Plan on coming to Florida during June for family fun? Don't!

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by BaseSebastian, Jun 2, 2008.

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  1. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    June, the epitome of summer vacation started.

    Bet the first words out of your mouth,
    or out of your kid's mouth was after you/they got out of school were:
    I'm goin' to Disney World.


    My suggestion, despite its popularity this season at the park,
    don't wear red.

    This year,
    as for the past 18 looooooong years,
    which I've only seen 12 of, but that's still way too mauch,
    Disney is once again going through
    with its "Gay Inc." attractions to gays and Lesbians.

    Wanted to check out a nice Disney hotel after the infamous events?
    Just be sure none of the parts of your body
    that touch the beds,
    don't have any cuts whatsoever.
    You probably know why.
    Even though they clean the sheets well,
    and AIDs can't live for long-periods of time,
    it probably still won't feel right sleeping in the same bed
    that two people probably did something in.

    Not to say every gay/Lesbian would,
    and it's not like any hetero has either....
    But then again,
    there's other senses of wrong just hanging on the sheets...

    But if you go to Disney this June,
    expect only being able to go to the major four parks.
    Because Typhoon lagoon, and all of the other minor attractions,
    will be private par-tays for Same-sex's.
    Plus I wouldn't suggest going in the water after that,
    or at least until the government finds out
    a way to treat the serious illnes: AIDs,
    because AIDs actually can survive for longer in water.

    But, if you're a stubborn son-ofa-gun,
    and you want to go to Magic Kingdom,
    Animal Kingdom,
    or Hollywood Studios(Formerly MGM Studios),
    Don't wear red.

    Anyway, if you think I'm raving about:
    "gays are Bad."
    "Down with Gays."
    "Destory the planes they come into Orlando on!"
    You're wrong.... the last one is one of my ideas,
    but still.....I'm not being anti-anything here.

    I've had to EDIT: Tolerate with Gays and Lesbians flocking
    to Florida for the past few years
    that I realized some Women and Men actually like to
    be with others of their own kind.
    And I don't mean human-beings,
    only to a degree I mean human-beings.
    You know what I mean!
    They like people of the same sex who are human-beings!

    If you're going to compare yaoi that
    you or other people draw,
    to this,
    don't bother.

    There is a huge difference from SaixxXenmas,
    to Harvey FierStienxAlan Cumming.
    (Actually, I'd like to point out
    that those two actors are not actually
    "Seeing each other" literally.
    They're just the two first gay/bi actors that came to mind.
    And actually, I have a lot of respect for both as people.
    They both work towards AID's demise,
    like many "unstraight" actors/actress/sometimes both-in-the-same-person do.)

    But anyway.
    There is a reason I put this in Intelligent discussion:

    It's a current event that many Floridians can't stand.
    And it's not because we're all biased.
    For instance:
    How'd you like people, nonehteless tourists,
    checking you out,
    who are the same sex as you?

    And It's vastly controversial, and up for talkin' about.

    And if you're not against me,
    you're Floridians with the same dilema! xD

    Don't say: Not another homophobic with it you n00b!


    You should be lynched for your opinion!

    I'm just as opened to your opinions,
    as you should be open to mine.

    EDIT: I changed some things
    in my post that are either:


    Not-actually true.

    Or some people called me "biased(WHICH I'M FREAKIN' NOT!)
    because of what I said.
  2. Repliku Chaser

    The wearing Red thing doesn't bug me so much ...though I guess I would not wear red on those days as it does mean that you are gay; not that you are being a gay supporter. However, knowing me I'd forget and so I wouldn't care at all and just go about my day unless bothered constantly about it. I do wish though that it wasn't such a big deal though where we had to have 'sexuality' displayed by wearing a color as really I could give a crap less what someone's sexuality is. Really. Especially when I'm trying to act like a goof ball kid because I want to check out Disney World...not all the gays or straight people at Disney World.

