OHSHI- It's like midnight here, and when I opened the page I was like DDDDDD: But now that I'm not all like freaked out, I have to say this is pretty epic. The modern feel is mixed well with the creepy lighting and pose, and it blends very well.
bugs. bugsbugsbugs. i wanna see lots and lots of bugs. crawling from the mouths in the hands and over the face. everywhere.
Could you do me the big favor of letting me use that picture? It is super awesome!!! P.S. could you get back with me over PM?
That's fricken scary, dude. ._. But very nice contrast, man. The mouths on the hands are looking kinda fake, but maybe more of a clearer view of it, or something more cleaner. The lines around the mouth are alittle thrown off, but the eyes are amazing. I love that. The bugs idea, not my best thing. I like it the way it is, maybe some sort of aura around the man. Something red or white. That would be good.
Thats like something on a System of a Down album. Pretty creepy too, its like professional work standard.
Damn, I was in for a bit of a shock when I saw that. It looks awesome though. Looks like something off a horror movie teaser poster. The colour of his skin also casts a dramatic effect, along with the overall dark ambience of it all. Nice work, man.
Note: When you post a photomanip, post the original pic as well. Can't really cnc until I see that. =/
Thanks for the comments and cnc. Here are the images I used. I can has cnc nao? http://www.sxc.hu/browse.phtml?f=view&id=650992 http://www.sxc.hu/browse.phtml?f=view&id=730796 http://www.sxc.hu/browse.phtml?f=view&id=509215
HOLYF*CKINSH*T I won't be able to sleep for a week D= oh and: The lines around the mouth are a little fake looking.