|Pokémon| ~Born to be a Winnér~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Boy Wonder, Jul 3, 2011.

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  1. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Note: This RP was made with the help of several people that I can't even begin to name so thanks to everyone who participated. Also, I would like to give special thanks to Arch, who helped out with some organization and ideas, and Bushy-Brow, who not only helped with that, but also graphics and gave the idea for Trainer Cards. And without further adieu, let's role play~

    __________________________________________________ ____________
    |Hello there! Welcome to the Role-Play of Pokémon!
    |My name is LilBueno (Red Robin)! People call me the Pokémon RP Maker!|
    |This RP is inhabited by creatures called Pokémon!
    |For some people, Pokémon are pets.
    |Others use them for fights.
    |Myself...I study Pokémon and make Role-Plays for fun.
    |Role-Players, your very own Pokémon legend is about to unfold!
    |A world of dreams and adventures with Pokémon awaits!
    |Let's go!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------|


    ~Come one Trainer, come all Trainers! The Pokémon League and Team Cross personally invite you and all Trainers to participate in the
    Pokémon League Challenge Tournament! That's right, five years have passed since the last PLCT and it's time for the next one! As most of you know, the beautiful region of Scria holds a Pokémon League Challenge for every Trainer just as every region of this world does! But unlike those regions, Scria has a special Tournament every five years! While Trainers can obtain eight gym badges, challenge the Pokémon League, and take their shot at becoming Champion whenever they wish, the Tournament adds a twist: Join with other Trainers and form a team! Together, you must collectively win 8 badges. Every team that wins 8 badges and challenges the Pokemon League before the Tournament is over will then face each other! Only one team can face the Elite 4, and only one person of the winning team can face the Champion! The winning team will receive a fabulous (and secret) prize to share, while the new Champion will receive an even greater prize...along with his (or even her) new title! We at Team Cross, along with our friends in the Elite 4, wish all of you Trainers luck on your adventure! Ready? Set...GO!~

    The Pokémon League Challenge Tournament
    Like other regions, Scria challenges its Trainers to obtain 8 gym badges in order to win the right to face the Elite 4 and then the Champion. However, every five years, Scria has a special tournament in order to encourage more Trainers to take the challenge. The Tournament is simple: Every Trainer who makes it to the Elite 4 before the deadline will have to face each other before challenging the Elite 4. For this reason, the Pokémon League and Team Cross encourages Trainers to form "Trainer Teams," which gives the Challenge a much more tournament-like feel. Each team needs 8 badges total so each Trainer of each team does not need 8 badges individually. The winning team will then face the Elite 4 in another tournament-like format and the winners will then face each other until only one remains! The winner will then be able to challenge the Champion and take the title for himself!
    Every member of the winning team will share the prize money and win a title for themselves and will be given the chance to join the Pokémon League if they defeat the Elite 4! If the winning Trainer defeats the Champion, he/she not only becomes the new Champion, but will be given a secret prize as well!

    More info available in OOC Thread
    A region between Unova and Kanto/Johto, but to the South, Scria has a different system than the other regions. Long ago, Scria was formed by the Legendary Pokémon. Scria's early civilization lived in harmony and peace with all Pokémon and worshiped all Pokémon as gods. Supposedly, Aura Guardians, people who could use a form of energy known as Aura, and Shiners, people born with with a great destiny that attracts unique Pokémon to them, were not uncommon. Over the centuries, Pokémon battling became a sport and the worshiping of Pokémon in Scria diminished, leaving only a church known as Team Cross. While certain Legendary Pokémon still live amongst humans in Scria, the most powerful sleep and the most godly are long gone, becoming true legends. Aura Guardians are now small in number, though they still exist. Shiners are considered myth with no proof of their existence ever found. The only remnant of the original Scrian civilization is an enormous city named Carbon City.
    Scria has two branches of government: Team Cross and the Pokémon League. The Pokémon League does little in terms of law and is composed of 8 gym leaders, the Elite 4, and the Champion. The current Champion founded and leads the G-Men, the 'FBI' of Scria. The Gym Leaders simply lead their gyms, but are occasionally called upon for special matters.
    Team Cross is the main government of Scria, though the margin of power between them and the Elite 4 is little. Originally the church of Pokémon worshipers, Team Cross tries to lead Scria into a future bright not just for people, but also for Pokémon. Despite having the name of a villainous team of other regions, Team Cross does seem to have the good of the Scrians in heart. Team Cross has recently been working on 'Aura Armor,' a special suit designed to use Aura so people can use Pokémon abilities themselves. The plan was for Team Cross to form a new type of Aura Guardians out of current Aura users so Pokémon wouldn't be used as tools anymore. Unfortunately, there's only been one successful Aura Armor and it was stolen by a small group within Team Cross who defected and disappeared last year. The group has been dubbed the Heretics by Team Cross and is on their Most Wanted list, though the PLCT is somewhat distracting Team Cross and the Pokémon League from using their full force into finding the treasoners. The Heretics are the true villains of the story.

    Aura Guardians
    A form of spiritual energy described as the essence of every living creature. In Scria's past, there were once humans that could sense aura and control its power. These humans, known as Aura Guardians, traveled around doing good deeds and passing on their skills to those who also possessed this innate ability. In modern days, the number of Aura Guardians has greatly decreased, but there are not uncommon. Certain Pokémon can also use Aura, though the term 'Aura Guardian' is reserved for humans. Team Cross is known for searching out Aura Guardians and offering them jobs in the organization. Team Cross is also known for researching Aura in order to use it to its full capacity. One such product of their research is the Aura Armor. An armor that is powered by the wearer's Aura and can mimic Pokémon moves.
    Known Abilities of Aura:

    • Ability to read minds and actions of another being.
    • Ability to "sense" other auras and view surroundings even with a blindfold, also allows users to view through some objects.
    • Projection of one's aura; such as to create barriers or attacks. It can also be used to transfer aura to others but that method can be fatal to the user.
    • Ability to track an aura belonging to a specific person as long as they have a piece of the aura to track.
    • Telepathy
    • The only Pokémon that can use Aura are Riolu, Lucario, Golett, Golurk, and Medicham. Other Pokémon are rumored to be able to use it, though these five are the most famous.
    • When using Aura, Aura Guardians show a blue flame in their eyes.
    Considered only a legend at this point, Shiners were once the greatest trainers. However, after the original Scrian civilization and culture disappeared, so did the Shiners. In this day and age, most people haven't even heard of Shiners save for those who study ancient Scrian civilization and those in Team Cross' employ. While there is still much mystery surrounding Shiners, one thing is known for sure: they were able to tame even the most special of Pokémon. Shiners were identifiable by a special mark on their body, though the appearance of the mark has long been forgotten. Shining Guardians, Shiners who were also Aura Guardians, weren't unheard of in days of old.

    Legendary Pokémon
    "Legendary" is the name given to Pokémon so rare that only one of each kind seems to exist at any point in history. These Pokémon are known for their special abilities and extreme power. In Scria, Legendary Pokémon have common interaction with humans and trainers and have made their home public. These are the Pokémon that are supposedly responsible for the formation of not just Scria, but the entire planet and universe. These are also the Pokémon at the center of Team Cross' worship. Legendary Pokémon in Scria are divided into three categories: the fairy-like Sprites, the beastly Titans, and the divine Gods. While the Sprites' locations are all known to Scrians, Titans tend to roam all of Scria (though some Sprites do as well). The Gods haven't been seen since the ancient days and have become just what the name implies: legends. While most of the existing Legendaries (Sprites and Titans) have made their homes in Scria or roam the region in freedom, some of them sleep in peace, never to be disturbed.

    Sprite Legendaries
    Known as the 'Sprites' for short, these Legendaries have been described as fairy-like in the past. All of the Legendaries in this category are known for being the least powerful of the three types (though still amongst the most powerful of all Pokémon). Most of the Sprites have a direct connection to the other Pokémon, humans, and Scrian culture in general. Sprites are also the smallest of all Legendaries. Most of the Sprite can be found throughtout Scria in their home where they somehow interact with the rest of Scria while others sleep and some roam Scria.