    So yeah, Disney Gay Days seems kind of lame to me but eh, to each their own. The only people that don't accept gays anymore are mostly religious conservative morons and under-educated back water folk that think they have the right to tell others how to live any way and you won't get through to them with a nail bat. I wouldn't avoid planning a vacation at the time, but I can say I wouldn't be going to the gay parade held each day etc as I think it's outlived its purpose. When I go to some amusement park, I'm there to mess around and have a taste of childhood I missed. I don't care about people's sexualities, unless they won't leave me alone. >.>

    I can tell you that gay people use hotel rooms all the time so if you fear AIDS, which won't be passed the way you are saying because every place has to wash blankets and sheets etc after each guest and AIDS doesn't survive that, let alone it has a short life span outside of the body and has to be passed by transferring of body liquids which if the liquids were dry, it ain't happening. So I would have no fears of it. Also, straight people have AIDS too. STDs are passed on to both gays and straights by contaminated people. That's the way it works.

    Also, I'm sorry to disagree with you about pedophiles being mostly gay. There is no way to know such a thing for sure and there are MANY straight pedophiles. In the end, the only thing safe to say about pedophiles is that the majority of them are MEN. Being gay and being a pedophile are no more synonymous than being straight and a pedophile. That's a scare tactic used by straight men and women to make gays untrusted. It simply isn't true and there's nothing at all to back it. If someone is straight or gay, but likes little boys or girls, well that's just how that person is. Pedophilia is a different kind of attraction than being gay or straight. It's the attraction to wanting sex with someone who is not ready to be sexually active. A whole other field there and the rumor was just hate propaganda.

    I'm not bashing you here, so please don't feel I am. I can see the reasons for frustration in a way. I don't agree with the continued force of pushing things on people over and over again on people who already have accepted gay behavior and all as not being so 'eccentric'. But at the same time, if people don't want to see it, they can go at another time, and if they don't care and are going to Disney World for what it is really about, I'm sure after a while people really just go on their way and do their own thing and no longer even focus on the 'Red Shirts' or who's not wearing them too.
  3. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    Lol this was the most disgusting thing I've ever read in my life xD

    I don't think I've heard a more narrow-minded or idiotic account of something in my life =]

    Thanks for ruining the very little hope I had for Americans ;D
  4. Repliku Chaser

    Hey, I'm American. :/ And the problems with accepting gays is world-wide, not just an American thing. In the end, it is how people were raised and the religion tossed in. Don't mix up all Americans in that. We learn by talking things out and adjusting. His post was biased and rather homophobic, but I've heard people in Europe say the same sorts of things. Unfortunately, more Americans probably do because of the way we were raised to believe it is so wrong and there are more religious people over here that are very stubborn. However, many Americans accept gays and we just don't really care anymore. There are people everywhere with prejudices which is why it's important to talk about them and not just say 'that's so American of you' or 'so Muslim of you' etc. You can do better than that, Bunterx. That statement you just said is also prejudiced, just against a nation's people instead of gay people. Come on now. We aren't ALL bad. :)
  5. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    Oh come on Bunterx, not all Americans are like this. Granted the vast majority are but there's still some cool ones.

    There were so many things wrong about that post that it sounded like the original poster was being borderline homophobic and then covering himself by saying otherwise. I've never heard of people getting AIDS from sleeping in the same sheets that people have had sex on. Hotels are under a strict policy to wash those sheets quite thoroughly and the mattresses get turned every so often. They're inspected like any other business and have to meet the codes put into place otherwise they'd be shut down.

    I'm not going to say too much since Repliku summed it up quite nicely for me. Disney has been hosting gay friendly events for years. It's nothing new that we should be concerned with. It's like people getting married at Disney.

    Also the part about pedophiles being gay? Stereotype and propaganda against gays. Granted there are gay pedophiles but far less then the media would have you believe. In fact, as Repliku said, most pedophiles are heterosexual men. Most homosexual couples live in commitment to one partner perhaps more than heterosexual couples.

