Pokemon |Born to be a Winner| Discussion

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Boy Wonder, Aug 6, 2011.

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  1. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Note: This thread was made because the original was simply a recruitment thread. And since it had over 200 replies for a new RP, it could scare away newcomers. So here's the official thread for Pokemon: Born to be a Winner.
    If you've made a character and (s)he's not on this list, then I apologize and you'll have to remake the character unlessyou've already started posting in the main thread. In that case, simply tell me your character was lost in the move between threads.
    Recruiting: Two more Gym Leaders. One for the Gym on Misty Island (next to Farlight Town) and one who will specialize in either Normal Pokemon or female Pokemon for Wonder City (Between Kenji Town and Raiden Rock). The Normal Pokemon Gym Leader will be one of the Top 3 strongest Gym Leaders.

    Read all of the rules before you make a Character Form.

    Rules Regarding General Role-Playing

    1. Bushy-Brow-1992 is second-in-command in this RP.
    2. Read all of the rules before you post.
    3. Don't break my rules or I will kick you out.
    4. No godmodding or powerplaying, which can get hard to do with Pokémon but try your best.
    5. No killing off other people's characters...besides, this is Pokémon. Almost nobody dies lol
    6. A bit of swearing is alright, but don't go overboard.
    7. Keep romance PG-13.
    8. Follow all of KHV's rules for Role-Playing.
    9. I might break my own rules at times for plot purposes. I'll allow others to do the same with my permission.

    Rules Regarding Pokémon

    1. When you start out, you can have up to three Pokémon in your party. Heretic members start out with 4 (except mine). Gym Leaders and the Pokémon League are exempt from this.
    2. You can have a maximum of six(6) Pokémon in your party at any given time unless you're a G-Man who can have exactly three(3).
    3. No capturing or attempting to capture anybody else's Pokémon, even if you're a bad guy. Bad guys are only allowed to attempt to steal someone's Pokémon if it's Legendary.
    4. Your Pokémon can have up to six(6) moves and one(1) ability; abilities can change if 'formes' change.
    5. You can catch any Pokémon at any time in any place as long as you're reasonable (no catching extraordinarily strong Pokémon early on, no catching fish Pokémon in the road, etc).
    6. Your Pokémon can evolve at any time as long as you're reasonable (no evolving early on, no evolving your Pokémon again too soon, etc).
    7. You can catch as many Pokémon. After 6, they'll go to your PC. You can change your party only at towns and cities.
    8. All 649 existing Pokémon are available in Scria.
    9. If your Pokémon has certain requirements to evolve such as needing to hold an item or being traded, you can ignore that here (though that's up to you) and evolve them by 'leveling' them up.
    10. There are no levels here. I'll leave it up to you when your Pokémon learn moves and evolve. Be reasonable.
    11. You're allowed to trade Pokémon if you wish.
    12. You are not allowed to make up any Pokémon.
    Rules Regarding Legendary Pokémon

    1. Legendaries are separated into three categories: Sprites, Titans, and Gods. Gods are the strongest and Titans are stronger than Sprites.
    2. Legendaries are first come, first serve and there's only one of each available.
    3. If someone with a Legendary is kicked out of or quits the RP before they capture the Legendary, it'll be up for grabs again.
    4. If someone with a Legendary is kicked out of or quits the RP after they capture the Legendary, I'll come up with a way to make the Legendary free again.
    5. You catch your Legendaries when I allow it.
    6. God Legendaries won't even be seen until I say. Hell, your character shouldn't even be sure if they exist.
    7. DO NOT ask to take somebody else's Legendary, no matter how much you want it. You can ask them if they'll trade with you, but do not keep bothering them.
    8. Look in the main thread (under Legendaries) to see available Legendaries.
    Rules Regarding Starter Pokémon

    1. Trainers start with up to 3 Pokemon. Gym Leaders start with 4-6, if they stay in their gym. Wandering Gym Leaders start with 3. Elite 4 and Champion with a full party of 6. Heretics with 4. G-Men with 3.
    2. All Starter Pokemon of Trainers and Wandering Gym Leaders must be unevolved.
    3. If you were part of the Recruitment thread, then you got lucky because you may have gotten the chance to get a Pokemon someone else had. From here on out, you can't Start with any Pokemon other people started with unless the person who started with is has at least one Gym Badge. To see if this is the case, simply ask in this thread "Is *thisPokemon* available to start with yet?"
    4. Starter Pokemon start with 4 out of 6 moves.
    5. List of Taken/Unavailable/Reserved Starters are:

    • Absol
    • Aron
    • Bagon
    • Bulbasaur
    • Buizel
    • Caterpie
    • Charmander
    • Chatot
    • Chimchar
    • Cyndaquil
    • Dratini
    • Eevee
    • Elekid
    • Geodude
    • Growlithe
    • Larvitar
    • Litwick
    • Meditite
    • Mudkip
    • Munchlax
    • Oshawott
    • Pichu
    • Pidgey
    • Pidove
    • Piplup
    • Poochyena
    • Ralts
    • Riolu
    • Sandile
    • Seel
    • Shinx
    • Sneasel
    • Snivy
    • Squirtle
    • Starly
    • Tepig
    • Torchic
    • Treeko
    • Turtwig
    Rules Regarding Characters

    1. There are several types of classes. You can be any one except Champion (That's mine) and Elite 4 (if full).
    2. There's no character limit, but be reasonable and keep up with all of your characters.
    3. Your character is not any more special than any other character. My character might be.
    4. Use the appropriate OC form to make a character.
    5. You cannot, I repeat, cannot use a character from the show or games, but you can definitely use their pictures (but not their names).
    6. When you fill out your OC forms, make sure to leave the class of the title at the top. Also, take out the "<and everything written between them>" for me, please.
    7. When you fill out your OC forms, you can put either a picture or detailed explanation for appearances. Put pictures in spoilers.
    8. Trainer Cards are not required, but encouraged.
    9. You must follow all the rules for your specific class.
    10. You can have one Shiny, any Sprite and any Beast Legendary that isn't asleep even if you're not a Shiner. You cannot have a Shiny Legendary, God Legendary, or more than one Shiny unless you're a Shiner.
    11. Any character can be an Aura Guardian.
    12. You can't have more than two Shiners, but any number of Aura Guardians.
    13. No other character can have an Aura Armor. I might allow more much later on.

    Normal Trainers are Trainers that are not part of the Pokemon League, Heretics, G-Men, and aren't Aura Guardians or Shiners.
    [B]Normal Trainer Character Sheet[/B]
    [U][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=lime][B]Username[/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/U][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=lime]:[/COLOR][/FONT] [I]<[SIZE=1]Your username on this forum[/SIZE]>
    [/I][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=lime][U][B]Character Name[/B][/U]:[/COLOR][/FONT] [I]<[SIZE=1]Your character's name[/SIZE]>
    [/I][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=lime][U][B]Age[/B][/U]:[/COLOR][/FONT] [I]<[SIZE=1]How old is your character? Make them act their age[/SIZE][/I]>
    [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=lime][U][B]Appearance[/B][/U]:[/COLOR][/FONT] [I]<[SIZE=1]What does your character look like?[/SIZE]>
    [/I][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=lime][U][B]Biography[/B][/U]: [/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]A little backstory/history on your character. Can be as detailed as you like, but don't go too long. Five lines minimum[/SIZE]>
    [/I][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=lime][U][B]Personality[/B][/U]:[/COLOR][/FONT] [I]<[SIZE=1]How does your character behave?[/SIZE]> 
    [/I][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=lime][B][U]Starter Pok[/U][U]émon[/U][/B]: [/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]Your three Starter Pokemon[/SIZE][/I][I][SIZE=1]. Put their ability in parenthesis next to its name and its moves in list form.[/SIZE]>[/I][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=lime]
    [U][B]Other[/B][/U]: [/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]Anything else you want to add?[/SIZE]>[/I]
    Rules Regarding Aura Guardians

    1. You can have any number of Aura Guardians, but not a single person can have Aura Armor.
    2. Only Aura Guardian can use Pokemon that can use Aura.
    3. Aura Guardians are allowed to be Shiners, too. These are called Shining Guardians.
    4. They're allowed to be Gym Leaders, G-Men, Team Cross members, Elite 4 members, and Heretic members.

    [B]Aura Guardian Character Sheet[/B]
    [COLOR=blue][U][FONT=Georgia][B]Username[/B][/FONT][/U][/COLOR][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=blue]:[/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]Your username on this forum[/SIZE]>
    [/I][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=blue][U][B]Character Name[/B][/U]:[/COLOR][/FONT] [I]<[SIZE=1]Your character's name[/SIZE]>
    [/I][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=blue][U][B]Age[/B][/U]:[/COLOR][/FONT] [I]<[SIZE=1]How old is your character? Make them act their age[/SIZE][/I]>
    [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=blue][U][B]Appearance[/B][/U]:[/COLOR][/FONT] [I]<[SIZE=1]What does your character look like?[/SIZE]>
    [/I][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=lime][COLOR=blue][U][B]Biography[/B][/U]:[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]A little backstory/history on your character. Can be as detailed as you like, but don't go too long. Five lines minimum[/SIZE]>
    [/I][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=blue][U][B]Personality[/B][/U]:[/COLOR][/FONT] [I]<[SIZE=1]How does your character behave?[/SIZE]> 
    [/I][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=lime][COLOR=blue][B][U]Starter Pok[/U][U]émon[/U][/B]: [/COLOR][/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]Your three Starter Pokemon[/SIZE][/I][I][SIZE=1]. Put their ability in parenthesis next to its name and its moves in list form.[/SIZE]>[/I]
    [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=lime][COLOR=blue][U][B]Aura Pok[/B][/U][/COLOR][/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=lime][COLOR=blue][B][U]é[/U][/B][/COLOR][/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=lime][COLOR=blue][U][B]mon[/B][/U]: [/COLOR][/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]If any of your Starters are Aura users, put which one here[/SIZE][/I][SIZE=2]>[/SIZE]
    [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=lime][COLOR=blue][U][B]Other[/B][/U]:[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]Anything else you want to add?[/SIZE]>[/I]
    Rules Regarding Shiners

    1. Shiners all have a special birthmark somewhere on their body that resembles a black Pokeball's outline.
    2. The Shiner Mark can be anywhere on the body as long as it can be revealed when it needs to (so don't put it on your ass).
    3. Your character cannot know what the Shiner Mark means or that he/she's a Shiner. All they can know is that they've had a birthmark that coincidentally looks like a Pokeball.
    4. Shiners are allowed Shiny Legendaries and are the only ones allowed to have God Legendaries later on.
    5. Shiners can have more than one Shiny Pokemon.
    6. Shiners are allowed to be Aura Guardians as well. (Shining Guardians).
    7. Shiners are allowed to be part of the Elite 4 or Heretics, but you have to fill out one of their forms, not a Shiner one. The Shiner OC form is simply for adventuring Trainers that happen to be Shiners.
    8. Gym Leaders that aren't 'wandering' Gym Leaders cannot be Shiners.