    The Lake Guardians are three of the oldest Pokémon. These Pokémon were all supposedly born from the same egg made by Arceus, the creator of the universe. Legend says that Arceus made these Pokémon to keep watch over the God Legendaries known as the Creation Trio: Dialga, Master of Time, Palkia, Bender of Space, and Giratina, Distorter of Dimensions. Each one of these Pokémon represent and has mild control over a different mental idea while at the same time having a special connection to one of the Creation Trio (Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina). Uxie is the source of all knowledge and Giratina's personal Sprite, Mesprit is the source of emotion and Palkia's personal Sprite, and Azelf is the source of willpower and Dialga's personal Sprite. All three Pokémon are asleep in a different body of water, though their homes are all connected.
    Uxie: Uxie was born from the same egg as Mesprit and Azelf, made by Arceus to keep Dialga and Palkia in check as well as to give all living things knowledge. Uxie is occasionally visited by Mew, but its sleeping status stops the other Pokémon from having fun with it. Uxie currently sleeps in a cave at Familiar Falls, though its figure can vaguely be seen through the water from Familiar Bridge. If a person wanders into Familiar Falls, they lose all memory until they fall asleep on the outside of the cave. If a person is unlucky to fall asleep within the cave, their memory is gone forever unless Uxie blesses person by showing him/her its eyes.

    : Like Uxie and Azelf, Mesprit was made by Arceus in order to keep Dialga and Palkia in check. It sleeps at the bottom of Psyche Pond. Pokémon and people alike use the pond for nourishment. Those who drown in the pond are lucky enough to always live, but unlucky enough to never feel any emotion.

    : Like its siblings, Mesprit and Uxie, Azelf was made for the purpose of keeping Dialga and Palkia in check. Making its bed in the Willed Wetlands, the Pokémon sleeps until it is needed. A simple swim in the Wetlands will give the swimmer motivation to do anything they set their mind to or it will take away all motivation they have.


    The Sea Family is composed of Manaphy and Phione. Manaphy is Phione’s parent. Long ago, they were said to rule over the entire sea. Strangely enough, it is a known fact that Phione will not evolve into Manaphy, despite being Manaphy’s offspring.

    : The guardian of the sea, this Pokémon resides in the Sapphire Sea, south of Scria. It makes its home, along with its offpsring Phione, in a temple at the bottom, though it can often be seen swimming throughout the water around Scria. Manaphy has been seen with Suicune several times. Like Jirachi to Groudon, Manaphy and its offspring are known to calm down Kyogre and the oceanic Pokémon refuses to hurt Manaphy and Phione.

    : The child of the sea, this Pokémon is the offspring of Manaphy. Phione and Manaphy are often seen swimming the Sapphire Sea and Olympian Ocean, though both make their home in an underwater temple in the Sapphire Sea. Phione follows its parent but is rumored to look up to Suicune, who often seems to guard the two. Phione and Manaphy have a connection to Kyogre.


    Mew: Mew is the supposed ancestor of all Pokémon save for the Gods and the mother of Mewtwo. Mew has no set home and instead roams all of Scria, occasionally causing humorous mischief. Mew is known for being extremely friendly with the other Sprites, except for Deoxys, Keldeo, and Meloetta, often found visiting their homes. It is also less friendly with Mewtwo who seems to have some kind of superiority complex to its mother. (Taken by:

    Mewtwo: Mewtwo is the offspring of Mew. During Scria's earlier days when Mew first discovered, the Legendary was genetically altered and gave live birth to Mewtwo, instead of laying an egg. Mewtwo is an extremely powerful Psychic Pokémon that roams the towns and cities of Scria at night, usually found on rooftops. Mewtwo can psychically communicate with humans and is known for having a savage heart. Mewtwo has a strange rivalry with Deoxys and is rude to its mother, though it doesn't hate either. Mewtwo hates nothing more than Pokémon being treated badly and loves nothing more than a good fight.
    (Taken by: Bushy-Brow-1992)

    Jirachi: One of Mew’s closest pals, Jirachi was known in the past for being able to grant wishes with its Eye of Truth. Whether or not this is true is unknown. Jirachi currently sleeps in the Fountain of Wishes in Ruby Desert. People often trek through the desert just to throw a coin into the Fountain and make a wish, praying that Jirachi will grant it upon waking. Jirachi likes to play with the Lake Guardians (when any of them are awake), Mew, Celebi, and Shaymin. Though Rayquaza is the only Pokémon that can stop Groudon and Kyogre from fighting, Jirachi seems to be able to calm down Groudon and the large Godzilla-like Pokémon won’t hurt it. Jirachi can communicate telepathically. (Taken by: Spaze)

    Celebi: The time-traveling Sprite lives in the Aging Forest, where the trees seem to reach the sky and are the thickest in the world. Celebi is known for being incredible playful and is often found flying around with Mew when the tiny pink Pokémon visits. It occasionally visits the sleeping Jirachi, but it can most often be found in Shaymin's Flower Paradise, enjoying the warm weather. (Taken by: KH2man13)

    Shaymin: A snarky Pokémon by nature, Shaymin resembles a hedgehog in its Land Forme. It can turn into a Sky Forme, in which it resembles a small deer. Shaymin made its home in Flower Paradise, a small island next to Aging Forest and south of the Blue Caverns. Shaymin's unique abilities helps it keep Flower Paradise warm, despite its proximity to the caverns. Unfortunately, because of the close nature of the Blue Caverns, Shaymin can't access its Sky Forme as it can't transforme at night nor in cold weather, but otherwise, it can transform whenever. Shaymin is often visited by Celebi, who enjoys the unnaturally warm weather of the paradise. Unlike the other Legendaries, this Shaymin is relatively young, not being the same one who’s always been around. This is obvious by the fact that it has unnatural color. (Taken by: Garxena)

    Victini: The only Psychic/Fire Pokémon in existence (not counting those who change Formes). Victini houses an unlimited amount of energy within its body and, despite appearances, can fly using its tails. Victini is said to give its user victory in all kinds of encounters.(Taken by: Red Robin)

    Keldeo: The youngest member of the Muskateer Quartet, Keldeo was saved by the other three when a fire started in its old forest home. Keldeo supposedly has the potential to be the strongest of the four when the other three taught it Sacred Sword. Along with the other three, Keldeo makes it home in the Aging Forest, along with Celebi, though it can fire water from its hooves to jet across water and occasionally ventures into the rest of Scria. When not with the other three, nor wandering Scria, Keldeo can be seen playing with Celebi.(Taken by: Red Robin)

    Meloetta: Long ago, Meloetta's own music inspired many works of art and music and the Pokémon became popular among musicians and dancers. It once had a song it called its Relic Song that filled people's hearts with joy, but during a dark time in history, Meloetta lost the melody. Without the song, Meloetta can't change into its Pirouette Forme. Despite this, Meloetta can often be seen wandering through populated towns, dancing to no music. Strangely enough, Meloetta hasn't been seen recently. There were times when Meloetta could be seen singing and dancing while Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, and Shaymin flew around her.

    Deoxys: An alien virus fell to Earth on a meteor. During its descent, it mutated into the Pokémon known as Deoxys. In earlier days, Deoxys was famous for challenging Rayquaza. The DNA Pokémon would challenge the ozone layer Pokémon, and Rayquaza would find Deoxys as a threat to its habitat. However, Deoxys could never defeat Rayquaza and Rayquaza stopped seeing it as a threat. Deoxys made its home in Destiny Tower, a huge tower of earth from which it makes Auroras in the sky. Deoxys has the ability to change into four different 'formes,' depending on the strategy of battle. (Taken by: Red Robin)

    Titan Legendaries
    Named Titans for being just that, these Pokémon are among the most powerful when it comes to pure power and attacking force. Most of these Pokémon are known for helping to shape the world into what it is and are often grouped together. These Pokémon like to roam save for a select few. These Pokémon are rivaled in power only by each other and the Gods.