    The entire post sounded like a negative thing. 'I've had to put up with Gays and Lesbians flocking to Florida for years'. Perhaps 'tolerate' would be a better way to say it than 'put up'. You 'put up' with younger children whom you babysit, you 'put up' with a dress code at work/school, you 'put up' with a teacher you might not like. Those gays and lesbians are not doing anything to affect the way you live so I don't see why it's a big deal to you.

    I find the original post to be very ignorant and lacking in tact.
  6. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    I know that not all Americans are like that xD

    I also know that it is the majority, which is what I meant. Sorry for any offence caused =]

    But yeah, statements like this need to be at the very least backed up by evidence, if they are to be even considered for listening to >_>
  7. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Sure we're not.

    I just am, apparently...:blink::huh:

    And I find you to be very wrong.

    You're attacking my "coolness"(Where the hell did cool come into this? Ian Mckellen(Major Sp?) Is gay and he's still cool)
    Just because of my opinion.

    Note how many many times I said I wasn't being

    And as for tolerate and put-up with:

    I'm so very sorry my mind doesn't come
    up with the exact right words
    that your's does,
    right on the spot,
    and adding in "HINDSIGHT!"

    I'll edit it just so you can be gay.....I mean....happy.
    Curse the slang language we must abide to today!

    For me not being Anti-Gay,
    that's instantly negated from
    everyone else being "Anti-BaseSebastian."

    Compared to the "Biased" and "Anti-Gay" fire you're starting,
    my post was actually pretty fair.
    Putting aside the speculation and the joking around.
    Which most of it I edited out.

    You're probably getting my "Biased claims"
    from where I said:

    "Ok so that last one
    [Destory the planes they come into
    Orlando on] is one of my ideas...but still...

    Come on!
    That's called comic relief.

    You did the same thing to
    my "Axel and Roxas are.....straigt!" thread, Laurence.
    Which is both better-left forgotten,
    and something I did when I was quite new here,
    and didn't know everyone would bash me
    simply on the account of my opinion.

    And I can see where Bunterx's opinion is coming from,
    just by looking at his/her avatar...>.>....<.<....<.>...
    But don't call me prejudice for that either!

    An Uncle of mine, though not a literal blood relation,
    is Gay.
    Now who's biased, bashers? xP
  8. Repliku Chaser

    I don't consider you stupid or anything, BaseSebastion. I do think though, that despite what you say, you are kind of homophobic and just don't want it around you. I didn't see hate in your post as much as I did some worries that are mostly stemming from rumors and such that people have spread for years. This is why I addressed each thing with you so you'd see it's not as bad as you are believing.

    Yes, as I said before, it gets old to have some things shoved in your face repeatedly, but at the same time the lesson is there that perhaps you should face to get over this fear and agitation, and that is that we need to learn acceptance and tolerance. I won't label someone stupid until they get as annoying as KHSuperfan was. You seem very intelligent and this is just a circumstance where truly I feel that if you analyzed it a bit more, you might see that the viewpoint you have is pretty skewed and it is because of lies from other people around you that are either homophobic or anti-homosexual. There is a difference between the two terms but I'd just say perhaps some investigation on your own part instead of listening to those slanderous misleading things people obviously have said to you, to look for yourself.

    The Gay Days isn't meant to be a harm at all but to instead show that people who are gay are there and they aren't going to do anything to anyone else and vice versa. It's meant to show that they aren't passing AIDS on by just touching them, or one sitting on the ride next to you isn't going to reach over and grope you etc. It's a way of addressing homophobia. Since I don't have it, I could care less for the message but for those who do, perhaps it is a way for them to see that 'gays are not so different' too. I'd almost suggest to you to actually go during this time and don't wear red, of course, but go do other things there at Disney World and see if it's really so different other than the parade going on, than what it is normally.
  9. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    As for the question whether I'm Homophobic or Anti-homosexual,
    I'm homophobic.

