If I can get a NDS and a Diamond or Pearl, I might be able to help you with that.... (MY Mew is stuck on Emerald)
I have a SHINY mew. Legit, perfectly. Well at least it is that of I know. The attacks and everything are the way it is supposed to be. I also have 17 other shinies, mostly legends and starters. All legit. If it wasn't, I wouldn't have it.
Well mine aren't ARed. I will probably trade a few, for EV trained or other shinies. Let me list the shinies I have: Latias lvl.100 Latios lvl.50 Ho-oh lvl.71 Lugia lvl. 75 Palkia lvl.100 Mew lvl.100 Celebi (10aniv edition) lvl. 100 Sceptile lvl.100 Bulbausar lvl.27 (keep on denying the evolution) Marshtomp lvl.30 Altaria lvl.100 Tentacruel lvl.60 Mightyena lvl.60 Aggron lvl.100 Deoxys lvl.50 Mewtwo lvl. 100 Azumarill lvl. 18 Rayquazza lvl.100 Those are all my shinies. I may have a few copied with the GTS glitch.
Can you please clone all of those for me?!?! If you do I will hereby owe you one Huge Favor redeemable by you at the time and place of your choosing!!!!
I can't copy them all sorry. It takes me 10 min. to copy one. Think about 16 more. Yeah. And besides, if copied; my shinies will be one less valuable. It's strategic thinking really XD