    The Legendary Birds are Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres. Each of the birds is a representation of weather and is known for causing its weather. The three can be seen fighting if they ever run into each other, though Moltres is usually pushed by the other two into battle. Legend says the three hatched from the largest eggs known to Pokémon. The Legendary Birds have their counterpart in the Legendary Beasts and their leader in the God, Lugia.
    Articuno: Part of the Legendary Birds, Articuno is famous for causing the cold winds in the atmosphere. This icy bird is rarely seen by anyone and when it is, it's usually near Blue Caverns helping lost travelers find their way to safety. Due to the freezing conditions in which these travelers see Articuno, it is difficult to tell if it's a near-death hallucination or the real thing. Articuno seems to have a rivalry with Moltres, Zapdos, Entei, and Raikou and it hates Groudon and Heatran. It enjoys the company of Regice (perhaps the reason it is often 'seen' near the sleeping Pokémon's home), Suicune, and Kyogre. The mythical Lugia is said to be the leader of Articuno, Moltres, and Zapdos and the three were said to never challenge Lugia's word. (Taken by: Ace Phoenix)

    Zapdos: The most dangerous of the Bird Trio, Zapdos is said to cause lightning storms with each flap of its wings causing a lightning flash. Unlike Articuno, Zapdos is seen frequently in the center of thunder storms, absorbing the electricity. During these instances, it was seen in the air while Raikou was in the ground, one causing lightning with wing flaps and the other thunder with its roars. Zapdos has a rivalry with Moltres, Articuno, Entei, and Suicune due to their combating elements of nature, but is friendly with Raikou, and Thundurus. Like the other two birds, it is said that it would never challenge Lugia. Unlike the other two, it has no quarrel nor love for Kyogre or Groudon, but it sees Rayquaza as a challenge to overcome, just as Deoxys does. Zapdos tends to roam the skies around the center of Scria.

    Moltres: The friendliest of the Bird Trio, Moltres is the one seen the most. Moltres flies through the skies around the edges of Scria and is often seen interacting with other Pokémon and Scrians. While Moltres is the most pacifist of the trio, it is usually pushed to battling the other, more aggressive two. Unlike the other two, Moltres has no problem with Suicune, Raikou, nor Kyogre, but it can often be seen near Entei. In the same way that Articuno produces the cold winds of Scria and Zapdos produces the storm clouds and lightning, Moltres produces the hot winds. Just like the other two, Moltres was said to follow Lugia, but was also friendly with Ho-Oh.


    The Legendary Beasts are Suicune, Raikou, and Entei. A legend says that back when Scria was in its early days and Aura Guardians and Shiners were numerous, a tower burned down and three Pokémon died. Ho-Oh, it's in rainbow-like glory, used its power and gave life back to the three Pokémon, and they were reborn as Entei, Raikou, and Suicune. The physical embodiments of fire, electricity, and water, these three Pokémon serve as the missionaries of Ho-Oh, roaming Scria at unbelievable speeds. These three are the beast counterparts of the Legendary Birds. Unlike the birds, these three are all ‘brothers,’ but are pit against each other each time Kyogre and Groudon battle. Suicune joins Kyogre and Entei joins Groudon while Raikou watches from afar.​

    Suicune: Suicune is able to run on water and is normally seen near drinking from Pscyhe Pond, running through Familiar Falls, or resting in the Willed Wetlands. Suicune is friendly with Raikou and Entei and the three worship Ho-Oh as Moltres, Zapdos, and Articuno worship Lugia. Although Articuno dislikes Entei and Raikou due to elemental differences, Suicune has no problem with Moltres and Zapdos, though it does enjoy Articuno's company. Suicune was said to side with Kyogre when the oceanic Pokémon fought with Groudon, being thrown against its brother Entei for the first time. Suicune considers itself the personal guardian of Manaphy and Phione. Suicune is rumored to have been given Ho-Oh's loyalty. Rumor has it that Suicune and Cobalion are old friends.(Taken by:мσησ¢няσмє)

    Raikou: The missionary of Ho-Oh who is the reborn embodiment of thunder and electricity, the Pokémon was most often seen in Jolt Forest or with Zapdos and Thundurus, causing thunder with each of its roars. Unlike the other two, Raikou sided with neither Kyogre nor Groudon during their battle, instead of watching from afar as the two brothers and two giants fought each other. Raikou itself has been seen less than its brothers and word has spread that it's been caught, an act considered sacrilege by Team Cross. However, because of how powerful it is, it's hard to believe that a Trainer could catch it. Raikou has been shown to respect Rayquaza who would stop Kyogre and Groudon from fighting, and by extension, Suicune and Entei. Raikou is the fastest of the three on land and is said to be the wisest, having been given Ho-Oh's wisdom. Like Suicune, Raikou has no problem with the two Legendary birds that go against its element. Rumor says Raikou and Virizion are rivals in agility, but Raikou is much faster. (Taken by: Red Robin)

    Entei: The missionary of Ho-Oh who is the reborn embodiment of fire, Entei is the most powerful of the trio. Often roaming Scria, Entei is mostly found in Ruby Desert, near Mt. Red. In the battle between Kyogre and Groudon, Entei sided with Groudon and was pit against its brother, Suicune while Raikou watched. Entei has no relationship with Moltres, unlike his brothers which have a relationship with their corresponding bird, though Entei is said to consider Heatran another brother. Entei is said to house Ho-Oh's strength. Rumor has it that Terrakion is Entei's rival in strength, though the two have never seen each other.


    The Legendary Golems are Regirock, Regice, and Registeel. The ‘Regis’ were supposedly made by Regigigas, the God responsible for moving all regions into its place. Regigigas made the three golems in its image before being sealed. For some strange reason, the Golems are able to use Electric-type moves. The three, unlike the Birds and Beasts, have no quarrel against each other but no loyalty either. They simply exist together.

    Regirock: A Pokémon from ancient times. After Groudon supposedly built the land that became Scria, Regirock then made the mountains on the region after Regigigas pulled Scria into its current place. Regirock’s masterpiece is Mt. Red, the colossal mountain it made in Ruby Desert over Groudon’s resting place before falling into a deep sleep there itself. After its construction, Mt. Red was inhabited by Heatran who turned the mountain into a volcano. Regirock’s body can be chipped and broken, but the Pokémon can assimilate other pieces of rock into its body to repair itself itself.

    Regice: Another Golem, Regice froze part of Olympian Ocean after Kyogre made it. The Regi built the Blue Caverns itself, freezing both land and water, over Kyogre’s resting place and then fell into a deep slumber in a secret chamber. Regice’s body is frozen to -328 degrees Fahrenheit and anybody around it can freeze. While it’s just as slow as the other Golems, Regice had used the its ability to freeze the ground and slide it across it at expert speeds. (Taken by: Aqua101)

    Registeel: The only Legendary Golem that isn’t asleep, Registeel was responsible for building all of the cities of ancient Scria. Registeel stayed in the center of Carbon City, refusing to let the city crumble. Team Cross found the Pokémon in the abandoned city and enlisted its help in rebuilding Carbon City. Despite its lack of speed, Registeel is extremely mobile. Strangely enough, the insides of this Pokémon appear to be hollow, though its body is made from a substance harder than any known metal on the planet.


    The Kami Trio are three Pokémon that also affect the weather. Tornadus creates cylones, Thundurus creates thunderstorms, and their leader, Landorus nurtures crops, allowing them to grow. In ancient times, Tornadus and Tundurus used their power to cause massive destruction; Thundurus even scarred the land and created Ruby Desert. It was Landorus that punished the two. Because of this, Landorus is the one worshiped most while the other two are seen as malicious pranksters.​
    Tornadus: This Cyclone Pokémon that roams Scria is responsible for causing storms in Scria, simply by whipping his tail. Tornadus can travel at 200 miles per hour. Strangely enough, Tornadus is the only Pokémon that is pure-Flying type. In ancient Scria, Tornadus caused a lot of destruction with his storms until punished by Landorus. Aside from his brothers, Tornadus is known to be mischievous, sending strong winds towards flying Pokémon.

    Thundurus: This Bolt Strike Pokémon roams Scria, shooting lightning bolts from its tail wherever it goes. Stories say that in the past, his thunderstorms were so fierce that he was punished by Landorus. Thundurus has an intense rivalry with both Raikou and Zapdos. Legend says that the Ruby Desert came to be after Thundurus destroyed the land with his lightning and set it aflame during on his 'fits.'

    Landorus: The Abundance Pokémon is famous for being the 'good leader' of all Legendary Pokémon. Landorus is known as "The Guardian of the Fields," being able to use his tail to cause soil to grow. Legend says that Landorus is the one who caused Scria to fertilize. Landorus punishes those who he sees as a threat to the planet and punished his brothers himself after they caused massive destruction to the land. He respects Groudon and Kyogre, for their planet-making abilities, and is disapointed that they fight. In the same way, he respects Rayquaza for stopping the two from fighting.


