For I have sinned. Today at approximately 7:06 AM, a Mr. Bird was hit in a side collision with a moving vehicle when he was flying with a Mrs. Bird. I was the driver. I'm unsure of whether to laugh at the embarrassment of having a dead bird displayed in the grill of my car to all the drivers that passed by me and all the people out walking in the neighborhoods, or to cry that I have taken a life. When I got home, I asked my dad to help me with this problem. He handled it better than I did, and it was painful to hear the rip of muscle as he tried to yank the bird out in one piece, to no avail. It was really stuck in there. I wonder if it would've made a difference if I had braked a little bit. I kind of feel bad for chuckling a bit at all of this. Me. Killing an animal while driving. As the animal flew out into the road. Having it practically crucified in the grill of my car as a morbid decoration in the distance it took to get home. I know my mom would be very unhappy. I hope this doesn't happen again.
YOU KITTY AND BIRD KILLER! How are you able to live with yourself? Alright, I lol'd, but that's not the point. This is horrible.