Pita Ten~!

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by xXRhian+RoxasXx, May 25, 2009.

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  1. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    Okay. Its 15 years after Pita Ten happened and it's virtually still the same. But, demons are crossing over to the human world and creating disaters there so Angels have to come down and repel them. Some Angels stay in the human world disguised as humans and demons do to.

    Rules!!!! - (4got to put this up.....)

    -No god-modding.
    -Keep it PG13, there are little kids on this site.
    -There can be romance but keep it to kissing and hugging. NOTHING extreme. For anyone thick i'll put it Sim-ese: Woo Hoo.
    -Swearing to a mimimum plz.
    -Try to stay on the story-line.
    -Don't keep on adding powers that aren't on the Chara bio. Its annoying to other people and it makes you invinsible, which is unfair.
    -You can go to Heaven and Hell but make sure you don't go overboard and defeat the ruler. That makes you too powerfull which again is annoying.
    -If a chara dies FOR GOOD, don't have a weird ritual to bring them back. This is mainly about angels, demons and humans. I don't wanna have zombies running around.

    Try to stick to the rules. Its VERY annoying when you break them.

    Heres how to set out ur Character file thingy.

    Angel/Demon Name: (The Angel/Demon's title)
    Specises: (Angel, Human or Demon)
    Son/Daughter of: (Character from the anime. Optional)
    Element: (Don't have one if ur a human UNLESS an angel or a demon gives u one. U can have up 2 three.)
    Other stuff:

    Heres mine.

    Username: xXRhian+RoxasXx
    Angel Name: Destiny Angel
    Name: Oriel
    Specises: Angel
    Son/Daughter of: Misha
    Weapon: A bow and arrow
    Element: Oriel can use water, earth and light


    Peronality: Shes kind, caring, happy-go-lucky and childish like her mother but she can be very serious when she wants to.
    Biography: When she was 5 years old, her mother got killed by demons so Oriel swore revenge. She lives in the human world alone, in an apartment. Oriel goes to school to fit in a bit.
    Other stuff: When under extreme conditions, Oriel can use any element she wants to defend herself, other people or attack.
  2. This is gonna be bad XD

    Ok here's mine!! (I love doing these)

    Username:Ultima Queen of Hearts
    Demon name:Demon of Horror
    Daughter:(Ummm xXRhian+RoxasXx could u pick I have no idea who's in this)
    Weapon:(Hehehe) chainsaw
    Element:Fire,Illusion and darkness
    Personalilty:Mean,funny,good leader,sly and sometimes childish
    Bio:Her mission is top secret she lives in an penthouse with her cousin (who is a complete failer) and she goes to the same school as Oriel.
    Other stuff:When in danger she can call forces unimaginable to defend herself she's so much more powerful than other demons but she has much to learn about her special abbilitys.

    How was that?
  3. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    Accepted!!!!! Oh lets f^ck the son/daughter bit! And of course.... chainsaw....
  4. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    It can be as rusty or shiny as u like :)
  5. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    Shiny it is! *tosses u a very shiny chainsaw*
  6. It gives me something pretty 2 look at when I'm killing people :D
  7. ~Larxene_43 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 24, 2008
    Username: ~Larxene_43
    Demon Name: Fate Keeper
    Name: Koian
    Specises: Demon
    Daughter of: Shia
    Weapon: StringClaw (a claw glove what has string attached on the top, can be used in many ways)
    Element: Darkness, Air, and Water
    Personalilty: Though Koian can be shy she can be like two different people, One can be happy and playful at times but can be rude and violent. You could almost say she is bipolar. Even though she has these mood switches at times she always has the time to have fun or more likely get into trouble.

    Biography: Koian was found outside of a church when she was only a newborn, a purple crystal pendant was around her neck at that time. A priet by the name of Brother Warbers took Koian in to care for her. Though a nun, Sister Maria, cared for her most of the time. Sister cared for her like a mother all the way up until Koian when to a private school for High School. She never found out that Sister Maria and Brother Warbers isn't really her parents and the fact that she is a Demon.

