Pokemon Expertise Wanted

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Gamefreak103, May 11, 2013.

  1. Gamefreak103 A Freak of Games

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nowhere, KS
    During the later half of last year I played Pokemon for the first time in years, the game I returned with was soul silver because I played the heck out of the original and I enjoyed the remake. I'm currently on Platinum and about to go through victory road. Just wanting opinions on how I could improve my pokemon since I know little about gen 4 or beyond.
    Infernape Lv: 51
    Types: Fire/Fighting
    Nature: Brave
    Ability: Blaze
    -Mach Punch
    -Flame Wheel
    -Close Combat

    Alakazam Lv: 50
    Types: Psychic
    Nature: Hasty
    Ability: Synchronize
    -Shadow Ball

    Staraptor Lv: 48
    Types: Normal/Flying
    Nature: Mild
    Ability: Intimidate
    -Aerial Ace
    -Close Combat

    Floatzel Lv: 48
    Types: Water
    Nature: Naughty
    Ability: Swift Swim
    -Aqua Jet

    Luxray Lv: 49
    Types: Electric
    Nature: Hardy
    Ability: Intimidate
    -Tackle (lol)
    Any help would be appreciated.
  2. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    Is your floatzel physical, special, or are they barely apart?

    You don't want two HM Moves on something, especially when it can be used physically or specially.

    ^This is about all I can offer, lol
  3. Gamefreak103 A Freak of Games

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nowhere, KS
    Only reason why it knows two hm moves is because I accidentally left my hm pokemon in the pc and was too lazy to go back for it. XD
    I was thinking about deleting the move for something else.
  4. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    Delete the one that it doesn't have the stats for. That's basically it.
  5. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    Don't worry about improving your team until you get to the League. You'll need at least one HM slave to make it through - maybe two, I forget how HM-intensive Platinum's Victory Road is. Once you're there, though, you can swap team members in the box, or Fly out if needed.

    The Elite Four is beatable at level 50, but if you really wanna stomp them, you can grind it out to level 60. That's about where the Champion's team peaks, which means it'll be easier to get to her and you'll hold your own fairly well with her. Also, I'm gonna assume you don't want to bring Legendaries into this, so none will be mentioned. (Plus they probably can't carry you quite the whole way regardless.)

    I'm not gonna recommend actual Pokemon, just run through some strats, because (1) I feel as a matter of principle that you should select your own team, (2) even if my picks are great to me you may find them clunky and hard to use, and (3) I've played so many Pokemon games that the available beasties in each have started to blend together and I can't be arsed to research exactly what you have at your disposal.

    I will, however, tell you that most of your current team is probably going to be devoured unless you do some hard level grinding, or spend a king's ransom on curative items. Infernape is viable; Floatzel might help; Alakazam, though otherwise a strong and versatile Pokemon, will pretty well be useless against this particular line-up; and the other two are honestly fodder, likely to die in the first few rooms and not to be worth the pick-back-up. But feel free to disregard - I've been proven wrong on team choices before, and like I said, it should be your choice in the end.

    Without further ado, here's a breakdown, trainer by trainer:


    An otherwise solid team with some rather problematic weaknesses. Easily the least intimidating member, but even so, be quick and precise; don't spare the heavy artillery if you've got it.

    Recommended Tactics: Quickness is the surest way to beat Aaron without hassle, as most of his Pokemon are only threatening if they aren't taken out quickly. Any solid Fire-type will go to town on most of them; Infernape's got that covered. Other than that, bring Rock and Ground moves. Strong ones - and, in the case of Rock, accurate ones. See below for more.

    Problem Pokemon
    • Vespiquen - You'll either take her out in one turn or lose your chance and watch her set up. You don't want the latter to happen. Bring your heaviest hitters, and if you've got a Rock move you know will hit, use it. Otherwise, she's as frail as they come until she gets set up, and even then she doesn't take special hits well. Normally I'd caution against using Fire against her due to Power Gem, but obviously Infernape can handle it. Just make sure he stays fresh for the rest of the fight.
    • Drapion - X-Scissor, Cross Poison, Aerial Ace, Ice Fang. That is the full and complete summary of the threat this Drapion poses. It's not terribly fast, so it can be outsped, but it will probably survive the first hit - yes, even from a Ground move. Much safer to tank it if you have a Pokemon that's neutral against all its moves.
    Threat Level: Minimal. This is your entrance exam; if Aaron beats you, it's a sign you need to train more.


    An all-Ground team with a lot of moves you wouldn't expect from a Ground type. Once again, swiftness is key.

    Recommended Tactics: A fast, powerful special sweeper will make mincemeat of Bertha's squad, but don't expect every single one of her team to go down to just one of Ground's weaknesses. She has Pokes that are neutral to Grass, Water, and Ice, and if she survives, she'll hit back - hard. Unfortunately, I don't think Floatzel has the firepower to take them down; you may have to call in backup for this one. (Note: You may find it useful to bring a Pokemon who knows Rain Dance. While not as much of an issue in this fight specifically, it will be much more helpful later, and can be put to use here in a few trouble spots.)