    [B]Shiners Character Sheet[/B]
    [COLOR=yellow][U][FONT=Georgia][B]Username[/B][/FONT][/U][/COLOR][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=yellow]:[/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]Your username on this forum[/SIZE]>
    [/I][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=yellow][U][B]Character Name[/B][/U]:[/COLOR][/FONT] [I]<[SIZE=1]Your character's name[/SIZE]>
    [/I][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=yellow][U][B]Age[/B][/U]:[/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]How old is your character? Make them act their age[/SIZE][/I]>
    [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=yellow][U][B]Appearance[/B][/U]:[/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]What does your character look like?[/SIZE]>
    [/I][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=lime][COLOR=blue][COLOR=yellow][U][B]Location of Birthmark[/B][/U]: [/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]Where is your character's Shiner Mark? Remember rule 2[SIZE=2]>[/SIZE][/SIZE][/I]
    [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=lime][COLOR=blue][COLOR=yellow][U][B]Shining Guardian[/B][/U][B]? [/B][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]Can your character also use Aura?[SIZE=2]>[/SIZE][/SIZE][/I][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=lime][COLOR=blue]
    [COLOR=yellow][U][B]Biography[/B][/U]:[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]A little backstory/history on your character. Can be as detailed as you like, but don't go too long. Five lines minimum[/SIZE]>
    [/I][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=blue][COLOR=yellow][U][B]Personality[/B][/U]:[/COLOR][/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]How does your character behave?[/SIZE]> 
    [/I][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=yellow][B][U]Starter Pok[/U][U]émon[/U][/B]: [/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]Your three Starter Pokemon[/SIZE][/I][I][SIZE=1]. Put their ability in parenthesis next to its name and its moves in list form.[/SIZE]>[/I]
    [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=yellow][U][B]Shiny Pok[/B][/U][/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=yellow][B][U]é[/U][/B][/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=yellow][U][B]mon[/B][/U]: [/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]If any of your Starters are Shiny, put which ones here[/SIZE][/I][SIZE=2]>[/SIZE]
    [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=yellow][U][B]Other[/B][/U]: [/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]Anything else you want to add?[/SIZE]>[/I]
    Rules Regarding Heretics

    1. Heretics can start with up to 4 Pokemon.
    2. Heretics' identities aren't public, so your character can only be revealed to be a Heretic if he/she reveals it him/herself.
    3. Heretics can also be Aura Guardians are Shiners. Fill out this form if he/she is, not the Aura Guardian/Shiner form.
    4. No other person can use an Aura Armor except for my character.
    5. Because their identities aren't public, there is no set uniform. Instead, each member wears a piece of jewelry with a cross on it. Your character doesn't have to show or even wear the jewelry, but he/she does have to have it on person.
    6. The Heretic Cross has the ability to emit a high frequency, ear piercing sound to immobile opponents.
    7. Heretics are allowed to keep their Pokemon secret UP UNTIL YOU USE THE POKEMON IN BATTLE, but you must still PM me your Starter Pokemon.
    8. Heretics Starters aren't restricted to the Starter Pokemon rules.

    [B]Heretics Character Sheet[/B]
    [COLOR=sienna][U][FONT=Georgia][B]Username[/B][/FONT][/U][/COLOR][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=sienna]:[/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]Your username on this forum[/SIZE]>[/I]
    [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=sienna][U][B]Character Name[/B][/U]:[/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]Your character's name[/SIZE]>[/I]
    [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=sienna][U][B]Age[/B][/U]:[/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]How old is your character? Make them act their age[/SIZE][/I]>
    [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=sienna][U][B]Appearance[/B][/U]:[/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]What does your character look like?[/SIZE]>[/I]
    [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=sienna][U][B]Special[/B][/U]? [/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]If your character is an Aura Guardian, Shiner, or Shining Guardian, put so here. If it's one of the last two, also put the location of the birthmark in parenthesis. Otherwise, write "N/A">[/SIZE][/I]
    [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=lime][COLOR=blue][COLOR=sienna][U][B]Cross Jewelry[/B][/U]: [/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]What kind of jewelry does the Heretic use for his cross?[/SIZE]>[/I]
    [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=lime][COLOR=blue][COLOR=sienna][U][B]Biography[/B][/U]:[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]A little backstory/history on your character. Can be as detailed as you like, but don't go too long. Five lines minimum[/SIZE]>[/I]
    [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=sienna][U][B]Personality[/B][/U]:[/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]How does your character behave?[/SIZE]> [/I]
    [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=sienna][B][U]Starter Pok[/U][U]émon[/U][/B]: [/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]Your four Starter Pokemon[/SIZE][/I][I][SIZE=1]. Put their ability in parenthesis next to its name and its moves in list form. Leave blank if you want to keep your Pokemon secret[/SIZE]>[/I]
    [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=sienna][U][B]Special [/B][/U][U][B]Pok[/B][/U][/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=sienna][B][U]é[/U][/B][/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=sienna][U][B]mon[/B][/U]: [/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]If any of your Starters are Shiny or Aura users, put which ones here[/SIZE][/I][SIZE=2]>[/SIZE]
    [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=sienna][U][B]Other[/B][/U]: [/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]Anything else you want to add?[/SIZE]>[/I]
    Rules Regarding Gym Leaders

    1. Your Gym Leader cannot be a secret Gym Leader. That is to say, that you can't play as a person who turns out to be a Gym Leader later on. I changed this rule recently because it was leading to trouble.
    2. Your Gym Leader can be a main character. A 'wandering' Gym Leader who only needs to be at the gym for matches, but he/she can leave it in someone else's care or stop being the Gym Leader.
    3. Gym Leaders can be Aura Guardians or Shiners. If they are, fill out this form, not the others.
    4. Gym Leaders need a theme. It can be anything from a specific Type to a specific Stat to something crazy (I have a Superhero team based on comic books).
    5. You can't choose a theme another Gym Leader has, though with enough creativity, you can find a way around this.
    6. You can pick which city your gym is in (if it's not taken) and name it.
    7. If you're a 'wandering' Gym Leader, you start with three Pokemon. However, you can have a Gym Set of Pokemon that are the ones you use for official Gym matches.
    8. You're allowed to keep your Gym Set secret until you have a match, but you have to PM me the Pokemon.
    9. You're allowed to change your Gym Set between official matches.

    [B]Gym Leader Character Sheet[/B]
    [COLOR=purple][U][FONT=Georgia][B]Username[/B][/FONT][/U][/COLOR][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=sienna]:[/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]Your username on this forum[/SIZE]>
    [/I][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=purple][U][B]Character Name[/B][/U]:[/COLOR][/FONT][I][COLOR=purple]<[/COLOR][SIZE=1][COLOR=purple]Your character's name[/COLOR][/SIZE][COLOR=purple]>[/COLOR]
    [/I][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=sienna][COLOR=purple][U][B]Age[/B][/U][/COLOR]:[/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]How old is your character? Make them act their age[/SIZE][/I]>
    [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=sienna][COLOR=purple][U][B]Appearance[/B][/U][/COLOR]:[/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]What does your character look like?[/SIZE]>
    [/I][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=purple][U][B]Wandering[/B][/U]?[/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]Does  your Elite Trainer wander Scria like a main character? Put "Yes." No  means that you will only use it for Official Matches or for special  appearances>[/SIZE][/I]
    [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=sienna][COLOR=purple][U][B]Special[/B][/U][/COLOR]? [/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]If  your character is an Aura Guardian, Shiner, or Shining Guardian, put so  here. If it's one of the last two, also put the location of the  birthmark in parenthesis. Otherwise, write "N/A">[/SIZE][/I]
    [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=lime][COLOR=blue][COLOR=sienna][COLOR=purple][U][B]Biography[/B][/U][/COLOR]:[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]A little backstory/history on your character. Can be as detailed as you like, but don't go too long. Five lines minimum[/SIZE]>
    [/I][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=sienna][COLOR=purple][U][B]Personality[/B][/U][/COLOR]:[/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]How does your character behave?[/SIZE]> 
    [/I][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=sienna][B][U][COLOR=purple]Gym Theme[/COLOR][/U][/B]: [/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]What is the theme of your Gym Pokemon?[SIZE=2]>[/SIZE]
    [/SIZE][/I][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=sienna][B][U][COLOR=purple]Gym Set[/COLOR][/U][/B][COLOR=purple]: [/COLOR][/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]The Pokemon your Gym Leader uses during official Gym battles. Type "Secret" if you want to leave it a surprise>[/SIZE][/I]
    [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=sienna][B][U][COLOR=purple]Gym City[/COLOR][/U][/B][COLOR=purple]: [/COLOR][/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]What's the name of the city and which city did you pick? Simply put the two cities it's between.>[/SIZE][/I]
    [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=sienna][B][U][COLOR=purple]Starter Pok[/COLOR][/U][COLOR=purple][U]émon[/U][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=purple]:[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]Your four Starter Pokemon[/SIZE][/I][I][SIZE=1].  Put their ability in parenthesis next to its name and its moves in  list form. For 'Wandering' Gym Leaders only[/SIZE]>[/I]
    [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=sienna][COLOR=purple][U][B]Special [/B][/U][/COLOR][COLOR=purple][U][B]Pok[/B][/U][/COLOR][/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=sienna][B][COLOR=purple][U]é[/U][/COLOR][/B][/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=sienna][COLOR=purple][U][B]mon[/B][/U][/COLOR]: [/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]If any of your Starters  or Gym Set are Shiny or Aura users, put which ones here[/SIZE][/I][SIZE=2]>[/SIZE]
    [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=sienna][COLOR=purple][U][B]Other[/B][/U][/COLOR]: [/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]Anything else you want to add?[/SIZE]>[/I]
    Rules Regarding the Elite 4

