|Pokémon| ~Born to be a Winnér~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Boy Wonder, Jul 3, 2011.

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  1. Noroz I Wish Happiness Always Be With You

    Apr 3, 2011
    "Yeah, I'm getting on, and sure." Skye put his guitar on his back.
    "Geo, get back in your ball, ok?" He called the Geodude back into his Pokéball. "Pichu, do you want to go back in the ball or do you want to stay out here with us?"
    "Piii," she replied tired, as she seemed to go asleep in Skye's hand. "I guess you'll stay out then," he said, smiling at the little Pokémon.
    "Squirtle, lets go." ""Squirtle!" he replied, happily.
    "Shall we?" he asked Taylor.
  2. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Can't believe that I already ran into a gym leader. Akira thought finding it hard to hide his surprised face. "So then, the next town is where your gym is. At least now we know where to go." He said as Starly landed on his shoulder. "Shall we leave the forest now."
  3. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    "Well, you see, the thing is..." Mizu twidled her fingers in emberassment, "I don't really know how to get out."
    She looked at at Akira's face. "I mean, I've been through here plenty of times, but not through this section of the forest. That's why I'm lost."
    Mizu smiled a bit, and than looked at Akira's Starly. "Do you think maybe your Starly can help us out of here?"
  4. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    "Yeah." Taylor nodded cheerfully, with Kamina running on ahead of them. The little crocodile sure was excitible.
    "Just follow Kamina I guess," she said to him, "He seems to know which way he wants to go."

    OOC: Short post is short, since I'm really bad at describing mundane things like boarding a ferry without boring everybody. >_>
  5. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    "Probably." Akira said turning to his Starly. "You heard her, see if you can find a way out of here." Once he finish Starly flew off of his shoulder and into the air looking for a way out. Once he found one he flew back to them and began to chirp. Hearing his Starly's chirps, Akira looked up and saw Starly. "You found a way out?"
    "Starly Star." The Starly said flying off in the direction of the exit.
    "Hey wait for us." He said turning to Mizu "Guess we have our way out." He said running after Starly.
  6. Noroz I Wish Happiness Always Be With You

    Apr 3, 2011
    OOC: I'm not taking control of your character DarkTraitor, but since they're accompanying eachother, I'm expecting them to follow eachother.
    Short Post here as well.
    "Alright then."
    On board the ferry, Skye walked to the far front, looking over the waters. Squirtle was looking with wide eyes and Pichu was asleep in his hands.
    Skye was still looking straight ahead as he asked Taylor, "I suppose you are a trainer, you taking the ferry for badges?"
  7. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    OOC: I'm perfectly fine with that. Saves me having the boring post of 'they follow each other.'

    IC: "Honestly? I just wanted to see further than just my hometown for once." Taylor answered him, Boota still sat on her head. "Whether it's for badges, contests, or just for the sake of exploring, I want to see new places as people, and new Pokémon too."
    She laughed for a moment before catching herself.
    "I must seem pretty stupid, huh? No plan, but heading out anyway."

    Kamina sat nearby, staring at any and every passenger that came anywhere near him. He was most likely looking for clothing that he liked, but he felt way too lazy on the ferry to actually take anything.
  8. Noroz I Wish Happiness Always Be With You

    Apr 3, 2011
    Skye turned around. "No, that's not stupid at all. I can appreciate that someone wants to experience new things. Get away from the old." He turned to look out over the water again. "Meeting new people and going new places is a good thing. You can't grow up without having seen anything but your own town. You'll need to extend your horizon. Get hurt, get some scars," he looked down at Squirtle. "Isn't that right?"
    "Squirtle!" He replied, happily.
  9. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    Mizu ran after the Starly as well. Within an amount of time, they had managed to make it onto a path in the forest.
    "Hey, now I know where we are." Mizu pointed down one end of the road, "That way leads over to Boulder City."
    She looked over at Akira, "So, you wanna head over that way?"
  10. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    "If it's the quickest way out of here, than sure." Akira said calling his starly back. "Since you know the rest of the way, we won't need starly guiding us." He said as starly started to fly right next to him.
  11. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    Mizu began to walk down the path that lead towards Boulder City. She was so glad that she was finally able to get out that situation.
    "So, have you collected any badges yet?" Mizu looked over toward Akira. "'Cause if not, I suppose I'll be the first gym you'll fight against?"
    Just then, off in the distance, Mizu could make out the buildings of her home city. She got impatiant and began running toward the city.
    "You might want to run if you want to keep up with me!" She yelled back towards Akira.
  12. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    "Nope, this'll be my first gym battle." Akira said before she took off running at the site of boulder city. "You won't beat me that easily." He said running after her.
    "Starly." The pokemon said before flying faster to keep up with them.
  13. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    "Well, I hope not. I haven't had a gym battle in so long, so it's only been training. I can't even remember the last gym battle I had."
    Mizu stopped running for a sec and took a little breather. "But you know, I'm not going to go easy on you. I need to make my dad and brother proud."
    Mizu looked off in the horizon. "You see, my dad ran the gym when I was a little girl, and then he left for a training journey. Then my brother took over. A few years later he left as well. Now I'm running the gym for them now." She looked over at Akira, "So, I can't lose unless it was a good match, you know?"
  14. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    " That's fine, but I have no intention of losing on my first gym battle." Akira said catching up to Mizu. "Wow, alot's riding one this one battle but, one thing for sure even if I do lose, I'll make sure it's a good fight. He said as Starly just manage to catch up with them.
  15. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    Mizu looked Akira in the eyes. "I'm glad you're a nice person Akira. There are so many people out there that either don't care for there pokemon and just battle without rest, or those that completely abandon their pokemon. I'm sure you're not one of those people."
    "But you know," Mizu grabbed one of her pokeballs and held it in her hand, "I've battled as a Gym Leader for so long, and yet, I've always wondered what it's like, travelling and seeing the world." She put the pokeball back in her pocket.
    "Maybe after this battle, I might go on a journey myself. I want to see what my family has seen, and I want to learn different things."
  16. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    "Is that what you want to do, then? Get badges, face the champion, all that?" Taylor asked Skye. She was becoming somewhat interested in the idea herself, she had to admit. She needed a real goal, after all. It might do her good to do something like that.
    Boota too seemed interested, apparently liking the idea of fighting tough opponents.
    Kindle, however, seemed dubious. Would she be able to hang around and do so little if they had a long-term goal like that? She doubted it.
  17. Noroz I Wish Happiness Always Be With You

