Huge riot police state in Pittsburgh (and in some other cities) are beginning to erupt in the USA. Check it: I'm sorta worried for my life at this point. lol
People are protesting against the goverment, and then the police comes along with a good 200 men and surround them. Then beat them down with their weapons, and arrest them. Way to go, America. I thought protesting was legal there. I think it's outrageous. It looks like a friggin' storm trooper squad controlled by a dictator or something. Looked like what's happening in China. I am glad I live in Holland.
You are lucky you live in Holland Pumpkin. I mean I don't care a whole lot right now because it isn't in my city or anything... yet... so I don't panic about that. But I do live in a semi-major city. And yeah, storm troopers is an accurate description. Those riot police guys must HATE America. XD Choose Sweden or Holland, or Norway. Somewhere not too small and dense. XD
Meh, I only want to move there because I don't want to learn a foreign language...and yeah the stormtroopers fit their description.
That was intense. Lol at the one police officer holding the shield upside down. What exactly were they protesting?
They're protesting those police officers. And they're protesting for their right to peacefully assemble and... well... protest. lol
I guess my uncle was hinting at this when he told me there was more than enough room for me to come stay in Germany for a while. How long a while, though, he didn't specify.
The G20 summit, they are all reds protesting against the capitalist leaders of the world. Even though we all know that Communism is doomed to failure long before it can even be begun. As for protests, similar protests in England ending in a man dying. Until there are deaths, you have nothing to worry about =D