Poetry Contest August 2009

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Styx, Aug 1, 2009.

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  1. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    Hello, you all! It's the first day of the month again, which means it's time for my perio- I mean, the Poetry Contest! I forgot to have the last one stickied, sorry about that. However, there were still a good amount of contestants this month too.

    The winning poem this month was written by Ruon. The first steps to corruption as a result of grief were an interesting concept, and the collection of quotes to start with was a good idea. Congratulations!
    That being said, I've made an exception this time but I'd rather that everyone submits his/her own poem in the future. I'm aware that this was difficult in the case of Ruon, but keep this in mind for next time.

    Also, it needs to be said that Ruon's poem photo-finished with another wonderful poem. Runner-up this month was What? and his poem "Question". Congratulations to you too!

    This month's theme is Justice. Just a random theme this month.
    Have fun and good luck!
  2. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Congrats to Petru!

    Well i'll throw my hat into the ring, though don't expect anything good since i haven't written poetry for a good while. But what the hell.


    Father, you haven't a head on your shoulders,
    Instead it rolls towards me, and I see your face,
    Your dead in the eyes, that bleed, you've left me...

    What can I do? He only smiles and leaves me with my fathers face,
    I'm only a failure, what could I do? Not strong enough... to hold my tears...
    Nothing, I didn't do anything...why did this happen? To my daddy...

    ...now...Now I must be a big boy, who doesn't cry,

    So here I am, your old sword sheathed, in my already dead and cold hands,
    Your sons a killer now, he's killed many...men, women, children...who survives?
    Along the way i've made more fatherless children, like you did to me...
    And here I am.
    In front of Revenge, he smiles at me like the last time we met,
    He can see i'm dead all around, with no tears or smiles, with nothing left in me

    Now daddy, I've avenged your memory, i've done it all for you.
    But...Is this what they call Justice? Just this is Justice?​
  3. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    Good Job Petru!. Dang I thought mine would win. =\
  4. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees Professional Crazy

    Aug 5, 2008
    The other side of the monitor
    Game that no one wins

    What a sweet surprise
    To open my tired eyes
    And see nothing, but realize
    That we're fighting for a prize
    Maybe this way is a lie and you cannot see the truth,
    I know not to expect it but I want to see proof
    That what we're doing to them is turning them away from sin
    And that we're not just going through this shit again and again

    Is this justice for their sins
    Or is it a game that no one wins
    We sent them out to stop the flood
    And they came back covered in blood

    Have you realized
    Consequences of lies
    Are nothing
    Here the angel cries because people don't die
    For thousands of years of wars and lies
    All of it in their name, ten thousand years of death and pain
    And can people really not see it just because they're vain

    Is this justice for their sins
    Or is it a game that no one wins
    We sent them out to stop the flood
    And they came back covered in blood​
  5. Mimiru Banned

    Jul 15, 2009
    The World, Japan
    Congrats Petru

    When you mean by Justice can it be like vengeance version of justice?
  6. Nuff' Said Banned

    Dec 20, 2008
    I'll submit my poetry from me.

    ----------An Avenger's Justice-------

    How many years have I plotted his death?
    He's been above the law but I will serve justice
    My reasons may be personal but he killed her
    He's robbed bank after bank
    And he still gets off clean
    Poisoned wine and car bombs
    He still outwits me
    It's time to fail-safe justice
    and kill him in person
    I walk up to him
    shoot him and he dies
    At last justice
    But what justice have I done for her?
  7. Petru Banned

    Jun 15, 2009
    Gundorada Workshop
    I was just submitting for Ruon since he was in the hospital so I'm not the winner guys and girls he is.
  8. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    Sure. That's okay.
  9. Rayku Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 10, 2008
    Gotham City
    Justice is told to us to be our savior, to protect us forever until we die.

    But she shall one day fall to its knees and beg for our mercy.

    For we have abused and tarnished lady justice, because she was our only scapegoat.

    Can we ever find another escape, another rag doll to play with?

    Another one to destroy… little by little, piece by piece.

    Because Justice is flawed, just like the people who made it, the people who live by it, and the people who are protected by our divine justice​
  10. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    Justice and Inequity waltzed through the ball
    Spinning and twirling, a beautiful sight
    Justice wore a white gown; Inequity a dress
    But this was not a dance but a battle through the night

    The two foes never met, never quite agreed
    Justice stood for fairness; Inequity felt spite
    While they waltzed they spun, a whirl of good and bad
    Forever a war between what is wrong and right

    Still they dance today, unseen by the world
    Their graceful movements on the balance of a knife
    Maybe Inequity shall triumph, cause our race despair
    Perhaps Justice shall be queen and save the Earth from strife
  11. demonchick25 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 22, 2007
    The place with the things and stuff
    The Light of Justice

    As time slips away,
    And debts remain unpaid,
    An eye for an eye,
    A life for a life,
    The unpaid debt,
    Brings the world into darkness,
    From loss is gain,
    And from gain is loss,
    The balance brings the world into the light,
    Everything is illuminated by this light,
    This light is justice;
  12. Mvalentine King's Apprentice

    Very well doe Petru...Poetry...I think I'll try...Totally improvised

    Where's the justice?
    Armys armys everywhere,
    yet, they are recruited with lies,
    "you will gain honour by joining the army" they'll say,
    Whats so honourable about shhotig to be shot?
    And what do they tell these lies for?
    Just to say they own another country?
    Just to make innocents suffer?
    This is not honour...This is hatred, torture, pure spite.
    What happened to peace on earth, wheres the justice?
    Why cant we live without guns and bombs?
    Why must we fight at all?
    Where does justice take part in this all?
    Where does the fighting stop?
    The answer is simple,
    The aswer...is never.
    That is when justice plays its part.
  13. Knejaturch Moogle Assistant

    Jan 13, 2009


    why do we continue to march headlong into destruction?
    why do we insist it is humanity's mistake?
    why do we never serve the soul, frought as with corruption?
    why do we continue, even after so much hate?

    why do we believe we still deserve redemption?
    why do we think its not our world that is at stake?
    why do we shun and hate and still demand fruition?
    why do we think it is our world to rape?

    why do we believe the lies, without an interruption?
    why do we believe the lies, they still perpetuate
    why do we beg forgiveness as we descend to immolation?
    why can we never take the blame, and look you in the face?

    who do we think we are? that we can destroy our world
    who do we think we are? that all can be bought and sold
    who do we think we are? that we can own and sell the land
    who do we think we are? this, we can never understand
  14. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    I'll be busy for the next couple of days so the deadline will be moved on to 3rd September, if that's at all relevant.
    Thanks for the entries so far, guys!
  15. Nuff' Said Banned

    Dec 20, 2008
    I've got a new one so I won't be using the other one I submitted.

    Is Vengeance Justice​

    Vengeance is always bitter-sweet
    You got justice for what they had done
    butSatan got his fun
    as you gave into your anger

    You start losing yourself along the way
    hatred and anger willl only further mind's corruption
    Vengeance is like a 2 headed snake
    as you watch your enemy die
    You slowly go down yourself

    But more painful and slowly
    You lose your friends and true love
    All of a sudden your mind becomes more deadly
    And that soaring dove is no longer there

    Overtime you will die
    Your emotions gone and friends long gone
    At your funeral there's no one there to say their last good-bye
    In the crack of dawn Satan will be there

    Waiting for you to take his hand
    If so your hand will be pentogrammed
    your soul in chains
    You're now everyone's bane​

    And there it is my poem
  16. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    Very well, I'll look at your new one instead.
    It's about time to end this month's contest.
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