my heart flutters in my world of dreams as i sit and gaz and gaz apon her *censored due to the nature of this site* with each petal as i pull it's peices of my hearts in wich she picks up as a florcent kiss arises then i'm sent to a living heaven on earth as i look at the sky with a bright blue ocean above as i see streaks of white i look back down to see a goddes of love i look at her she looks at me as we fall in love the world slows down around us the sun turns a shady orange with a pink hoizen then are lips meet as then sun turns to night my friends said DO NOT MAKE A POEM but i'm so happy right now =D
Aww... its really cute! But their are a few mistakes like the word hoizen is spelt horizon... but its still a great poem!
Good poem, I like the imagery that you have used, but the major problems i'm seeing is a lot of grammatic errors and spelling mistakes. Might just want to re-read before you post. But good job.
i'm a bad speller so yeah..........thanks =D i just made that after a phone call............. i see the spelling errors and grammer but i just thought i would make it seeing as i got some awsome new...........this was like a 5. poem i just made uo so of course there needs to be tweaks here and there...........