    The Muskateer Trio are all Fighting Pokémon with a secondary type. The leader is Cobalion, the calmest. The other two are Terrakion, the strongest, and Virizion, the most agile. Long ago, a forest caught aflame due to human action. Cobalion led the other two into the forest to protect the Pokémon. The Pokémon defended the Pokémon against the humans, attacking any human who neared the forest. Terrakion used his massive body to shield Pokémon and give them a ride out. Virizion used its great agility to quickly save as many Pokémon as possible. One of the Pokémon saved was Keldeo, a young Water/Fighting Pokémon. Keldeo joined their ranks and the Muskateer Trio became the Muskateer Quartet. The four made their new home at the Aging Forest, along with all of the other rescued Pokémon. Legend says that Keldeo will eventually surpass the other three.​
    Cobalion: The leader of the Muskateer Quartet, Cobalion has the special ability to make other Pokémon obey it by glaring at them. Cobalion has a heart of steel and is known for fighting against humans in the defense of other Pokémon. During the fire that burned down Keldeo's home, Cobalion was the one who led the other Pokémon to safety. It is close to the other members of the Quartet and looks at Keldeo as a pupil. Rumor has it that Cobalion and Suicune are good friends. Cobalion looks over all of the Pokémon in the Aging Forest and considers Celebi the landlord.

    Terrakion: The brute of the Muskateer Quartet, the Cavern Pokémon considered it its personal duty to use its body to protect Pokémon during the fire that burned down Keldeo's home. Known for its immense strength, Terrakion can break castle walls in one charing blow. There are stories that say Terrakion can stop a charging Entei, the strongest of the Legendary Beasts, in its tracks. Terrakion is somewhat rebellious; though it listens to Cobalion, its leader, Terrakion would always rashly do what it thinks its right, even if it disagrees with Cobalion. In the Aging Forest, many small Pokémon are often seen riding on top of Terrakion or even hiding under its body during rains. (Taken by: Red Robin)

    Virizion: The most agile of the Muskateer Quartet, the Grassland Pokémon is as prideful as it gets. However, it's even more agile than it is arrogant. During the fire that burned down Keldeo's home, Virizion saved the most Pokémon, jumping over rocks and through trees, picking them up as it went. While not extraordinarily fast like any of the Legendary Beasts, Virizion is so agile, it has the ability to dodge almost any moves, even those by its supposed rival, Raikou, the fastest of the superfast Legendary Beasts. Virizion can often be seen running on branches of trees in the Aging Forest. Virizion often challenges Celebi to races through the forest, though it always seems to lose, despite its skill.


    The Eon Duo, Latios and Latias, are often ridiculed as the weakest of Legendaries, having little power compared to the others. However, they have very unique abilities and are among the fastest of Pokémon. The brother and sister Legendaries are always seen together, flying like jets through Scria.​
    Latios: One of the most famous roaming Pokémon, Latios is famous for being able to show others exactly what Latios was seen and even shapeshift into the form of a little boy. Latios roams Scria at the speed of a jet with his sister, Latias, and can make his opponents see anything he imagines in his head. He is even able to understand human speech. Like his sister, Latios can refract light to make his body invisible. Latios can detect the locations and emotions of others using its own telepathic abilities, regardless of whether or not it can communicate with them. Whenever Latios is separated from Latias, he doesn't rest until he finds her and attacks anybody who appears to be a threat to her.
    (Taken by: KH2man13)

    Latias: Latios' sister, Latias can fly just as fast. She can also make herself invisible and transform into a little girl. Just like Latios, she can understand human speech, though unlike Latios, she can telepathically communicate with others. While she can't show anyone what she is seeing, she can always show people what Latios is seeing. Latias is always seen with her brother, Latios, flying through Scria, both high and low. Whenever they're separated, Latias anxiously looks for her brother, enlisting the help of anybody nearby.
    (Taken by: Aqua101)


    The Weather Trio are known to be some of the most dangerous Pokémon. Long ago, Groudon expanded the land to shape the continents and Kyogre expanded the water to make the oceans. A chance encounter made the two mortal enemies and a massive battle occurred. Rayquaza came down from the Ozone Layer and negated their abilities. The three parted ways, but would occasionally run into each other again, only to battle. In some battles, other Pokémon would join and it would be a war of land and water Pokémon. After Groudon shaped the continents, they say that the God Regigigas pulled them into place with ropes.​
    Groudon: One of the most powerful Pokémon in existence, Groudon represents the lithosphere. Groudon shaped the continents, in ancient times with its magnificent power to expand land. Groudon also emanates heat hot enough to evaporate water and causes constant sunlight. It can use some electric moves, by heating up the air around it to cause the natural charge. Groudon is powerful enough and can dig its way quickly into land and through solid rock. Though ancient artwork portrays Groudon as taller than most buildings, it is actually about eleven and a half feet, a little over twice as tall as an average human. However, it is the heaviest Pokémon to date. Groudon bathes and sleeps in magma. Though it might seem like a Fire-type, it's actually a Ground-type. Kyogre is Groudon's ultimate rival and the two hate each other. Though it seems to house a constant anger, Jirachi has the ability to calm Groudon down. During Groudon's and Kyogre's battles, Entei sides with the Continent Pokémon. Articuno is shown to have a hatred towards Groudon, but Groudon disregards it. Groudon fell into a deep sleep long ago beneath Ruby Desert. Regirock built a mountain around his slumbering place before falling asleep itself. Heatran supposedly uses the heat from Groudon's body to keep Mt. Red dormant after making it into a volcano. (Taken by:Tєrrα)

    Kyogre: Another powerful Pokémon, Kyogre represents the hydropshere. In ancient times, it made and expanded the oceans. Kyogre is able to summon heavy rain and cause massive tidal waves. Ancient artwork shows Kyogre the size of Scria itself, but in reality, Kyogre is only a few feet larger than Groudon. During its battles with Groudon, Kyogre has Suicune on its side. Like Groudon can't hurt Jirachi, Kyogre refuses to attack either Mapahy or Phione. Though Rayquaza isn't its leader, nor is it much stronger, it has the power to negate Kyogre's weather abilities and, as such, is the only one who can stop Kyogre from fighting Groudon. Long ago, Kyogre settled in a cavern beaneath Olympian Ocean. Over time, Regice froze the area around it and built the Blue Caverns before settling in there itself.(Taken by: master of keyblades)

    Rayquaza: This giant serpent that represents the atmosphere made its home in the Ozone Layer and has one of the most powerful abilities known to Pokémon: the ability to negate weather effects. It is because of this that Rayquaza considers it his personal mission to stop Groudon and Kyogre from warring against each other. Whenever the two Titans are sleeping, Rayquaza wanders the atmosphere, looking like a meteor to those on the ground. Rayquaza has often fought against Deoxys in the past, considering it a threat, but after beating it each time, it ignores Deoxys' existence. Whenever Kyogre and Groudon aren't battling, Rayquaza can be summoned at Raiden Rock by unknown means. Ancient Scrian artwork show a green Rayquaza, hinting towards the fact that the black one seen recently is a Shiny. (Taken by: Red Robin)


    The Lunar Duo is Cresselia and Darkrai. Representing the full moon and new moon, respectively, Cresselia has the ability to give pleasant dreams while Darkrai gives nightmares. While Cresselia can only be encountered (and thus not caught) in dreams, she appears every night during a full moon somewhere in Scria. However, Darkrai can be found during any night and during the day, but only as a shadow.​
    Cresselia: The representation of the Full Moon, Cresselia has the ability to dispel nightmares and give pleasant dreams. She is also able to heal psychological scars if the suffer looks at her. She's similar to the Sandman. Cresselia is summoned by a bad dreams, though she only appears within the dream, turning into a pleasant one. The only way to actually encounter Cresselia in reality is at night during a full moon. However, she's able to come out during new moons to battle Darkrai if Darkrai is inducing a nightmare in the same person Cresselia is inducing a pleasant dream.

