Penalty Effect, The Outbreak

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by BlackKeyblade706, Nov 14, 2008.

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  1. BlackKeyblade706 Destiny Islands Resident

    The year 2012, the year of the next century. The Xbox 720, The Sontendo
    Wiistation 4, and the Magenta-ray, succeeding the blu-ray. But with all th
    technological advantages, we became weak. Every nation's military force was trained to aim at the chest. When an enemy that can only be "killed" by
    destroying the brain arrives, all that taining and all the inventions are made
    useless without more training. Naturally, everyone panicked. It started in
    africa, so everyone guessed it could just be contained. But Africa is far larger than it seems. It got out of hand fast. Only one team is still in Africa, and the chopper is temporarily out of order and needs refueling.

    2014. In America, the first signs of an outbreak are occuring. Canada, it's relatively safe. Mexico is crawling with what have been popularly called "Zombies." Safe-houses are popping up around the globe. Europe is supposed to be the final defense, and everyone is running there. Asia is entirely consumed except for one island in Japan. The future seems bleak. No one is ungrateful to live through another day.

    1. No Godmodding
    2. Nothing past PG-13
    3. You can be a survivor or a soldier helping survivor
    4. Be realistic. If you're a survivor, you're not going to be a crack-shot and be able to crack a zombie's skull in without trying.
    5. you can only kill a zombie by destroying it's brains, as stated in the story.
    6. At the most, 3 characters.

    Character Form:
    survivor or soldier:
    if you like cookies:

    Character list:
    Username: BlackKeyblade706
    Name: Jon Woods
    age: 22
    bio: Born to a middle-class family, it was obvious he had a knack for pyrotechnics early on. Burning crates, barrels, sheds. He was crazy. So they sent him to Military School. There he learned to put his pyrotechnics to good use, as he was a fast learner. When he turned 18, he joined the Marines and was put in a Force Recon squad member. He was a demo expert. He came back with a field injury in 2006. back to his home town of Chicago, He went back in 2011, and was in combat when he was recalled to defend against an odd form of rabies. So he went. But no matter how many times they shot victims, they would not die. But one day, on was shot in the head and it died. But he was sent back to America to get people out. So that's what he's doing.
    do you like cookies?: YES!!!
  2. DeathKingApocalypse080808 Destiny Islands Resident

    Yay first post spam spam spam, sorry bout that mates

    Username: DeathKingApocalypse080808
    name:John "The Idiot"
    bio:One of the peeps in the last containment unit in africa, not that smart, except when it comes tomath, fighting and stragety
    survivor or soldier:soilder
    appearance: anime boy/Orusuma/Star/thAAILY_Tsubasa.jpg?o=11
    if you like cookies of coarse i like cookies, what kind of question is that??????????
  3. BlackKeyblade706 Destiny Islands Resident

    yur in. But where did I put those cookies I had for you?
  4. Sky fox099 Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 15, 2008
    i havent figured that out yet...
    Character Form:
    Username: Sky fox099
    name: Jack
    age: 21
    bio: Was a Soldier but was thrown of the force when a miss-aim hit his captain paralizing him
    survivor or soldier: survivor but a soldier years ago
    appearance: Black short hair, red eyes, black camo trench coat, black camo pants.
    if you like cookies: I LOVE COOKIES!!!
  5. BlackKeyblade706 Destiny Islands Resident

    ur en. Go get suited up.
  6. Death_Of_Saint_Micheal Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 4, 2008
    In AlbuQUIRKque.....T^T
    Username: Death_Of_Saint_Micheal.
    name: Demian Crio
    bio: He lived with his parents for a while, itching to get out. Gosh, why couldn't they just leave him alone? Well, they did. God, why don't they just go ahead and die. So they did. Oopsies, didn't mean to wish that.

