Pirates of the Caribbean: Aqua De Vida

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Oxyrt, Jun 19, 2007.

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  1. Oxyrt Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 1, 2007
    Port Royal
    This is the RP for the Pirates of the Caribbean: Aqua De Vida. Sign up for this RP can be found here: http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=16492


    1. No God Modding (having your character defeat a whole army in one blow, or defeating an enemy with a snap of the finger. PPL HATE THIS!)
    2. NO SPAM (if you have to use, OOC, make it be about the thread, or saying good night, good morning, etc.)
    3. If someone's character is in the middle of a fight with an enemy, don't butt in and stop the fight for them if they don't want you to, (that's NO FUN, and GOD MODDING!)
    4. If someone is not here, then you can take over their character WHEN AND ONLY WHEN, you have their DIRECT PERMISSION!
    5. Don't auotmaticaly go to the Fountain of Youth! (we will get their over a gradual, long period of time, treat it like a movie, you don't want a movie to end in the first 5 minutes!)

    That's it! Enjoy the RP, and lets find that Fountain of Youth!


    BIC: Jack was sitting in his dingy, looking at the map that he had stolen from Barbossa. He had his compass, pointing him in, hopefully, the right direction. "Let's see here." Jack turned the peices of the map around, so the words 'Aqua de Vida' appeared on the map. It was an old map, so it was hard to tell where HE was at the moment, but for Jack, it just made things even MORE exciting. More of a challenge, and he always liked challenges, as long as he had a chance of retreating if he had to of course.


    "Matt!" a man called out behind Matthew. "Huh?" Matthew asked, he was starring off into space. "We need your help unloading the shipment, stop lolly-gaggin around!" the man told him in a stern voice. Matt quickly did what the grumpy old man asked him to do, it's not like he wasn't going to do it, he just got side traked is all, staring out into the sea. Matthew loved the sea, that's the only reason he took this job, a rough and dirty fishing crewman. Matt helped hoist a net of fish out of the water with a heive and a ho. He had never been to this port before, though. Going to new places excited him, that's why he always loved the sea in the first place, even as a boy. The sea was like a pathway to the world,it could take you to any new, and foreign place your heart desired.

    OOC: Just set up your character right now, kinda like a book style begining. You can be anywhere you want! Even a made up place. i don't plan for everyone to meet, for a while. ( this is if you have a made up character), but if you have a POTC Character, you have to be where your character was at the end of the third movie! THIS SHOULD BE FUN!
  2. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    On the seas of the caribbean, Arthur, captain of the 'St Stone', starts towards the City of Totuga.
  3. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    Barbossa was in the Black Pearl's captain's cabin,looking at the charts with the big whole in the middle.
    ''Damn you,Jack Sparrow.Eh,he's a quick one alright.But I have the Pearl,and knowing what a fool Jack is,he'll be trying to get it back eventually...isn't that right Jack?''
    He pet the monkey sitting on his shoulder and gave it a small piece of an apple.
    ''Hehehe,and when we find him....''
    He pointed his pistol at a pole and shot it right in the middle.The he started laughing.And took a big gulp out of his rum bottle.
  4. true darkness Twilight Town Denizen

    OOC: oh i just remembered who scarlet is; yay! i get to slap jack sparrow.
    BIC: "jack sparrow, you deserve a slap from me." she said to herself.
  5. Oxyrt Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 1, 2007
    Port Royal
    "What am I doing, in a dingy, by myself." Jack muttered, drunkily. Jack then thought of Gibbs, he left behind on Tortuga, "Well, need all the help I can get, and a ship." Jack opened his compass, and licked his finger, and stuck it up in the air. "Ah, whatever!" He then turned the sails, and started heading back to Tortuga, to pick up some help.


    "Where are we anyway?" Matt asked one of the crewman, as they hauled more fishing nets, onto the ship's deck. "Tortuga..." The crewman answered him. "Tortuga, sounds like a nice place." Matt looked at the city. A couple of crewman around him looked at each other, then started laughing, "Sure is, kid. Sure is."

    "Aye!" The group of men yelled, and clamped their rum glasses together, "Another wonderful round, of fidh that is." one of the men shouted, and everyone else started laughing. Matt walked around the bar, a typical environment that the whole crew usually went, after finishing a shipment of fish. It was night time, and the bar was bustling, not like the time of day, changed the bustling of bars in Tortuga, but he didn't know that. Matt walked up to the main bar, "Another round, for the table over there." Matt pointed at the table full of drunk fisherman. "Aye." the bar man told him. Matt sat at the bar, as the drinks were delivered to the table, he didn't enjoy drinking rum, he thought it was a vile drink that turned even the most reformed english gentlemen into a filthy scoundrel of a bilge rat. Matt ordered a glass of water, and the bar men laughed at him, "Whatever, kaid." He sat drinking his water, as a man, with two women at his sides, came up to the bar, to order drinks.