    Darkrai: This dangerous Pokémon represents the New Moon. Darkrai can be found giving people nightmares, though it isn't a cruel Pokémon. It is unknown why Darkrai gives people nightmares, though it is rumored that it does so because it's the Pokémon's nature. However, it is Cresselia's opposite and will battle her if it encounters her. Unlike Cresselia, Darkrai can be seen at any night. During the day, it exists as a physical shadow, able to travel easily, but still takes damage by special attacks. (Taken by: AwkwardFailure)


    Genesect: Long ago, before Scria was inhabited by humans, before humans had even existed, prehistoric Pokémon roamed the land. Genesect was the most powerful. However, like most of the prehistoric Pokémon, Genesect became instinct. The ancient Scrians found the only remaining fossil of the ancient Insectoid Pokémon and resurrected it. However, they also genetically modified it into what it is now. Using its new power to fire a beam of any type, Genesect escaped. It is rumored that Genesect is the reason Carbon City is demolished. Unlike other Legendaries, Genesect doesn't seem to have any preexisting relationship with any other Legendary, roaming the forests of Scria in its lonesome and ruthlessly attacking anybody who comes near it with its Techno Blast. (Taken by: Bushy-Brow-1992)

    Heatran: The embodiment of all volcanic activity, Heatran makes its home in Mt. Red. It uses Groudon's own heat to keep the mountain, which it turned into a volcano, dormant. It is said to be one of the oldest Pokémon, being born near the same time as the Gods. Heatran's feet allow it to stick to any surface and it can be seen running vertically around the crater of Mt. Red or on the ceilings of the volcano's caves. The blood of this Pokémon boils like magma. Heatran's signature move allow it to trap other beings in a malestrom of fire, constantly burning them. (Taken by: KH2man13)

    God Legendaries
    Named Gods for being just that, the very existence of these Pokémon are both doubted and worshiped. These are the Pokémon said to be the very first Pokémon, the most powerful Pokémon, and the very creators of the universe and the Pokémon world. These are the Pokémon at the center of Team Cross and the ancient Scrian's worship. However, because of how powerful they're believed to be and because of the fact that they've never been seen, most people don't believe in them, considering them the ultimate 'legendary' Pokémon. Scria's religion claims that the God Legendaries exist in another plane of existence called Vanishing Point. Everything known about these Pokémon is pure speculation, as their existence has yet to be proven.

    Arceus: "The Maker of the Divine." Arceus is the first being to ever exist. In a vortex of complete chaos and nothingness, a single egg came into being and then hatched into Arceus. Arceus then created the Creation Trio, built the universe, created the Lake Guardians, exiled Giratina, and then fell into a deep sleep. Arceus is the oldest being to exist and the strongest Pokémon to exist, being the first. It can change forms and types at will, so legends say, and is able to halt time. It can destroy things and bring them back at whim, and cause others to simply vanish. It has the ability to learn almost any type of attack. (Taken by: Bushy-Brow-1992)


    The Creation Trio is composed of Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina. These three were the first Pokémon created, after Arceus. Created to help shape the universe, Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina had control over time, space, and matter/antimatter, respectively. After creating the universe, Giratina's destructive tendencies caused Arceus to exile it to another dimension, which became Vanishing Point. Arceus then created the Lake Guardians to keep these three in check, as they were violent against each other and threatened to destroy the universe. Arceus assigned each Guardian to a Creator: Uxie to Giratina, Azelf to Dialga, and Mesprit to Palkia.

    Dialga: “The Master of Time” is the epitaph of Dialga. Dialga was made by Arceus, creator of the Pokémon alongside Palkia and Giratina. Dialga was given the power to control time, able to speed it up, slow it down, or stopping it altogether. Ancient Scrian artwork shows Dialga and Palkia constantly in battle, but the reason for this is unknown. One of the purposes of the Lake Guardian is supposedly to stop Dialga and Palkia from destroying the world with their battles. Legends say Giratina hates both Dialga and Palkia and would hunt them down if given the chance. Azelf, Lake Guardian of willpower, is Dialga’s personal Sprite.

    Palkia: “The Bender of Space,” Palkia was born alongside Dialga and Giratina, from Arceus to help create the universe. Due to its constant fighting with Dialga(so legends say), Arceus made the Lake Guardians to keep these two in check. After creating the universe, both Dialga and Palkia disappeared into Vanishing Point, home of the gods. Palkia has the ability to warp space such as shuffling landscape on a whim to allow a door to connect somewhere miles away or for a large forest to fit inside a small house. Legends say that it can create alternate realities. Mesprit, Lake Guardian of emotion, is Palkia’s personal Sprite. (Taken by: TwilightBlader)

    Giratina: “The Distorter of Dimensions.” Giratina is a giant basilisk-like God that can travel through dimensions. Even though Giratina had a hand in creating the universe, given the power to manipulate both matter and anti-matter, its destructive tendencies caused Arceus to exile it to Vanishing Point. Giratina was the Pokémon there and legends say that it’s the one that shaped Vanishing Point. Giratina’s unique abilities to travel through dimensions in its Origin Forme, a snake-like form, led to legends saying it was the one that pulled all of the other Gods into Vanishing Point due to its anger at being exiled there. Giratina also has the ability to change into its Alternate Forme, a form with legs, a torso, and wings. Giratina might be the more powerful one of the Creation Trio, able to even travel through any reflective objects including mirrors and bodies of water. The Lake Guardian Uxie is Giratina’s personal Sprite. (Taken by: DarkTraitor)


    The Tao Trio is composed of the three dragons: Zekrom, Reshiram, and Kyurem. Legend says that long ago, a single Dragon Pokémon was used by twin heroes in order to create Scria. The older brother sought truth in life while the younger brother sought ideals. This led to the two arguing and then fighting over who was right. In response, the dragon split into two Pokémon, Reshiram, who sided with the older truth-seeking brother, and Zekrom, who sided with the younger ideal-seeking brother. The corpse of the original Dragon Pokémon, now lacking the balance of truth and ideals, became reanimated into Kyurem and flew to the sky. Zekrom and Reshiram battled each other but neither could conquer the other. The brothers declared neither was right and formed a truce, but their sons restarted the fight. In response to this, Reshiram and Zekrom scorched Scria with fire and lightning and disappeared into Vanishing Point. Some people believe that these Pokémon, along with Genesect, are the ones that caused the original Scrians to disappear, though it’s only a legend. The legend goes on to say that Kyurem returned as a meteor covered in ice and crashed into Scria in what would soon become the Blue Caverns. Kyurem then proceeded to take Pokémon and people alike and eat them. Zekrom and Reshiram represent balance, yin and yang, while Kyurem represents the lack of balance.​

    Reshiram: "The Dragon of Truth." The only Dragon/Fire Pokémon known to man, Reshiram represents truth. Its jet engine-like tail can be used to accelerate itself and cause it to fly at high speeds. It is said to store enormous amounts of heat energy and unleash in one blast. Legend says that it can burn everything into nothing. Some legends say that when its tail flares, the atmosphere of the entire world moves and changes the planet’s weather. Reshiram may be able to speak through telepathy. (Taken by:Tєrrα)

    Zekrom: "The Dragon of Ideals." The only Dragon/Electric Pokémon known to man, Zekrom represents ideals. Its tail houses a generator that produces energy for all of its Electric-based attacks and can emit an anti-gravity field that allows it to float and fly through the skies easily. Zekrom is said to be able to produce thunderstorms across the world simultaneously. Zekrom may be able to speak through telepathy. (Taken by: KH2man13)

    Kyurem: "The Dragon of Absence." After the Dragon Pokémon from the legends split into Zekrom and Reshiram, its corpse became Kyurem, the only Dragon/Ice Pokémon known to man. Kyurem represents the lack of balance and signifies the lack of a need to categorize everything. As a strange way to show this, Kyurem supposedly eats both Pokémon and people, seeing them all as simply ‘prey.’ Kyurem is able to store powerful cold air in its wings and tail and breathe with it, though it will freeze its own body in the process. It is able to unleash several blizzards and hailstorms and even freeze its surroundings in a flash. (Taken by: DarkTraitor)


    Lugia: "The Guardian of the Barrier," Lugia is the God said to guard the entrance to Vanishing Point. It is said that Lugia is the leader of the Legendary Birds: Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres. Lugia has often been paired off with Ho-Oh in parables, though the two have little, if any, ill will towards each other. Lugia was supposed to be the original creator of storms, able to cause storms that would last 40 days with a mere flap of its wings. It has the ability to shoot powerful beams from its mouth, which it would use to punish the Legendary Birds and to guard Vanishing Point. A Psychic Shield around Lugia's body protects it from any attacks. (Taken by: Bushy-Brow-1992)

    Ho-Oh: "The Phoenix of Rebirth" is supposed to be the most gracious God of them all. In ancient Scria, a tower burned down and three Pokémon died. Ho-Oh cried for these three Pokémon and resurrected them as Suicune, Raikou, and Entei, making them its missionaries. From Vanishing Point, Ho-Oh watches over Scria, giving new life to those who who finish theirs. Some legends say it is the source of evolution, giving Pokémon a new life in a new form. Scrian says every rainbow comes from one of Ho-Oh's feathers. Ho-Oh is rumored to never stop flying. (Taken by: Britishism)