    1. Your Elite Trainer cannot be a secret Elite Trainer. That is to say, that you can't play as a person who turns out to be a Elite Trainer later on. I changed this rule recently because it was leading to trouble.
    2. Your Elite Trainer can't be part of a Trainer Team, though it can be a main character.
    3. Elite Trainer can be Aura Guardians or Shiners. If they are, fill out this form, not the others.
    4. Elite Trainer need a theme. It can be anything from a specific Type to a specific Stat to something crazy.
    5. You can't choose a theme another Elite Trainer has, though with enough creativity, you can find a way around this.
    6. If you're a 'wandering' Elite Trainer, you start with three Pokemon. However, you can have a Battle Set of Pokemon that are the ones you use for official Pokemon League matches.
    7. Elite Starters aren't restricted to the rules as the other Starters.
    8. You're allowed to keep your Battle Set secret until you have a match, but you have to PM me the Pokemon.
    9. You're allowed to change your Battle Set between official matches.
    10. Elite Trainers will pick where in Scria they want to face each challenger. It can be anywhere. You choose this right before the match.

    [B]Elite 4 Character Sheet[/B]
    [COLOR=red][U][FONT=Georgia][B]Username[/B][/FONT][/U][/COLOR][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=red]:[/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]Your username on this forum[/SIZE]>
    [/I][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=red][U][B]Character Name[/B][/U]:[/COLOR][/FONT][I][COLOR=purple]<[/COLOR][SIZE=1][COLOR=purple]Your character's name[/COLOR][/SIZE][COLOR=purple]>[/COLOR]
    [/I][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=red][U][B]Age[/B][/U]:[/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]How old is your character? Make them act their age[/SIZE][/I]>
    [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=red][U][B]Appearance[/B][/U]:[/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]What does your character look like?[/SIZE]>
    [/I][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=sienna][COLOR=red][U][B]Wandering[/B][/U]?[/COLOR][/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]Does your Elite Trainer wander Scria like a main character? Put "Yes." No means that you will only use it for Official Matches or for special appearances>[/SIZE][/I]
    [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=sienna][COLOR=red][U][B]Special[/B][/U]?[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]If  your character is an Aura Guardian, Shiner, or Shining Guardian, put so  here. If it's one of the last two, also put the location of the  birthmark in parenthesis. Otherwise, write "N/A">[/SIZE][/I]
    [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=lime][COLOR=blue][COLOR=sienna][COLOR=red][U][B]Biography[/B][/U][/COLOR]:[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]A little backstory/history on your character. Can be as detailed as you like, but don't go too long. Five lines minimum[/SIZE]>
    [/I][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=sienna][COLOR=red][U][B]Personality[/B][/U][/COLOR]:[/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]How does your character behave?[/SIZE]> 
    [/I][COLOR=red][FONT=Georgia][U][B]Elite [/B][/U][/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=sienna][COLOR=red][B][U]Theme[/U][/B][/COLOR]: [/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]What is the theme of your Battle Set Pokemon?[SIZE=2]>[/SIZE]
    [/SIZE][/I][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=sienna][COLOR=red][B][U]Battle Set[/U][/B][/COLOR][COLOR=purple]: [/COLOR][/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]The Pokemon your Elite Trainer uses for official matches. Type "Secret" if you want to leave it a surprise>[/SIZE][/I]
    [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=sienna][COLOR=red][B][U]Starter Pok[/U][U]émon[/U][/B][/COLOR][COLOR=purple]:[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]Your three Starter Pokemon[/SIZE][/I][I][SIZE=1].  Put their ability in parenthesis next to its name and its moves in  list form. For 'Wandering' Elite Trainers only.[/SIZE]>[/I]
    [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=sienna][COLOR=red][U][B]Special [/B][/U][/COLOR][COLOR=red][U][B]Pok[/B][/U][/COLOR][/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=sienna][COLOR=red][B][U]é[/U][/B][/COLOR][/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=sienna][COLOR=red][U][B]mon[/B][/U][/COLOR]: [/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]If any of your Starters  or Battle Set are Shiny or Aura users, put which ones here[/SIZE][/I][SIZE=2]>[/SIZE]
    [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=sienna][COLOR=red][U][B]Other[/B][/U][/COLOR]: [/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]Anything else you want to add?[/SIZE]>[/I]
    Rules Regarding the G-Men

    1. G-Men are the FBI of the Pokemon World. Thus, they are secret agents and have to act as such. G-Men aren't allowed to tell anyone their real names or that they're part of the G-Men. Any story they tell about their past cannot be the truth.
    2. The G-Men are under the Elite 4's leadership only. No other person can order them around. The Champion has absolute rule over them.
    3. G-Men must have exactly 3 Pokemon on them at all times. No more, no less.
    4. Their 3 Pokemon are not restricted to the Starter rules.
    5. G-Men can only change their party in cities, not towns. In other words, only places with gyms (Purple Xs on the map).
    6. G-Men cannot be Shiners, but they can be Aura Guardians. Fill out this OC form, like the others.
    7. Because G-Men are masters of disguise, they have no set uniform and can blend in almost anywhere. They are known by their special badges, known as a G-Badge.
    8. G-Badges are made of special material that allows them to glow red and emit a blinding light. It can also emit an ear-screeching sound (though not as bad as the Heretic Crosses) and function as a smoke bomb. The badges cannot be duplicated, given away, or lent to anybody else. If a G-Man does not have his badge on him, he isn't considered a G-Man.
    9. G-Men can start with up 6 Pokemon (A full party) but can only have 3 at all times. So the other 5 will be in their PC (which they can only access at Gym Cities, unlike other Trainers who can also use Towns).
    10. G-Men can also capture more Pokemon during the RP.

    [B]G-Men Character Sheet[/B]
    [COLOR=black][U][FONT=Georgia][B]Username[/B][/FONT][/U][/COLOR][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=black]:[/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]Your username on this forum[/SIZE]>
    [/I][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=black][U][B]Character Alias[/B][/U]:[/COLOR][/FONT][I][COLOR=purple]<[/COLOR][SIZE=1][COLOR=purple]The name your character uses[/COLOR][/SIZE][COLOR=purple]>[/COLOR]
    [/I][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=red][U][B][COLOR=black]Age[/COLOR][/B][/U][COLOR=black]:[/COLOR][/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]How old is your character? Make them act their age[/SIZE][/I]>
    [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=black][U][B]Appearance[/B][/U]:[/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]What does your character look like?[/SIZE]>
    [/I][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=sienna][COLOR=black][U][B]Aura Guardian[/B][/U]?[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]If your G-Man can use Aura, put "Yes" here. Otherwise, put "No.">
    [/SIZE][/I][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=black][U][B]Personality[/B][/U]:[/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]How does your character behave?[/SIZE]> [/I]
    [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=black][B][U]Starter Pok[/U][U]émon[/U][/B]: [/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]Your three Starter Pokemon[/SIZE][/I][I][SIZE=1].  Put their ability in parenthesis next to its name and its moves in  list form.[/SIZE]>[/I]
    [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=black][U][B]Special [/B][/U][U][B]Pok[/B][/U][/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=black][B][U]é[/U][/B][/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=sienna][COLOR=black][U][B]mon[/B][/U]:[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]If any of your Starters  are Aura users, put which ones here[/SIZE][/I][SIZE=2]>[/SIZE]
    [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=black][U][B]PC Pok[/B][/U][/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=black][B][U]é[/U][/B][/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=sienna][COLOR=red][COLOR=black][U][B]mon[/B][/U]:[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]Any Pokemon your G-Man has in PC Storage. You can start with up to 5. Just like Special Pokemon, put abilities and moves.[/SIZE][/I][I]>[/I]
    [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=black][U][B]Other[/B][/U]: [/COLOR][/FONT][I]<[SIZE=1]Anything else you want to add?[/SIZE]>[/I]

    Rules Regarding Starting/Joining the RP

    1. G-Men, Heretics, Gym Leaders, and Elite Trainers can start anywhere. Trainers participating in the Pokemon League Challenge Tournament have to start in one of the places listed below.
    2. Trainers participating in the PLCT will have to follow their path and earn one badge, make it to the Trinity, and will then be able to travel through Scria (not any set path).
    3. We still need more Gym Leaders!!!!!!
    4. You have to post your characters in the correct form, given above. If you made a character in the recruitment thread, you have to change the format into one given here. Sorry for the trouble, but I refuse to accept any character not put into that format.
    5. Where you start determines your team.
    6. No matter where you choose to start, I reserve the right to change it to align the teams.
    7. There's five places to start (look at the map to see) and four routes to take.