    Other stuff: One of Koian's natural talents that has always came to her ever since was the ability to care for any plant or animal back to health even though she is a demon. Though when she leaves town for something and is out in the woods it usually starts raining near her.
  8. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    ACCEPTED!!!!!! :) We just need another Angel b4 we start!!!
  9. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    NO!!!!!!!!!!! I want boys on this too! We just need another angel and a human or two now.
  10. ~Larxene_43 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 24, 2008
    Recruit! *gets Anti-Natzi weapons for recruitment* Okay.. Ready!
  11. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    It would probably help if you gave background on the anime..not everyone knows what it is.
  12. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    OOPS!!! SORRY!!!!!

    Okay. Pita Ten is about an angel called Misha, a demon called Shia, and a boy named Kotaro. I can't be arsed 2 explain so heres wikipedia!!!!


    Soz but if I explain then I'll confuzzle everyone. Even me.
  13. ~Larxene_43 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 24, 2008
    When do you think when we can rp..?
  14. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    Now cuz i'm gonna make a human.

    Username: xXRhian+RoxasXx
    Angel/Demon Name: N/A
    Name: Satoru
    Specises: Human
    Son/Daughter of: N/A
    Weapon: N/A
    Element: N/A

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Personalilty: Hes grown up for his age (16). He takes thinks seriously and rarely ever relaxes. But hes sweet, kind and cares for his friends.
    Biography: Satoru's parents died so he lives with his aunt Aki and cousin Sayaka. Aki's an inventor so shes out all of the time and his cousin is a singer so shes out most of the time.
    Other stuff: Satoru knows martial arts and is very good at it.

    OOC: Started the rp now!!!!!!!!

    BIC: Satoru came out of his apartment and brought his key out to lock it. He sighed. "School again....." Locking the door, he shoved the key back in his pocket and started to walk to school.

    Oriel was flying. Smiling, she called over to some birds flying with her. "Nice flyin' weather~!!!"
  15. ~Larxene_43 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 24, 2008
    OOC: Awesome!

    Koian looked around in a sly way. She crept closer to the store nearby selling many kinds of pies. Slowly she got out what to be a slingshot with multiple darts in her left hand. As she raised the slingshot in a aiming fashion, she loaded the slingshot with 3 darts.
  16. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    Satoru walked past a girl with a slingshot and got a pain in his head. Shaking it off, he carried on to school.

    Satoru got to school. "Hey Satoru!" Satoru turned around and saw his best friend, Hikaru, running up to him. "Hey man! Did you SEE that girl down the street?!" Satoru was confused. "The one with a slingshot?" Hikaru laughed. "No! A different girl!" They started to walk into school. "She was REALLY pretty and had long brown hair and angelic eyes and...... and everything was PERFECT about her!" Satoru raised his eyebrows. "You are a ladies man." "A ladies man who can only see a girls body!" Hikaru and Satoru both stopped and pulled faces. "Go away please, Sayaka...." Sayaka didn't move. "Don't have to if I don't want to!"

    Oriel left the birds and flew to her apartment balcony. "Changin time~!" She ran into her room and changed into human clothes. "And away we go~!" Oriel ran out of her room and flew towards the school.
  17. Akki has arrived!!!!!!!

    Akki strutted down the corridor in the school. All eyes were on her. Some small children rushed away in fear, Girls whispered and boys just oogled at her but one boy had the nerve to grab her new black leather jacket and pull her to face him "Where are you going gorgeous?" the boy asked Akki took off her black glasses and put them in her pocket to reveal brownish red eyes "No where special now if you would be so kind as to let me go" she said cooly "NO WAY" said the boy tighting his grib "Fine" she backed off "I guess I have to use the hard way" she kicked the boy in the face lucky for her she was wearing her black leathered heeled boots. The boy fell to the ground with a bloody noes and he got up and ran away. she turned round, put her glasses on, the bell rang and she strutted once again down the corridor to class.
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