    Problem Pokemon
    • Whiscash - This goes without saying; any E4 line-up that has a Whiscash in it is bad news. Of course, if you bring a Grass-type, it's a fish filet.
    • Gliscor - Much like Drapion before it, this is a Pokemon that's mostly terrifying for its moveset. It has all three of Ice Fang, Fire Fang, and Thunder Fang, meaning virtually anything that can cash in on that x4 Ice weakness better kill it in one shot, or it's gonna get dead. Once again, tanking it out may be necessary.
    • Hippowdon - Here's the problem with Hippowdon: It is REALLY FUCKING TANKY. It's the only Pokemon on Bertha's team that doesn't have an answer to its weaknesses, and it gets away with that by just murdering everything it sees with Earthquake and Stone Edge. And that Sand Stream may not seem like much at first, but depending on how soon she sends it out, it can eat your team. Basically, do not underestimate Hippowdon's ability to take a hit.
    Threat Level: Moderate. Pretty much a double-tap in case you beat Aaron on a fluke. May require some forethought, but can also be brute-forced with enough time, determination... and Full Restores.


    Definitely more of a threat than his D/P incarnation, now with a fully fleshed-out force of ferocious, fire-flinging fauna ready to feast on y-*brick'd* Just read the strats.

    Recommended Tactics: Do not bring water. DO NOT BRING WATER. I REPEAT, DO NOT BRING WATER. Unless you took my advice above and brought Rain Dance to the party, your Water-type will be crippled in the first half of the fight, where Sunny Day is almost always up, and embarrassed in the latter half, where Magmortar can easily nuke it with a Thunderbolt. Instead, bring Rock or Ground types, but use them conservatively under sunlight; several of Flint's squadmates are packing Solarbeam. One good special tank may be enough to see you through this fight, as long as it isn't weak to the cardinal elements.

    Problem Pokemon
    • Rapidash - The first of two Sunny Day users, and also the first of two Solarbeam users. And that's pretty much the only reason it is mentioned here. It will lead the fight with those two moves if applicable, but is otherwise a non-issue. Just be warned that weather will most likely arrive on the first turn.
    • Infernape - This Infernape is better than yours. Do not test this Infernape. Its moveset almost approaches a competitively viable one: Flare Blitz, Thunderpunch, Earthquake, and Mach Punch. Between all those elements and all that speed, there's very little that can come in on it safely and kill it quickly.
    • Magmortar - I swear, this fucking thing is hacked. It's the most miserable piece of garbage when you use it yourself, but Flint's is somehow terrifying. It's also the second of two Solarbeam users, so don't bring the landslide until the sun's passed by.
    Threat Level: Moderate. Where Bertha is solid and consistent, Flint is wild and unpredictable. In less flowery terms, three of his Pokemon are, for all intents and purposes, dingleberries that somebody lit on fire - but if he brings out Infernape and Magmortar right in a row, that can be enough to decimate your entire team.


    After facing Bertha and Flint right in a row, it's easy to think the worst is behind you... and you're pretty much right. Lucien's team has been upgraded, but more subtly than Flint's. Even so, don't get cocky; you're not out of the fire yet.

    Recommended Tactics: Once again, preying on the weakness is recommended, but beware of using pure Ghost- or Dark-types, as many of Lucien's Pokes carry super-effective moves. If you happen to have a Bug-type handy, however, it will face little to no resistance. Just make sure you're not riding on it to win, as it won't take care of the toughest contenders. Lucien packs some damage-dealers and some tanks, so just bring a few of your own and try to outdo him at whatever game he chooses to play.

    Problem Pokemon
    • Alakazam - In general, Alakazams are pretty scary, and Lucien's is no slouch. Yes, it does carry Focus Blast, so be mindful of that. Also be mindful of its Recover. Of course, if you're like me, you always have a Pokemon handy that can one-shot its pitiful Defense stat, even with a neutral hit.
    • Bronzong - Bronzong is not so much threatening as it is obnoxious. Yes, it does carry some powerful attacks, but the real issue is its Calm Mind, of which it is almost guaranteed to get at least a few pops due to its absurdly thick hide. The one ***** in its armor is that this one isn't Fireproof - Let fly with the strongest Fire move you can get your hands on, and that should tear it to shreds.
    • Gallade - Every E4 member has a Pokemon with a crazy spread of moves. Welcome to Lucien's: Drain Punch, Psycho Cut, Leaf Blade, Stone Edge. There is no easy way around this one; just try to be ready when it hits the field and throw everything you've got at it.
    Threat Level: Moderate. Yet again. The Elite Four in this game is fairly consistent; if you can beat one, you can probably beat the other three.