    • Birth Town/Sahara Town. You work your way past Coldheat Town and Sharem Town towards the Trinity (Three cities in the middle). The northern city is Kal City.
    • Ferryar Town. You work your past the Kasumi and Kenji Town towards the Trinity. The western city is Wonder City.
    • Satoshi Town/Jolt Forest. You work your past Takeshi Town to Knight City.
    • Plafore Town. You work your past Haruka, Masato, and Hikari Town, over 'Familiar Bridge' and into Knight City (The eastern city of the Trinity).
    • Farlight Town. You take a ferry to either Ferryar Town and take that route or to Satoshi Town and take that route.


    Accepted Characters:
    Two asterisks (**) around a name mean the person is a Shiner. A tilde (~) around each name means Aura Guardian. Both (~*/*~) means Shining Guardian.

    Username: LilBueno (Red Robin)
    Character Name: **Castiel 'Cass' Nuvola**
    Age: 17
    Location of Birthmark: Wrist. With the top half on his palm, the middle line separating his wrist and palm, and the bottom on the wrist.
    Castiel Nuvola is the son of the current Pokemon Champion and a famous cook, though he won't reveal the first one often. He was born in Satoshi Town. Ten years ago, when he was 7, his father decided to take the family on a family vacation. They started adventuring through Scria when his father found a rare Pokemon. On a whim, he used the Pokemon and fought a gym leader and won easily. He then decided to participate in the Tournament of the time. With no other Trainers on his team, just his wife and son accompanying him, Castiel's father won all 8 badges, beat the Elite 4, and became Champion. Since then, Castiel doesn't see his father much, but still holds him in high regard. He found an Elekid on the outskirts of Satoshi Town and took it in a few months ago. Exactly one month ago, he chose Turtwig as his starter. His mother gave him the egg of her Espeon and that made his starting team. Now, with the invitation for the Tournament, he sets off. His goal? To overcome his father.
    Personality:Fun-loving and adventurous. Castiel's only negative traits would have to be his habit of keeping secrets and his inferiority complex when it comes to Pokemon battling.
    Starter Pokémon:
    Elekid (Static - Contact with Pokemon may cause paralysis) Male: Castiel found Elekid wandering around Satoshi Town. He realized the Pokemon had wandered outside of Jolt Forest and tried to lead it back, but the Elekid refused to go. Instead, it followed Cass around. His mother suggested for him to keep it and he couldn't smile big enough. Elekid loves to pick fights.

    • Quick Attack - The user lunges at the target at a speed that makes it almost invisible. It is sure to strike first.
    • Thundershock - A jolt of electricity is hurled at the target to inflict damage. It may also leave the target with paralysis.
    • Low Kick - A powerful low kick that makes the target fall over. It inflicts greater damage on heavier targets.
    • Swift - Star-shaped rays are shot at the opposing team. This attack never misses.

    Turtwig(Overgrow - Powers up Grass-type moves in a pinch) Male: Castiel chose Turtwig to start on his Pokemon journey exactly a month ago, though he took a month to get to know his Pokemon better. Turtwig is playful and loves fighting, though it sees it as a game. It is extremely friendly.

    • Tackle - A physical attack in which the user charges and slams into the target with its whole body.
    • Absorb - A nutrient-draining attack. The user's HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.
    • Razor Leaf - Sharp-edged leaves are launched to slash at the opposing team.
    • Bite - The target is bitten with viciously sharp fangs. It may make the target flinch.

    *Ashes* Eevee (Adaptability - Powers up moves of the same type) Female: Castiel's mother's first Pokemon was an Eevee. She raised it herself and it eventually evolved into an Espeon. Around the same time that Castiel chose Turtwig as his official Starter, Espeon laid an egg. Castiel's mother surprised him and gave it to him as a gift. Little does he know that the Pokemon will evolve as a Shiny and he will name it Ashes.

    • Tackle - A physical attack in which the user charges and slams into the target with its whole body.
    • Quick Attack - The user lunges at the target at a speed that makes it almost invisible. It is sure to strike first.
    • Double Team - By moving rapidly, the user makes illusory copies of itself to raise its evasiveness.
    • Dig - The user burrows, then attacks on the second turn. It can also be used to exit dungeons.

    Shiny Pokémon: Eevee.
    Other: Because he traveled Scria with his parents at a young age, he knows the region like the back of his hand.

    Character Name: **Leon**
    Location of Birthmark: On his right fore-hand, NOT the palm side, the fore-hand side.
    Biography: Leon was given a Pokemon Egg by his older sister as a gift recently after coming back from her journey, before leaving again to take up her new post as an Elite 4 member.
    Leon himself always had always supported his sister and he loved pokemon, but he never considered becoming a trainer himself. He wondered why his sister had given him this Pokemon Egg, but all she said when he had asked her was: 'Maybe the little guy in there will inspire you to try something with your life that you never really thought about.'
    That was the understatement of the century and is what will cause him to leave his home town of Plafore.
    Personality: Leon is a kind hearted guy, especially around his pokemon, but he doesn't always show it to others.
    Because of his sister being a member of the Elite 4, and having always had a love for Pokemon, he is very knowledgeable about many Pokemon things. He is the type of guy who will fight for what he believes in and to help others when they need it. But he also knows when to step back and analyse a situation.
    Starter Pokémon:
    Charmander (Blaze) Male: The Pokemon that hatched from the Egg he received from his sister. Leon was very surprised when the pokemon that appeared before him wasn't it's usual colour.

    • Scratch
    • Ember
    • Dragon Rage
    • Fire Fang

    Eevee (Adaptability) Female: <Will recieve shortly after we start || Will evolve into Leafeon>

    • Tackle
    • Quick Attack
    • Bite
    • Swift

    Shinx (Intimidate) Male: <Will catch him shortly after leaving Plafore Town)

    • Spark
    • Shock wave
    • Bite
    • Quick Attac

    Shiny Pokémon:
    Other: He is highly talented at understanding Pokemon, and can make great Pokemon food. If it wasn't for the fact that he could be a great trainer, he'd make a great breeder instead.
    While he is proud of his sister and her achievements, he tends not to mention he is related to her and keeps things quiet for the purpose of, he doesn't want people to just think of him as 'her brother' but he wants them to think of him as his own person instead.

    Username: Ace Phoenix
    Character Name: **Silver Hawkeye**
    Age: 17
    Appearance: Long silver hair that goes down just below his shoulders. Serious look on his face. 5 foot 9 inches tall. Wears a sleeveless vest that is a forest green with a white trim on the edges and down the middle where it can be unzipped. On the back of the vest is an image of a white feather. Wears black baggy pants with many pockets and brown boots. Wears a bandanna that is as green as his vest. Carries his pokeballs in his pockets and his items in a light backpack that is Emerald in color and has a white pokeball design on it. When it is cold out he dons a grey scarf made by his mother and a green hoodie his father bought him.
    Location of Birthmark: Middle of chest
    Biography: Silver was born in Slateport city. He got his first two pokemon in the Hoenn region which were Sneasel and a shiny Meditite. He had to move to Birth Town when he was young due to his families business. They took a boat trip to reach Birth Town where Silver fell in love with the sea. He dreamed to, one day, own his own boat and to possibly be a pirate. Having to help his family with problems he was unable to go on a Pokémon adventure until now.
    Personality: Silver wishes to own his own boat so he challenges any trainer he finds in hoping to gain enough money (Poke?) to buy one. He is very arrogant at his catching and battling skills due to he unknown skill of catching and battling when he was young. He loves battling and can’t wait to leave home but he can get very serious at times. Likes to keep his Pokémon out of their pokeballs.
    Starter Pokémon:
    Sneasel (Inner Focus)

    1. Ice Punch
    2. Headbutt
    3. Bite
    4. Swagger

    Meditite (S) (Pure Power)

    1. Fire Punch
    2. Dynamic Punch
    3. Detect
    4. Mind Reader

    Chatot (Keen Eye)

    1. Chatter
    2. Roost
    3. Echoed Voice
    4. Steel Wing
    Shiny Pokémon: Meditite
    Other:When Silver was six a Sneasel was terrorizing Slateport city. Silver was able to catch it with skill that surprised even him. Sneasel is as arrogant as Silver is and loves battling just as much as he does. When Silver’s parents took him to Lavaridge town for a vacation Silver got lost on Jagged Path. A shiny Meditite stalked him as he tried to find his way out. Before he got out he managed to capture it. Meditite, when out of its pokeball, usually stalks Silver from a distance. It can be assumed that it is always near. Although sometimes it is off training instead. Chatot was given to him by Silver’s father when Silver was unable to leave on a Pokémon adventure. Chatot does not like being in a pokeball and usually roosts on Silvers shoulder. Chatot is actually able to communicate to Silver in human speech but only does it when nobody else is around.