    But for the better part of that,
    I don't scream out whenever I see two dudes together....
    I just get real quesy is all.....>.>...

    Thanks for not taking most of what I said for slander,
    because my message was sorta speculated on lies,
    and sorta dtracted from what I really wanted to say:
    If you come to Florida for 'Gay Days', be warned.

    That's all!
    And it's not even "Don't come entirely",
    I'm just saying be cautious.

    Because it doesn't matter if a tourist or person
    is Hetero, Homo, or Bi:
    you usually can never trust them.

    I edited out alot of the speculation,
    which was pointed out,
    so that's that problem fixed.

    As for going to Disney anytime soon:
    If I can't afford to go any-time of the year,
    why would I choose 'Gay Days'?......xD

    And I know AIDs isn't transferable through being around
    people who have it.
    But then again,
    it isn't exactly a hard disease to get either.
    Hug? Can't get it unless you both have cuts and they touch,
    but besides that,
    it would still be Veeeeery ackward anyway.....

    Bed Sheets? If the staff doesn't clean them,
    but they go by a strict code.

    Sitting near a person infected? As if. Now you're just going with speculation.

    Water, since I mentioned it earlier? I'd wait a couple of days/weeks.......but it's fine....
  10. Hissora ahurhurhur.

    Sep 30, 2006
    behind you :U
    May I point out that:

    One - AIDS isn't just spread through homosexuals

    Two - Half of that I didn't understand because of the random cut offs

    Three - Characters that aren't even real and fan couples have nothing to do with that subject.
  11. Repliku Chaser

    That's what I thought. You are kind of homophobic and that was rather clear in what you said. There's nothing wrong with having a fear as long as you see it and don't let it get the best of you. Just remember that because someone has an attraction to the same gender doesn't mean you yourself are going to have to deal with it. I will say it's a bit disconcerting to be hit on by a gay guy, but at the same time when it had happened to me I just said I don't go that way and the three people who did it left me alone about it and also two became good friends. They did help me learn to accept it better as did some girls who are lesbians or bi. It took time because yes, as a straight person, I don't have a thing for another man and well, it was kind of disgusting to me.

    I think that's the point though in it all. It is weird to think of why someone would be attracted to something you personally aren't. But after thinking on it I also thought along the lines of some guys like blonds better than brunettes, some people are attracted to ethnic sorts of things like hair, eyes, skin color etc. I remember thinking this one girl who is black was hot and a few of my friends were like 'wtf' about it, while some of my friends like 'big girls with huge gazongas' and I find if someone is too overweight, it kind of repulses me. So, taking it that we all have our preferences of things we are attracted to and that's just the way it is, I did come out understanding gay people better and realize we aren't so different. It did help me get over homophobia and learn that they aren't a problem. It's how we are raised that may be the problem, which is because we listen to what others say and don't really think on it ourselves.

    So, I hold nothing against you for your opinion but just hope that this helped you at all. I don't think people should be 'slammed' for homophobia. It exists for a reason. Any fear should be addressed and not slammed on as necessarily stupid because it exists for some reason, even if unfounded once the facts are on the table. There are animals that are also gay and it just seems a natural thing, even though reproductively speaking, it isn't going to get people far. We, as humans, are one of the few animals that actually have sex for fun and it is therapeutic even. There are animals in the wild that are gay and will raise kids etc no problems. I don't think someone can 'teach' someone else to be gay so I really don't see that as an issue either because sexual attraction is something people feel drawn to, and that really isn't able to be taught.

    I hope this helps you out. As I said, I don't consider you stupid. Some people may get mad at your first post and see it as an attack, but at the same time, this all comes down to a point of view. If they see it for what it was, I'm sure that others would not be anti-BaseSebastion either. It's cool, man. Thanks for talking it out because it does take a big person to do that and not just get frustrated and clam up.
  12. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    One- very well aware, thank you. But the current subject is
    Homosexuals passing AIDs. Which, as far as that goes,
    they usally only transmit it*AHEM* among themselves privately.

