Please Explain

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Patsy Stone, Oct 22, 2008.

  1. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island

    so much for not being a christian said you knew that a religion and people are two different things and yet you contradict yourself.

    i think you shouldn't contradict yourself like that, and be so insulting, it's confusing.

    anyways, why start a religious debate....this was obiously an tragic OCCURENCE, it happens everyday.

    death doesn't play favorites, i think this debate is rather biased.

    And to blame god or the devil?

    that's just an excuse to portray a biased point of view(on both sides)

    you can't go on God's side by saying it was the devil, or that he had a purpose.

    and you can't go in the other direction saying that god is cruel because he let this happen.

    And original sin? could people even think that a child would die because of original sin?

    that is an very old excuse that people used to segregate each other.

    Sometimes we give God too much credit, and blame the devil too much....that i think sums it up.
  2. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    I was commenting on the fact that the Christian faith is hypocritical and so anyone who lives their life by it is hypocritical as well. This does not contradict my previous point in any way.

    Also, if I am to be threatened with bladed weapons at the very least I can be insulting.

    The reason I started this thread was because I am sick and tired of religious people trying to explain away tragedies like this and wanted concrete answers as to how people can still keep their faith when things like this happen. Apparently as religion is "taboo" I am not allowed to question it.
  3. Viscount_of_Stardust Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 22, 2008
    Do you know what you're like BunterX? You're like Lindsey Buckingham, yeah i said it. You are. You try to use random events to blame each other. And God is Mick Fleetwood in this case, I hope your happy.

    This was a tragic accident, there's no more to it. We don't know if it was divine will or chance, HE can't be everywhere can HE
  4. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    Lol even more hypocrisy. God is defined as being omnipotent, omnipresent and omnibenevolent. Meaning all-powerful, everywhere and all-loving. Incidents like this contradict that statement and therefore require an explanation.

    All I'm looking for is an explanation.
  5. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    Okay, i didn't understand your statement quite well, until i read that XD.

    well, if religion is something real, why should it be taboo, right?

    but i'm pretty sure this is just an occurence, i'm christian, but please being a blind fool is one thing people.....of late people believe in being blind through everything....if people really were christians they would actually question religion, to extract all it's knowlegde and answers.

    God had a plan?....i doubt it.

    if he is an all-loving God i'm sure that he wouldn't want deaths, but we fail to understand that life is fragile,and that God isn't a controller, to prevent death.

    that's a mistake people make often, and there then comes the doubt, and all questions which suppodsedly are "taboo", that's what most people believe...because some christians say it, when in thruth the christians who think like that are mainly incorrect.

    btw Stardust chill out, no need to get so agressive.
  6. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    *Mock voice* or shomethign wetarded wike that...Bleh! ><

    Cin is really a authority on this matter? True, it's his opinion, but opinions aren't always right. He may consider this new find to be a complete shnite shocker.

    Where did the whole "God punishes thos who do not listen!" blah, blah, blah snite stories come from anyway? The Overly-religious branches that broke off and are dying a slow roasty death? Aethism? God knows.

    Again, is Bunter even a authority on this? To Hell with opinion, most of the time Bunt's just plain out Rude.

    Oh please. Being baptised does not save you from harm, and it not being done doesn't mean the kids going to die before the next Harvest moon or whatever. Baptism is a ritual Catholics kept from Judaism, and Jesus Christ himself was baptised.

    I'm sorry, all I heard was "wamp wamp wamp, wamp wamp wamp wam. I hate all people who aren't exactly like me."

    Now there's a good point. Bunt's point of view of Catholicism is haveing his eyes in his rearend. If he doesn't see the front, then he doen't see anything at all.

    And opposing Bunt's rule over the religious matters of this place is a nice show of character. Good show.

    The entire concept of you always speaking with one mind is pitiable at best.

    xP. Wow. Not to be a "typical Christian" here, or anything, but I think Obssessed would make a good Convert.

    Wow. So I'm not the only moron who thinks Bunter is basically Bill Maehrs online?

    If you won't say you're a Christian basher, then I'm going to say I'm not a human being. Yup...still flesh and bone...

    I didn't like your post in "homosexuality", but this one really holds some substance!

    Here's a scientific study you worship so much. Both "Experiment-tators" sound like Ben Stein, if Bunt can pool his intelligence to have an imagination:

    E1: Hmmm...My hypothesis is that people are born Gay because their mother looked at another woman lustfully during pregnancy.

    E2: Hmmm...That makes sense. A person might also be gay if the father is actually secretly gay.

    E1: Hmmm...Maybe...going to have to do a few more Hypothesises first.

    E2: Hmmm...Oh! by the way, did you hear?

    E1: Hmmm...hear what?