    W A R N I N G
    The big enemy is approaching
    at full throttle. According
    to the data, it is identified
    as Butsutekkai.

    Recommended Tactics: Bring the best Pokemon you can possibly find. Buy as many Full Restores and Max Revives as your little adventurer's knapsack will hold. Pray.

    Problem Pokemon (A.K.A. Detailed Strats for Every Member of Cynthia's Team)
    • Spiritomb - Dark Pulse, Psychic, Silver Wind, Shadow Ball. Ability: Pressure. This is potentially the tankiest Pokemon the League has to offer, and with no weaknesses to exploit, you either have to bring enough power to bear to crush a planet, or prepare for a bitter fight. Thankfully, it also doesn't hit that hard, so it's just a matter of outlasting it; but don't let it soften you up too much, because the murder machines are coming.
    • Togekiss - Air Slash, Aura Sphere, Water Pulse, Shock Wave. Ability: Hustle. Surprisingly less threatening than the version carrying Serene Grace, but don't let it catch you with your pants down, because that extra damage can be brutal if it connects.
    • Lucario - Aura Sphere, ExtremeSpeed, Shadow Ball, Stone Edge. Ability: Steadfast. Mostly terrifying for being a Lucario, but don't let that trick you into thinking he's not terrifying. Lucario is terrifying as shit. Your Fire-type better be able to ace him, because if it doesn't, it is going to die. No second-guessing that.
    • Milotic - Surf, Ice Beam, Mirror Coat, Dragon Pulse. Ability: Marvel Scale. This is the only Pokemon that can compete with Spiritomb for tankiness, but Odin almighty can she compete. And unlike Spiritomb, this one can actually hit back. Her Electric weakness can be exploited, but she is likely to survive a few hits, so don't bring a glass cannon.
    • Garchomp, the 7th Prince of Hell - Dragon Rush, Earthquake, Flamethrower, Giga Impact. Ability: Sand Veil. Here are the facts: When this Pokemon hits the field, it is highly likely that many of your squadmates will die. When you kill Spiritomb, it is highly likely that Cynthia will send out Garchomp at any time. In fact, she may not even wait that long; she may decide at any time that you have squirmed long enough under the magnifying glass and stop showing mercy. There is no easy way to beat this Pokemon, unless your team is at a level so high that you aren't even reading this because you don't even need it. Pure Ice- and Dragon-types are some of the worst choices, as it will outspeed and obliterate them before they can so much as complete their entry cry. If you have a Water-type with an Ice move, that's your best bet, but the truth is that virtually no single Pokemon can take this behemoth alone. It will require a concerted and coordinated effort from your team, and even then there will be plenty of potion-spamming.
    • Roserade - If you manage to come out on the other side of the carnage that is fighting Garchomp, you are very likely to find that your opponent still has one Pokeball left on their "remaining Pokemon" slider that isn't grayed out, at which point you will understandably become confused and frightened. Enter the clean-up crew, Roserade. While entirely non-threatening on her own, Cynthia has a tendency to save her for last, when next-to-nothing remains of your squad except a back-up or two - maybe an HM slave, if you were ballsy enough to tackle the League with only five. Just ensure that your Fire-type survives the chaos (which it should, unless you have to sacrifice it to the Blood God Garchomp to buy your team a healing turn), and you should have no problem tearing through it.
    Threat Level: NO REFUGE. This may be the single hardest Champion fight I've ever had in my life, and I've played every unique iteration of Pokemon in every generation. That said, if I recall I beat it with a team of Lv55s, so it's possible, and you're not far from the mark. Just make sure your team is in top form when you cross the threshold of the Elite Four, and you should be fine.
  6. Gamefreak103 A Freak of Games

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nowhere, KS
    I basically built this team blind, except for alakazam. Always enjoyed that glass cannon. XD
    I'll probably end up grinding levels to make up for my lackluster team.
  7. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    Pearl was the first game where I actually managed to beat the Elite Four, so it's safe to say that Gen 4 is my shit. My team's biggest players were Infernape and Palkia, who were both around the low 60's (though relying on just two as your powerhouses forces you to rely heavily on Full Revives(?), Super/Hyper Potions, and temp stat boosters).

    Your team seems quite diverse, which is especially good considering what you're getting into, but I would agree with Sforz in that you should probably grind to be safe. Cynthia was god-awful my first time, and that was almost solely because anyone in my team that wasn't one of the aforementioned duo sat at around level 30 or 40. I'm actually going back to try and beat Black at the moment, and while the gym leaders are fairly easy with my Pignite (who just evolved into an Emboar) alone, it is FAR better to level them all up in equal measure in the long run.
    I've had to restart entire games just because I focused too much on leveling up one or two members of my team instead of having a well-rounded, fairly balanced group (which is especially awful when your starter has a MAJOR type disadvantage and all your other Pokemon are a good 15 levels lower than your opponent).