    OOC: this is you Peace-and-War!! Let's see your 'Mr. Gibbs Skills'. haha.
  6. true darkness Twilight Town Denizen

    OOC: are you at Tortuga?
  7. Oxyrt Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 1, 2007
    Port Royal
    OOC:Matt is, and Jack is on his way.
  8. true darkness Twilight Town Denizen

    OOC: please make jack come soon so i can slap him!
    BIC: Scarlet walked up to the bar and say "a glass of sherry, barie!" she shouted.
  9. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Gibbs was in the bar as well "Nice, bit of Rum barkeep, I want to be so drunk that I won't be able to see tommorow's sun."
  10. Oxyrt Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 1, 2007
    Port Royal
    Jack tied his dingy up to the dock, then realized he wouldn't need it, so he got his map, and rum out of it, then cut the rope. He took off his hat, and saluted, "Farewell, mate." He put his hat back on, and walked down to the bar. "Where's that Gibbs!"


    Matt watched as the character known as 'Gibbs' fondeled the two women at his side, then he felt like going back to the boat. He didn't feel confortable there, in the bar, it didn't feel like a place he should be in. He walked over to the table that the crew was at and told them that he felt like turning in. The men laughed, and stuck rum bottle in his face, and poured it down his throat. Matt fell over into a chair at the table, and wiped the liquid from his chin, "I really ment it!" The men just laughed more. Matt shook his head, and looked over his shoulded, as a shadey character in the door, and yelled over the comotion of the bar, "Mr. Gibbs!" Jack shouted. "I have a proposition for you!"

    Matt got up from the table, "I'm gonna go now." he backed away from the table. The men tried to encourage him to stay, by pushing bottles of rum in his face, and laughing.

    "I'm going after...The Fountain of Youth." Jack told Gibbs, who stared at Jack. Jack looked over to the side of Gibbs, "Scarlet!"
  11. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    "Captain! Great to see you again! Whats that the Foutain of Youth?" the Rum appears beside him "I'll drink to that!" he takes a swig of it.
  12. true darkness Twilight Town Denizen

    scarlet sees jack and walks up to him "Jack...how are you?" she said *she slaps Jack in the face.*
  13. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    Barbossa was sitting in his chair,eating an apple.
    ''Hmm,I think we''ll set a course for Toruga.Jack would probably be there,that moron.''
    He wrote a note telling the crew to head for Tortuga and gave the letter to Jack.Jack ate a piece of apple and went off.
    ''We should be arriving soon.'',he said as he fell asleep.
  14. Oxyrt Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 1, 2007
    Port Royal
    "I guess I deserved that..." Jack said as he rubbed the side of his face.

    Matt backed up into a couple of drunk sailors, "Sorry, mates!" He told then, but it was too late. The sailors pulled out their guns, and fired at him, but missed. The whole bar joined in the fight. Matt ducked out of the door, as th fight was under way, "Phew..." He wiped his forehead, and made for the boat. Back on the boat, he was in his cabin, reading letters that he and his mother used to write each other, when his father went sea fishing. He thought they were touching, because it was the only thing he had left of them. Matt heard the ship squeak, and felt it turn into another direction, "What's going on?!" Matt jumped out of his cot, and made his way up the stairs to the deck.

    Jack, and Gibbs made their way out off the bar, not without 'shopping' around for hats for Gibbs of course. "You see that ship over there?" Jack pointed the fisherman ship. "That's ours." Jack told him and Scarlet. "Oh, and bring her too." he whispered to Gibbs, "We might need some 'company'."
  15. true darkness Twilight Town Denizen

    "Jack, you better not do anything funny." she said.
  16. leon47 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 15, 2006
    Where do you think
    OOC:is jones still a fishman

    Davey jones was on a picec of drift wood damn you jack sparrow I have no heart and im imortal time to go tortuga
  17. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    "Yes, Capt'n, I'll bring the Rum aswell." He picked up Scarlet and put her on his shoulder. "Don't we need a crew too captain?"
    The ship St stone pulled towards the the port of Totuga, Arthur jumped onto shore "Alright, I want the ship ready to go as soon as possible, we are just here for supplies and we are back to our Aqua De Vida, I am already felling the effects of raving on like a 20 year old!"

    OOC: Don't worry about the The fountain of Youth I won't be there anytime soon.
  18. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    Barbossa was on deck eating an apple and steering the Black Pearl.He decided instead of going to Jack,he would let Jack go to him.Since Jack did'nt really have a ship to speak of,Barbossa was the one with more leverage.And if Jack refused to give the missing piece of the map back,he would blow him away with the Pearl's guns.
    ''Hmm,Were not that far from tortuga.Jack will probably sail by soon.''
    He threw his apple and Jack caught it.

    OOC:Hehehe,evil monkeys rule!
  19. true darkness Twilight Town Denizen

    "put me down!" she shouted.
  20. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    "Stop that squabaling, you! Unless you want to be lost at sea!"
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