I chuckled when he repeatedly guarded. Also, two Keyblades for the win. Anyway, thanks for the update, as always.
Very nice, will there soon be a release of the code or will you update it further before a release? ^^ Also very good job with the thing so they don't attack and then teleports back to the place where the animation first started (I don't really know how to explain it)
The xyz placement? Yeah I fixed that. There will be a release when i figure out how to LBA model mod so I can just make it work everywhere or at least in the world i want him to.
Riku looks a lot more impressive in his normal clothing. Anyways, good find but it's kind of awkward that he makes Sora's "fighting grunt".
I'm trying to fix it but i have no idea what Riku's voice is or even if it is compatable with a Player voice.
Hahaa a Dark Riku with Sora's voice and dual wielding in one hand is totally boss! That was really entertaining! You did a good job with that code! Hahaa i hope to see more of your great codes.
Thanks my next update might be a olympus collisium with dark riku or if i figure tis LBA bull **** him everywhere.
On the issue of Keyblade size, the kingdom key that is, if it IS reduced in size won't riku have barely any reach for his attacks? or will his own sword strike as well?