    Character Name: **Skye Gale**
    Age: 20
    Tall and slender. Hair/Body like Kakashi, except for the eye/scar
    He wears a white t-shirt with a black vest. When it rains he has a black trench coat
    He wears plain black jeans and one black and one red converse. Wears purple sunglasses, because his eyes are sensitive to light. Has a tattoo of a treble-clef on his right arm, and a big thunder shaped tattoo on his back covering a burn scar he received from a Rapidash that ran wild when he was younger.
    Location of Birthmark:On his throat, you can see most of it in the V on his shirt
    Biography: He comes from a poor family, raised by a widowed mom because his father died when Skye was five. His father had a mark like the one Skye has on his throat. The treble clef tattoo is because he plays guitar, piano and sings. He was afraid of Pokémon because of what happened with the Rapidash, but after a Squirtle rescued him from a flock of Raticate chasing him, the fear disappeared, and decided because of Squirtle to go out on an adventure. His mother is very loving and caring, but she has a lot to do at home, as Skye has three siblings, one older sister and two younger brothers.
    Personality: Kind and caring. Very protective of his friends, even though he has only one back home (except for his family members). He is not very talkative when one doesn’t know him, but is talkative as soon as one befriends him. He’s a hopeless romantic always looking for the love of his life. Adores his Squirtle, and doesn’t keep him in his Pokéball, but either on his shoulder or he has him walking next to him. His eloquence and quick thinking makes him a good leader.
    Starter Pokémon:
    Squirtle (Torrent - When Squirtle's HP Gets Low, It's Water type attack's power is multiplied by 1.5) Male – Squirtle saved Skye from a flock of Raticate, and has since then followed him around. Skye has a Pokéball for him, but rarely use it.
    - Tackle,
    - Tail Whip
    - Bubble
    - Withdraw

    Pichu (Lightningrod - Electric-type moves are drawn to this Pokémon. Electric-type moves will do no damage and the Pokémon's SP ATK is raised one stage) Skye's sister has a Pikachu that bred and gave Pichu to Skye.
    - Thundershock
    - Tail Whip
    - Quick Attack
    - Tackle

    Geodude (Sand Veil: Raises the Pokémon’s evasion during a sandstorm by one level.) Male - It was the first Pokémon Skye and Squirtle approached as a team. Geodude, being a rock type, was easily defeated and caught.
    Defense Curl
    Rock Throw
    Shiny Pokémon: Squirtle, Green Shell
    Other: Carries a guitar on his back and cares a lot about all his Pokémon

    Username: Terra
    Character Name: **Holden Grey**
    Age: 19
    Location of Birthmark: Back of the left hand.
    Biography: Born in Ferryar Town, Holden never knew his mother as she died soon after he was born. His father was around less and less as he got older as his father was part of the G-Men. Most of the time his only company was that of Growlithe, the son of his father’s Arcanine. Until recently Holden had no real push to begin training Pokemon as he was unsure of what he wished to do with his life. While now he wishes to get as many badges as possible and face the Elite 4, he still feels no desire to attempt to become the next Champion, yet alone face him. Instead, Holden wishes to use the experience to become part of the G-Men just like his father.
    Personality: Smart and highly analytical, Holden is quick to act and is slow to anger. He has a strong sense of justice and would never do anything to harm another person unless it was to protect another. While Holden is more than capable of handling himself, he finds it difficult acting as a trainer.
    Starter Pokémon:

    Cyndaquil [Male] (Blaze: When at critical, Fire attacks increase in power.)

    • Ember
    • Tackle
    • Smokescreen
    • Quick Attack

    Dratini [Female] (Shed Skin: Has a chance to remove any status ailment.)

    • Wrap
    • Twister
    • Dragon Rage
    • Aqua Tail

    Growlithe [Male] (Flash Fire: When hit with a Fire move, Growlithe gains immunity to Fire attacks while its own Fire moves increase in power.)

    • Fire Fang
    • Odor Sleuth
    • Agility
    • Take Down

    Other: Technically Growlithe already belongs to him but isn’t yet part of his “official†team. He’ll just start off using only Cyndaquil and Dratini for a little while.

    Username: KH2man13
    Character Name: ~*Lee Achima*~
    Age: 16
    Appearance: http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn46/bookworm12369/Lajildur Academy/hot_anime_guy-1.jpg (without the glasses and wears goggles on his head)
    Location of Birthmark: Upper left arm
    Biography: Lee grew up in Plafore Town, hearing stories from all around town about a girl from Plafore names Laia and how she managed to become an Elite 4 member. He figured that if she could make it to the Elite 4, why couldn't he? Other kids often teased him, calling him crazy to even think that he had a chance to beat any of the 4 best trainers in the region. Lee tried to ignore them, but, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get them out of his head. Instead, he used their constant teasing as fuel to drive him to be his best, not caring what others though. A few days after he turned 16, he was wandering the icy forests near Plafore, and saw a wild Riolu freezing to death, next to a broken Pokeball; a Trainer had abandoned it. Quickly, he took the Riolu back home and cared for it, eventually creating a bond between the two. It was then that his parents decided that he was ready to go. He went to the nearest Pokemon Lab and picked up an Oshawatt, ready to start his journey.
    Personality: Lee can be a bit distant from people, but, once you get to know him, he's friendly. He's very generous, and often puts his friends before himself.
    Starter Pokémon:
    Riolu (Inner Focus)
    -Quick Attack
    -Force Palm

    Oshawatt (Torrent)
    -Water Gun
    -Double Team
    -Focus Energy

    Sneasel (Keen Eye) (Note: Will be captured when the RP begins)
    -Quick Attack
    -Faint Attack

    Username: Garxena
    Character Name: **Ariel Ilia**
    Age: 16
    Appearance: Without tattoo & with a longer tank-top
    Location of Birthmark: Above left collar bone, near neck
    Biography: Born in Ferryar, Ariel grew up loving Pokémon. When she was 15, she finally gathered the courage to leave home and go on a Pokémon journey of her own. In the past year, she has grown very close to her first Pokémon, Piplup, and caught her second, Poochyena. The three have been traveling from Ferryar Town to Kasumi Town to Kenji Town to Takeshi Town to Satoshi Town, never going in to any gym. She still writes to her parents about what she’s doing every chance she gets.
    Personality: Once a shy, unassertive girl, her Pokémon journey has made her outgoing and confident. She likes to be out and about and is very claustrophobic.
    Starter Pokémon:
    Piplup (Torrent)

    • Bubble Beam
    • Surf
    • Peck
    • Return
    • Hidden Power
    • Pound

    Eevee (Run Away)

    • Tackle
    • Quick Attack
    • Endure
    • Swift
    • Last Resort
    • Growl

    Poochyena (Quick Feet)

    • Bite
    • Dark Pulse
    • Night Slash
    • Payback
    • Dig
    • Howl
    Shiny Pokémon: (see “Otherâ€)
    Other: For later Pokémon:
    Espeon (Synchronize)

    • Psybeam
    • Psyshock
    • Psychic
    • Swift
    • Last Resort
    • Future Sight

    *Shiny* Shaymin (Natural Cure [Land form]; Serene Grace [Sky form])

    • Seed Flare
    • Magical Leaf
    • Leech Seed
    • Energy Ball
    • Stun Spore
    • Healing Wish

    Username: Master of Keyblades
    Character Name: Akira Suiki
    Age: 14
    Appearance: http://i785.photobucket.com/albums/yy132/Nassikine/guy.jpg?t=1308979288
    Biography: Being one who never gave up easily, Akira couldn't wait till he got his first pokemon, and when he did, he went ahead and set off on his journey.Along the way the first pokemon he caught was a starly that didn't know many moves, but he manage to make it stronger by using it more often then he did his chimchar. Not yet willing to to take on a gym leader yet, he continued to wander around the few places he had been to in order to make his pokemon stronger.
    Personality: At most times he's calm and collective but, he can be reckless
    Starter Pokémon:
    Chimchar: (Male)
    Scratch, Leer, Ember, Taunt

    Starly (Female)
    (Keen Eye)
    Tackle, Growl, Quick Attack, Wing Attack

    Buizel (Male)
    (Swift Swim)
    Quick Attack, Water Gun, Pursuit, Sonic Boom

    Username: Twilightblader
    Character Name: ~*Seth Walker*~
    Age: 20
    Location of Birthmark: the back of his left hand
    Biography: Born and raised in Satoshi Town, Seth lives with his grandparents. Back in his childhood he was an energetic young child who would explore many different places and used to live with his widowed mother. He had great dreams of becoming a great Pokemon Master and was inspired by his deceased father who was a famous and powerful trainer. Things changed for Seth once his mother was inflicted with a deadly illness. Before she took her final breath Seth promised her that he would try to become a great trainer like his father. With a smile, Seth's mother passed away and Seth's unlimited enthusiasm had vanished from that day on. Since that day he made it his goal to be a great Pokemon Trainer to honor his mother and father
    Personality: Seth tends keeps a calm mind in any situation. He is a very laid back individual who usually tries shrug off any trouble. Although it may seem like its a bother to him, Seth would do anything in his power to help others. Although he enjoys himself it is hard to get him to show some enthusiasm
    Starter Pokémon:
    Larvitar (Guts)
    - Bite
    - Screech
    - Chip Away
    - Rock Slide

    Totodile (Torrent)
    - Dragon Dance
    - Water Gun
    - Bite
    - Rage

    Ralts (Synchronize)
    - Confusion
    - Double Team
    - Magical Leaf
    - Calm Mind
    Shiny Pokémon: Ralts

    Character Name: ~*Chase Lensing*~
    Appearance:Chase has long black hair and brown eyes.He wears a checkerboard undershirt,and a white (Unbuttoned) Jacket over that.
    Location of Birthmark:Over his heart (I'm so Unoriginal)
    Biography:Chase's parents were rich,So he was pampered as a baby up until he was 7,when his parents disappeared.He was raised by his grandparents then forward.
    Personality:Chase has somewhat of a child's personality.He can be very serious in needed.He tends to make a joke out of bad situations.Is short Tempered.
    Starter Pokémon:
    Trapinch (Sheer Force)
    Faint Attack
    Sand Tomb

    Focus Energy
    Quick Attack

    Swablu (Natural Cure)
    Dialga (Telepathy)

    Aura Sphere
    Roar Of time
    Flash Cannon
    Metal Burst

    Username: DarkTraitor
    Character Name: **Taylor Lyne**
    Age: 14
    Location of Birthmark: Left Palm
    Biography: Being born in Farlight town, it was expected that Taylor would base herself around the Water type and stay in her hometown all her life. That didn't appeal to her at all. She instead started a Pokemon journey on her 14th birthday with her starters, not because she wants to be 'the best there ever was', but to just see what else is out there.
    Personality: Generally a nice person, acting kind when appropriate, but can be excitable around Pokemon she likes. She doesn't particularly dislike the Water type, she just doesn't use any because she was expected to.
    Starter Pokémon:
    Kindle [Litwick, Female] (Flash Fire)
    - Ember
    - Nightshade
    - Smog

    Boota [Tepig, Male] (Blaze)
    - Tackle
    - Tail whip
    - Ember

    Kamina [Sandile, Male] (Anger Point)
    - Bite
    - Sand Tomb
    Shiny Pokémon: Kindle [Litwick, Female]
    Other: She already possesses a Dusk Stone to evolve Kindle to a Chandelure when appropriate, which was given to her when she first got her. Boota, her Tepig, has a very obvious crush on Taylor.

