My grandmother came home scremaing at me and im shaking like hell she wasnt less than an inch from my face. She was sceaming on how I never do anything for her how I always mess up her house (it was freakin clean) how I am so ungreatfull. She's been screaming for 30 min ; ; please help cheer me up khv ; ; thank you for listenieng to me vent hows everyones night so far? cx
I know a lot of people like that... It's hard to ignore them but you've got to try. She's wrong. Hmm...To cheer you up... These people have good comics. epic band is epic. And I guess it's appropriate for the situation. 8'D
That's unfortunate. A lot of older people seem to be like that. And me sometimes. Here have a tiny turtle.
Like most things, being yelled at is something you get better at with practice. So eventually, you won't care at all. If future!You isn't going to care about it, then why should present!You care about it now? <3 twisted logic.
Ignore her, she doesn't know what she's on about. Youtube never fails to cheer me up ^^ Spoiler [video=youtube;7MFtl2XXnUc][/video]