    Regigigas: “The Breaker of Worlds” is the name given to the Regigigas. This Pokémon is said to be so strong that it pulled all of the regions into place with ropes after Groudon made them. Legends say that Regigigas will awake from its slumber with only half of its power, but once it’s fully awake, it is said to be able to pull worlds apart single-handedly. Legend also says that the Legendary Golems, Regirock, Regice, and Registeel were made by Regigigas itself in its image. Because it made them, Regigigas can control the Legendary Golems even if a Trainer’s already caught them. Regigigas is similar to other Legendaries that can communicate telepathically. This God can handle any terrain.(Taken by: Red Robin)

    Pokémon League
    The Pokémon League is one of two branches of government in Scria and the most famous organization in each region. Scria's league is composed of 8 Gym Leaders, the Elite 4 trainers, the Champion, and the G-Men. The goal of every Trainer is beat and become the Champion in an adventure known as the Pokémon League Challenge. In order to do this, they must defeat the 8 Gym Leaders and collect their respective badges to earn the right to challenge the Elite 4. Only once a Trainer beats the Elite 4 do they earn the chance to challenge the Champion. The G-Men are the police-like force, comparable to an FBI of sorts, that the Champion leads. It was only a few years ago that the G-Men were formed, in order to make the Pokémon League a separate entity from Team Cross.
    Gym Leaders
    Scria has 8 gyms (as do most regions). Each gym is led by a Gym Leader and specializes in a specific theme. Besides the Elite 4 and the Champion himself, Gym Leaders are the most powerful Trainers in Scria. Upon defeating a Gym Leader, Trainers earn the gym's respective badge. Scria has four gyms scattered around the edges of the region and one gym on Misty Island, in the south. After winning these five badges, Trainers can then challenge the Trinity, the three gyms in the center of Scria, surrounding Raiden Rock. The Trinity is known for housing the three most powerful Gym Leaders. The Trinity is composed of the northern Kal City, the western Knight City, and Wonder City to the East.

    Elite 4
    The Elite 4 are the most powerful Trainers in Scria, aside from the Champion. After winning 8 badges, Trainers can challenge the Elite 4. Unlike other regions who have a certain location for the Elite 4, Scria doesn't. Instead, each Trainer of the Elite 4 can pick any location in Scria for each challenge, usually picking an area that compliments their Pokémon. During the Pokémon League Challenge Tournament, the Elite 4 participates as their own team. If a normal Trainer beats an Elite Trainer during the Pokémon League Challenge Tournament, the Trainer gets the chance to take the Elite 4 position. Any Elite Trainer that beats his/her challenger during the Tournament will then get the chance to challenge the Champion and take the position.

    The Champion is arguably the most powerful Trainer in Scria. The position is given to the person who defeats all 8 Gym Leaders, the Elite 4, and the current Champion. Like the Elite 4, the Champion's position can only be taken during the Tournament. If a Trainer beats the Champion, the Trainer and his/her Pokémon are recorded in the Hall of Fame. The current Champion, Celio Nuvola, won his position ten years ago (and kept it during the last Tournament) without help, not being part of a Trainer Team, and has yet to lose a single battle. It was Nuvola's idea to form the G-Men after he realized that the Pokémon League, despite being the second branch of Scria's government, was under the control of Team Cross. Not wanting Scria to become a theocracy and believing the people deserve a more diverse government, he successfully founded the G-Men and separated the Pokémon League from Team Cross. It is said that his key to all his victories stem from a secret weapon.

    Think FBI of the Pokémon world. The G-Men are masters of disguise, able to hide themselves in any crowd. They are known for having extremely powerful Pokémon, but only carry three at a time. The G-Men are under the Champion's direct leadership, though the Elite 4 tend to have some pull within. However, only the Champion knows the identities of the G-Men and how they operate, though he usually asks his most trusted Elite 4 members to help them on cases.

    Team Cross
    The main government of Scria and once the only government. Team Cross is also the church of Scria. Team Cross started out as the Pokémon worshipers left behind from Scria's older civilization. They became a different group than regular Scrians as Scria moved more towards training Pokémon than worshiping them. Eventually, the church became the government. Though Team Cross does not push theocratic laws upon the people nor do they punish those who seem 'blasphemous,' as they do have a strong belief in the separation of church and state, they strongly encourage worshiping Pokémon especially the Legendaries and, even more especially, the Gods. Despite having 'Team' in their name, like villainous teams of other regions, Team Cross is not evil. The Cross members are the ones in charge of rebuilding Carbon City, a large city left behind from the original Scrians, hoping to show the current people the beauty of the ancient ways. Team Cross tend to search out Aura Guardians and employ them, believing Aura to be a remnant of ancient Scria. In order to start a movement to stop Pokémon from being used as tools, Team Cross developed the Aura Armor. The Aura Armor gives the wearer the ability to simulate real Pokémon moves of any type. Only an Aura Guardian can use it. Because of the high-tech nature of the Aura Armor, only one has been successfully completed. Unfortunately, a group of Team Cross members betrayed their church, government, and country by steal the Aura Armor and defecting. This group has been dubbed the Heretics by Team Cross. While Team Cross has put all their efforts into finding the Heretics, even enlisting the G-Men's help, the timing of the PLCT has distracted everyone.

    The name given to the defecting group of Team Cross. The Heretics' true motives are unknown and they seem to have disappeared since stealing the Aura Armor. While every effort has been made to track them down, they have remained both anonymous and free, able to escape capture in all of their rare appearances. The identities of the Heretics have not been named public, for unnamed reasons.
  2. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Jolt Forest(H)

    "Come one Trainer, come all Trainers..." an enthusiastic voice read. The young Trainer was sitting on a branch in a large tree, surrounded by yellow and blue leaves, reading the invitation in his hand. On his palm, he could make out the edge of his strange birthmark, but his eyes were focused on the invitation. In the forest behind him, he could hear several Pokemon scuttering about while his own were at the base of the tree, enjoying their lunch. "Ready, set...GO!" He finished reading and jumped off the branch, landing on one knee and standing up, getting surprised yelps form his two Pokemon. "Time to become the next Pokemon Champion!" Castiel Nuvola yelled as he gave his Turtwig and Elekid a thumbs up.
  3. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    "my my you are quite confident in you skills" said the voice of the the beginner trainer Seth as he walked up to the loud trainer and crossed his arms. Leaving his home town named Satoshi town he decided to head to the Jolt Forest to train his Pokemon before he fully began his journey. Although his Totodile may not be as effective in this forest, it was a perfect place to train his Larvitar. The loud voice of another person yelling something about 'trainers' made him want to investigate who was in this forest.
  4. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Satoshi Town

    "Okay, guys, eat up!" Ariel placed a bowl of Pokefood in front of her Piplup and another in front of her Poochyena. She sat on the grass next to them, rolling an empty Pokeball in her lap. As Piplup and Poochyena began to eat, Ariel's smile turned to a pair of pursed lips. She'd just bought food for her two Pokemon and three Pokeballs. But she wasn't even sure what she was going to catch with those new Pokeballs. In fact, she didn't have much of a plan for herself at all; she never did. But her whole journey thus far had been everything but disappointing. She looked fondly to Piplup and Poochyena and smiled. Well, whatever was going to happen would happen; she'd just go with it.
  5. Noroz I Wish Happiness Always Be With You

    Apr 3, 2011
    "Hey, Squirtle! Come get some food!" Skye shouted out the window. Squirtle had been swimming in the neighbors pond most of the day while Skye packed his bag for his trip. "Skye, food is ready!" His mother called him from the kitchen. Squirtle jumped in through the window into Skye's hands. "Hey, are you ready to leave today?" he asked. "Squirtle!" Squirtle replied. "Haha, sounds good, lets get some food before we leave." Skye turned around and Squirtle jumped onto his shoulder.

    After finishing his food, Skye could feel the butterflies in his stomach. "So, mom. I guess I'll be leaving soon," his voice was nervous, but excited. "I know, Skye. Are you sure you want to do this?" she asked. "I'm sure." Skye walked to his small room, grabbed his guitar bag and his shoulder bag.