    E2: Hmmm...The nice little old woman on level four died last night. Cancer after all has no cure.

    E1: Hmmm...Do you ever think we should be doing something else that isn't pointless?

    E2: Hmmm...Maybe We could report that people are born Gay because they are actually one day destined to be adopted by a loving, Gay couple.

    E1: Hmmm...I like the idea. Fate is a real give-in.

    Finally. Some sense. Not the hypocrypsy part, but the other parts I mean. You can't call an Aethist a hypocryte and expect them to think they're actually wrong. That goes against their entire religion for some of them.

    Woa. I quoted nearly the entire thread. This is BaseSebastian on commentary, on stand-by. Oh and don't worry about the ones I missed while writing this.

    Usually I make my own points through my own terms, but what Bunter keeps going on about is just too freakin' hilarious to pass up. And some other people are makeing some good points. Nice debate.
  7. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island

    Base! shouldn't

    i expect burtex will show class and not start flaming , right?....

    omg...this is getting heated.

    God isn't something that controls our life, please do understand that, i hope that at least clarifies some of your questions burntex.
  8. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    I thank those of you who made an attempt (many very successful in their attempts =]) to provide an explanation.

    I will of course be ignoring BaseSebastian's post considering was a blatant attempt to ridicule and insult me. It also seems to have been an attempt to make me retaliate with at least as much strength. But, I won't rise to the challenge as I don't accept ridiculous statements, ignorance and down right hateful attitudes

  9. Viscount_of_Stardust Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 22, 2008
    He was giving his opinions in relation to other posts. If you feel targeted because he didn't agree with you then that's up to you. I thought his post covered a lot of this thread quite well
  10. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Base if you cannot express yourself in a polite manner then please kindly STFU, I am getting a little tired of seeing you insult and borderline flame people for their opinions, yet you are the first to comaplin if anyone dares to question yours.

    As for the topic at hand. If we are meant to write the post under the assumption that God is in fact real, then I would have to say "God works in mysterious ways and who are we to question his decisions"

    Though of course since I am not christian (or any religion really) I can only guess that that is what I would say.
  11. Viscount_of_Stardust Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 22, 2008
    Base was merely stating an opinion in the same way BunterX was. How is it that Base is the one being targeted? He isn't the one who was deliberately bashing Christianity. I spy sig connection
  12. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    The difference is I did not choose an individual to "bash", I was working with an organisation/ideal. Choosing one person is known as flaming. That being against the rules of the forum.
  13. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    So I have to say nice things about Aethisim, but Bunt can't?

    I still don't get the curved-blade part myself. And I'm sure he doesn't actually plan to stab you in the back with one. However, I cannot say the same for people who might take you a little too seriously.

    I agree, on quite a few grounds here. To blame God and not the devil is wrong, the devil usually tempts us, and God usually gives us the opportunity to fight it. To Blame the devil all the time is also wrong, sometimes its just plain out human nature.

    And we[Catholics], even though you don't want to hear being wrong, are sick and tired of you starting numerous threads to be ruled by Aethism.

    Well, actually He can. And He doesn't just stand on the side-lines either. What's God supposed to do when a house is burning down? I mystically drop enough water on this house to put out the power. My Will be done.

    That is apparently the God Bunt thinks alot of Christians worship. Wrong-o.

    Read above post. If you're even reading this at all.

    I agree with the whole chill-out thing. You're gonna be roasted to death with "hypocryism" like such.

    Blatant. Ridicule. Insult. Retaliate. Challenge. Ridiculous. Ignorance. Down-right-hateful-attitudes. Dude. Do you read your own posts after your done pulling them out of the big box of Aethist-Poodoo?

    Thanks. That's actually what I was trying to do. Bunter rules all these threads, so yeah, he usually makes himself the target, but that doesn't mean I actually hate him personally.

    STFU? Oh right, I disobeyed the will of the mighty BunterX. May he have his ignorant mercy on me.

    And Bunter, don't worry, I've got something cooking in the "flames" for ya in a second. After all, you are my prime-target....and I cannot let you live....TERMINATION! Ok, not really.
  14. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Oh I do appologize, but I fail to see how that is relevant to this topic. I do believe that this thread is meant to be about a family that was destroyed and how God (if he exists) would allow something so tragic to happen. I must have missed where it became loldrama.

    The reason I targeted my comment at Base was because of his attitude. Please read the other posts, they are expressed calmly and politely. Expressing opinions without insulting one another. However Base made the thread personal by making pointed comments at specific individuals. This is insulting and not exactly very polite.

    If a member does not follow a particular religious faith then that is their choice and they are entitled to their opinion, it is not yours, nor anyone elses job to try and convert them, similarily it is not your place to call them out and insult them just because they follow a different faith to you.