    But yeah, enough with my rants. Hope this helps.
    Again, Gen IV is my thing, so if you want advice on specific Pokemon or specific types then let me know. I should still have the guide lying around somewhere.
  8. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    Yeah, Infernape is a really good choice that will be consistently useful, but the rest of them are kind of handicaps, lol. Not to say it can't be done. Hell, if it can be Nuzlocked, anything's possible.

    Although I would highly recommend that Infernape come packing something a little stronger than Flame Wheel. Flamethrower and Overheat are good choices. I hesitate to say Fire Blast because its PP is constricting and you can't afford a miss - whereas Overheat's side effect can be switched off, and you'll be switching a lot anyway.

    Funny you should say that, since Blastoising (colloquialism for focusing on one Pokemon) is the accepted method for speedrunning. Tested across virtually every generation to be more efficient than raising a well-rounded team with love and care. Talk about flawed by design, haha.
  9. Gamefreak103 A Freak of Games

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nowhere, KS
    I tend to try and keep a balanced team, when I played soul silver my team was a tad better then what I have now.

    Should have seen my first time playing a pokemon game. Back when I first played pokemon red, I chose Charizard and almost soloed the entire game with it. XD
  10. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    I'm curious: what WAS your SoulSilver team? I'm looking to buy the game, and although I played the **** outta Crystal (chose Meganium and do not regret it at all), I know you can't get a Growlithe that early in SS, so I need to know what to use ;~;
  11. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    Remember that I have HeartGold, so if you need something I've got you covered...
  12. Gamefreak103 A Freak of Games

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nowhere, KS
    Luckily I made a thread like this one when I started playing that game.
    Here was my team.
    My team consists of:
    A lv 46 Feraligatr
    It has a rash nature and its ability is torrent
    Its moves are ice fang, crunch, surf, and slash.

    lv 43 Fearow
    Its has a mild nature and its ability is keen eye.
    Its moves are aerial ace, fly, pursuit, and fury attack.

    lv 46 Ampharos
    It has a sassy nature and its ability is static
    Its moves are thunderpunch(looking to replace), charge, discharge, and thunderwave

    lv 40 Kangaskhan
    It has a quit nature and its ability is Early Bird
    Its moves are Strength, Outrage, Earthquake, and Crunch

    lv 40 Dragonair
    It has a naive nature and its ability is shed skin
    Its moves are extreme speed, thunder wave, aqua tail, and dragon pulse

    lv 46 Alakazam
    It has a naive nature and its ability is Inner focus
    Its moves are Psychic, shadow ball, calm mind, and reflect.
    They are all in the level 50s right now, but I think most of their moves are the same.
    Still have to beat red in that game when I think about it...
  13. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    I am really surprised you put Fearow to use in that game. HG/SS might be the second or third hardest E4 I've ever fought.

    I'm just gonna call you the Ornithologist from now on I hope you're ok with that
  14. Gamefreak103 A Freak of Games

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nowhere, KS
    I'm not that fond of flying types, I only have one around so that I can always fly around. XD

    Now that I remembered red, I'm going to battle him real fast.
    I'll tell you how disastrous that went in a sec.

    Edit 1:
    Pikachu destroyed kangaskhan in 2 turns and just hit a critical on my alakazam with a quick attack. XD[DOUBLEPOST=1368321003][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Edit 2:
    ...and lapras finished me off...that went well.
  15. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    Red's not tht hard if you have mostly the same types he does.

    Even then, a water-type could tank his Pikachu and knock it out with Earthquake. It also serves for Charizard because water.

    Fire works well on Venusaur, flying does too.

    Lapras can suck it if you have a fighting type. Grass won't work because Blizzard always hits in never ending hail.

    As for Blastoise, Grass works okay and so does Electric, but be careful with grass

    Snorlax can go shove it. Again, use fighting.

    Not sure if that works, that's as best as I remember his HeartGold and SoulSilver team. If he had his Espeon, your Feraligatr could work wonders on it with Crunch.
  16. Gamefreak103 A Freak of Games

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nowhere, KS
    My kangaskhan's earthquake almost took out pikachu then red full restored and it went downhill from there. XD
    Not going to try again for now though, I'm just going through victory road in platinum then grind some levels.
  17. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    Trade them to Platinum and grind them that way. They'll grow faster, as I'm sure you know.

    Trading works wonders.
  18. Gamefreak103 A Freak of Games

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nowhere, KS
    I only have a 3ds on hand, even so wouldn't I have to beat the league in platinum before I could trade between those games anyway?
  19. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    I don't think you do...
  20. Gamefreak103 A Freak of Games

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nowhere, KS
    I must be thinking of the gen 3 games.