    Apr 3, 2011
    Skye looked down at his Pichu, still sound asleep and cute as ever.
    "Yes, and no. I travel to follow in my father's footsteps. I travel because my mother will have one less mouth to feed and one less person to look after, she has enough to do as it is. Also, I want to do it for Squirtle."
    Squirtle looked up at Skye, "Squirtle?"
    "That's right Squirtle," Skye said, as he put Pichu on his shoulder. He knelt down to Squirtle and pat his head.
    "My Pokémon all deserve more than just staying in Farlight Town. Pichu will one day become Pikachu, and then Raichu, if she wishes. Skye took a Thunderstone out of his bag. Geodude will one day become Golem. And Squirtle, will one day become Blastoise. He'll be stronger and larger than ever before."
    Squirtle's eyes grew large. "Squirtle, Squirtle, Squirtle! He jumped up and down and was very excited about becoming a Blastoise.
    "Hehe, I know Squirtle, all in due time." Skye got up again, and took Pichu back in his hands.
    "You see, I'm not travelling just for me. It's not that I don't wish to become Champion, not at all. But my primary reason to travel is not me. It's my family, which includes my Pokémon. I love them all, and I owe it to them."
  18. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    Taylor looked at him for a moment, as though surprised.
    "That has got to be just about the sweetest thing I've ever heard." she said suddenly. "Your Pokémon are really lucky."
    She looked back out at the sea before continuing.
    "I've had Kindle for two years, but never had a serious battle. The most I've fought is the occasional wild Pokémon in the outskirts of Farlight, which aren't the most challenging things in the world. I'm not really sure if I'll be good enough to get even one badge, never mind being good enough to face the Elite Four or the champion."
    She paused for just a moment, before pulling out a dark, black-and-purple rock.
    "But y'know, you're not the only one that wants to help their Pokémon grow. Someday I'll have a shiny Chandelure, providing Kindle here wants to evolve."

    "Wick!" the candle-like Pokémon responded, which translated roughly as "yes".
  19. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008

    "That would make two of us, then, friend," Zelos said with a smile as he placed a hand on Drew's shoulder. "It is always good to be surrounded by brothers in arms," he said before addressing Jakob, "Even one who one didn't intend to meet. Anyway, on to official business. Tell me, Drew," Zelo's voice dropped to a whisper, "Do you have any business? I need you to accompany me somewhere." He looked over at Jakob and nodded, "You are more than welcome to come as well. More the merrier, as they say."

    "Just until next time, pal," a tall trainer said as he sat in the Pokemon Center of Satoshi Town. He had shaggy black hair matted under a red and white hat. His jacket matched his hat. He looked down at the two items in his hands. A Pokeball, containing his newest Pokemon Anorith, and his Trainer Card. He recalled leaving Boulder City and depositing his Pikachu in his PC, something he regretted. But he realized he had been training two Pokemon, Bisharp and Pikachu, much more than the others. If those two were defeated, then he would have no luck. To that end, he deposited Pikachu and chose to continue with Pansage, Anorith, and Bisharp for insurance. He frowned at his Trainer Card, his Pikachu was with him in the picture. "Ah well," he said solemnly as he stood up. "Now, where is Ms. Laia?"
  20. Noroz I Wish Happiness Always Be With You

    Apr 3, 2011
    "Heh, I wouldn't call it sweet. I would rather call it paying back." Skye turned around, leaning on the rails.
    "Squirtle and I haven't really fought Pokémon that much, we have mostly been training not by fighting, but by target practice and stuff like that." Skye looked at Taylor. "Give yourself a little more credit. You won't get anywhere with that attitude. You've gotta believe in yourself, and especially your Pokémon." He looked at his Pichu.
    "My Pichu, for example. She's young, she has never fought yet, but I know she'll be an important addition to my team. My Geodude has had one battle with me, which he lost, but it doesn't matter. I know he'll grow stronger. Squirtle and I, well, we never give up, and he's pretty damn strong, and from the looks of it Kindle will evolve when the time is right."
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