I just about got rear-ended because someone was most likely not paying attention. There was a line of traffic due to a red light, so I had stopped behind the first crosswalk at the intersection before the light (just a two-way stop) so as to not block the intersection and this pickup behind me just comes up and has to make an emergency stop, and I know so from how their pickup suddenly jerked. One more movement and they would have likely hit me -- 99.9% sure of that!
Driving around in Houston, I know that feeling very well. At most stop lights, or even stop signs, I have to watch my rear-view mirror to make sure no one is coming up on my butt and about to hit me. And while this didn't happen while driving, I pulled into a gas station just last week or so, and some old lady decides it's a good idea to pull in to the pump in front of me and park 2 centimeters away from the front of my car. (I've gotten a little too used to calling my dad's car "my car"). I seriously wanted to just call her on it and ask why she thought it was a good idea to come so fricken close to my car.