I might have finished it a few years ago and forgotten, but how the heck are these guys in Middle School? I thought Ryoma was like 14 or 15, not 12. Holy crap, artistic liberty my butt, Ryoma is more mature than a lot of other people in that show. And Tezuka does not even seem remotely like 14, more like 17 or 18
That's not even close to what I'm talking about. Do they look like they 14-15 in age? Or Ryoma look like he's 12? Because I don't think so. Besides, Aren't most 12 year olds in Middle School anyways?
I haven't watched the show, but those characters do not look like they're in their early teens at all, more like yet average 16-18 year olds Odd art direction methinks. :3
Bleach characters look like they're in highschool. Some One Piece characters look a little like they should. Can't say much for Madoka Magica, since I don't know the ages...Air Gear maybe?
...you're complaining that they don't look the right age? Anime is not the best thing to go to for realism.
Why is everything supposed to be complaining? It's just confusion. Plus, there's plenty of other anime and manga that look just fine for realism. Actually, Kekkaishi did a pretty good job itself
If that's what you don't call complaining, then I don't know what is. And there are plenty more anime/manga that try pushing girls that look like they belong in 6th grade as being 18+. Point is, let's not be defending anime or realistic depictions of age, much of a fan as I am.
There's a difference between complaining and being confused about an art style, plus how I worded it. And I'm not defending anything on realism or depictions of age, I just want to know how these guys are only as old as my younger brother....at least the main character is. I'm pretty sure most 12-year olds aren't 5' 8"
Complaining about anime not being realistic is like complaining that the chick's orgasms seem fake during porn. No one's watching it for that stuff, you've got a different agenda to attend to.