    Two- Ignore the cutoffs...xD I tend to edit my posts alot...

    Three- That's the point.
    I don't want Fiction brought into a real subject.

    And since Riku posted while I was writing this short little thing xD :

    I get slammed for being homophobic all the time.
    And it's just as bad as people slamming that of which I fear.

    A very close friend of mine,
    who was straight the first time I knew him,
    is Bi.

    Real long story behind that,
    but I'll make it short:

    He showed up at my families house
    after being a roomate there.

    He didn't tell us then that he was Bi,
    so i thought the hugs he gave us were meant as "Hey guys, I missed you!"
    Which still probably did meant just that....xD

    A person tells me they're gay, and I've known them for a long time,
    I don't excommunicate them out of my life.
    Which the event happens rarely in entirety anyway.
    I simply make a contract that says they won't hit on me....xD

    Seriously though,
    the Bi friend mentioned earlier actually did promise
    he wouldn't hit on me,
    because he noticed I was actin' a little nervous about it,
    and ironically prior to this,
    he had been homophobic himself.

    But his dad screwed him up.
    Made him even eat trash that was
    in the garbage if he put it in there and didn't finish his meal.

    So he ran off,
    and did more to tick them off by turning Bi.

    But in my area,
    it's sorta more of a fad
    that will most likely pass
    with most of teenagers who are into it.

    And personally,
    that is one fad I'm not getting into.
    I know what I like,
    and that's gals.

    And it's not just for sexual reasons,
    as the prior mentioned 'gazoonga's'.
    I go more for even figure,
    cute face, which alot of largely busted girls lack,
    and an actual personality...xD
  13. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    You realize that the only way you could get AIDS if a person had it and left it on a bed was if you had an open wound or tried...doing something...with the sheets, right?

    And there is a reason why you have to wait like...three hours before you get your room. They clean it. >_>;;
  14. Repliku Chaser

    Actually AIDS is spread by people who have contracted the disease and who are mostly doing unprotected sex or by needles for drug sharers. It's not normally passed any other way and gays and straight people have it. The people that spread it most are those who are very promiscuous which can be very sexually active males or females with any sexual 'preference'. So, don't just think of it as a gay thing.

    The reason people think of it as gays mostly comes from the fact that a guy who came back from Africa in the 70s with the disease went and had sex in a theater with other gay men who were closet gays (because that is what you were back then) and were also very promiscuous. They were sleeping with their wives and also other women, who were sleeping with others etc. However, AIDS has become an epidemic so that someone with the disease can pass it on and because the person may not realize he/she has AIDS for years, it can spread to many people. It's not just a gay disease and it spread in America possibly by the situation I said but it is in every country by whatever means and sadly the only way to defend against it is to have protected sex or avoid sex unless you and the person you are with gets tested.

    Really, anymore I think the second option is the smartest. If you get with a partner and want to have sex, probably the smartest thing to do is go to a doctor and get blood tested and your partner too. It is now something that people have to do now in some places before they get married and it seems like the best idea. That way both partners know they are safe.
  15. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Get that from a medical commercial...?
    Just kidding, just trying to sound like Pence from KH II:
    "Get that off a fortune cookie?"

    Great point.

    I remember something about that in some movie
    Tom Hanks did....can't remember the name.
  16. Repliku Chaser

    You mean the one where he was a gay guy that died of AIDS? It was called 'Philadelphia' I believe. I haven't seen that in years. It was a good movie though.

    And...what's wrong with medical commercials!!! Well, no I didn't. I just research a ton of things and it's all crammed into my brain.
  17. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    I'll admit,
    at first I was ticked off at the footprint gays have left
    on public society.

    How so many people classify people
    as Gay now,
    that used to be normal things.

    Such as:

    The word Gay itself.

    Several things about Comedy,
    ex: "Bugs Bunny Kiss".


    Getting your eybrows waxed.
    And if we followed that,
    all men would look like Groucho Marx,
    but worse.