    Accepted Heretics(3):
    Username: LilBueno (Red Robin)
    Character Name: ~Zelos Gabriel~
    Age: 19
    Appearance: http://i1220.photobucket.com/albums/dd458/RPBueno/Pokemon B2bw/Badguy.png
    Cross Jewelry: A necklace. He keeps it tucked into his shirt.
    Biography: Zelos was discovered to be an Aura Guardian at a young age. He always received scouts trying to encourage him to join Team Cross when he became of age. Adoring Pokemon, he did just that. When the Aura Armor was successfully completed, Zelos suddenly led a team of defectors and stole it, forming the Heretics. He left a note apologizing, but said it wasn't his idea.
    Personality: Zelos loves Pokemon more than anything. He's kind to all except those who hurt Pokemon. He seems to have a strange sense of humor and loves to cook, though his cooking skills...lack.
    Starter Pokémon: Secret.
    Special Pokémon: Secret.
    Other: The armor Zelos wears is the famed 'Aura Armor' developed by Team Cross, which he stole. The armor is powered by his Aura and allows him to mimic Pokemon moves, usually with the weapon. The weapon opens up for long distance attacks while the shoulder pads, wrist guards, and leg armor can power up for physical moves. He also has two hand-held weapons (look on his hip) that can also be used. He is able to fight even the fully evolved Pokemon himself with the armor, though he can't use it for extreme periods of time.

    Username: KH2man13
    Character Name: Drew Damon
    Age: 21
    Cross Jewelry: Necklace, but keeps it tucked under his shirt.
    Biography: Drew was an orphan, roaming the region, looking for food and temporary shelter. During his travels, he saw how cruel some people treated their Pokemon, calling them lucky to have them. This made him sick to his stomach. It wasn't long after that until Team Cross took him in, informing them of their goal. He wanted to do anything to help. However, after some time, he still wasn't happy. He heard rumors whispering around about a plot to take the Aura Armor. He didn't know why, but he wanted in on this. And so, he joined the Heretics/
    Personality: Drew doesn't let anyone or anything stand in his way. He has a sense of humor, but he very rarely shows it. He is loyal to the Heretics, and, because of this, he secludes himself from most people.
    Starter Pokémon:
    Ariados (Sniper)
    -Shadow Sneak
    -Leech Life
    -Night Shade
    -Fury Swipes
    -Solar Beam
    -Sludge Bomb

    Elektrik (Levitate)
    -Thunder Wave

    Absol (Super Luck)
    -Future Sight
    -Razor Wind
    -Shadow Ball
    -Zen Headbutt

    Heatran (Flame Body) (Doesn't catch until later)
    -Lava Plume
    -Dark Pulse
    -Flash Cannon

    Character Name: **Jakob Edwards**
    Special?: Shiner. Mark on the back of his neck beneath his hairline.
    Cross jewelry: A bracelet with two crosses on it on his left hand/
    Biography: Jakob was an orphan born in Kasumi town. His parents disappeared when he was young, so he went to look for help. He wandered through the town, but nobody would listen to him. He was finally taken into an orphanage for humans and Pokemon. Jakob met two Pokemon there who have traveled with him since. Jakob resents the orphanage and his parents. As Jakob grew older, he began to leave the orphanage and steal things to eat. Finally, he just escaped from the orphanage and signed up for Team Cross. However, Jakob met a few Heretics and decided their cause was better for him. Jakob has been a Heretic since.
    Personality:Cold and calculating. Sarcastic, rude. He is like this because of his upbringing, but he is extremely kind to his Pokemon.
    Starter Pokémon: Secret
    Shiny Pokémon: (I'll say in the PM.)

    Accepted G-Men(1):
    Username: LilBueno (Red Robin)
    Character Alias: Black. Will use the codename NP-3228, occasionally
    Age: 22
    Appearance: http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb20/KataraUchiha/Pokemon/167465.jpg
    Personality: Quiet and reserved, but extremely driven to do what he sets his mind to.
    Starter Pokémon:
    Bisharp (Inner Focus - The Pokémon is protected from flinching) Male: The first Pokemon Black ever caught was Pawniard. He was so amazed at the fact that it was an unnatural color, that he trained it over his first Pokemon and eventually evolved it. Bisharp listens to everything Black says, though it acts more like a G-Men itself than it does a Pokemon.

    • Metal Burst - The user retaliates with much greater power against the target that last inflicted damage on it.
    • Faint Attack - The user approaches the target disarmingly, then throws a sucker punch. It hits without fail.
    • Metal Claw - The target is raked with steel claws.
    • Slash - The target is attacked with a slash of claws or blades.

    Anorith (Battle Armor - The Pokémon is protected against critical hits.) Female: The most recent addition to Black's team. Black managed to get ahold of a rare fossil and had it resurrected to an Anorith. His highest hope is to evolve it and so he made it part of his team. Anorith, however, is battle shy and tends to run more than it does fight.

    • Scratch - Hard, pointed, and sharp claws rake the target to inflict damage.
    • Water Gun - The target is blasted with a forceful shot of water.
    • Metal Claw - The target is raked with steel claws.
    • Harden - The user stiffens all the muscles in its body to raise its Defense stat.

    Pansage (Gluttony - Encourages the early use of a held Berry.) Male: Pansage was Black's first Pokemon. However, once he caught a Pawniard, he forgot about Pansage. After making it into the G-Men, he realized how bad of a Trainer he was to forsake his first Pokemon and put it back onto his team. Pansage is friendly, flirty, and a prankster, though it tends to be rude to Black for choosing Bisharp over it.

    • Vine Whip - The target is struck with slender, whiplike vines to inflict damage.
    • Bite - The target is bitten with viciously sharp fangs. It may make the target flinch.
    • Seed Bomb - The user slams a barrage of hard-shelled seeds down on the target from above.
    • Fury Swipes - The target is raked with sharp claws or scythes for two to five times in quick succession.
    Special Pokémon: No.
    PC Pokémon: Will add later
    Other: N/A

    The Pokémon League(9):
    In progress
    Elite 4(*):
    Username: ~*Bushy-Brow-1992*~
    Character Name: Laia (pronounced like Liar - So nobody better should have a reason to start making any Star Wars or princess jokes)
    Wandering: N/A (Still need to sort this, but let's assume yes for now.)
    Special: Shining Guardian <Birth mark is on her left fore-hand, NOT the palm side, the fore-hand side.>
    Biography:Laia grew up in her home in Plafore Town, where she lived with her younger brother Leon and their parents. She left on her Pokemon Journey to achieve her dream of becoming a Pokemon Master when she found an abandoned Charmander and looked after her, the two becoming very attached to each other. She showed great skill right from the offset as she travelled all over the Scria Region, catching Pokemon and collecting badges until she made it to the Pokemon League. She fought hard and her great skill was recognised, because of that she was offered a position that she couldn't and wouldn't refuse making her now the youngest and one of the newest members of the Elite 4. She recently returned to Plafore where she gave her younger brother a Pokemon Egg that came from her Charizard as a present to him before returning to her duties.
    Personality: Laia believes in being true to herself and to Pokemon. She might be a well known trainer now due to her successes, but she doesn't let that change her. She is Kind and strong willed and does what ever she has to do to help people.
    Elite Theme: Her theme is that she has no theme.
    Battle Set: Refer to Trainer Card.
    Starter Pokemon: Refer to Trainer Card.
    Special Pokemon: Refer to Trainer Card. (Won't have Lugia until certain events have been reached)
    Other: Laia is the type of person who is good at pretty much anything she sets her mind to, and she is also a top co-ordinator for Pokemon Contests.
    She also has a vast knowledge of the Scria Region and many myths and legends surrounding Pokemon.
    She has the potential to be a great breeder, researcher, or co-ordinator, although her dream is still to be a true master.
    Some people have also called her a Pokemon Prodigy, although she denies it.