    If you cannot find enough posts to argue your point with without having to insult and target specific members, (or insult their levels of intelligence) then really I believe it is you with the problem.

    I am confused as to why you have got yourself involved in something that is none of your concern. As for your implication that I only said something because BunterX is a friend of mine. I find that to be insulting and down right offensive. How ironic, you made a post targeting me in which you called me out for targeting someone else.

    In future please learn to control yourself and your temper.

    edit: Base, watch your content, I repeat, if you cannot express yourself without resorting to insults and being offensive, then do not post. It has nothing to do with the fact that BunterX is a friend. It is down to your attitude.
  15. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    I don't target you because you're an aethist. I sometimes target your bigotry mostly because you post things that are infact harmful to those who read them, and don't have your perfect mindset.

    You fail to see, this is not anything personal.

    Ctr, I say this with all politeness:

    How come Bunt can say whatever he so wishes, and I cannot make my point through showing that such mindsets are infact damaging to other minds? "Pool your intelligiance" does sound harsh, which is why i put "for imagination" because I don't actually question Bunter's intelligence. A closed mind is a closed mind, and doesn't lose anything or gain anything. Temper. I'm an Italian, but none of these things are said out of anger. You said temper.

    I'm the Catholic. I'm the wrong one. I have an issue, I get it. Meanwhile, those poor souls who were destroyed are suffering in death because somebody with an actual issue decided to yet again use something, this case them, as an attack against people.
  16. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Bunty cannot say whatever he wishes, if he crossed the lines then he too would be reprimanded accordingly. You however don't appear to be able to say anything nice. You are entitled to your opinion as everyone is, however you need to learn that you cannot talk to other members as though they are beneath you, which is what you currently are doing.

    You make your points personal and insulting, attacking individuals. That will not be tolerated. It would be exactly the same if roles were reversed and it was you who was being deliberately insulted and targeted by Bunty.

    I will not discuss this any further in this thread. If you wish to continue this then please feel free to send me a PM and I will gladly discuss it with you there.
  17. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    Back on topic time? I THINK SO! 8D

    Anyway. I'm of the belief that things happen because they just happen. Not because anyone or anything, godly or otherwise, is dictating it. Some events in history could, at the time, only be explained through theology, but as technology advances we're finding ways to prove how things happen.
    Yes, life is extremely unfair. But in today's day and age, it's just a commonplace thing everyone has to deal with. And when you think about it, bad things can happen to anyone at anytime. Hell, I could leave my house right now with the intention of getting something trivial, like milk or whatever, and get hit by a car.
    Unforunate, yes, but it's part of life. In the bluntest way I can put it, sh*t happens, and most of the time we can't do anything about it unless we go through life afraid and paranoid.
  18. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    Woah, please.

    we must remember that CTR is a staff member.

    she wouldn't sell herself or her duties.

    back on topic:

    I believe (in taking this as God existing)that God is not cotrolling over our actions, sometimes we forget that and blame him as if he was at fault for the death of innocents.

    God is presented as all-loving....but just.

    You free a bird to see if it can fly far away, but it stumbles many times trying...but he left your care to try and fly....sure you can watch over it from a distance....but if he gets attacked by another bird....he is free now, you could help it...but (if the bird had rational thought) would complain if you helped him in everything, but WOULD want you to help it when it asked.....but sooner or later once freed it would go at it alone, if it dies....can they blame you for mistreating the bird?


    he was free, even when you watched him from afar not wanting for it to get hurt...he was struggling to live in the wild.

    well....i hope you understand the metaphor.

    of course he died by occurrence....he gets attacked were watching him, but you won't interfere because.....well...this part is the hard one to explain..because if we consider god to be omnipotent...and not may seem unfair.

    but, its not his fault the ppl was an accident, he watched yes, but he's not a controller....he won't meddle in your life....blind religion already does that XD.
  19. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    Very very VERY, well put =] I have heard this argument before and it does provide a pretty valid explanation to the whole "why do bad things happen to good people/innocents" slant.

    A different analogy I heard was if your child was learning to ride a bike it had to make mistakes in order to learn. It had to know the pain from falling off the bike to help it be able to ride it.

    Although, I personally think God could have skipped out this step by making us not need to learn anything. Why make us, and the world we live in, so in imperfect to begin with? So prone to tragedy.
  20. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    But it's our flaws that make us human.
    Think about it; if humans were created as perfect, there would be no room for improvement, effectively creating a race that's in some kind of evolutionary limbo, which would eventually lead to laziness appearing and thus the downfall of the "perfect race" begins.
    We are flawed so we can learn and improve on our own, like good little humans should.