Followed a tut and used the same stock as the dude. I like the result. :D I think it may be wear-worthy. ;D
Well, while the border makes me cry, the rest is pretty good, maybe add maybe some pentooling, preferably in the right in the swirl of smudging (You did that with smudging, right?).
I'm not very good right now with tags and what not, so it's kinda hard for me to find something wrong with this. Here goes nothing: Sharpen the stock a bit, maybe take out the border and the top right hand corner seems a bit empty. :/
I like it. Actually, sharpenning it will make it look too bolded, but now, the person looks good, as if hiding, but is the first thing you see =] The borders are nice too. I love it. great job
I don't see why the border's killing it. I for one like it ^^ Very nice style to use on this type of tag. I'm loving the smudging on the right side, it looks brilliant. You must add more fx, and take some of the dots away. Make the fx come on the bottom of the tag. It's lacking flow. The gotta' change that style, it's getting overused. But otherwise, smexy tag. Has to be in your top 5 tbh.