    When the zombie things invaded, he tried fighting back. He was trained in knife fighting, bbut he had to learn a new style to kill these....things. Whee! Brain on the floor. lovely.
    survivor or soldier: Survivor
    if you like cookies: Yes....
  7. BlackKeyblade706 Destiny Islands Resident

    good. Anyone who likes cookies can join.
  8. Spunk Ransom you're already perfect

    Oct 29, 2006
  9. BlackKeyblade706 Destiny Islands Resident

    sure.... I'm too tired to say anything else....
  10. Sky fox099 Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 15, 2008
    i havent figured that out yet...
    Can i start?
  11. BlackKeyblade706 Destiny Islands Resident

    Ser, iv I had a buck for evry tim sumun ased me dat, I wud hav un buk. You cam go ahead and start.
  12. Sky fox099 Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 15, 2008
    i havent figured that out yet...
    Jack walked through the now deserted town and walked into a convineince store thats windows were blown out. he jumped through the window cause the door was locked. he walked to the fridge in the back and took some drinks and stuffed them into his pack. he walked over to the cash register and took the money. If the world goes back to normal i could use this. He thought to himself. he then walked over to a food shelf and continued to stuff his pack. he then walked into the spare room in the back. he looked in and saw the chair moving. there was a gun on the chair next to him so he picked it up. "Come out now if your alive." he said checking if the gun was loaded.
  13. BlackKeyblade706 Destiny Islands Resident

    Jon sat at his post, rifle aimed at where a person's head would be. Unless it was dragging it's body.... Then he stopped the thoughts. He quickly checked the squad HUD, making sure the other members were o.k. As far as technology was concerned, they were. But technology wasn't always right.... And then he heard moaning. A lot of it. And it was getting closer. He looked back away from his HUD in time to dodge a zombie while he pulled out his knife and jammed it through the what-was-man's skull, shooting other zombies at the same time.
  14. Sky fox099 Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 15, 2008
    i havent figured that out yet...
    Jack walks over to the desk and looks over. Just a dog he says to himself. he walks back to the door and walks to the front of the store. he looks out the shattered windo and see's tqo zombies walkin twards him. He pulls the gun out of his pocket and shoots them both in the head. found where im staying for awhile. he says seeing a group of zombies walken twards him. he starts to move every shelf infront of the windo before the zombies got to him.
  15. BlackKeyblade706 Destiny Islands Resident

    He hated Zombies. He hated zombies, he hated the military, he hared that the world was being killed, he hated that one of his squad members just flatlined. Corporal Pasquin or something like that. He screen was covered in blood. If only he had been at that post, if only was the only thing he had. But if there was more, would he recognize it? He wished he would. But the squad leader had said that they were winning the war. But who ever listened to Seargeant Anderson? Half of the time he was saying what Lance Corporal Magee had told him. But then Jon got reports of gunshots in the town, and was to check it out. Just great.....

    OOC: btw, why would there be a desk in a convenience store???
  16. Sky fox099 Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 15, 2008
    i havent figured that out yet...
    OOC- you know how most big stores have little offices for like the manager? Thats why.
  17. DeathKingApocalypse080808 Destiny Islands Resident

    John looks at the zombies, then his men
    " Why did you lock me in the zombie contaimnment room, guys, any takers" John says
    "Whell, they were going to escape" one of his men said
    "Why couldn't you have covered the door as I ran out?" John said
    "Sorry gotta go fix the chopper" his men said
    "Whell, since nobody is gonna help me time to be superman" John said as he jumped up hitting the steel ceiling
    "O yeah, forgot that was there" he said
  18. BlackKeyblade706 Destiny Islands Resident

    OOC: death, PROPER GRAMMER, and SkyFox, touche....

    BIC: Jon sighed. Another guy, found with brains spilled on the floor. If only they didn't commit suicide.... It was just wrong, people pushed to such extremes. But he casually nudged the body aside, hearing more, and fired. He heard the scream, and regretted such rash decisions. Zombies don't scream. And now I'm a murderer on top of everything else...
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