Dear random guy at the trainstop While you ultimately turned out to be harmless, for future reference, it’s probably not a good idea to follow a girl (even if it was only for 20 yards or so) at 1 ****ing am in a not so nice part of town to give her a note with your number and a prompt to “txt me hun”. She just may have had a ****** day and a work shift that ran two hours longer than it was supposed to, and she may be clutching pepperspray in one hand and using her keys as ****ing Wolverine claws in the other and be mentally going through five different ways to get out of a choke hold and be wound up enough to believe that any larger person (a.k.a about 90% of the adult population) may be a potential mugger or rapist. Also she is probably far more interested in getting into her own bed rather than yours, ktnxbye. Sorry (not really), I just got kinda freaked out for a minute there and I need to unwind myself...
this is why feminism (also fyi the keys thing =/= good idea, i have been told. kudos on carrying pepper spray tho, gotta find out if that's legal here) shady peeps out there yo
My self-defense instructor told us to utilize anything remotely sharp we carry with us, including keys, just use them to slash in stead of jab, and of course combine with elbow/palm heel (or closed fist, if you're sure you won't hurt yourself)/knee strikes. It's more for an initial shock rather than actual wounding, iirc. And I got to admit, it's technically not pepperspray, just stronger hairspray >.> If you do end up buying pepperspray though, I'm gonna recommend the kind that has the dye in it, makes the assailant a lot easier to find.
Dang, that sounds like one heck of a night. So did you burn the piece of paper that you didn't care for and forget the guy altogether? And can I ask what kind of self-defense teacher you have? Just so I don't get on your bad side.