First reply. Yayz. It's cute ;3 for your sis it seems nicee. The pentool can be a little more smoother. The colors are a bit dull and seems it has a lack of fx. The text colors aren't half bad, but the text is a bit small. Maybe bitdust 2 with 1px stroke? That's usually good with sprite tags. Otherwise, I'm sure she'll like it. GJ.
The rainbow-streamline-thing seems a little jerky, and I can see some patches of Chansey that aren't attached to it (not sure if that's intentional, but...). It looks good overall, but at the same time, I'm not too sure about the background either. Something about it just seems a little 'eh'.
Awwww, it's cute!!! >< Wonderful job! I think everything looks good, but the ranbow. Like you should put it somwhere eles, or something. But I love the color's. And great job again. -^.^-