Playstation 3 or Xbox360?

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Flyn Pnut, Jun 30, 2009.


Playstation 3 or Xbox 360

  1. Playstation 3

  2. Xbox 360

  1. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  2. AsCXI Banned

    Jul 20, 2009
    PSN Has group text, group audio, group video, group audio+video, and you can use text while using audio or video or both. And how is PSN less user friendly?
  3. Cloud3514 Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 25, 2009
    The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
    No in-game group chat kinda defeats the purpose for me. As for it not being user friendly, to me it feels like I have to jump through hoops to do anything with the PSN.
  4. Lulus_Moogle Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 2, 2007
    El hora de los emos
    I love my playstation 3 and all of its blu-ray goodness :D
  5. JazzsVideos Gummi Ship Junkie

    Aug 5, 2008
    PS3 ALL THE WAY!!! I'm like a super die hard PS3 fan! Screw Xbox!
  6. NeverendingDarkness Destiny Islands Resident

    Dec 12, 2006
    PlayStation 3 all the way.
    *proud owner of a 60gb PS3*

    Add me if you want, PSN: Sasuke810 ;D
  7. Ven The Keyblade Master Twilight Town Denizen

    Aug 20, 2008
    Having fun locked in a closet with Kairi 8D
    I'd have to say 360 because of more exclusive titles, better graphics and more used to it. But Ps3 is still pretty fun~ Coming from a guy who has both.
  8. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    That's some major bullshit right there. 1. Xbox 360 has more games, yes, but very few of them (that aren't ripoffs of each other) aren't on PS3. 2. The PS3 has better graphics but only slightly due to shading.
    I'm all for it being your gaming preference due to having your own opinions but don't call stuff out if it's not true. This coming from a guy who studies this shit and hoping for a career from it.
  9. Bond of Flame I'm an alien

    May 25, 2008
    Looking for my pants
    The graphics on Playstation 3 are definetly better, but not that much.
  10. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    I prefer PS3. 360 is all cool and all, and got some cool games, but the PS3 is better with it's internet and awesome blue-rayness.
  11. Cloud3514 Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 25, 2009
    The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
    Ah, this myth again. While it is true that difference in graphics quality is indeed minimal, the console in which development is based on is usually going to be the better looking version of the game. For example, Fallout 3 looks and runs better on the 360 than it does on PS3 while Mirror's Edge looks and runs better on PS3 than it does on 360. Fallout 3's development was based on the 360 while Mirror's Edge's development was based on the PS3. The better looking version is generally going to be the version that was used as the main development version. However, its not unheard of for the opposite version to look and run better than the main version as is the case with games like Ghostbusters. Ghostbusters was built on the PS3, but for some reason, the textures and framerate are better on the 360 than the PS3.

    While I won't argue blu-ray as blu-ray is great (albeit somewhat expensive), XBox Live is actually considered superior than Playstation Network. With ownership and experience with both, XBL is in fact better.
  12. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Actually, there is no myth, it is true that the PS3 has better graphics but only in terms of shading, and that is the only difference between the two consoles graphics. It's been tested many, many times with many different games and the PS3 is better graphics-wise. Though, the Xbox does have a better internet service due to the fact that it is a payment, the reason the PS3 doesn't have a better internet service is because if it was too good PS3 owners would have to start paying for it like Xbox 360 owners do and Sony aimed for free online play, knowing that the internet browsers and stuff should be kept on a computer (although you can use Linux on a PS3).
    The PS3 is a much more powerful and stable system with slightly better graphics but the Xbox 360's online features is only beaten by that of a computer.

    I still prefer the PS3 though, I find all the internet stuff on an Xbox 360 to be unnessisary (due to using a computer for most of that stuff). I'm not much of an online gamer, and when I do play online I don't want to be bothered by ******s with bad spelling or a mic and a horrific accent.
  13. Cloud3514 Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 25, 2009
    The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
    Not arguing that the PS3 is more powerful and I was only referring to multi-platform titles. It would be somewhat pointless to argue which console has better looking exclusives as different teams are going to do different things and a developer working on an exclusive title doesn't have to worry about the opposite console, so they aren't as limited in what they can do. Numbers-wise, the PS3 is superior (albeit, not by nearly as much as Sony would have you think).

    As for stability, I've only had crashing issues with my XBox on games that are known for stability issues (Castle Crashers pre-patch and Fallout 3.) Otherwise, I can run it for hours on end with no issue.

    As for "******s with bad spelling," how the hell does the ability to spell matter with voice chat? And a "mic and horrific accent," voice chat is available to all PS3 owners as well and you'll have to sit through these "horrific accents" either way.

    Now, for online features, XBL has group chat available in game, a better friends list system, faster and more stable download servers, more stable servers for online first party titles, the ability to use Netflix downloaded movies on a television as opposed to a computer monitor (which is entirely the advantage of using it on the XBox as opposed to the computer.) Otherwise for less than US$4 a month ($3.84 to be exact), which is practically nothing, you have easily the best online service available to console owners. Lets just say there's a reason I don't feel the "but you have to pay for XBL" argument is a good one.

    Speaking of the fee, it is interesting to note that Sony actually claims they have a better service and that the fee is unnecessary. Ironically, it is partially thanks to this fee that Sony scoffs at with every chance they get.
  14. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    The PS3 is a better machine as we both agree but the Xbox 360 does have issues but more times than none that’s the owners fault. Most of the people I know who have an Xbox have replaced it many times for many reasons and thinking on those reasons it first sounds like a natural problem but it's infact a small fault expanded by the carelessness of the owner. I've heard less problems from PS3 owners than I have from Xbox 360 owners.

    That's mostly a matter of my personal gaming preference. I don't usually like hearing or communicating with the people online that I’m playing against or with. But when I played on my PS3 in a room where mics where in use I couldn't hear them due to not having a headset (according to what someone told me when I asked them) but when I was on an Xbox online I clearly heard someone obviously from Texas enter the game and shout down the mic. And I know you'll get people like that on PS3 as well but it's more likely to run into them on an Xbox and due to it having better services with the whole connect with others it's more likely that they'll appear without warning, but it's also a matter of how fast you can kick the person.

    Half of those things are exactly why I don't like Xbox Live and consider it useless. Friends lists only need to be basic, like on all MMO games its usually just add, remove and chat. Xbox has unnecessary avatars that’s pretty much what you get on the Wii with some differences. And because I’m incredibly cheap I don't want to pay for online services on my console when I’ve already got an internet service on my computers.

    It's mostly a matter of opinion on the online for the PS3 and Xbox whether you want to spend most of your time gabbing to random foreigners or whether you want to just play a game with the odd word being needed. Even if Xbox Live is better it's not something a gamer who is cheap, not talkative and prefers to dive straight into the game wants. And I know I’m not the only one who thinks this as most of the PS3 owners I know in real life have said the same or similar things.

    So in the end everything about these consoles is a matter of gaming preference even if one has better features than the other. And I'm not trying to cause an argument.
  15. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  16. Jⱥy King's Apprentice

    Jul 7, 2009
    I'd say both. I think they are both awesome consoles, but the 360 is a rip off, who wants to pay just to go online while you play a game

    I love the fact the ps3 has free internet and i love playing Infamous =P
  17. Cloud3514 Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 25, 2009
    The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
    The price tag is less than $4 a month! That's so little that its a non-issue!
  18. Luka Deafening silence

    May 25, 2007
    Free is still better.
  19. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    The 360 my friend has messes up his discs really bad. He lays it flat and it still scratches the crap out of it.
  20. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006