    Wearing an Ascot.
    Now Fred from Scooby-Doo can't wear one,
    or otherwise his affections would be more towards Shaggy....Oi vei...that's stupid.

    And several other things that if you do,
    you're automatically gay.

    My nickname ryhmes with Gay,
    and that's what alot of kids used to call me,
    even though I was always homophobic.
  18. Repliku Chaser

    Well, yeah, it can be annoying that some things if you do them people call you gay outright. I have been asked if I was gay simpy because I shave and take care of myself and exercise etc. That is pretty annoying to put up with. I'm not afraid of dirt or anything, but at the same time, at some functions it's just not appropriate to look like a freaking slob. How this got to be linked to a man being gay, I have no idea considering all in the past nobles and wealthy people looked clean and crisp. Now that common people can do so, why shouldn't we when we aren't out in the woods or something?

    I wouldn't call wearing an ascot gay...but yeah, some people do. I'd just say it's out of fashion. I think it's funny how on Venture Bros, Hank wears one because it's out of style but his dad is so out of focus.

    The word gay too, used to mean 'happy'. It's changed but I guess that's just the way it goes. Of course now I have to explain to my niece and nephew that in some Disney movies etc, they aren't talking about homosexuality when they are singing old songs. That can be an interesting thing to talk about. Trust me.

    There are some things that people need to understand are not just done by 'gay' or 'straight' people. The stereotypes are really annoying and it is something that needs to be stopped, but that's something for people to do by just being themselves and if asked if they are gay, the answer is a yes or no. If enough people are honest about it, obviously trimming eyebrows, cutting nails properly, shaving and wearing proper antipersperant etc won't just get a stupid label to a person with a gender preference. I find the same thing though applies to females too because I have good friends who are tomboys but get called lesbians and butch etc, when they are not. I actually think girls that are more rough and tumble are cute. But they also have to make it clear that a trait for behavior isn't more 'gay' or 'straight' so people get it through their heads.

    In the end, I've just gotten used to the idea that I don't care what anyone thinks about what I do because they will have their own opinions. A lot of friends I hang with try to get girlfriends (believe it or not) so that they can do the more 'girly' stuff because they can use a girl as a reason to do it. It's utterly just stupid but they figure they can't just be metro-sexual (I hate this term but have to use it) because they want to be and it doesn't mean they are gay. All I can say is that we just need to be ourselves and sooner or later this gay/straight/bi crap won't be so much an issue and really, I don't see, unless someone is deliberately trying to fit into the stereotypical gay, how others can tell if someone is gay or not. I honestly had no clue some of my friends were gay till they told me because they don't wear certain clothes types etc or talk with that accent.
  19. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    I can imagine
    telling your younger relatives
    about such things were probably...confusing...

    Also, the word also appears even in Disney's new "Enchanted " movie.
    During that insufferable "happy working song"...GAH! I can't stand
    the horribly catchy tune, mixed with disghusting pests!

    The Hunchback of NotreDame
    sang the word too during his "out there" song.
    "Who gayly walk about there..."

    And as for the topic,
    In Enchanted,
    The protagonist doesn't actually know
    about the tedious things we must tolerate.

    And the Hunchback of NotreDame takes place in a different time than ours,
    even though by then,
    Bill Clinton had opened the closest I think...

    It happened in the 1990's right....I don't honestly know...
  20. Repliku Chaser

    Yeah, Hunchback happened after Pocahontas and Lion King so it was well after the closet had been opened. But I think Disney just used the word to keep to its true meaning of happily walking since the scene doesn't look 'gay' if you get what I mean.

    I thought I'd hate Enchanted...but my stupid friend...darn her for bringing it to my apartment. I watched it and thought it was the best Disney film I've seen in some time. They did such a great job on it...I felt gushy afterwards. I tell her I still hate her for that film. :) That darn dance song in the middle "How does she know that you love her" ...just evil. lol
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