    Username: Terra
    Character Name: Aiden “No-Nameâ€
    Age: 19
    Biography: Not much is really known about Aiden except that he came from Coldheat Town, went on to challenge the Elite 4, and was victorious. He lost to the Champion but with the recent vacancy of Terrance’s old spot he took up the position. He’s known to be somewhat of a prodigy with how his skills and knowledge as a trainer have grown.
    Personality: Aiden is a bit of a confusing individual, much like his Steel Type Pokemon who often use unconventional moves to easily cover up their own elemental weaknesses. He’s a bit of a genius yet he has a slight temper when it comes to his Pokemon.
    Elite Theme: Steel Type Pokemon
    Battle Set:

    Scizor (Light Metal)

    • Double Team
    • Bullet Punch
    • Metal Claw
    • Bug Buzz
    • X-scissor
    • Venoshock

    Aggron (Rock Head)

    • Iron Head
    • Take Down
    • Ice Beam
    • Solar Beam
    • Thunder
    • Dragon Claw

    Metagross (Clear Body)

    • Psychic
    • Meteor Mash
    • Flash
    • Telekinesis
    • Sludge Bomb
    • Gravity

    Magnezone (Magnet Pull)

    • Mirror Coat
    • Discharge
    • Magnet Bomb
    • Zap Cannon
    • Flash
    • Wild Charge

    Rhyperior (Lightningrod)

    • Hammer Arm
    • Megahorn
    • Rock Wrecker
    • Fire Blast
    • Blizzard
    • Stone Edge

    Steelix (Rock Head)

    • Iron Tail
    • Smack Down
    • Crunch
    • Hyper Beam
    • Flash Cannon
    • Heavy Slam

    Username: KH2man13
    Character Name: Draco Maniodis
    Age: 30
    Appearance: http://images2.fanpop.com/images/photos/4800000/Anime-Guys-anime-guys-4883750-1024-768.jpg (also has a scar on his left cheek)
    Biography: As a child, he was taken away by a wild Salamence up to Mt. Red. At first, he was scared, but, while there, he saw that all Salamence wanted was a companion. They were friends ever since, and he devoted his life to protecting Pokemon and to raising a team of Dragon-type Pokemon. He managed to climb his way up to the Elite 4, but still treats all of his Pokemon with respect.
    Personality: Draco cares deeply for his Pokemon and doesn't treat them like servants. He's very generous towards people, but isn't afraid to be strict. He is very humble, often putting others before himself.
    Elite Theme: Dragons (If you couldn't figure it out from his name, lol)
    Battle Set: Shhhhhhhhhh. It's a secret.

    Username: DarkTraitor
    Character Name: Grover Fidel
    Age: 22
    Wandering? Yes
    Biography: A big fan of the Grass type, Grover tried his hardest to disprove the stereotype of Grass types being feminine or weak by training extensively with each of his Pokemon. The result from all of his hard training was being offered a place on the Elite Four, which he only recently accepted. As a new member of the Elite Four, he is nowhere near as publicly known as most. Discounting Turtwig as a capture due to him starting out with it, his first capture was his Tympole which has since evolved.
    Personality: Tries to act more mature than he actually is. Agrees, to a certain extent, with Team Cross's viewpoint.
    Elite Theme: Grass Type
    Battle Set:
    Torterra [Male] (Overgrow)
    - Wood Hammer
    - Earthquake
    - Giga Impact
    - Rock Slide
    - Rock Tomb
    - Crunch

    Seismitoad [Male] (Poison Touch)
    - Drain Punch
    - Hydro Pump
    - Venoshock
    - Earthquake
    - Scald
    - Poison Jab

    Tropius [Female] (Clorophyll)
    - Magical Leaf
    -Air Slash
    - Solar Beam
    - Leaf Storm
    - Sunny Day
    - Hyper Beam

    Abomasnow [Female] (Snow Warning)
    - Powder Snow
    - Ice Punch
    - Wood Hammer
    - Energy Ball
    - Earthquake
    - Rock Tomb

    Ferrothorn [Male] (Iron Barbs)
    - Metal Claw
    - Power Whip
    - Thunderbolt
    - Shadow Claw
    - Poison Jab
    - Explosion

    Hydreigon [Male] (Levitate)
    - Tri Attack
    - Draco Meteor
    - Dragon Pulse
    - Flamethrower
    - Charge Beam
    - Dark Pulse
    Starter Pokémon:
    Torterra [Male] (Overgrow)
    - Wood Hammer
    - Earthquake
    - Giga Impact
    - Rock Slide
    - Rock Tomb
    - Crunch

    Seismitoad [Male] (Poison Touch)
    - Drain Punch
    - Hydro Pump
    - Venoshock
    - Earthquake
    - Scald
    - Poison Jab

    Deino [Male] (Hustle)
    - Bite
    - Dragon Pulse
    - Dragon Breath
    - Dark Pulse
    Special Pokémon: Hydreigon [Shiny] (And Deino, since it's the same individual Pokémon, it will have evolved before they face him)
    Other: Hydreigon (Deino at first) is technically wild, though it acts as though Grover owns it. Later he actually will own him.

    Gym Leaders(4):
    Two are in progress. Need 2 more for a full 8.
    Username: Terra
    Character Name: **Terrance “Terry†Black**
    Age: 23

    Special? Shiner. Has the birthmark on the back of his right shoulder.
    Biography: Born in Farlight Town. Terry was once a gym leader of a family owned gym before he went off and became one of the Elite 4. He remained part of the Elite 4 for several years until he was defeated by a young trainer known as Aiden. Upon defeat, Terry stepped down from his post and went back to his hometown for a year to assess his previous mistakes. He returned to his family’s gym where he took over once again as the gym leader where he has remained since.
    Personality: Despite being a master of Dark Type Pokemon, Terry has a lighthearted personality and rarely allows other trainers to even battle him. Often he awards badges based off of merit rather than anything else.
    Gym Theme: Dark Type Pokemon
    Gym Set:

    Drapion (Battle Armor)

    • Venoshock
    • Cross Poison
    • Bug Bite
    • Pin Missile
    • Sludge Bomb

    Zoroark (Illusion)

    • Night Daze
    • Punishment
    • Double Team
    • Focus Blast
    • Night Slash
    • Fury Swipes

    Krookodile (Intimidate)

    • Foul Play
    • Outrage
    • Dragon Tail
    • Crunch
    • Sandstorm

    Houndoom (Flash Fire)

    • Flamethrower
    • Crunch
    • Inferno
    • Shadow Ball
    • Feint

    Hydreigon (Levitate)

    • Tri Attack
    • Dragon Pulse
    • Crunch
    • Hyper Beam
    • Dragon Rush
    • Draco Meteor

    Weavile (Pickpocket)

    • Dark Pulse
    • Night Slash
    • Quick Attack
    • Blizzard
    • Counter

    Gym City: Knight City, between Hikari Town and Raiden Rock.
    Special Pokémon: Drapion, Hydreigon ,and Zoroark

    Username: Aqua101
    Character Name: **Miza**
    Appearance: Special? Yes (Birthmark on back of hand)
    Biography: Mizu's father was the gym leader of Boulder City before her. When she was 7-years old her father left to go on a journey to become stronger. Right after her older brother took charge of the gym. Six years later her brother left to get stronger as well, just like her father. Around this time, Mizu had started taking care of her own pokemon so she could run the gym. She found an Aron wandering the city and befriended it, and later found a torchic the same day, while training the Aron. When she became the leader of the gym, her mother gave her an egg and it hatched into an Eevee. Now Mizu trains her own pokemon during her spare time and the gym's pokemon to keep them ready to battle.
    Personality: Tries to act more mature than she really is, but cares deeply for her pokemon and will take care of them. She also enjoys her friends and will sometimes rush in without thinking to help them from any kind of trouble.
    Gym Theme: Rock
    Gym Set: Secret
    Gym City: Boulder City, in between Satoshi town and Takeshi Town
    Starter Pokémon:

    Aron(Rock Head)[Does not receive recoil damage from recoil-causing damages]

    -Iron Defense
    -Head Smash
    -Metal Claw

    Torchic(Blaze)[When HP is below 1/3rd, Fire’s power increases to 1.5 times. ]

    Night Slash

    Eevee-->Glaceon(Adaptability)[Doubles the power of same type moves]

    -Shadow Ball

    Username: Master of Keyblades
    Character Name: Ren Yuuki
    Appearance:Minus the crown
    Biography: Being the gym leader for Aquaduct city didn't surprise Ren that much since everyone there knew how much he loved water type pokemon. He usually spend most of his time trainer with his pokemon in order to make sure they could take anything that they faced, even if it was their weakness. In doing so he manage to develop a strong bond between his pokemon.
    Personality: Very energetic whenever he's not in a battle, he become foucus on the task at hand when in is battling
    Gym Theme: Water
    Gym Set:
    Samurott: (Male)
    Fury Cutter, Water Gun, Revenge, Slash

    Prinplup: (Male)
    Metal Claw, Bubble Beam, Whirl Pool, Brine

    Wartorle: (Male)
    Protect, Water Pulse, Aqua Tail, Skull Bash

    Floatziel: (Female)
    (Swift Swim)
    Swift, Aqua Jet, Cruch, Water Gun
    Gym City: Aquaduct City, between Ferryar Town and Kasumi Town
    Username: Britishism
    Character Name: Valencia Tempe
    Appearance: Wandering?: Yes.
    Biography: When she was young, Valencia lived in a rich powerful family. She had been a brilliant Trainer from a young age as she was taught the basics and beyond by her family and tutors. However, she was never suspected to become a gym leader. Despite these misconceptions, Valencia managed to become the Gym Leader, and has been a powerful town figure since. She will protect her town at any cost- even risking her life. Recently, with the outbreak of dark things in Scria, she has begun to wander in order to improve her skills.
    Personality: Calm and collected, even to the point of rarely showing emotion. She has the capability to become righteously angry to protect her loved ones.
    Gym Theme: Poison
    Gym Set:
    Ariados, Amoongus, Beedrill, Skuntank, Roserade, Mighteyena
    Gym City: Spidale City. Between Plafore and Haruka.
    Starter Pokémon:
    Trubbish, Starmie, Gastly, Magnemite
    Special Pokémon: Roserade- Shiny

    Role-Player booted up the PC.
    Which PC should be accessed?
    Accessed Someone's PC.
    Pokemon Storage System opened.
    You can withdraw a Pokemon if you have any in a box.
    You can deposit your party Pokemon in any box.

