there's no real evidence to support this from what I know. Could there maybe be something there? I hope so. Not because I think it needs to happen, just because it would be so cool. It just seems a little too convenient that this new character in a remake of an old game has a name starting with Z now of all times. I'm not expecting it, but I wouldn't be surprised if it were to happen.
  14. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    So there's a short video that was created for ORAS just like with Black2/White2, and features all of the new mega pokemon, which, by watching them all at once, actually seems like a fair amount of additions to the ones we already have.
  15. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Well, looks like the Battle Frontier won't be in the game. Either it'll be added as DLC, or possibly being saved for a later game (Z/X2Y2 ??)
  16. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    Excuse me? Probably best feature of the game and they didn't put it in? Without the Battle Frontier, there's no post-game content worth doing all that much. X/Y content was pretty boring after you beat the game, and Sinnoh's BF was kind of meh......grr, I'm not okay with this
  17. CaptainMIG Gummi Ship Junkie

    Aug 4, 2011
    the wii u
    no battle frontier?

  18. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011
    I'm.. taking this with a grain of salt. We know that music for the frontier is in the coding of the game, and apparently a few NPC's mentioned it. I'm more inclined to believe things we can support with evidence than a reviewer. I don't necessarily want to suggest that he just said this to get attention or something like that, but it's conceivable. Regardless, I think we should have a wait-and-see attitude with this and confirm for ourselves. It's possible it's not in the game, but I'll believe it when i see it. Yeah, I'd rather it not be DLC, but if that's how we get it then I'm okay with that I guess. And hey, even if it's not in the game, we still have Delta Episode which will be nice post-game material, and surely there's more than just that.

    I've seen people say that the hype is dying for this game and that makes me a little angry. People are like rioting that Mega Flygon doesn't exist and that's absolutely ridiculous. This was another one of those things that I knew would be a problem with mega evolution. Everyone wants their favorite mons to get a mega, and that's understandable, but they have to realize just how many Pokemon exist, not everyone can get one right away, and that just because it doesn't get a mega doesn't mean it's not still cool. I hope GF will not use Megas to create excitement for their future games. Really sick of this whiny, entitled attitude people are having with these remakes.
  19. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    Whew, that's a bit of pet-peeveness. But I also understand the "gain of salt", because when I tried clicking the link for the twitter page, it doesn't exist. The guy on reddit put that it was deleted, but I'm not entirely sure myself. But still, we'll find out in less than 72 hours at this point. I'm just praying I can live through 2 more days of work and 1 day of school for it....and also that the gamestop still has a copy by the time I get over there from work
  20. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011
    Yeah, all I'm saying is people need to chill the eff out. It comes out in a couple days and we can see for ourselves then. No need to get all panicky about it. Especially when we have hard evidence to support that it will be in the game in some capacity at some point.
    Yeah, it's going to be a brutal couple of days. I have a few big things due for school between now and Friday and it's going to be rough getting those done.