Okay everyone, here's a fanfic by me inspired by Kingdom Hearts. By the way, this is very different than the games. New characters, giganticly different plot, etc. It takes place in the future, the year 2032. After the people on Earth startled life (heartless) on a strange unindentified planet, they decide to defend themselves by destroying every human life in the universe. The humans defend themselves but in the end, only the true Keyblade Master is able to stop them. Enjoy :) prologue: Year 2032, The people of Earth were convinced that they were the only ones living in the universe. Nasa sent special devices to survey other planets in the planetary, soon sending people to that same planet and from there, began building civillization. Many planets became property of the human race, until a sattelite stumbled across an unknown planet. It was hardly even to be called a planet. The entire planet was covered in a thick, dusty cloud. The sattelite shot out one of the devices to explore the strange planet. Once the device came close, the cloud of dust approached it, almost like a defence mechanism. The device rushed at high speed through the thick dust, and soon landed on the planet. On Earth, people at Nasa tried to make contact with that device via the sattelite that shot it out. The large screen activated, showing a deserted landscape. It was the most unbelievable thing everyone in that room had ever seen. The planet was dead. There seemed to be no life at all. All there was at that location were rocks. Big, sharp, rocks. It was a colorless landscape. It is amazing that in something as beautiful as space, there could be such a planet as this one. The humans activated the device’s control mechanism. Four legs stuck out of the device, making it look like an arachnid. The device, being controlled from Earth, made its way through the gray, dusty planet. It soon stopped in front of a great cliff, unable for humans to climb against. The device however, was made to get past these obstacles. It paled its legs in the rock cliff, climbing to above. Once he reached the top of the cliff, the device took footage of something very rare. The people on Earth were amazed by the footage. The device found an enormous city which size could be compared to that of Manhattan. Curious thoughts were shared at the people witnessing the footage. The device approached the city. The sky above the city had a dark-red gleam, and black dustclouds slowly roamed through its white sun. When the device was at an only fair distance from the city, a black creature raised out of the ground. Loud, shocked chatter was filling the room at Nasa. The people were shocked to see the first life form other than the humans in the universe. The creature looked calm at first sight. It’s round, yellow gleaming eyes examined the device from a distance. Through a microphone, the people tried to communicate with the creature. After hearing ‘hello’, the creature cocked its head to the side. Minutes passed, as the creature started to tremble. The camera shook, like it was being jammed. The device appearantly took a smack from behind. It turned around, and more of those creatures gathered. One of them lunged at the device, breaking it in half. The device was unable to move, but the camera was still working. The people could see the creatures coming close. The creatures jumped on the camera, crushing it. And so the connection was lost between Earth and the strange planet. chapter 01: The small creatures stood in a circle around the broken device. They kept moving in the most unpredictable ways. They all looked at each other, nodding. In lines of four-by-four, they approached the city. At Nasa, people were shocked by the hostal scene. A man sitting at the front table to the screen slowly sat down. “We shouldn’t visit that planet again…†he said. “Right. Leave them be.†another man said, whiping sweat off of his forehead. At the end of the day, the man was driving in his car. Let’s hope this story isn’t getting any tail... he kept thinking. Heavy rainfall poured onto the car’s windscreen. The wipers had a hard time keeping the windscreen clear. His cellphone rang during the ride. Speakerphone… where are you, buddy? he said in himself. He reached in his panelbox. It was kind of difficult driving with one eye on the road, and one hand behind the steering wheel. Once he found it, he answered the cellphone call. “Victor Anderson speaking, how can I help you?†he said while looking at the road before him. “Hi dad!†a girl on the other side of the line answered. “Oh hey girl! Where are you calling me for?†Victor said. “When are you coming home, daddy?†she asked. “I’m on my way right now! I’ll be there in a few minutes.†Some minutes later, Victor arrived at his house. He had to walk 10 steps through the heavy, pouring rain to get to his front garden. When he got to the front door, he searched his handbag. Damn, forgot the keys… Victor pushed on the doorbell. “Who is it?†Victor’s daughter asked at the other side of the door. “Daddy!†Victor yelled in the rain. “What’s the password?†she asked. “What, PASSWORD??†Victor yelled. “Correct!†she said, as she finally opened up. A soaked Victor Anderson stepped inside the house. “Daddy, you’re all wet!†the girl said. “That’s right, Victoria, that’s because you didn’t let me in!†Victor laughed, patting his index finger on Victoria’s nose. Father and daughter both went to the living room. Pokémon was on Tv. Victoria was just watching it when father interrupted her. “Where’s mommy?†Victor asked Victoria as he went to the kitchen. “Sleeping.†Victoria says while watching television. At that moment, mother entered the living room. She gave Victor a kiss. “Ah! Mommy, gross!†Victoria said, as she closed her eyes. “How was your day, Victor?†she asked. “Fine Penny, like any other day. Something weird happened though.†Victor said as he leaned against the sink. Victor told his family about what happened this afternoon at work. “Daddy, what was it like on another planet?†Victoria asked while sitting backwards on the couch. “It was… rocky.†Victor said, as he was looking for words. “I can’t really describe it.†That night the family Anderson had dinner in front of the television. A cartoon was being interrupted by a special news broadcast. The footage that the device took on the strange planet was on tv. “That is the footage our exploring device took!†Victor said after coughing out his spaghetti. All the information was probably saved. The family wathced the camera getting attacked by the creatures. “Daddy, are the people going to fight against those monsters?†Victoria asked, hile putting a spoon full of spaghetti in her mouth. Please, no... Victor thought. “Of course not, girl. Don’t worry.†Victor reassured Penny and Victoria. But even Victor wasn’t sure... [/SIZE][/FONT]
first thing, change the fonts. Time's New Roman is a bit annoying to read... it is an interesting story, very different to the games, but in a good way. i think I'll follow this and sere what will happen to the Heartless :) EDIT: I see you made some jokes in chapter 01 ^^ Victoria sounds like a very cute girl :3
Fixed it ;) I actually figured it would be a bit annoying. Thanks for suggesting another font, it's much better this way :)