    "I guess I'll be leaving then, guys." Skye hugged his mother and siblings. "I'll call you when I get to Ferryar Town, alright? I'll see you later. Let's go Squirtle," Skye said as he and Squirtle turned around and headed for the Ferry.
  6. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    Jolt Forest(H)​

    "So, I suppose that it's coming around again." Miza looked at the flyer in her hand and stuffed it in her backpack.
    "Well, at least something will keep me busy now," She grabbed one of her pokeballs and let out her long-time partner Aron. "Looks like we'll finally be able to put that traing to good use, huh Aron?"
    Miza's Aron began to jump with excitment.
    "Now the only problem would be..." Miza looked around at where she was...in the middle of a bunch of trees. She had traveled through this forest many times going to Satoshi Town, but it seems this time she had wandered into an area she wasn't familiar with. "Agh! I can't believe I got us lost."
    Miza crouched and began to sulk a little. She had a habit of sulking when she did something wrong or when she couldn't do a thing to fix it. In this case, she had issues with both. Aron walked up to her side and looked up at her, seemingly worried.
    "CAN'T SOMEONE TELL US HOW TO GET OUT OF HERE!?" Miza hollered into the air. She hoped someone heard her, because she was in trouble right now. When she looked down she noticed her aron, laying on the ground, dazed.
    "Oops, sorry Aron. Guess I yelled to loud, huh?" Miza grabbed the dazed and started walking, hoping to get out.
  7. KH2man13 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 15, 2009
    Plafore Town​

    Lee strolled down the streets of Plafore Town with his bag slung over his shoulder. He shivered a little. Weird. He's lived here for years and the cold never bothered him. Must be pre-competition jitters. He shrugged it off and kept walking. He began looking around at everything, finding things he had never even noticed before in all of his years here. Lee grabbed two of the Pokeballs on his belt, these containing the only two Pokemon he had. The other four were empty, but he was planning on changing that very soon. He closed his eyes and thought to himself, This is it. I'll show them. I'll show them all that I can be great!

    Lee started to reattach the Pokeballs to his belt, but suddenly they opened by themselves. "What the-?!" he exclaimed in shock. Out popped his two Pokemon: A Riolu that he rescued from the nearby forest a few years and the Oshawatt he had recently obtained. "Guys, are you crazy?" Lee asked his Pokemon. "It's freezing out here! It's much warmer in your-" Before he could finish his sentence, Riolu and Oshawatt jumped up into the hood of his jacket and rested on his shoulders. Lee chuckled a little and said with a smile, "Alright, guys, you can stay out here. But don't come crying to me when you get frostbite!" He readjusted the strap on his bag and continued on out of the town.
  8. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    OOC: Assuming Seth is talking to Castiel.

    Jolt Forest(H)

    "Huh?" Castiel turned around to see somebody approaching him. "Well...kinda," he said, grinning as he reached up to the back of his head. Didn't expect to see anybody here, he thought. Behind him, Elekid was sitting staring intensely at the newcomer. When he looked down, Turtwig was eating of his bowl.
    Elekid sent one of his hands slamming down on Turtwig's head.
    "Uh, so I'm Castiel. Friends call me 'Cass!'" Castiel told the other Trainer. On his back, his bag was open revealing a Pokemon egg with light brown swirls.

    Coldheat Town​

    As his feet hit the ground with each step, Zelos' hand swung the big metallic briefcase he was carrying. He was wearing his Team Cross uniform black and grey shirt and shorts with a mini jacket. His blonde hair was spiked in its usual fashion. Beneath his shirt he could feel the Heretic cross cold against his chest, but he ignored it. With that concealed, and the Aura Armor compacted nicely into the brief case, he was simply a regular Team Cross member. Nobody would think otherwise. But right now, he was busy. He had no time for any 'Team Cross official work' as he called it. He needed to find a few of the other Heretics. Drew Damon was the one his mind. To Zelos Drew was perfect for the job; he was extremely loyal to the Heretics, exactly what Zelos needed.
  9. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Jolt Forest (H)​

    "nice to meet you my name is Seth" Seth said with a calm smile. With his arms crossed he glanced over at the the two pokemon and glanced back at Cass "So judging from the words I heard you say I guess your taking part in the PLCT as well" Seth said. Finding a trainer so early was a bit unexpected for him but finding another trainer in taking part in the PLCT would be even more unexpected
  10. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    The ferry wasn't due yet.
    She had arrived far too early.
    Not that Taylor regretted that even slightly, glad to have started going somewhere at last, even if she was simply sat outside of a ferryport on the edge of an island off the coast of Scria.
    Her tiny partner, Kindle, a rare-coloured Litwick, made a sound from her perch on her shoulder, informing her that she could see somebody approaching from the far road. The cyan-coloured flame on the candle Pokémon's head flickered lightly with the breeze as she made the sound, which almost singed part of her trainer's clothes.
    They had repeated this situation every single time the ghost type had seen a human or Pokémon, with no apparent reason behind her actions other than for the simple sake of it.
    "Kin, don't you think you've done that enough?" the new traveller asked her partner in vain, "You're going to wind up burning something if you're not careful, and I'm the only thing around to burn."
    Kindle responded cheerfully, apparently amused by the thought, though she would never purposefully harm her trainer.
    Because doing so would stop it being funny if any other of her Pokémon did so.
    It's not that Kindle wanted her trainer hurt, she would defend her from any real harm herself, but rather that she enjoyed the fact that she, a mischievous ghost-type Pokémon that had encountered the young trainer originally by complete accident, was the most well-behaved of the girl's Pokémon so far.
    Boota, while well-meaning, was a Tepig that seemed to have quickly developed a crush on his trainer, and his attempts to show his affection had thus far been through liberal application of his Tackle attack on her leg.
    And Kamina, the recently-caught Sandile, apparently had a major obsession with clothing despite being a short-legged quadriped for whom there would likely never be any well-fitting clothing for. He particularly seemed to like passer-by trainers clothes, which he would latch onto without warning or permission. For some ironic reason, the crocadillian Pokémon had never shown an interest in her own clothes, however.
  11. Britishism Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 4, 2011
    Radio Free Wasteland
    Coldheat Town​
    Jakob flicked the hair out of his eyes and laughed. Coldheat Town. Perhaps things were coming into play for him. He glanced at his Pokemon. Zephyr, his Bulbasaur was looking up at him excitedly. "Heh. Right, buddy. We've got some stuff to do." he peered through the town. Perhaps... was there anyone of notice? None yet in sight. He laughed to himself. he cracked his knuckles, letting the familiar Heretic Cross bracelet fall out of his sleeve. He buckled it back to an unnoticeable place. He walked past a few townspeople, including a blonde Team Cross member. He frowned. No need to start trouble, although he did smirk and call, "Hey, good work on protecting Scria, buddy." He laughed under his breath. Now that he thought about it, the boy looked strangely familiar. He shrugged and pulled open the door of the local Pokemon Center. He walked in with Zephyr, slumping down into a booth. He kept his eyes on Nurse Joy. This place would be brilliant to keep a stakeout for information.
  12. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Plafore town. (Leon's Room)​

    Leon checked his bag one more time making sure that he had everything he needed.
    Once he was sure... he was nearly just about ready.
    "Char?" the young, oddly golden coloured Charmander asked, looking up at him.
    "Yeah.. I guess we're ready.
    Time to say our goodbyes buddy."
    Leon said to his First and currently only Pokémon.
    "Char!" Charmander exclaimed happily, gesturing to a pure Red-Pokeball on the table.
    "I know." Leon said, reaching over and picking up the ball.
    "Let's do this." he said, facing Charmander who had moved onto the opposite side of the room.
    Memories flashed through his eyes of his Sister's last visit...
    Leon had never before been interested in journeying, as much as he loved Pokémon.
    But his Sister, who was now known as a legendary trainer in this town, becoming the youngest member currently on the Elite 4, had come back not too long ago.
    During her visit, she had given him a gift.
    A Pokémon Egg. An Egg that came from her very first Pokémon Partner, her Charizard which she rescued as just a Charmander when she was quite young herself.
    Leon didn't have the faintest clue why she had given him such a gift.
    'Maybe the little guy in there will inspire you to try something with your life that you never really thought about.' he remembered her saying.
    ...That had been an under statement...
    He had become close to this little Charmander... and now was finally leaving on his own Pokemon Journey.
    He clutched the odd Pokéball in his hand.
    Charmander, even though he did officially belong to Leon, once hatched had never been inside a Pokéball as of yet. But now... this was to officially seal the deal...
    The mark of him truly becoming a trainer.
    The odd Pokéball was another gift he had received from his sister during her visit, who said that she came across it in her own journey and wanted to give it to him, after all, he'd need something for the soon to be arriving baby Pokémon.
    She had called it a 'Cherish Ball', and so Leon decided that since he did truly Cherish his Charmander, and that both of them would not even be with him now if not for his sister... that they belonged together.
    It seemed perfect.
    "Right then Charmander... Let's do this." he said, turning his hat around, in some odd trademark cliche style.
    "Char!" the little Pokémon shouted as he jumped up into the air.
    Leon clutched the Pokéball in his right hand... the hand with a coincidentally Pokéball shaped Birthmark, his sister had one just like it, but on her left hand instead.
    "Pokéball go!" Leon yelled out as he threw the ball at the mid-air Charmander.
    Charmander was struck by the ball and engulfed in light as he was sucked inside.
    The ball wobbled on the ground for a second before the centre made a quick flash and a noise of confirmation was heard.
    "Well Charmander.. Our Journey begins."
  13. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Ferryar Town​