    This will come into play when you catch more Pokemon that you can hold. This will list all Pokemon each Trainer has 'stored' and in his/her party. You can only switch Pokemon in Towns or Cities (Only Cities if you're a G-Man). I'll keep this list up to date once we start.

    I'll add my Gym Leader and Champion later.

    Special Area Key:

    • A: Destiny Tower: The home of Deoxys. In the surrounding towns, one can see an Aurora Borealis high in the sky coming from the tower. Deoxys is known to cause these itself from the apex of the tower. People frequently camp outside of it to get a better view while some even climb to the top see Deoxys do it in person. The inside has mostly ghost, psychic, and steel type of Pokemon.
    • B: Blue Caverns: The home of Regice and Kyogre. Regice can be found deep within the caverns while Kyogre is in a hidden cave beneath the ocean that can only be accessed through the caverns. The inside has plenty of water and is occupied mostly by ice, water, and fighting Pokemon. It is extremely cold and the surrounding area around the caverns (Plafore Town and Coldheat Town) get constant snow.
    • C: Aging Forest: The home of Celebi, Keldeo, Cobalio, Terrakion, and Virizion. A forest on a small island with trees that seem to reach into the sky. The trees are extremely thick. Inside the forest, one can find any type of Pokemon. Rumor says there's also a small shrine that is the private home of Celebi. The other four legendary Pokemon (The Musketeer Quartet) can often be seen roaming the forest, helping other Pokemon.
    • D: Flower Paradise: The home of Shaymin. Despite the intense cold weather around the island, Shaymin's abilities keep the island's atmosphere relatively warm (in contrast to the Aging Forest where one can feel the cold coming from the Caverns). Grass and flying Pokemon are in abundance here. Because of the island's surrounding cold weather, Shaymin can't access his Sky Forme.
    • E: Psyche Pond: The home of Mesprit. A large pond where water Pokemon make their home. It's also used to nourish the thirst of several Pokemon. Deep within the pond, the Lake Guardian Mesprit sleeps. The pond feeds into Familiar Falls. Those who drown in the waters always live, but instead they lose all capability of emotion.
    • F: Familiar Falls: The home of Uxie. This river is famous for its fast currents which end in a waterfall that feeds into the Willed Wetlands. The river has a bridge that connects the route between Hikari Town and the Trinity cities. If one stands on Familiar Bridge a nd looks into the waterfall, the tiny shape of Uxie can be seen. Also on the bridge, a constant feeling of deja vu is experienced. If one ventures into the cave beneath the falls, where Uxie sleeps, it is rumoured that the person loses all memories of who they are until they sleep outside of the cave. If someone falls asleep in the cave, their memory can only be restored by Uxie itself. On rare days, Uxie will instead bless those who fall asleep inside with extreme amounts of knowledge, causing people to often venture in the caves.
    • G: Willed Wetlands: The home of Azelf. A marsh-like swamp where Azelf can be found sleep in the center. Anybody who takes a swim in the waters will either be given the motivation to do anything they desire or lose all motivation, depending on Azelf itself.
    • H: Jolt Forest: A large forest where electric Pokemon are often found. The leaves are a strange tint of yellow and blue due to the constant electricity fed into the dirt by the Pokemon. The forest is home to not just grass, flying, bug, and poison Pokemon, but electric and steel as well. There is a pack of Joltik and Galvantula in control of the left side of the forest while a so-called 'Pika family' composed of Pichu, Pikachu, Raichu, Plusle, Minun, Pachirusu, and Emolga control the right side near Satoshi Town. Often compared to gangs, these two 'families' can often be found fighting each other. It is rumoured the Legendary Beast Raikou would rest in the forest.
    • I: Sapphire Sea: A somewhat shallow part of the waters surrounding Scria where Manaphy and its child, Phione, can be found. On the left side of the sea, Misty Island rests.
    • J: Misty Island: Home to Farlight City, where Scria's only lighthouse can be found, and a Gym City, Misty Island is covered in a constant light fog. Between the city and town, there have been rumors of secret tunnels that lead underwater.
    • K: Carbon City: Long ago, before Scria was civilized, Scrians had large cities that were supposedly over five times the size of Scria's current city. The cities were ancient-looking, but large. Over time, Scrian's native civilization disappeared and the rest of Scria was eventually built. Carbon City is the only settlement left from ancient times. Team Cross, the second government branch (aside from the Pokemon League), have called the cities off-limits while they rebuild it with plans to make it 'the most magical and advanced city Scria has ever seen.' Many Pokemon can be found here, making their homes in buildings both destroyed and in construction, though Team Cross is happy to give the Pokemon homes. The city gets its name from Registeel, the Legendary Golem that not only helps Team Cross rebuild the city, but is responsible for the metal coating the buildings.
    • L: Ruby Desert: a barren wasteland in the northwestern corner of Scria. The temperature is extremely high. In one corner of the of the desert, Mt. Red can be found, spitting ash into Birth Town , Sharem Townand Sahara Town. In the center, the only grass and water can be found in the form of the Fountain of Wishes. The desert gives the surrounding area a hot and dry weather. Coldheat Town, being between Ruby Desert and Blue Caverns, suffers from 'black snow,' snow mixed with ash and a constantly changing temperature.
    • M: Mt. Red: The home of Groudon, Regirock, and Heatran. Scria's only volcano has been dormant since the days of Carbon City's civilization. If one ventures deep into the mountain, you can find Regirock sleeping. Around the peak, Heatran constantly moves around, keeping the volcano in check. Deep beneath the volcano, Groudon sleeps. Regirock, Groudon, and Heatran are (supposedly) responsible for forming Scria themselves.
    • N: Fountain of Wishes: A magical oasis that holds Ruby Desert's only grass and water and is the home of Jirachi. In the center of grass is a pond. In the center of the pond is a steel fountain. In the center of the fountain, Jirachi sleeps. Though Jirachi himself can't be interacted with during his sleep, many people travel the desert in order to make a wish by throwing a coin into the fountain, hoping Jirachi will soon wake and grant the wishes.
    • O: Olympian Ocean: The vast ocean surrounds all of Scria, leaving the shallow parts in the center and the south. The Pokemon responsible for creating the ocean is Kyogre, and it sleeps in the deepest depths in the north beneath the Blue Caverns.
    • P: Raiden Rock: In the center of the Trinity, a large pillar of stone extends into the sky. Rayquaza can be summoned here. Considering its personal goal to stop Kyogre and Groudon from fighting, the Pokemon has taken to the skies since the two Pokemon have slept. However, Rayquaza sometimes appears at the top of the pillar as if checking up on things. If Kyogre and Groudon ever wake and battle, Rayquaza will appear to calm them. Until then, the only way to see Rayquaza for sure is to summon him at the top of Raiden Rock, though the method is unknown.

    • Spindale City: Between Plafore Town and Haruka Town. Gym Leader: Valencia Tempe. Specialty: Poison.
    • Boulder City: Between Satoshi Town/Jolt Forest and Takeshi Town. Gym Leader: Miza. Specialty: Rock.
    • Aquaduct City: Between Ferryar Town and Kasumi Town. Gym Leader: Ren Yuuki. Specialty: Water.
    • _________City: Between Sahara Town and Coldheat Town. Gym Leader: TBA. Specialty: Fire.
    • Wonder City: Between Kenji Town and Raiden Rock. Gym Leader: AVAILABLE. Specialty: Normal.
    • Knight City: Between Hikari Town and Raiden Rock. Gym Leader: Terry Black. Specialty: Dark.
    • Kal City: Between Sharem Town and Raiden Rock. Gym Leader: TBA. Specialty: Secret.
    • _________City: Next to Farlight Town on Misty Island. Gym Leader: AVAILABLE. Specialty: AVAILABLE.

  2. KH2man13 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 15, 2009
    So far, Lee's alone on the path from Plafore to Spindale. Drew is with the other Heretics in Coldheat.

    Also, could I have the gym that's on Misty Island?
  3. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    My character, Holden, is in Aquaduct City.
  4. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    My chickie, Ariel, is with her Poochyena and Piplup in Satoshi Town. (:
  5. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Leon is still in Plafore.
    Laia is with Black, you know where that is. XD
  6. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    Mizu is heading towards Boulder City from Jolt Forest. Oh, and Master of Keyblade's Akira is also traveling with her
  7. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    Taylor has just arrived in Ferryar, and is travelling with Noroz's Skye.
    Grover is somewhere, doing something.
  8. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Seth is with Castiel in Jolt Forest
  9. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Where needs some action? Cause I can make an opening which will cause some things to happen...

    Anyway, sorry for not posting yet. May I have a recap?
  10. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    Everybody's just starting out, more or less. Very little to recap on.
    As for action, better wait for somebody with actual power to say so, but only the G-men and Heretics seem to have a plot thread so far, so pretty much anyone can probably have some action.
  11. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Guys, I hate to do this, but for several reasons I'm going to have this locked.
    One of the reasons being that I've fallen behind and seem to have lost interest.
    Main reason though is that it isn't started out the main way I envisioned. I'm going to have try to remake this in the future and edit some things to make it...better.
    Anyway, if you do want the remake to happen sooner rather than later, you can always talk to me about it and help me remake it!
    Again, sorry, but yeah
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