    "What? Don't give me that look, boy. I'll be back before you know it!" Holden frowned slightly as he stared into the eyes of the Growlithe sitting at the front door's entrance. It's brown eyes buried into him as if asking Holden to take the Pokemon with him. "Stay. Someone's gotta look after the house. Dad's not home often and well me..." Holden looked over his shoulder towards Ferryar Town's exit. "I've got to do this." Holden crouched down in front of the Growlithe and patted its head, smiling a bit. "I'll be back." He said before rising up and leaving his house, closing the door behind him. He held up a Pokeball that contained his Cyndaquil and wondered about letting it out. 'Well, it's a long journey. There isn't much between Ferryar Town and every other place.' He sighed out and placed the ball into his left jacket pocket, taking out a second Pokeball. This one contained a Dratini that had quite an attitude even though it did take a liking to Cyndaquil...a bit too much of a liking. 'I think I'll just keep Cyndaquil out for the time being.' Holden thought to himself, throwing out the Pokeball that contained his Pokemon as the ball cracked open and released a red light that formed his Cyndaquil before returning to him.

    "Cynda!" The small Pokemon called out as soon as it saw Holden.

    "Come on, we've got awhile before we hit the next city." He paused, looking out at the open expanse of grassy territory before them both with nothing else in sight but the distant Carbon City towards the West. "How about I race ya?" The Cyndaquil tilted its head in interest as Holden took off in a sprint, leaving the Pokemon to follow behind him.
  14. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    Miza sat back against a tree. She had wandered for a little while and she felt like she was going in circles. There was no way she was getting out of here unless someone would find her.
    "Wait, I know!" Miza snapped her fingers and threw out another pokeball. From the pokeball came her second pokemon, Torchic.
    Miza pointed toward the sky. "Torchic, I want you use ember toward the sky as high as you can. Maybe someone will find us if you do that."
    "Torchic Tor" torchic nodded confidantly as it aimed toward the sky. Within seconds embers were being sent into the sky.
    "Come on, make it past the trees." Miza crossed her hands, because she did not want to be stuck in this forest. She kept watching and finally the embers just made it past the treetops. "Yes! Keep firing Torchic, maybe someone will see them."
  15. KH2man13 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 15, 2009
    Sharem Town

    Drew paused on a park bench to rest. He had been walking for at least day now, looking for other Heretics. So far, he hadn't found any. Of course I'm not gonna find the others easily, he thought. We're supposed to be in secret. Drew pulled up the sleeve on his shirt, revealing the Heretic necklace wrapped around his arm. He turned the cross over in his hands a couple of times.

    Drew sighed and pulled down his sleeve. "Suppose I should get back to the search," he muttered to himself. "I've already searched Sharem. Perhaps I should head towards Coldheat." He stood up and stretched a bit, before continuing on his search."

    Plafore Town​

    Lee had reached the outskirts of the town and stopped. This was it. He was finally leaving to make something of his life. He looked over his shoulder at the town behind him. His gaze turned to the Pokemon in the hood of his jacket. They both gave him a quick nod, which he returned. He looked ahead and continued forward out of the city.

    As Lee stepped out of the city, he was embraced by the scenery of the forest. He looked back at Riolu and said, "This is where we met, wasn't it?" Riolu, obviously upset by this, buried his head behind Oshawatt. "OK, sorry I brought it up!" Lee quickly responded.
  16. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Satoshi Town​

    "C'mere, Poochyena," Ariel called her Pokemon to her. He looked a little disgruntled to be distracted from his food but he came nonetheless. Ariel put the Pokeball she'd been rolling back into her backpack and then picked up Poochyena and placed him in her lap.
    "Pooch?" he cocked his head to the side.
    "Oh you're so cute!" Ariel smiled hugged Poochyena, who squirmed and licked her face.
    "Piplup!" the neglected Pokemon had left his food bowl and stood in front of his trainer with a strong pout on his face.
    "You too!" Ariel opened her arms and Piplup jumped into her lap on top of Poochyena.

    OOC: changed color because royal blue is being used by a lot of people
  17. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008

    Castiel nodded a silent 'pleasure to meet you' and smiled. "Sure am. I was born for the PLCT!" He yelled it, but his voice cracked with low confidence. "Anyway, it's me, Elekid, and Turtwig over there," he pointed to his Pokemon and then to his backpack, "And this soon to be Eevee. What about you?"

    Zelos nodded at the person who had walked by him, almost smirking at what he said. As the person walked away, Zelos felt a tingle on his chest. Him? In all seriousness? He turned around and quickly followed the person into the Pokemon Center, trying not to draw attention to himself. As he walked in, he smiled and nodded at the Nurse behind the counter before sitting at the same booth as and across from the earlier person and his Pokemon. "I should say," he said, lowering his voice before the other person could object to his sitting there, "I did not expect to see another Heretic here." He smiled, expecting a surprised "How do you know who I am?" or something of the sort.
  18. Britishism Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 4, 2011
    Radio Free Wasteland
    Jakob raised an eyebrow. So, this guy was a heretic as well. Surprising, but he couldn't let that show. He quickly gained his composure and replied, "I have to say, your disguise is quite good." He continued to watch people entering the building as he said this, while also doing his best to examine the other Heretic. It could be a Team Cross member just looking for a reward. He took in all of the boy's features, finally asking, "You're Zelos, right?"
  19. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    "Ok, Torchic, you can let up now." Miza watched as Torchic stopped shooting Ember and sat down.
    Miza grabbed a can of pokemon food from her bag and gave some to Torchic. "Here you go, good job." The Torchic ate the food from the can while Miza looked around her surroundings once again.
    "I suppose we're not getting out of here trying to get attention. I guess we'll just have to either find someone ourselves or just get out of here." Miza looked at her Aron, "At least we might be able to get a little more training done," Miza smiled, being a little sarcastic about what she just said.
    After Torchic was done eating Miza put both Aron and Torchic in their respective pokeballs and began wandering from her clearing.
  20. KH2man13 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 15, 2009
    Drew strolled into Coldheat Town, still searching for other Heretic members. He sighed in disappointment and said, "What am I expecting to see? A giant sign that says 'HERETICS MEET OVER HERE!'?" He grabbed one of his Pokeballs and remembered that some of his Pokemon was injured on the way here. Drew began looking around frantically for a Pokemon Center. He was finally relieved when he saw one. "Alright, let's get you guys healed up," he said to the Pokemon he held in his Pokeball, stepping foot into the Pokemon Center.

    (changing from the Royal Blue as well)

    Still strolling through the forest, Lee heard a rustling in a nearby bush that caught his attention. "Uh... Anyone there?" he asked, trying not to seem scared. Probably some prankster trying to scare him. The bush rustled again. "Alright, whoever you are, come out of there!" he called. "You're not scaring anyone!"

    He was wrong. Almost in an instant, Lee felt something quickly grab his legs and trip him, knocking Riolu and Oshawatt out of his jacket hood. Odd, because he didn't even see anything. HE quickly got up and looked around, searching for what tripped him. When he finally saw it, he couldn't believe it; a wild Pokemon. A Sneasel, to be exact. "Sweet! My first wild Pokemon!" he cheered, eager to catch it. "Alright, it's easier to catch when it's weak, so... Hm... Oshawatt, you go first!" "Osha!" the Pokemon cried out, stepping between Lee and Sneasel, ready to battle.
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